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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 147

by Theodore Daniels

  - We will try to do everything for this. - Anderson said. - Olivia, put under control.

  - Done. - Kiborgessa said and hung up.

  - Probably sitting somewhere together with his officer in the bottom bar. Drink turian whiskey. Listen to music. Rest. And waiting. - Shepard said, standing up. - Let go, commander.

  - Permission granted. - Anderson nodded. - All of them are from the Seventh Fleet turian, John. All.

  Shepard silently closed the door sash commander's cabin. It is clear that turians kept dead planet, but for how long their forces may not be enough. And bring reinforcements was now difficult - Turian transport workers in most cases had no masking systems last series, and the old system is no longer saved on the radar scanner and the Reapers and their henchmen.

  On the way to the Citadel. Irune. Book Plenniksa. For Volusia banking wing of the Citadel

  Probably not the first time the Reapers encountered manifestations of the ingenuity of organic reasonable, but the main thing - to understand this ingenuity and something very effectively oppose it.

  Alix does not hide from his mother's special favor to Shepard, often came to the captain in his cabin, bringing more and more readers with information. This time, she gently knocking and waiting for permission, he entered, catching Shepard push-ups from the floor. She knew that the captain of regular trains, so was not surprised, stopping at the door. Shepard finished the push-ups, got up, motioned short kiborgesse sit down in one of the chairs.

  - I feel Alix, you brought me something interesting. - Captain instrumentron included on the desktop, scanned the headlines of new messages.

  - I always try to bring you interesting, Captain. - Kiborgessa smiled. - At this time I was very very interesting. That's just a very, very.

  - And what it is able to impress you, Alix? - The captain sat down in the chair opposite the guest. - You already light from satisfaction.

  - Thank you. - Alix filed Shepard reader. - Before you start to read ... you know about the system of transmission of banking information?

  - Little.

  - Volusia now use this system for transmission and other information. This is what we caught, sifting traffic network activity. The unusual request of one of the bank employees.

  - Book Pleniksa. - Shepard read thoughtfully. - I heard something about it. She's volus revered as Holy Scripture we, earthlings. It is strange that Volusia did not find it on their home planet of maternal Irune.

  - High blood pressure, high gravity and ammonia medium. - Alix confirmed. - Indeed, few of the planet correspond volus needs in such a habitat. For many races it is too big and too exotic unacceptable parameters of the environment. And to lose in a moment the shrine ... I did not want to elaborate, but from my point of view, as the car - what can happen - usually happens. Alas.

  - If I understand correctly, Volusia wants this book to inspire his countrymen to actively participate in the war against the Reapers. - Said the captain, after reading a few files. - Hats off, Alix. You dug up a real diamond.

  - I believe that it will be possible to use probes, captain and only after verification of all the circumstances - a landing of a small group to withdraw the book. On informing the local population, we will take care - there are some developments. - Alix satisfied smile seemed to lighten immersed in gloom housing Shepard. - So problems and misinterpretation of our actions, I think, will not be. If Volusia create a financial system, so the data service from them - at altitude. It is a fact, Captain, not emotion.

  - I agree, Alix. Anderson know?

  - The course, John, in the course. - Commander of the frigate appeared on the wall screen. - Our kiborgessa prevail upon whom you want. Here, too, I prevailed upon me. So I ordered - Jeff changing course. Follow on Irune. Approach - thirteen hours, access to the orbit - two more. In short - fifteen hours. The probes we employ - Adams prepares technicians, engineers conjure over the programs. Do you think that maybe it should be entrusted Alenko and his colleagues? Let Practice. Volusia but remember it too.

  - I do not mind, David. Let it make a group under the command of Kaidan.

  - Agreed. - Anderson nodded. - If Volusia will be able to take part in the war in full ... We'll get a chance to see the elevation of the race.

  - Yes, David. Given the fact that they seem to be able to end the war, they abolished the state and did not romanticize war ... I can not say that I am confident in the success of this transformation, but otherwise Volusia can not survive.

