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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 148

by Theodore Daniels

  Maybe Shepard and not personally fly disembarrass them, maybe he will charge it to anyone else of his companions. The main thing is that now the Resistance will need all the resources available, and the mercenaries were ready to fight against the Reapers, who did not allow them to leave the planet, not even allowed to enter its orbit.

  As they learned about Barla - it was not so important - it was an information broker and etoim says it all. Barla itself thus too did not remain in the loser - mercenaries declared their readiness to pay a significant commission intermediary, who managed to organize their evacuation. So if the captain or the detachment or resistance as a whole will be engaged in this case - all will benefit.

  Making sure that there are no significant changes in the state of the financial markets and the information is not expected, Barla got up from the table, changed clothes and went to the Arena - where he was listed in almost irremovable leaders, refuting the myths about the slowness and weakness volus. It was necessary to maintain the image of a little tense - it helped not to go crazy from the routine of life.

  Changing clothes in the dressing room of the Arena and checking weapons, Barla thought that after the attack, "Cerberus" the Citadel he could easily vanish: when under attack by saboteurs was also the financial district, many of its inhabitants - both residents and workers - suffered. Barla miraculously escaped death - when he came to the office, where saboteurs have visited, almost nothing moved, but made a familiar mess.

  Barla Now with even more regularity attended the arena, knowing that the second time he can not avoid the enemies. The war has just begun and Volusia clearly felt from it will be impossible to hide. Nowhere and never. Yes, he, like all the inhabitants of stations received a message with an offer to join the Home Guard of the Citadel, but is thought Barla. Refusing finally he saw no reason, but also to give him a hasty agreement also did not want to. Maybe the conversation with the captain will help him in the selection. May be.

  I thought much about his death Volusia - he had lived long enough in this world, and he knew that sooner or later, death will overtake him everywhere. It is, of course, I heard about the deeds of their compatriots, who, finding themselves surrounded by enemies, blew up himself. For him, it was the usual self-sacrifice and self Barla felt what happened that - it goes the same way. With this in mind Volusia entered the arena.

  The arrival of the squadron to the Citadel. The funeral of the hero-Turian. Seeing the first regiment to the front

  Troop ships stood in the outer roads of the Citadel. It entered into force on shuttle timetables, connecting the "Volga" and "Normandy" from the main station of the current Galaxy.

  - Turian contingent built. - Said Nihlus, considering the on-screen image berth complex.

  - We are also ready. - Saren eyes pointed to the six troopers-policemen assigned in mourning attire. - If the captain ...

  - I'll go with you. - Shepard appeared in the corridor, which came out to the hangar. - An agreement with the commandant of the garrison turian just been confirmed by a coded connection. We are waiting.

  - Okay, captain. - Saren first stepped to the portal of the hangar. - Then - fly.

  Path to the Citadel from the frigate passed in silence. Captain Glance occasionally touched the capsule body turian officer. Nearby stood packed in a bag banner - frigates and cruisers specialists as we could have strengthened him. Of course, most of the work will make restorers, and now ... now just need to show all Turian Banner. And not only tsitadeltsam - Spectra realized that the funeral ceremony will fix several military media channels.

  The boat gently down on the landing pad plate. Six Turian came to the open doorway of the shuttle cabin and with the tacit consent of Saren expressed a mean gesture, took a capsule on his shoulders, to endure it from the shuttle and installed on a low pedestal. A minute later, around the pedestal stood turians with marks of honor guard funeral.

  Saren took up the case with the flag and stepped toward the coffin. Clearly turning it one conjoint movement unfolded bag, took out the banner. At the same moment there was a volley of assault rifles - so it was decided to welcome Turian returned by the military shrines and relics. By the force of the volley Shepard determined that fired at least company.

  Those present at the site turians as one stretched together and gave salute, Saren is not laid cloth banner on the capsule cap. After securing pole, Turian-spectrum stretched and gave salute. Nihlus standing slightly behind his mirrored. Silence, set on the site broke the second volley. Six Turian mourning guard smoothly and slowly raised the capsule.

