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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 262

by Theodore Daniels

  - This is John. - Adams said. - Everything was done as he wants Alix. When we found out that it has improved the technology of hair ... Our ladies, who had engineering and technical education, very sorry that Alix could not get a few degrees at once. As you can see, if the main Alix hair mode - this hat, then her daughters - it involves the usual hairstyle. For a split second ... short hair ... they are the same helmet. However, I will say this - our ladies now too busy. - Adams correctly understood a surprised expression Shepard's face. - They sew young kiborgessam branded overalls and of everything else. And men are gained here almost around the clock. - Engineer grinned. - They say too many - children and grandchildren will talk about how to work on the bodies of unique kiborgess. I can say without false modesty, that the number of proposals approved by Alix and open bodies of her children is really unique, it has reached several dozen. I do not really understand where Alix today takes strength more tightly control our work, because it is now extremely busy that brings up daughters. Of course, it does, along with Olivia, but even Mark could not persuade her to withdraw from the monitoring and filtering of information flows.

  Shepard Adams listened and looked at the front of him kiborgessu. Yes, technically it was the only case. But it was a body, intended for high-end artificial intelligence. For him, John Shepard's new daughter. One of the two-kiborgess daughters who will be able to man, for a reasonable organic impossible - immediately become adults, advanced and intelligent.

  - John, we took into account the wishes of Alix. All of them are on view over twenty-five years, so there are no questions from the lawyers will not. And who cares about what they formally externally captain, nearly your own age - Groups made an exception to the rule, another exception, and your daughters are recognized officially by your own daughter. Status Squad member allows such. - Adams said gently summing Exec second table - it is necessary to see his two daughters body, not just one. - Everything is waiting for the moment when kiborgessy say as one of them called.

  Standing over the body of one of his daughters, Shepard tried to cope with anxiety, but it had turned out badly. Just a few days of his life was as important events that he was inclined to do everything to not relax, not puffed up, does not count yourself some unique person. Alix, yes, it is unique as unique and Svetlana, but he did not unique. Yes, he owns a state of the string, which it has repeatedly saved from major problems, but he does not want to feel and consider themselves alien monster, does not want to be no longer considered an ordinary human being, is not it just be komu-to declare that he, John Shepard it's too different from ordinary earthlings, and therefore need to ask ... about the many restrictions and deprivations.

  Adams, looking at zamershego XO, guessed what he was thinking and was in no hurry to continue explaining. A few minutes engineer watched the work of their colleagues and their numerous volunteers.

  - John ... This is - your daughter. This otryadovtsev have no conceivable doubt. And all those who will believe in it - can stay with their disbelief ... alone. In the very best case. We - detachment. - Not continuing, Adams looked at Shepard and gaze head of engineering services frigate, cruiser exec said the rest.

  - Thank you. - Spectrum said quietly.

  - Come on, John, take part in the creation of your girls. - Adams handed XO tools. - Here and here. - He pointed out. - It is necessary to tighten, which - translated here in this place and secure.

  Listening to indicate engineer Shepard perform the requested action. It reassured him, and after a few minutes he had worked actively, seeing how they work and other normandovtsy.

  - Everything, John, you're warmed up so that others soon there will be no work. - Smiling contentedly, Adams pulled the XO from the audience. - It is not a secret, but after you watched Alix and she is very happy and proud that you have taken part in the creation of both her daughters.

  - And when? - Shepard said, entering the office of the chief engineer.

  - An hour and a half or two we will start testing systems. It takes forty minutes to an hour. Alix herself all the checks, I do not doubt it. So three or four hours we have. And then, no doubt, John, I will invite you in order for you to see the body and are ready to to take control of AI centers. - Adams did not sit down at his desk, he stood next to Shepard, who looked on the big screens broadcast the work on the bodies kiborgess. - I ... I do not even know how to explain it in words, but to participate in such actions ... is the best thing I could wish any other engineer. I now understand much better Tali. Everything is done just to see and feel a ...