  - Yes. I then remembered John, when I read some of Russian poets: "He alone is worthy of life and liberty, who every day comes for them to fight.". Maybe it's time to Volusia become warriors and financiers who does not like to see in this and the profit and benefit. A book Pleniksa ... Perhaps it has information about those times when a lot of Volusia fought among themselves.

  - Yeah. Here public censure and economic sanctions will not manage. ... You've got to appeal to spirituality, to the personal component. - Shepard said thoughtfully.

  - This is the book and vozzovёt. Home -spasti it, and that in fact the Reapers to throw husks - a little Volusia not exactly seem. Huskies can kill thousands, because they are essentially non-living. But Volusia ... Okay, John. Consider that you have ahead - monitoring the activities of Kaidan.

  - I'll be ready, Commander. - Shepard nodded.

  - No doubt, John. Before connection. - Anderson disappeared from the screen.

  - Cities on Irune built on the trade routes, and not in protected strategic points. - Alix stood. - In the event of a massive attack husks Volusia will be defenseless. There is a lot of victims. And the number of transformed even think scary. Funny such reasonable kolobochki - Huskies. Tremors wade. - Alix went to the door starpomovskoy cabins. - Ammonium atmosphere ...

  - ... Is poisonous to all life forms except volus. Guests Irune is strongly recommended to use the suits with adjustable pressure is outside the control zone. - Shepard finished. - Yes, I remember it automatically wraps message transmitted on the public frequencies and Extranet. We take into account, Alix, thanks for the reminder.

  - Captain John ... Just call me Ali. Alix ... Too formal.

  - If you so wish, Ali - I'll call you that. - Shepard stood up, walked to the door. Kiborgessa looked at him, a soft gentle eyes. It definitely took over many aspects of human behavior will of his mother. - Thank you for your information and for your parish.

  - Nice to talk to you, John. - Alix left the cabin, covering the door.

  Returning to the table, Shepard called the screen instrumentrona data Volusia. His confused two things: first, that mankind, earthlings very much loved in the community overrule volus feudal lords and the second - that the disposal volus virtually no efficient army - they relied on an outdated and weak system of automatic defense of the parent planet. Any equipment, as being firmly convinced Shepard may at the most inopportune moment fail and Volusia, adept at creating simple machines, are unlikely to quickly investigate the problem, to find the cause of the failure and eliminate it, because all of this have to do when the way to Irune will be almost completely open to any aggressor, whether the Reapers themselves or their accomplices.

  Groups armed with the power of the latest generation of three AI defense system automation Irune no threat or problem - Olivia somehow let slip that she was alone in a position to make a window, through which the whole squad will penetrate under the atmospheric shield and Volusia will not even notice anything. It seems that it was time to take advantage of this opportunity, even modifying its script application.

  Time before the squad to Irune had to be increased in two and a half times - Reapers and their associates have developed in the area of the Galaxy incredible activity and the pilots and navigators of both ships had to make every effort, plotting in the most peaceful of star systems, and almost constantly using full disguise. While pilots and navigators were doing everything to bring ships closer to Irune, Alenko preparing their fighters to action extremely difficult to planet earthlings. Au
tomatic notification of the Volusia Extranet was no exaggeration, therefore suits and weapons, as well as everything you need to work on Irune prepared, checked and rechecked with all possible care.

  Techniques frigate once again checked the equipment and the shuttle system. Jenkins studied materials Book Pleniksa - Alenko instructed him to the care of the immediate withdrawal of the artifact to the planet and the corporal went to the Hall of Information to Olivia and Alix to "refuel information." Alenko team members were convinced that both kiborgessy gently but very full of Richard nourish the necessary information and make it very professionally and efficiently.

  - Long-distance radars and scanners have taken aim at the automatic defense system of the planet Irune. There is a scanned signature. - I reported specialist BIC. - "Volga" takes parts of the world under control. Until the end of the procedure - ten minutes.

