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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 247

by Theodore Daniels

  - You know ...

  - Come on "you". - Suggested Streltsov. - And then the ritual of politesse and I now have a little exhausting. We - friends. So let the "you" and - without ceremony.

  - Glad. Thank you. Agree. - Kiborgessa paused. - You know, when I was brought to the Hall of Information frigate, cruiser, once tried to undermine me ... ... I heard the conversation normandovtsev. They immediately began to talk about what I need to give a perfect body .... I understand, on the Moon, at the site ... for me, while still in the state of WI, the deck was enough ... When my mom ... learned my control center of the deck, when she took it with both hands ... I so wished that I did well, almost the same body as that of her ... At that moment, I really, really wanted to. - Alix looked down. - And I was very happy, pleased, proud ... heard that Adams' colleague, the great, is not afraid of the word, an engineer Adams, ready to do everything that I did not found the body of the worst ... I then realized that fell. .. family. And I felt it keenly for the first time, when my mother ... was ready to shoot this lieutenant who wanted to undermine me ... together with a part, a big part of the landfill, I remember. - Stumbling a little Alix said. - And then ... then I think the shuttle felt ... Shepard, look, John, a converted my mother, to keep my control center in his hands ... He looked at her ... He was such a person ... I did not know much, but then turned ..., connected in parallel, a lot of materials and tried to find a very close analogs. You, earthlings, people have a concept - "Madonna". And I realized, felt, then Shepard, while John looked at my mother, just as Madonna. It was so nice ... I know I do know that I was in love with John. Finally and irrevocably. - Alix looked down again. - And then, when my mother began to teach and educate, when I was first activated in this perfect, not afraid of the word, the body, I realized how great and mighty are earthlings, people. Very deeply and fully, I dare to think, understand. Over time, I learned a lot, but this feeling ... I came to the family, the first sharp and deep feeling ... is indescribably words, I know. And my first release of the ... when the citadel was under attack ...

  - You were all we really helped, Alix. - Streltsov said. - Not only earthlings.

  - My mother protected me when I set out to undermine ... destroy. She took my control center, my blocks, took me to the Moon, with this polygon where I shoot people ... She gave me the feeling of a family home. How could I give back something else, did not protect her and those she believed, to whom she swore allegiance ... - said kiborgessa. - Then I realized a lot ... A lot. It was better, much deeper and fuller, much more multifaceted than any workout in the Hall of Information. I could not do otherwise ... - Alix hesitated. - I'm sorry ... I ... Svetlana

  - Do you love John, Alix. - Streltsov just looked at standing in front kiborgessu screen. - And it's - okay. It happened to us, earthlings, that it is love that has become our supreme sense, our essence, our passion. Without it ... we would not be able to understand the diversity of evil, could not be successful, years, decades, centuries to confront its destructive encroachments. It nourishes our love, humanity, human faith in the best ... and the children ... They are true apex of love, because they will continue to resist evil, going into the future. Confront, passing the love of their children, giving it to his grandchildren and to all who are worthy of this love. Alix, I understand that you ... you many fear, but I will say this - I really trust and believe you. And because I want to offer you ... to become a member of our family.

  - Light ... - and could only say kiborgessa, knowing that any words here are too general and too loud.