  Lined up on both sides of the site turian military units accompanied capsule unwrapped banner views and turns heads. It was obvious that they were happy to return racial shrines. It will take quite a bit of time and Banner will be returned to the First Regiment - revived with the invasion of the Reapers elite military unit turian Guard.

  At a sign the manager-Turian Spectre Shepard and both went after the capsule. The captain knew that to go far - some three hundred meters, but this way they have done through the streets of the Citadel, adjacent to the mooring complex. Many civil Turian and their families came to see the Banner and pay homage to the deceased hero, return race her shrine. When approaching the course of conversation died down, took turians drill stands, and despite the fact that they were in civilian clothes, gave the deceased and his accompanying military turian greeting. Shepard felt a lot of views aimed at Banner of the First Regiment.

  Turian military memorial cemetery was a wall on which the plates were placed in neat rows, behind which hides niches with cubic capsules. The path of the procession was lying in a small building of the ritual hall where Shepard remembered the special furnace was installed.

  It was built another turian military unit Adjacent to the hall. The capsule stood on a pedestal, funeral guard stepped away from her at the place designated by the protocol.

  Saren and Nihlus approached the capsule removed Banner and strengthened on the lid of the capsule space suit gloves and helmet of the deceased officer. Top Glove service pistol lay Lieutenant. When finished cooking, Spectra neatly folded flag Banner and moved away from the pedestal.

  The room included five soldiers from the soldiers waiting outside the department turian army. They lined up along the wall. Turian Hierarchy anthem sounded and the capsule began to go inside the pedestal, falling on the lid, which turned the mobile platform. On the cover at side moved two halves, which are converging, formed the new cover. Soon the whole capsule disappeared under the wings, and only a faint line indicates that the new cap is not whole. Once the flap back into place, the anthem Turian Hierarchy began to subside. A minute on the end of the pedestal door opened and out went the cube on a small platform. Saren Nihlus and simultaneously took up the edge of the platform, and carried it out of the ritual hall. At a sign the manager Shepard went after him, knowing that the remains of Lieutenant-hero is now bricked up in one of the cells. When he came to the wall, and Saren Nihlus were finishing the installation plate. Nothing extra - strict rublёnye characters - name, middle name, third name, family name, family name, date and title of life.

  After completing the work, at the same time gave turians place of burial officer authorized military honors and quietly moved away from the wall. By Saren officer approached Turian Guard spectrum and gave him cover with the banner. Now, the shrine will be engaged in military restorers and very soon it will be returned to the First Regiment.

  Funeral wartime. Dramatically shortened protocol and no less an abbreviated ritual.

  At the exit of the cemetery was a police bus with identification marks Staff BRP. When Shepard and both Spectrum passed the threshold of the portal of the cemetery, the car left Garrus Vakarian. He walked silently shook hands with compatriots, and with Shepard, gestured to the bus. When everything settled, the head of C-Sec said:

  - Military restorers promise that the Banner will be restored as early as tomorrow night. And the name of the lieutenant ever recorded in the list
s of the first branch of the first platoon of the first company of this regiment. News release with information about the funeral will go on the air throughout the plant and beyond it in twenty-five minutes. John, as you know, we have not taken any memorial dinner, but we understand if you want to share with us our ritual, we subscribe to an hour a small cafe in the Presidency, where we just sit here and remember all the circumstances of this feat. All we know at this point. Then you will be taken to the headquarters.

  Captain spectrum Garrus nodded and motioned for the driver to start. Forty minutes later the car slowly sank to the ground in front of a small cafe. As soon as Shepard, and two Vakarian Spectrum entered the cafe owner - an elderly turian - locked the front door, hung out a sign in the window with the information that the café will open in a few hours.