  Piliknul instrumentron Shepard, highlighting the small screen on a small reminder of the approaching start time starpomovskogo bypass the ship. Having paid off the screen by pressing a few sensors, Captain Adams shook hands and left the engineering compartment. This time, he tried to penetrate more deeply into the problems and issues that have arisen or arise in normandovtsev at their workplace, confident that colleagues will be interested in how the AI was born. Two hours spent on the bypass captain positions and compartments frigate, cruiser, then returned to Gardner in the room and asked the usual ration. Sitting at the table, he unpacked the container and wait until warm as portions, thoughtful.

  View still sitting at the table exec best normandovtsam hinted that interfere with Spectrum to be alone with his thoughts should not be.

  - Captain. - In speaker PHONES manifested voice Adams. - We're ready. Alix and Olivia checked and approved. Come and see. Senior kiborgessy offers. Alix is ready to transfer control centers in the body.

  - Good. Idu. - Shepard got up from the table, cleaned the dishes and a nod Gardner went to the engineering bay.

  - This is John. - Adams pointed to the two bodies lying on the table. - We have already put them. Worthless they be naked, though seemingly relies so at creation ordinances ... Alix and Olivia asked him to bring the body to the reserve Hall Information. - Engineer pointed to two wheelchairs. - Chakwas mountain stood, he said that technical wheelchair - it is an insult. And I agree with her. So it took two medical. Well and, accordingly, - a heap of things. Alix to Olivia, I'm sure, will understand, consult with our women, if that. - Adams pointed to two impressive size of the package. - Do everything in duplicate, but with differences. We know that twins can not be strengthened in the understanding of themselves as clones. Because our ladies did everything a little, barely noticeable, but different. Younger kiborgessy, I think, will catch the difference very quickly. I am sure, Alix gave birth to a unique control center ... Let perevezёm kiborgess body into the Hall, John. Alix specifically requested that you took part in this.

  - Someone will be waiting for? - Shepard asked, fingering extracted from one of the packages suits, jackets and hats.

  - How do without a commander and a chief physician do? - I tried to portray anger and amazement Adams. At this point, Anderson entered the hall and Chakwas. - Here they are. Now all the assembly.

  Accompanied with rolling bodies kiborgess and many engineers and technicians. Everyone was nice to see and feel the interest and approval from the normandovtsev who saw that the fruits of their labor will soon come to life not in a figurative and literal sense. Young engineers and technicians were carrying wheelchairs and Anderson, Shepard, Chakwas and Adams went back to normandovtsy could come closer to the gurney and admire the results.

  On the threshold of the hall procession stretched for a good half dozen meters met both kiborgessy. Welcoming all normandovtsev, Alix and Olivia thanked them and invited to enter.

  - I did not ask them about it. - He said in an undertone Adams Shepard. - I guess they decided that it would be better.

  It turned out that the older kiborgessy decided to give the opportunity to see the empowerment of their daughters and granddaughters all bodies otryadovtsam - screens in the hall were included and many of them could be seen a few interested and intrigued by the expectation of upcoming actors and crew members of the ship's crew.

  - John. - Alix summed Shepard to dekam. - Daughters waiting for you
to give them the opportunity to move into the body. Nothing really do not need - just bring the control center to the chest of each platform. The rest he will do himself. How do you people say seep inside. The adaptation will take a few minutes, although usually it takes a quarter of an hour. - Clarified kiborgessa. - During these minutes of the Centre are comfortable and will assume the management bodies. And then ... you'll see ... - Alix opened the flap of one of the DEC. - Take it in your hand and choose for her body, John. I know that they - not clones, convinced of this and am very happy.

