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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 263

by Theodore Daniels

  - Well, of Light. - Shepard nodded Titov. - Come on, girls.

  - Do not worry, John. - Alla spoke to Alix, went to XO "Normandy". - I'll stay with Svetlana. Alix says that girls do come back here later, after going around and become familiar with the cabin.

  - Yavik ... - Shepard was started, but proteanin already entered the room. Young kiborgessy surrounded him and Shepard with Titov, Svetlana and Alla Alix had an opportunity to see high verbal exchange of information in real time. Fifteen minutes - and proteanin, followed by Zara and Lexie comes to Svetlana.

  - I am impressed. - he said. - Even the best of our Synthetic did not reach a level of development up to the time of the death of our civilization. - He paused for a few seconds, then continued. - I am very glad that Zara and Lexi will help me in my work with the contents of the information storage "obelisks".

  - Come on, my friends. - They came Titov. - Time commander bypass.

  Younger kiborgessy were delighted with - during the round, they met not only with the ship, but also with all volgovtsami. Titov, especially not in a hurry to go to the next compartment of the ship, so that newborns can freely communicate with their new colleagues, many of whom participated in the creation of their bodies and clothing.

  Seeing their designated cabins, Zara and Lexie kissed Titov - they really liked and furniture and equipment of new dwellings, as well as gifts made volgovtsami and placed in each of the cabins.

  - It seems that John Gryunt expects a considerable shock when he saw Alix and Zara and Lexie. - Svetlana smiled, seeing how young kiborgessy tetёshkayutsya of Alexander and Mary. - A pleasant shock. He is surprised so many important changes in the squadron.

  - Nothing Gryunt cope. - John said, hugging her friend. - I believe that he will be the commander of all the armed forces krogan very quickly, and in such a position he will have many reasons to be prepared for all kinds of changes. Now we have to help him with the problem of the second queen rachni.

  - We can help you, John. - Svetlana said with conviction.

  - You remember, John, I'm ready to Zara and Lexi like warriors. - He said Alix came up, to entrust the care of kiborgess Alla. - So they both take part in the landings on the planet - and the first and the second.

  - I have no doubt that they are ready, Alix. - First mate said. - But it was too fast this is happening.

  - Nothing, it's time to put pressure on the Reapers and their henchmen with full force. It is necessary, sure, show that the time of their omnipotence ends. - Said kiborgessa. - And our daughters with you, John, will be the ones who actually refute the theory of the inevitability of war with Synthetic organic. Intelligent Synthetic reasonable organics. - Alix clarified.

  - I am sure that it will. - Shepard said.

  Attic traverse - rachni. Meeting with Gryunt and "Arallahom"

  Two days later Troop ships reached the limits of the area in which drifted krogansky freighter. During this time the younger kiborgessy fully accustomed to the cruiser, Alix was happy with the company Svetlana was busy with the children and led to Strel'tsova endless conversations, not forgetting to stubbornly insist that Svetlana time and fully fed and slept a sufficient number of hours. Alexander and Mary are accustomed to the presence of kiborgess rejoiced when they took them in his arms, recognized each of them and expressed their location and friendliness of ways available to them.

  - Svetlana. - Shepard returned to sickbay ward at lunchtime, having finished in the control room of the cruiser regular duty. - We were able to seems.

  - And do not say, John. - Streltsov smiled. - Children in delight, he can see. Yet for a variety of them - the foundation. Pleasant, safe and healthy variety. Alix has time so much that I can not even understand clearly and fully, where it takes on all the energy and most importantly - time. She continues, as you know, to educate their daughters, they often communicate with Olivia and Mark. In general we can say that we have contributed to the formation of a very reasonable synthetic race.

  - Diplomatically expresses Light. - John smiled, hugged her friend. - "Contributed". However, you're right. They formed themselves. Under our own, of course, the influence, but for yourself.