  The table was already waiting for them. In the center of a small hill on the countertop flame flickered small fire. Housed on the chairs, and Shepard turians silent, staring into the flames of living fire. Shepard thought for a few minutes everything that he knew about the mission, about how it all happened. It was clear that this thinking and Saren and Nihlus. Garrus just sits there, staring into the fire, and his fixed stare sniper professional visor off, without disturbing to see the narrowed pupil.

  They talked about how they felt when it all happened. Everyone could speak. Share this feelings, the thoughts, how they embraced their part in the incident. Garrus sparingly told that he was able to learn about the family of the deceased officer.

  Shepard thought that he would like to see how it turian military cemetery will become a place of pilgrimage, if not, then the place to which will come not only turians. Come to find out about how officers and soldiers were killed Turian Hierarchy in the war with a strong and experienced enemy. He limited himself to a short phrases turians dialogue, listened more than he talked. During the conversation about the war time passed unnoticed.

  Stepping to the fence headquarters and skipping forward both turian spectrum Shepard caught a glimpse of taking off bus Staff BRP and Garrus silhouette in the side window.

  Once inside the building, the captain went to his apartment, knowing that Svetlana is already there.

  - Came? - Svetlana out of the room into the hall and went to John. - Come on, eat. I do not want to say anything, come a few hours do without this tyagomotnoe routine. - She quickly cooked a few servings, unloaded everything on the table on wheels and drove up to the dinner table. - Sit down. - Quickly putting the plate in front of her husband deeply, she filled it out Supnick and put on a clean plate of the second course. - Shut up, John. Let this lieutenant soul reunited with the souls of his relatives. - Down on a chair, Streltsov podpёrla head on his hand, looking at something through the Shepard.

  Captain took spoon, dropped it into the bowl. The soup was incomparable, but he almost did not feel the taste. Just eat, because it was necessary. Svetlana worried, worried about his health. We must do everything that she was calm. She is now a hassle and so abound. Therefore Shepard eat, rejoicing that may be silent and not that Svetlana looks at it, it does not encourage a way out of psychological cocoon.

  Earlier, in the cabin of the bus BRP Shepard looked over the latest data sent to and from the squadron duty units tsitadelskoy headquarters. Alenko handed Volusia Book Pleniksa received great appreciation and warm assurances that Volusia will collaborate with a group of even more actively than before. Presley and Adams worked on lists that of the found on the planets can be sent from warehouses Detachment located in the warehouse complex Spectra Corps. Something was possible to pass. Now many will come in handy. Right now.

  Consciousness Shepard heavily immunity from experiences related to the funeral. Of course, what Destination Squad at the station began a military funeral ceremony turian was nothing more than a tribute to the procedure and protocol. Now it was necessary to switch to the processing of the information collected on the needs and requirements of the inhabitants of the Citadel, and at the station itself had plenty of problems waiting to be solved.

  Svetlana helping clean up, Shepard thought about the next steps. Yes, he certainly pobudet next few hours with Svetlana. It is necessary and it is not, then he will be there with his wife and her friend. And next to their children. Then he will return again to the service.

  Alenko sent a message that flew to the location of the unit commanded by Ashley Williams. Let, I pray, too, together. For them it is much more rare opportunity than Shepard. So let them be together until the squad once again leaves the Citadel.

  A few hours John and Svetlana spent in the bedroom. Svetlana was dozing, her head on his chest umostiv John and Shepard thought. I thought about the past, about the present and the future. Sleep is not like him quite enough to be with a friend and his wife, calming hushed and hugs the torso, feared that her husband and a friend can suddenly disappear. But while instrumentron and sirens silent. Staff apartment living their normal lives - even here in the residential wing of the apartment came the snatches of conversation, warbling buzzer flick of a switch. A typical working background.

  - Thanks, Joe. I slept well beside you. - Svetlana gently stretched, then he got out of bed. - Come on now the job. Somewhere until ten at night. And then go to sleep. I have received a message - we are invited to the grand construction of the core of the First Guards Regiment Turian. At noon the next day.

