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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 246

by Theodore Daniels

  - Alix. - Svetlana gasped.

  - That, my friend. - Seleznev gently looked into the eyes of the commander of the cruiser, luchivshiesya contentment and tranquility. - She sent me something like the lowest written petitions to the highest medical name. You yourself decided that John will have to come to grips with these three or four weeks of preparation for solving problems associated with the second rachni queen, whoever she was - Synthetic or organic matter, because you will need and helper and companion and guard. I think Alix is worthy to be your companion in this five-week period.

  - For five weeks? A six to eight weeks, Alla? Or? - Streltsov asked, intrigued by the cause of such a significant reduction of the period.

  - Yes, everything will be fine, but you and Alix are not going to give up my job. It will be interesting and even, I think, useful posovmeschatsya. Regarding the six to eight weeks ... As far as I was able to understand your children, John, Svetlana, do not require such a long period of quarantine. Of course, shoot it, we will gradually ... And just beyond that five-week period. - Explained the doctor.

  - So ... visits and gifts. - With feigned displeasure said Shepard.

  - Protocols and rituals peculiar and familiar, not only people, but also all the other aliens, John, I can not cancel, even more so if they do not carry any threat to your children and your parents. Otryadovtsy should have the opportunity to congratulate you and, of course, to see the children. The first children born in the squadron. The first new otryadovtsev. Of course, the nationality of the solar system, the Earth's citizenship and nationality of the human race they already have, but, you know - they are special children.

  - Yeah. If Alix connect from the first days, then up to the Turian and salarians it comes very quickly. - Said Svetlana. In her voice there was a trace of dissatisfaction or wariness. It seems that it is something that is already anticipated and pre-decided for itself how it will cope with such situations here. - No, I do not mind, but - later. All visits to the children and me - later. Alix, of course, this restriction does not apply. - Routinely specified commander of the cruiser.

  - Of course, later, World. - Alla nodded. - No one says that before. Is that Chloe Michel and Karin Chakwas as doctors will visit you more often. And start your visits early.

  - I agree. - Svetlana confirmed its consent slight nod. - They're your colleagues, Alla, where the same without them. Mordina and I'll be glad to see.

  - He will be very happy, proud and happy, I am sure. - Seleznev said.

  - At least we agree on this. - Said Svetlana. - And what can I do today?

  - Svetlana. - Almost reproachfully said Seleznyov. - Now you need to eat more and sleep more, to the milk was all right. And smaller hammer head itself matters. Of course, I understand that you burn desire to push towards the Stanislaus ...

  - By the way, Alla ...

  - Yes, I'll give Stanislav the opportunity to come in, ladies. Gateway will pass and visit you. Just ... - warning straightened doctor cruiser.

  - Understood, I understood conversations about work and service - no. - Svetlana feigned retired to the background, realizing the truth of the physician. Of course, his first mate it, as planned, be sure to acquaint children. The very first, almost the only one of organic units and almost the only one nemedikov cruiser. As without this ?! He is worthy, he deserved it for so long covered and replaced her while she was pregnant with twins ... No, in fact, it will take it as soon as possible. As yet obliging sounds - "take it." As if she - monarchs, not less. Of course, it is - the commander, the highest officer of the cruiser, but now something in her status - far-of-the-go higher. She - the first woman-mother in the Troop. And even more has the right to choose whom to take and when to meet and chat. Though Communications, though personally.

  - Yes, Svetlana, I almost forgot. - Alla roused. - Here otryadovtsy has terminated the connection, so do not obessud - I have all the information, the allowed to spread within the squad and relating to you and your children will pass Alix. And with her and with me, of course, you will decide with whom to communicate. I only remember that in the next three weeks, you have no one you meet except by video link. Exceptions you know herself. We have enough of them agreed to fully and accurately.

  - I know. - Svetlana said quietly. At this time, the ward nurse came in with a tray. - For food and ripe? - Streltsov warm gaze and she thanked the medic nodded affably.

  - Come on, saturating. - Alla instrumentron turned off. - Do your kids a wonderful appetite and you should not deceive their expectations. John, immediately after Svetlana eat - you have a meeting with Alix. I already gave her information - kiborgessa is now broken down into the Citadel with one of the data centers, but then as soon as possible to arrive at the "Volga". The rest is all right? - A doctor attentive and very tenacious gaze scanned the XO figure.