  - I ... - pause, continued Streltsov, - will have to pay special attention to children. Yes, I know, believe, understand, I'm sure that John will be next to them as long as necessary. But now there is a war. And he has to pay attention to the crew and the crew of the frigate. Pay attention to service and performance. He needed normandovtsam as the Number One, as an officer, as a warrior. And I can no longer limit it to that. The children have already been born, were born healthy and strong. I guess he ... wants to return to action at the landings. Ahead of us - the fight against the Reapers and their minions in the solar system ahead of us fight against the Reapers in their lair in the Dark Space. - Streltsov paused. - I am sure that with the "Cerberus" will have to deal very objectively. Constantly. Before the victory. Because it is unlikely he would agree to you, Alix, often he leaves the squadron. It is unlikely that it will be legally bound normandovtsy. I am confident and convinced that you will continue to help normandovtsam everything they can, working with the board of the frigate. I know and understand that you are capable of more. That's why I suggest you this time ... the war ... as much as you like, to take place in our family next to us, close to our children. John loves you, you - like John. The real, hard, and full of deep love - I have repeatedly convinced. And I want you to be close to our children from their earliest days. And next to John not only to land, not only on the "Normandy", but here, on board the "Volga". Acting on board the frigate. I know and understand that you are capable of more. That's why I suggest you this time ... the war ... as much as you like, to take place in our family next to us, close to our children. John loves you, you - like John. The real, hard, and full of deep love - I have repeatedly convinced. And I want you to be close to our children from their earliest days. And next to John not only to land, not only on the "Normandy", but here, on board the "Volga". Acting on board the frigate. I know and understand that you are capable of more. That's why I suggest you this time ... the war ... as much as you like, to take place in our family next to us, close to our children. John loves you, you - like John. The real, hard, and full of deep love - I have repeatedly convinced. And I want you to be close to our children from their earliest days. And next to John not only to land, not only on the "Normandy", but here, on board the "Volga". you to be close to our children from their earliest days. And next to John not only to land, not only on the "Normandy", but here, on board the "Volga". you to be close to our children from their earliest days. And next to John not only to land, not only on the "Normandy", but here, on board the "Volga".

  - Light ... - Alix stared at the screen, at Svetlana as rarely in his yet very short life to anyone looking. - I ... Thank you ... I agree!

  - Well, that's good. - Streltsov smiled slightly. - Come on, go to the gym, there you are waiting for John and sobachatami. Zirda will decide whether to go to her. You Make a peasants group.

  - Absolutely. - Kiborgessa cautiously took a step toward the door. Zirda had risen from his seat in the chair - she had not returned to his mat. - And then, in the evening - to thee light.

  - I will wait. Glad. - Svetlana switched channels on the surface of the screen saver quickly crawled - a simple geometric pattern calm colors.

  Alix walked slowly through the corridors of "Volga", just next to walking slowly Zirda, you know, somehow there is a sense in a row reads the companion. Kiborgessa did not know how to react to her what had happened. She agreed to accept the offer, Svetlana, but I never thought that this proposal will be made so quickly ... Perhaps, for her, cyborg, robot, machine, the proposal was a surprise. To suggest, plan, prepare - one thing and feel, hear and see it in reality. These eyes of the commander of the cruiser, the person is a woman who became a mother, this voice, to voice it, what she kiborgessa Alix thought as something unlikely ... Well, in fact, they were - John, Svetlana, and their children - reasonable organic, and she - Synthetic, machine, mechanism. So, Svetlana, barely recovered from giving birth, she offers something that even people would define as a very distant dream. Offers do it, kiborgessy Alix dream - a reality. Yes, of course, she could spend a long time on board the cruiser. Mom will understand it and agree with her choice with her decision. She is very happy and proud of her daughter. She knows, she understands that Alix loves Shepard. In its own way, of course, not as organic, but loves. And Svetlana could protect John from her love. She could and had to do all the law and the possibility of becoming a mother. Because John is now needed it even more than before. Y
es, Svetlana - strong, but now she needs help. And it does not bind tightly to him John, her husband, her husband, his chief friend. She realizes that he - a warrior, that he - the officer that he - a senior assistant commander of military intelligence frigate Alliance VKS Earth Systems. She understand, that he would benefit his colleagues, Large, multifaceted benefits. The war continues, and John does not want to sit in the rear. Even next to his wife just gave birth to even close to young children. If people like John, will be in the rear ... defeat the Reapers, put an end to their continued existence ... it will be very difficult. Almost impossible. And because ... Svetlana releases from John himself. Realizing he needed not only to her, but so many others ... As Alix read in one of the books, love - this is including the ability to let go of a loved one, to give him the freedom to live his own life, even when really needs it, when really want, when actively strive to ensure that it is as long as possible was close to you. Surprisingly, John and Svetlana are united in this sense: Shepard would never have thought to do so, to Svetlana left the army, has become a common civilian. And Svetlana understands that John - man, that he can not be long in the rear now, when there is a war with a terrible enemy. It is - a warrior, commando, winner zagalakticheskih and abilities. He needed so many reasonable organics ... And now she lets go of John, knowing, believing, and understanding - it does not just come back to it. Will return to the children. Come back from the war ... believing and understanding - it does not just come back to it. Will return to the children. Come back from the war ... believing and understanding - it does not just come back to it. Will return to the children. Come back from the war ...