  - This construction we will visit with you. - Shepard cleaned the bed, went into the hall. - I'll make breakfast.

  - And I still work with documents, Joe. - Svetlana went to his office.

  After breakfast, Svetlana and John have been the duty of the headquarters received the latest reports of the situation at the station and in the surrounding areas of the galaxy. Information is not happy - Reapers stepped up the pressure and organics suffered heavy losses. In many worlds full mobilization was declared. Army forces was not enough, connect civil society. When Shepard and Streltsov returned to their apartment, the captain instrumentron was reported that immediately after the presentation marks the first regiment is sent to Palaven to immediately come to the front.

  At nine pm Shepard again cooked dinner - he saw that Svetlana exhausted work with documentation and wanted her to not strain even cooking. Streltsov gratefully hugged the main friend and kissed him on the forehead, sat down at the table. John saw that she had no strength even to protest against a huge portion - it has always worked in full force, with full dedication and would not tolerate when the work was done poorly.

  After dinner Shepard insisted Svetlana immediately went to sleep, and he decided to spend a few hours of study from novopostupivshih Synthetic data packets. Convinced that her friend is sleeping, covered with warm blanket, the captain returned to the desktop of his office. Work continued and any attempt to abandon its execution risk being left behind. In the morning Shepard took a shower and went to bed.

  - John, you did not wake me again in time. - Svetlana came into the kitchen, where Shepard was finishing her portion to heat. - Umm. You have breakfast and I cook. You are my joy. - She put her arms around her husband and friend, kissed him and sat down at the table. - I Do not want me to cheat myself in front of this building Turian?

  Shepard nodded, looking at text messages from the frigate services.

  - Captain, you - Garrus Vakarian. - Reported to the duty officer, headquarters, using an audio channel.

  - Pass. We are in the apartment. - Shepard said, exchanging a glance with Svetlana.

  Director of BRP in his usual heavy armor entered the kitchen, bowed to Svetlana and shook hands with Shepard, sitting on a chair at the table. Svetlana put before him turian salad and poured a glass of tea in turian. Thankfully nod, the best sniper of the Hierarchy began to eat:

  - I went up to you, my friends. I was also invited for the construction of the First Guards Regiment Turian. And I thought it would be better if I show up there with you. Almost all normandovtsy volgovtsy and will also be there - it is a significant event for the Turian.

bsp; - Thank you for coming, Gard. - Svetlana touched grateful look turian face and the somewhat confused. - We're almost ready. - She came out from behind his desk, slipped into the room and out of the contract. - Now, I get dressed only suitable. John lighter he vbryakivaetsya am in shape and I'm here at the insistence of doctors wearing it often. - She appeared in the kitchen doorway in fighting imperial suit with pads awards. Men stood. - I know, I was impressed. I am pleased to. - Svetlana smiled mischievously. - So are we going? - She waited until John domoet vessels and plates, missed Garrus in the hallway. - John, stop washing dishes arrive - Domo. You can not be late. Too rare event.

  - I'm coming. - Calm and Shepard said softly. - Restless.

  - Such as there is. - Svetlana retorted, correct sword belt with pistols. - Gar's said that it takes a flyer to us for ten minutes. We have time to time.

  - No doubt. - Shepard looked around the apartment, looked through the information on the wall panel. - Edemte friends.

  Flyer with identification marks BRP Earthlings and brought in Turian location Turian Guard First Regiment. As it turned out, it was composed of the remnants of the division where the victim served as a lieutenant. And now Lieutenant colleagues mastered the new duty station.

  Having familiarized with the conditions of life and service divisions famous Turian Garrus, Svetlana and John went to the parade ground. After half an hour to get all caught up turians soldiers included in the composition of the first paratrooper units. Came the order, according to which the first regiment immediately directed to the front, to the most difficult part.

  - Smear-but! - Voiced team. A clear "quads" Turian soldiers stopped, habitually leveled strict "box". - For the meeting marks the first shelf! Eyes - Nala-in! Banner - make!


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