  - Clear, Ala. Allow me to perform? - Shepard pulled a chair up to the bed, Svetlana, clearly intending to feed his girlfriend no other way than with a spoon. Streltsov, anticipating this action, pretty smile, that really liked Selezneva:

  - Perform. - Alla clearly had in mind the desire to give Shepard doctor cruisers the opportunity to command not only Svetlana, but also it. - Bon Appetit. And Svetlana. - Alla stopped at the chamber door, behind the output of the nurse. - Eat all residues. Appr. I am not kidding. You need very good to eat.

  - Will, Al. Where shall I go. - Svetlana scooted closer to the table on which the nurse put the tray with the plates and cups.

  - From the sickbay now - nowhere. I'm sure. - Seleznev closed the door.

  - Svetlana, open your mouth and I'll put you to a tasty morsel. - Shepard picked up a fork one of the "squares" dietary casseroles. Streltsov willingly opened her mouth and chewed carefully, remembering then thankful soft kiss on the cheek of her husband.

  - Thank you. Let's go on, John. While Alix arrive. You have to meet her, remember? - Svetlana smiled. - Do not cheat yourself, Alix - beautiful in its love for you and I do not mind. If she wants to visit us more often - I also agree.

  - Glad. - Shepard teased plug another piece, held it to his lips girlfriend. - Come on, burst.

  - I give John to give. - Svetlana palm to her mouth, chewed. - Delicious.

  - Cooks cruiser tried. No doubt. - Shepard confirmed, taking another bite fork.

  - Thank them personally pass on the video. Required. - Streltsov nodded, opening his mouth and enjoying the fresh and pleasant flavor and a marvelous aroma casseroles. - Although dietary food, but - delicious. And most importantly - useful. So, I will have a lot of milk for our children, John. And they grow beautiful and strong.

  - Mandatory Light. - Shepard nodded. - Absolutely. A different and can not be. - He brought his lips to Svetlana another bite. - Only you prozhёvyvay well, okay? Though casserole, but still. There is no need to turn out your problems.

  - Will prozhёvyvat very well, John. - Swallowing a piece, Svetlana smiled. - I will. Don `t doubt.

  - I would like to believe. You better try. Now the main thing that they were well fed and could sleep a little longer and a little more. Well, you should not pakuesh in these envelopes.

  - Well, it is - for the parade. Here comes Stanislav - will pack, as without it. And then - released. Let move. Alla then, as it turned out, everything is provided. Injuries will not be - the terms of all soft. - Svetlana filed Shepard reader. - Check, that the characteristics of cots.

  - Mandatory Light. - Shepard put the reader in the waist styling. - Later. - It is planted in the next piece of the fork teeth. - Come on, opens her mouth.

  - I disclose, disclose. - Streltsov smiled. - Am. - It is, as promised, carefully chewed a piece and swallowed, reached for a glass of herbal infusion. - Umm. Adore. The best tea is nothing. I also drink coffee, but - in the mood. I love sure which sounds.

  - No light. You now coffee and cocoa - can not under any circumstances. Alla, I am convinced of this - put your state for detailed hardware and software monitoring, but there is so much under the control of indicat
ors - call, that happen to be ... So it is better - do not break. Alla right, even the children we were born and Kripen'ka Zdorovenki, but we ourselves have to take care to strengthen them and keep them pristine health.

  - And the beauty. - I assented to a friend and her husband Streltsov.

  - And the beauty. - Echoed Shepard said. - And now pohlebat soup. - He was replaced by a fork on a spoon. - It was necessary, of course, the soup to put forward, such as is necessary, but ...

  - Okay now critical amounts of food, its usefulness, and that at first, then what ... - handed Svetlana.

  - No Light. Now everything is critical. - Disagreed Shepard. - So that more will not break the sequence.

  - Perhaps the most pohlebat let me, uh, soup ?! - Svetlana smiled.

  - Permission granted. Act, the mother of my children. - Shepard straightened the blanket and gave Svetlana on comfortable beds.