  Svetlana knows, understands and understands John. I know how he is ... unusual. And I believe in what this singularity can be held in the framework, to give her the right to existence, to life, to development. Otherwise, she would not agree to get pregnant from John. It would have continued to have a purely platonic love - hugging, kissing, talking, stay close. Nearby, but not together. She - separately, it - separately. And Svetlana believed to John so that bore him two children. Two! Boy and girl. Who does not like her, Alix, cyborg, armed with the most modern, continuously improved AI know how children Svetlana unusual because born of an unusual father. And from a very unusual mother.

  How Svetlana wade, made its way to the chair is not a simple naval commander-line, and a special, long-Intelligence cruisers - are still the subject of study at the best military academies of the Empire, and not only of the Empire, but also many other countries of the Earth. Also in these academies are studying now with great care the way she was able to create not only the crew and command of a large ship, but as she was able to make out the crew and family team, and from the ship - the house where everyone volgovets returns Do not just more readily than in any other place. Even the fact that Svetlana - one of the few commanders of ships entitled to keep on board as much as three dogs, says a lot. Who got that right Intelligence Headquarters Astros Empire - a vast and complex organism - not entrust ever. And Svetlana got it right automatically.

  And most of these achievements and she is now a lot. The same Titov, Stanislav Titov. She calmly and freely became an adviser to, and he - the commander of the cruiser. Yes, the standard first, the senior assistant to the commander of all ground vehicles - a certified and experienced skippers and crew leader and the team. This is not, it would seem, is nothing new, but here and Svetlana went on - she now trusts Titov much more than is prescribed by any imperial standards and regulations. Trusts fully. And Titov justify this trust so that the experience of his work began to be studied in the same imperial academies, and eventually begin to explore outside of the Empire.

  Svetlana does not seek novatorstvovat from scratch, it is strictly blyudёt traditions, customs, carries out all the necessary rituals, supports confidence of their colleagues in a better future. A wedding with Shepard what cost! British and Russian. They found each other. Long sizing, grind, coexisted side by side, and then - united. By mutual agreement. A different Svetlana would simply not allowed.

  Yes, she had made her choice, and believed John had an opportunity to reveal itself with a new, perhaps somewhat unexpected for itself hand. She became his wife, she was the mother of two children - a girl and a boy. She found family happiness, I felt not only the officer, commander, a warrior, but a woman, his wife, the principal and the other major satellite in its chosen men of their lives. It strengthened its completeness, it has strengthened its integrity. Now, next to her - her children, and John. Beloved and faithful to her and only her, John.

  Another would have all the rights and opportunities of nip in the bud any attempt to break into the inner circle. And Svetlana goes in a different way. It gives an opportunity not to anyone, and the car, robot, cyborg, though armed with the most modern AI to stand next to her, man, woman, dug-in the first days of life of its main treasures - a son and a daughter. Stand next to it and them. Become for Svetlana is not just an assistant, housekeeper and nanny, but above all a friend. Special friend, because who does not like Alix know how much more people in the strong prejudice against artificial intelligence. And Svetlana believes Alyx. Believe and trust her. He knows that Alix - live. In a special live, because ... because she loves her kiborgessa Alix John. It loves, not just very good to him.