  - Accepted. - Anderson bent over Star Card by switching it to the display mode of the situation in Aru star system. - Five of the planets. And the asteroid belt.

  - Captain, we are ready to form a "window" - came into the speaker PHONES Anderson report Olivia. - Jenkins has received all the data on the book. Preparatory work on the shuttle completed. Fifteen minutes later, finalized the landing crew under the command of Alenko. Probes have already been on the planet. We have them carried out under the cover through the "wormhole". There is a search for an artifact.

  - Accepted. - Anderson turned to see who approached Map Shepard. - Looks like we're getting close, and was about to knock on the door volus home.

  - The defense system of the parent planet volus vulnerable. While I was walking here, I Alix popularly explained most of the problems. She offered to work with the engineers - Volusia. Over the disadvantages which they are still able to resolve on their own. Unfortunately, scientists have little, and engineers, intelligent, not artisans - even less.

  - And? - Anderson moved away from the cards, sat in the command chair. - What are the results?

  - Volusia stand firmly on their automatic defense system capable of protecting the planet. So all the arguments kiborgessy presented in oral and in writing - we sent a few dozen lords files with explanations - disappeared. Olivia with this easy to put up, but I lose this race would not be desirable.

  - Me too. Fun and varied these Volusia. They like Yavik said a lot of potential.

  - The potential for a large, but the unenviable fate. - Proteanin came out of stealth next to the map. - They too believe in their invulnerability of the system, though ... in order to overcome it, do not need much effort. Alas. - Easy strёkot proteanina voice showed that her opinion he will not give up and is ready to defend it.

  - We go to the window. While clean and quiet. - I reported specialist BIC.

  - Accepted. - Anderson switched modes of presentation of the Star Maps. - Alenka, ready to fly.

  - There is a ready to fly. All aboard. All is ready. - Replied the lieutenant.

  - Departures permission. - Anderson checked the clock dial. - I hope that the atmosphere of ammonia is not particularly hurt our ship.

  Shepard said nothing - technicians foreman said that they fully protect the shuttle from the majority of the harmful effects of Irune atmosphere. Dragged minutes of waiting the release of the report to the district. Normandovtsy disguise and observe radio silence, the exchange went only on coded channels, the frequency changes in a chaotic manner and encryption was higher military level.

  Twelve minutes - and the report:

  - Over point. The probes began work. - Then again a few minutes of silence. - We are preparing the landing.

  Alenko regularly reported on the implementation of the intermediate stages of the operation. While they were not calculated and found nevertheless Kaidan apparently tuned his colleagues at maximum speed and efficiency.

  - Artifact - on board. We go back. - The report of Lieutenant was short and crisp. All items are then - after returning on board the frigate, cruiser. And now - it is necessary to go back through the window and get away from the planet.

  Technicians in the hangar preparing for the cleaning of the shuttle and space suits. Shepard looked at running in a circle the second hand and occasionally threw a look at the screen seawater environment - Reapers could be here any second, and even the emergence of divisions accomplices Reapers might aggravate the situation to the limit very quickly.

  - On board the shuttle. - I reported to the audio-speaker Anderson foreman technicians. - No casualties.

  - Allow report, Commander. - Alenko svezheotmytom suit filed in Anderson reader and waited until he read it. - Artifact - in a safe. Not like a usual earthly book.

  - Yeah. - Anderson stared at a few pictures. - Maybe this thing will turn the development of an entire race in a new direction. - He put on the card reader. - The report adopted, Lieutenant. Thank you for your work.

  - Yes, commander. - Alenko saluted, turned on the spot clearly around and left the CIC.

  - I think he had a mission successfully. - Anderson acquainted with a summary of objective control. - Errors has not been admitted, the performance is worthy of respect.

  - I agree. - Shepard, review the summary, said waveguide few moments. - Is it just here on these moments it is to work.

  - To work. - Anderson a little tense. - Jeff, the course - to the Citadel.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. I perform. - Chief pilot was visibly pleased decree.