  Nice severity of the ball, sparkling greenish glow, looks normandovtsev, scratches on the field, which lies in the palms of XO, almost complete silence in the hall. Approaching one of the gurneys, Shepard brought his ball control AI center to the chest of one of the platforms and felt the ball gently, gently, but firmly committed to enter into the body, pushing the palm of XO. Believing that the ball did not fall down, Shepard, however, tried to bring his hands closer to the suit fabric, knowing that neither Olive nor Alix would not hide from him the need to undo the clasp and fold to the side fabric cloth. All otryadovtsy saw the ball slipped inside the platform.

  - John, everything went well. - Alix came to standing at the rolling Shepard. - Come on, you need to give the body of his second daughter.

  Earliest control center in the body of the second platform otryadovtsev aroused no less interest.

  - Now we have to wait a few minutes. Do not worry, John, no jerks and will not pull is enough. They are still girls, they smooth over the face. - Alix said quietly, again embarked next to Shepard.

  The eyes of both younger kiborgess opened almost simultaneously - Shepard had noted that the difference was less than two seconds. A few more seconds - and that both kiborgessy facing Alix and Shepard.

  - Hello mother. - Said one of them. - Hello, Dad. I chose a name for himself. My name is Zara. - She took a step to the side, allowing the parents to approach the second sister.

  - Hello mother. - Said the second young kiborgessa. - Hello, Dad. My name is Lexi.

  - Hello. - Alix hugged both daughters. - Look. - She pointed glance at the crowd around the technicians and engineers. - They are the ones who gave you the opportunity to find the body.

  - We are impressed, delighted and pleased. - Almost in unison said junior kiborgessy. - And we thank you. Body beautiful. - They looked at each other and continued. - And we want to pay special tribute to those who made the clothes and everything necessary for us. We all very much. And we all will be happy to wear.

  - John ... - Shepard walked Adams. - If I told anyone what he had seen this with my own eyes ... ... I would not have believed it. And ... - Adams stopped short. - Just would not believe it. And now ... I do not even know in what world I am. To see how the body come to life, was working on not only you, but also all the engineers and technicians of the frigate, and all normandovtsy many volgovtsy ... it is worth living ... - Adams watched kiborgess surrounded by his colleagues. - It's ... it's fine ...

  - I'm happy, John. - Alix came to Shepard, avoiding "encirclement" excited and delighted normandovtsami who crowded into the Hall of Information, at the time of leaving for positions and job opportunities. - I really live in the family, and now I see that my daughter also live in the family, and not just in collective reasonable. And I want you and I presented Svetlana daughters. Well volgovtsam course.

  - I agree, Ali. - Shepard kiborgessu hugged and she returned his hug. - We'll make it.

  Anderson and Chakwas long talk with young kiborgessami surrounded normandovtsami. Finally, accompanied by the commander of the frigate, cruiser and head physician, they came to a place where there were Adams, Shepard and Alix.

  - Gregory. - Zara said, taking the lead. - We are delighted .... We understand that are created in the image of mothers and grandmothers, but without you, without your co-workers ... we would not have received such a luxurious and perfect bodies. - Lexie nodded, confirming the words of his sister. - And we thank you. - Zara yielded to Adams in a bow. Behind her bent and Lexie.

  Adams bowed to both younger kiborgessam silence. Shepard saw that the engineer would like to say a lot, but the excitement and surprise prevented him articulate thought, and if Gregory could not formulate a thought - he simply did not express it.

  - We know, Dad, - Lexie approached Shepard - now you mostly live in another squadron. - Younger kiborgessa jealously watched as Zara came to Alix and started her unhurried conversation in a low voice. - And we really want to go on it.

  Shepard knew that Alix gave daughters too much sensitive personal information about him and about Svetlana, and the children. Of course, Alix forbade his daughters to disseminate this information and because even now, among normandovtsev Lexie did not articulate a lot of well-known to her.

  - You can do this, John. - Shepard walked Anderson with Chakwas. - The shuttle will return soon. Yavik stayed on the "Volga", he insures Svetlana and working on the contents of the obelisks. About the incident, he already knows everything.