  She likes John, and this love is, for Svetlana, his legitimate wife, wife, mother of his children is not something reprehensible, is not something dangerous, and therefore - subject to punishment, persecution, extermination. Svetlana knows Alix loves John for a long time, love truly, fully ... Loves ... because he loves. Is it possible to explain in words the cause of strengthening, strengthening of the sense of the words? No you can not. Not for a man or for a cyborg, armed with the most modern, continuously improved AI. How many people can accommodate only a few hours to several days! And because of this ability to accommodate as many limited time Alix felt ... for the first time felt no synthetic sentient being, not a machine, not a mechanism. She felt alive, in the sense

  And, feeling organically alive, Alyx was surprised how calm, business-like, regulatory reacted to this important, complicated and capacious transformation Svetlana. She calmly reacted to the fact that Alix loved Shepard calmly reacted to the fact that John Alix confessed his love ... Yes, by human standards, and not only for human in fact, in love first I have to explain man. This is - his traditional right and duty: to voice their attitude towards women, attest their willingness to sacrifice part of their freedom, the freedom of men for the sake of family education for the birth and upbringing of children together. And Svetlana calmly reacted to the fact that not John, and Alix said first verbally about his relation to it, XO frigate "Normandie". Special relationship.

  Svetlana felt felt before, that Alix ... very much partial to Shepard. And I treat this with understanding. Nothing not interfere with his chief friend, did not seek to restrict his freedom of relations with kiborgessoy. With the machine, the robot mechanism. Yes, armed AI, but still - Synthetic. It turned out, the synthesis may be different. Maybe synthesis bodies, and can be much more important, complex, responsible and at the same time - a multi-faceted and beautiful synthesis shower. Alix was, is and will remain Synthetic. Bodily. And the mind, the senses, it is already close to the organics. Because they understand her and she understands them.

  Yes, Alix Shepard said he wants to make sure that the first AI generated by it was similar to the XO. Internally similar, but not externally. Is she could then seriously contemplate that Svetlana allow her car, robot, mechanism, to their own children from the first days of their lives? And Svetlana - admitted. Here are just admitted, and as convinced of Alix, his decision, it will not change. Because kiborgesse believes, really believes, he knows that Alix loves John and that John likes Alix. He does not see this as a threat to themselves and their children, threatening relationship with John.

  And now Alix knows - tonight she sees not only with Svetlana, but also with her children. Newborn, welcome, children suffered. Boy
s and girls. And, with the authorization, with the mother's consent to become their nanny. And it's not just a nanny. It is sure to be a lot of talk with Svetlana, she becomes an assistant, can be - even a friend. While John will be working on the frigate, on the Citadel, on the landings ... it would support Svetlana here, in the first weeks of life of its firstborn. It will accompany and Svetlana, and John, and children, and more. She's almost eternal, as befits the platform armed with artificial intelligence. Yes, next to Svetlana and her children, she will continue to provide security managers Squad. What could be closer to something, because under the immediate care and protection from Alix will now commander of a squadron! And - children commander of the ship and the ship's XO second.

  She will continue to work on filtering data packets, information flows - in this kiborgessy have no doubt about it. It can be combined. Will be able. And be sure to feel even more alive than before. Alive and free. Mom will be happy: cabin "Volga" passed into the possession of Olivia will not be empty - there is now living daughter Olivia. Cause for John and Svetlana also need their space. They, convinced Alix become commander cabin cruiser. There's space enough for everyone - and John, and Svetlana, and their children. And very soon, it will be held just a few months - and John and Svetlana come for a walk with children. Walk on the cruiser. Next to them will be sobachatami and a number of them will now Alix.

  Stopping in front of the doors of the sports hall and already convinced that John and Zord with Gray still there, Alix decided: it will help all that will not only John, Svetlana and children, but Stanislav and his colleagues. She will do everything to the crew of the cruiser, cruiser team also felt her care, care of the fourth AI Squad. Now cruiser also fall within the scope of its special protection and special care. And it is felt kiborgessa was good, legal and - correctly.


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