  - I hope, really hope that this time we still arrive at the Citadel, and we do not happen to nowhere urgently break away from the return rate. - Anderson said, relaxing. - Thanks, John. While a drop-off, we seem to be over. Although ... who knows.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Shepard returned to his cabin. Until next starpomovskoy watch it was still a few hours, and the rate of return to the Citadel had to be adjusted. It was necessary to continue work on the documents, came new data packets, which were required to read. A landing ... What then, Kaidan, too, need to practice without feeling behind Shepard's support. The independence of an officer - an important quality, but it is needed to educate and train.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Barla Von

  Office Barla Von ... was a place seldom visited because Volusia provides services to pay have been able only to very wealthy clients. Formally Barla Von worked at the bank, located in the financial district of the Citadel Presidium. Many customers and analysts believed Barley financial genius, recognized that the Volusia has extensive experience in cases involving movement of large sums of money. Indeed, Barla selling its services almost exclusively elite Citadel - diplomats, ambassadors. Among his customers was also Harper, better known as The Phantom.

  Barla knew that formally he never broke any laws. There was no such perfect laws that could stop the Barley. He is recognized experts, never done anything illegal, because he just knew all the loopholes in the laws and know how to use these loopholes to the fullest extent. Yes, it is still treated customers ask for help in the provision of illegal services, but Volusia refused, insisting that acts always in strict compliance with the laws.

  Barla was calm and still, because financial services, financial consultation were not the main source of his income. The real work Barla was trading information. Barla Von was an agent of the Shadow Broker, and, following tradition, he also traded information about his boss, though well aware that he knew little about the Mediator, and therefore physically can not blurt out too much. Often he only traded his that looked plausible theories about who is the mediator and what is its place in the galaxy.

  Volusia sat at his desk, with one eye open watching the irregular performance of the financial market monitoring of the Galaxy and the messages addressed to him and inferred in a special window on the big screen desktop instrumentrona. Barla thoughts were at that time very far from anything observed on the screen: he thought about Shepard.

  More recently, a trusted agent Barla said that very soon the squad will return to the Citadel. Somehow Barla seemed that the Earthling knows abo
ut the Mediator, more than any of the agents of the information broker Galaxy, including of Barla. Of course, Vaughn never dare to ask about the Mediator of Shepard, but already this officer of the Alliance and videoconferencing spectrum Citadel Council was very interested in Barla.

  If Shepard was able to return to Corpus Spectre Saren Arterius, which, incidentally, many spectra are considered traitors if Shepard was able to do absolutely bloodless and get and Saren and his disciple - Nihlus to his ship, then this man was obviously an extraordinary personality. Barla also knew that Shepard helped Rex - krogan, and formally hired to kill Saren and to deal with the owner of the "Den Bark" - Fisto. And now that he knew Barla this Croghan, the former mercenary occupies a very prominent position in the hierarchy of krogan on Tuchanka. All this happened either in direct or indirect participation of Shepard. Barla was inclined to give Shepard a number of its services absolutely free, knowing what was coming to him Spectrum fail: Earthman and all otryadovtsy were protected under the three AI

  Now it would be interesting to solve, thought Barla, how to play their role at the meeting. Show that Barla Shepard knows about something that does not know the usual reasonable organic or not to show it? In any case, as he was convinced Volusia, Shepard had to be extremely polite and, at the same time not to expect that external politeness will sufficient protection.

  Drawing attention to the screen, Barla has allocated a sine wave of demand for information provided to them and saw with satisfaction that this information is sold as often as never before. Despite the war, the needs of the intelligent of organic remained the same - very few people were able to quickly and completely abandon their habits and needs.

  Barla virtue of their profession knew that Shepard helps to organize the Resistance. And it was that Shepard might be interested in: significant largest group of professional mercenaries, who were trapped on the territory controlled Reapers galaxies and needed help. These mercenaries have already offered their assistance Grey Mediator, were willing to help anyone who will free them from this trap.


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