  - We will help Yaviku in his work with the contents of the obelisks. - Zara said. She had been talking to Alix and Olivia and together they went to the XO and the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - When it is possible, we would like to visit all the planets of the star system. After all, it has become a place where we have found such a perfect body. - Said softly young kiborgessa. - The place of our second and final birthday.

  - Good. - Anderson nodded. - I think my mother and grandmother would not be against your voyage?

  - No, not at all. - Olivia said, grinning. - They need to know the squad perfectly. And what could be better than their own experience and their own understanding? So, Zara and Lexie ...

  - As expected, we give each of you the cabin. - Continued Anderson. - Come on. Settle down and then the shuttle will be ready to return to the "Volga".

  Young kiborgessy enthusiastically examined individual cabins intended for them. According to tradition, ingrained in the squad, the new abode Synthetic no way resembles a purely technical rooms - this was the home of intelligent beings, humanoids. Cabin younger kiborgess were near the cabin and from the senior kiborgess reserve Hall Information. When Zara and Lexi graduated generally admire decoration and functionality of their new abodes, came Mark and the emergence of cyborg that is indistinguishable from XO caused neonatal new surge of feelings and emotions. They literally hung in the Marche that to deliver and pleasure and satisfaction. And the exchange of information between them, as witnessed in a low voice, and Olivia Alix generally approached critically great marks.

  - They talked before, John. Once more there were only control centers. - Alix clarified. - But now ... now I see that they will communicate with him very often, and very tight, and I am very pleased.

  Olivia barely perceptible nod confirmed the correctness of the views of his daughter:

  - They already know a lot about the Legion and are very eager to see and talk with him. - Said the elder kiborgessa. - I think now that the Reapers are large and persistent problems. The two of them - a terrible weapon, as well as individually. I agree with the opinion of Alix - she raised them as soldiers. Of course, I also helped my daughter, but here most of the credit belongs to her.

  With difficulty dragged daughters of Mark Alix went with them to his mother and Shepard:

  - We are ready. - Said the legend of the Citadel. - Flying, John.

  The four of them went on board the shuttle and were leaving the hangar cruise in ten minutes. They met Selezneva:

  - Hmm. - I admired the chief doctor of the ship. - Of course, I saw a lot of myself, but Karin me, as it turned out, and half did not. - Alla pretty and smiled graciously. - Come on, girls! The commander of the cruiser and the wife of your father's waiting!

  Seen off surprised, interested and curious glances volgovtsev, kiborgessy passed after Selezneva to sickbay. Shepard said Lexi and Zara and passing carefully studied cruiser, specified the information that is called, in place.

  - Light, I
come! - Shepard first with the tacit consent of Alla and Alix entered the room, immediately going up to get out of bed Strel'tsova. Embracing girlfriend, he pointed stare at the newcomers. - Meet, is Zara and Lexie. - He stepped back, letting the younger kiborgessam go to his wife.

  - John, it seems they liked each other. - Alix watched as kiborgessy, Svetlana seated on the bed, sat themselves on either side of it, and brought a truly endless conversation. - Let'll get to the children.

  Staying with cots, Shepard leaned over, making sure that both Alexander and Mary sleep.

  - Svetlana feed them half an hour ago, while you were going to fly, John. - Clarified Selezneva.

  At this point in the House came Titov. Svetlana presented kiborgess his senior assistant, they talked to each other briefly.

  - John. - Svetlana waved, attracting the attention of other major. - Let Stanislav hold Zara and Lexie on the ship during the commander's bypass. At the same time, I gave them both the cabin from the reserve fund. Not guest, no. Conventional residential cabins. I'm very glad that they are useful. Stanislav show their kiborgessam. Now they have dooboruduyut - orders ship engineers are given a little earlier - Stanislav itself will specify how and what should be, but at least has been made. - She caught sight willing to nod his senior aide. - Take a walk on the cruiser, this time you'll be my eyes and ears. - Svetlana smiled. - Does not matter Alla me out for a long time will not release and I will not challenge her decision.


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