  - And a married woman. - Smiling contentedly, Svetlana said, grasping the spoon and get to the meal. Shepard, a satisfied moving speed of the spoon mouth better half to the plate and back, was able to sit in a chair and enjoy the wonderful spectacle to the full. He liked that Svetlana postpartum began to smile more, not only lips, but also the face and eyes. She did not try to give wishful thinking here, it was very noticeable that, to be happy and not shy of happiness before his and only his, John.

  - John, you're makin 'me blush ... - Svetlana finished her herbal infusion, put the cup on the tray and leaned back against the pillow, his eyes closed. - You looked at me like that, if you see the first time.

  - And I see you for the first time. New, updated, became the mother of two adorable, smart, beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful children! Our children, the Light! - Eagerly Shepard said, standing up on his forehead and capturing your favorite soft and long kiss.

  - Thanks, John. Now go, I know, Alix has already got into the canoe. Twenty minutes and it - here. Greg with all the comfort takes kiborgessu. And my ... will control the arrival. And yet, John ... Let it live ... in the cabin, highlighted Olivia. If you want to - let live in my cabin. Will understand. A volgovtsy you around to help. - Svetlana smiled, knowing that most likely, and John, and Alix is settle in the commander's cabin. - And do not forget to feed and walk my sobachatami. They at me understandingly, will wait for my return. Only I often show them on the big screen. They love it and appreciate, John. Got it?

  - Realized Light. - Shepard rose from his chair, walked to the chamber door. - Relax.

  - I'll try. But if that - once with Alix - me. - Clarified Streltsov. - I know, it does not appear preminёt right here.

  - May be. It may even be. - Shepard left the room, heading for the exit gateway sickbay.

  - John. - At the very gateway it stopped Alla, near which there were three of them ovcharonov. - Spend Shepherd commander in the cabin. I fed them, at the same time for a walk. You can also find them Alix. Lada?

  - Lada, Ala. Good. - Shepard leaned greeted all three sobachatami, looked carefully sniff it - because it smelled and adored mistress and her newborns children - and with them crossed the threshold of security protection zone sickbay cruiser.

  Zirda was left of the First Mate, Zord, and Gray walked two steps behind. On the way to the ship's hangar zone captain heard the sound information vahtsluzhby the arrival of the shuttle from the Citadel. Placards on the walls also highlighted the relevant formatki.

  - John! - Alix jumped on the hangar deck plate without using a ladder and briskly approached the newcomer in the transport hangar exec. - Glad to see you!

  - I, too, Alix. - Shepard weighed kiborgesse friendly nod, she smiled, leaned over and gave sobachatami had come up closer to sniff themselves. - Come on.

  - I already know. Svetlana gave me permission to use any of my mother's cabin, or the, commander. - Alix said, when they accompanied sobachatami came from the transport hangar. - I decided - it's better if I do I will stay in the commander's cabin. Go anywhere there especially will not - I quite enough of the hall. And sobachatami be accustomed to - they will be in familiar surroundings. - It is a little bent, stroked her flippers Zirda. - I know, will not be allowed to sobachatami Svetlana now - protection from infections treatment, quarantine, everything. - Kiborgessa straightened. - Because they too will be better to live in a cabin of the landlady. The screen is there, I will keep it constantly enabled - Let the light sees his cabin at any time of day or night, it will be to soothe her, and it would be better sobachatami often see his mistress. I know they used to see it on the screen, recognize what is what. - She paused at the door of the commander's cabin. - Come. - She opened the sash, letting the dogs come. Those were happy, immediately went to the mat. - I'll see what there is to feed them. I know the Light, remember grabanula Citadel shops, stocked a lot, but for the occasion - kiborgessa smiled - it is necessary to feed them something very, very tasty. - Alix opened the cabinet flap. - Yes, I was not mistaken. - In the hands of a cyborg appeared packets. - Now we give them a festive snack! - Alix opened the cabinet flap. - Yes, I was not mistaken. - In the hands of a cyborg appeared packets. - Now we give them a festive snack! - Alix opened the cabinet flap. - Yes, I was not mistaken. - In the hands of a cyborg appeared packets. - Now we give them a festive snack!