  - Yavik lot of contact with them. He likes that our kiborgessy and Cyborg are not highly specialized combat military vehicles. Unfortunately, the history Protheans so formed at the final stage, the creation of civilian modification of platforms, equipped with artificial intelligence had to stop quickly and completely. And now he enjoys communication and collaboration with Synthetic that much of the Multidisciplinary than Prothean known to him, and not only Prothean platform.

  - By the way ... - Shepard drew attention to Svetlana that Alix is not in the House.

  - John. - A little reproachfully said Streltsov. - I'm not a recumbent reservoir patients who are not able to serve herself. So I just let go of Alix with her to the girls Yaviku. Let them work collectively. And Olivia tells them a lot for the link. Alix and she keeps the room and my children constantly monitored, even remotely. I am sure that it is done correctly.

  - You're right, light.

  - In addition, as you know, our Synthetic - not servants or slaves. They also do not maids. I knowingly insisted on this, and they are, I think, we become more in this respect. Although, if only because we do not want to become weak and helpless. Such, for example, what in his time began quarians.

  - Well skafandriki now not so weak and helpless as before. - Shepard said.

  - I agree, John. Due to regulatory and multidisciplinary dialogue with other races. Maybe the Council of the Citadel and then did not have enough intelligence to understand - a problem such as geta can not only be quarian problem. Alas, the pre-programming of organic at least sometimes pernicious than the pre-programmed Synthetic. - Sadly said Streltsov. - Okay. It's good that Allah does not mind that I changed the coat on his regular clothes. I somehow becomes easier when I get oneself up in the usual attire for yourself. Although, I admit, that I experienced a few days ago is also very important and valuable for me. - She kissed John's cheek and leaned against him. - You know, I feel so strong ... It is now next to me, our children, John. Our children ... How it sounds something. It costs a lot.

  Shepard silently kissed girlfriend, giving her a cuddle to his more dense. A few minutes later, they were silent.

  - Come'll get to the children, John. - Svetlana gently rose. - Then I'll feed them and bear in the crib.

  - I'll help you, Light.

  - I will be glad, John, but somehow I think that you will have other problems at this point.

  - Suggests that we ...

  - Yes. We come closer to the location of the drift. And you have to work.

  - Then, Svetlana, I move the children into bed. To you do not have to walk back and forth.

  - Do it, Joe. - Streltsov said, seeing how John takes on the hands of both babies and gently carries it to the big hospital bed. - Thank you. I am sure they will remember it. On the domestic level, silent. - She looked at her son and daughter, who continued to sleep on his father's hands. - Lay down here. - She pointed to the square, propped up with pillows. - Let moves in a dream, it is useful.

  - Let's sit down, light. - John said, helping his wife down on the bed and sat down beside her. - I think Gryunt not refuse to go to the "Volga".

  - No doubt, John. It is our adopted son of Alexander and Mary for him - brother and sister. You can even specify that they communicate with the young krogan will be useful and safe.

  - Oh yeah. Kroganskaya force kroganskaya kroganskoe power and health. - Shepard echoed, grinning.

  - Including, John, including. And most importantly, I think that before that first planet he is quite able to stay here. If there will be landing in what I have no doubt that it would be better if it is close to Zara and Lexie. It is - a warrior, show them a lot and tell, and insure, as it should be the commander of Special Forces detachment.

  - Kroganskogo special forces. - Shepard smiled.

  - Standard version, John. Standard opt
ion. - Svetlana confirmed. - Alix, I am sure, on the landing did not go, Titov it just will not let go on board and I will not object to Stanislav. And, John, do not contradict, but this time the landing party will cover my Marines. Almost in its entirety. I am concerned, this is the first planet. Yes, we know that rachni - the space race, the furrows, as it is expressed in high style, the galaxy long before today you and I race evolved to a level that allows for a real spacewalk. But never and nowhere none of the modern intelligent of organic did not see the ship rachni. The ship their construction, John.