  Shepard withdrew to the corner of relaxation, accompanied by a careful look Zirda. Shepherd did not pack a nap on his rug - she went to the XO. The captain chose a chair, dropped into it. The dog moved closer, put her head on her knees the man sighed loudly, almost closing his eyes. Shepherd stroked on the head, John waited until Alix nasyplet food in bowls and gestured for dogs to eat. As always, ovcharony ate slowly, with great dignity. After eating, Zord and Gray returned to their mats and lay down to sleep, and Zirda lay beside the chair in which sat the XO. Alyx washed licked the bowl, returned them to the place packed opening the bag, shut the shutters barely audible cabinet, turned around:

  - I'll make you something to eat, John.

  - Well, Ali. - Shepard looked up from reading his instrumentron sent short messages about the situation on board the frigate on station. - You yourself, too, do not forget to recharge.

  - Do not forget. Thank you. Svetlana then already established outlet. Voltage and current I are very suitable. You will not need to drive the reactor. - Kiborgessa smiled, bustling in the kitchen counter. - Now, you'll make something like a hearty lunch.

  A few minutes - and a tray of plates and vessels exude wonderful aromas of rose on a table in the corner of the recreation. Zord and Gray already fast asleep, Zirda dozing with his head on his paws and intending rolls onto its side, and sleep soundly. To strive a little more at the kitchen counter, kiborgessa moved to an outlet, connect the cable, froze dozaryazhaya batteries.

  Flared large wall screen:

  - Nice to see you, Alix. - Svetlana smiled kiborgesse. That did not change posture, only just lifted her head, nodded hostess cabin. - I see you're already familiar. It's good. - Dogs are awake, staring at the screen, wagged his tail - Svetlana learned, were delighted. - Hi, sobachatami. - Svetlana smiled his ovcharonam those wagged his tail more energetic. - John Gray strolled Zorda to the gym, they have to jump. Zirda, I think, will remain posekretnichat with Alix.

  - Well, Svetlan. - Shepard took a sip from the glass of herbal infusion. - I'll do.

  - Svetlana, I also go to the gym. It is necessary to work out ... gymnastics. - Kiborgessa said.

  - I do not mind, Alix. I'll alert on watch. - Svetlana looked around the hall. - And?

  - Thank you. - Kiborgessa Disconnect the cable from the wall outlet. - When can I come to you?

  - When you want to, Alix. The night I will now ... restless. So you can come in the evening, after six.

  - Good. - Kiborgessa just closed her eyes, sat in a chair. - John, I have yet to work with threads.

  - Lada, Ali. - Shepard rose. - Girls, stay. And we are the guys go to the gym. - Captain saw from their rugs readily jump Zord and Gray, happily wagging their tails. - Come on, sobachatami.

  - I'll join you
later, John. - Said kiborgessa when Number One, conceding sobachatami forward, left outside the commander's cabin.

  - Welcome. - Shepard tightly closed the sash, deciding that the girls would be better posekretnichat without his presence.

  Zord and Gray umotala captain to fall, clearly delighted at the possibility of a run, jump and fight after a long break here in such meetings. For an hour they spent in constant motion, and then a few minutes to show them a very long and capacious, lying on the mat. Shepard with satisfaction saw relax Shepherd, clearly sensing the good condition of his mistress. The fact that they have correctly understood what had happened to her - the captain was not worried. As no doubt that they are all three sobachatami, take his children under his care and protection. Reach this week quarantine and his son and daughter will appear intelligent companions with whom the children will quickly and fully to know the world around us.

  - Svetlana ... - Alix said, barely behind Shepard and Zordom and Gray closed the door. - You ...

  - Alix, thank you for your concern, but I do, thanks to Alla, her colleagues and, of course, John is quite normal. And how can I sleep right now, if I have to look at itself and to her children, to feel them? - Streltsov as well seen on a large wall screen kiborgessa, I got out of bed and walked over to the crib with a sleeping child. - The first feeding ... it was something indescribable in words ... It is indescribable, so I did not even try ... And ... birth - the commander of the cruiser did not hesitate to speak to Alix about these things and it is very kiborgesse I liked.

  - I hope to experience something very close to it ... - after a pause, said kiborgessa - when will form the control center of his first child ... when the time comes for that.

  - You will have a wonderful first-born, Alix. - Svetlana said with conviction, moving away from the cots and again sat down on the bed, throwing a veil over coat.


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