  - They are often used ships younger races. - Shepard said.

  - You're right, over time it has become their constant practice. But if we are talking about a second queen rachni, it is unlikely that we will again have to deal with habitual to us technique and conventional technology.

  - Suggests an emergency landing?

  - Worse, John. - Svetlana poserёznela. - I suppose that rachni ship was hit by the Reapers. Many of the details, I do not know, including under what circumstances this happened, I'm sure that a lot will become clear only when the landing party to visit a landing on the planet. Unknown repeater unknown planet, unknown star system. No, I definitely think that this time we will see the ship rahniyskoy construction. Can be lined may be heavily damaged, maybe, and probably can not be - or rather robbed Reapers or their accomplices, but the ship is rahniyskoy race.

  - The alleged seizure?

  - I'm sure he was, John. - Confirmed Streltsov. - Standard scenario. Reapers are confident of victory. Strongly believe firmly believe. They should recognize a great experience pacify a variety of reasonable organic races. Even rachni could not resist the onslaught of them - they do not vsesveduschi and not omnipotent. Grabbing simple beetles such experienced opponents, what are the Reapers will not. They do not spend time and resources on futile action. This is largely a waste, unfortunately, characteristic of pure organics reasonable, but not polumashinam. Because it is not surprising that the Reapers went on to capture the Queen - they know, understand, and they understand that it is necessary to take the race by the throat. And so is the throat rachni queen. He who controls the queen rachni controls rachni race.

  - Captain. - Shepard was cut in the speaker's voice Titov. - We are waiting for you in the Central. We come to the freighter. There is information and communication.

  - I'll be right. - Shepard regret rose. - We have to go, Light.

  - Go. - Svetlana tried to climb after him, but Mate held her and she remained seated.

  - Watching freighter stable. - I reported lokatorschik once Shepard went to the Central Post cruiser. Titov Svetlana sat in the chair, to which, as noted spectrum, all present in the post officers and elders are treated with understanding. - External control no signs.

  - Carefully. - Titov masterly "played music" once in three keyboards. - Close does not come, wait, study. Prepare the scan. Average level. Small here will not manage. - A little quieter, he said, pointing eyes came up to Shepard to his starpomovskoe chair. - I see you accept the data. - Said Titov, looking at the screen where the line began to crawl decoded and given in an acceptable form of "sweep".

  - There is identification. - Metrist reported. - There is a connection.

  - Channel standard, steady. - Signalman checked his screens. - External connections there.

  - We see and accept your signal is stable. - I came into the speaker's voice Gryunt PHONES. - Peredaёm identifiers.

  - Check. - Quietly ordered Stanisław. - Fully check and quickly. - He added.

  None of the officers and petty officers of the Central and did not think to object - all perfectly knew how devious the Reapers. Because checking occupy the position for two minutes.

  - Norma. - Confirmed metrist.

  - Norma. - Confirmed the signalman.

  - Open a channel. - Titov including screen to see video on request. - Welcome, Gryunt.

  - Greetings, Stanislav. - Said Croghan. - We are glad that you had come earlier than here tighten intelligence Reapers. We spotted her approaching a few hours ago. They are interested in us.

  - Prepare for the transition to the side of "Volga". - Said Titov. - "Normandy" will not use. - XO cruiser gave some orders in a low voice and from the hangar cruiser flew several cargo and passenger shuttles. Clean passenger shuttles remained in the hangars - everything had to look to outside observers believed - there is a normal job to assist deprived progress cargo ship.

  - Yavik Gryunt met and the whole party in the hangar. - Said Titov, reading the testimony of indicators. - They will be placed in a nearby hangar - where we all prepared for temporary accommodation of soldiers. - Giving some orders in a low voice, Number cruiser continued. - Now in a few minutes, we "will render technical assistance" freighter launch a "refurbished" engine and with a minimum crew returns to space kroganskoe.

  Shepard nodded, observing the indicators and a few screens remote commander. In parallel, the crew and command of the cruiser engaged more commonplace - zaretranslyatornoy intelligence. Nodding sergeant came up, Titov took his stack of readers.

  - Zaretranslyatornoy exploration results, John. - He said the first mate, watched flies krogansky freighter. - Gryunt has already placed its hangar, the latest figures - everything all happy and very pleased that escaped from the excessive attention from the divisions zhnetsovskoy intelligence. - Said Titov. - Now Gryunt and his colleagues are in full talk with Alix and her daughters, catch, I would say without too much exaggeration, a tremendous thrill. Yavik there, too, his presence krogan enjoy. - Stanislav finished "playing music" on keyboards, gave several new orders for the Speaker stood up. - We can walk, we must welcome the brave commandos.

  When they entered the hangar, you saw how Yavik, Alix and her daughter sitting in the center of the circle formed by the nearly two dozen perched at ease and even removed their spacesuits and krogan armor-commandos. I went lively conversation, discussed several issues and the emergence of Shepard and Titov in the hangar no one to talk and listen at first did not pay any attention. You never know what took senior officers in the hangar. Jump, built in rows and report as one of the krogan did not. The normal working situation. Window dressing in intelligence and special forces of any race disliked, if not hated.

  - Let's hear. - Stanislaw sat down on the floor of the hangar, cross-legged. Near Shepard sat down, and listened to the conversation. - A lot of interesting. It seems that the shock from Gryunt was not weak, but Croghan quickly coped with it. - Softly said Mate. Shepard nodded slightly.

  Unnoticed krogan dragged officers came into the discussion. Talk to everyone's satisfaction present reasonable lasted more than an hour, then went to rest krogan and Gryunt, leaving himself his deputy, he joined Shepard, Titov and Yaviku with kiborgessami.

  - I want to see my mother. - Boomed Croghan, walking beside Shepard. - How is she?

  - In order Grew. It wants to see you, and, of course, to hug, kiss and talk. - XO smiled "Normandy".

  - Glad. - Growled Gryunt. - We have long hung in this transponder - he brought to the screen instrumentrona data passed to it from the central station of the cruiser. - But I am glad that we now have an almost complete picture of what we can expect there. We are a little stagnant, now we want to act, John. This planet ...

  - Interesting. - Shepard said, walking to the sickbay. Said for Gryunt was enough. Seeing a way out of his office Alla, Croghan approached her and silently saluted. Very politely, respectfully welcomed. Alla affectional and cordially answered, they talked for a short time, after which the doctor cruiser approached the rest of the visitors.

  - Come on. Gryunt, you have to ... - Seleznev pointed to a warning label.

  - I see. Not small. - Gryunt towards the gateway path. - Also need to splash.

  A few minutes - and refreshed Raptor joins the waiting colleagues and friends at the entrance to the ward wing sickbay cruiser.

  - Mama! - Rokotnul Gryunt, coming into the room and approached the chair rising from Svetlana. Shepard saw that s
he had already "packed" Alexander and Maria in "envelopes". - Hi! - He bent over, Svetlana, and she hugged him. - I'm glad to see you!

  - I'm also very glad Gryunt. - Svetlana looked his son with all care. - Increased. You tell us?

  - A possible ... - Gryunt gently turned. - By the way, congratulations.

  - Thank you, Gryunt. - Svetlana smiled. - Of course you can. - She summed up the lizard to the crib. - Get acquainted with the brother and sister, Gru. Alexander and Mary.

  - Good name. - Approval growled softly Croghan, leaning from his two meters tall over the crib. - Can?

  - It is possible, Gru. - Allowed Svetlana, watching Croghan gently takes on the hands of Alexander. - You're family to each other. - She added, when Gryunt returned the baby in the crib and took Mary hands. - I heard Bacharach ...

  - Yes. My boss is now fifteen children. Seven boys and eight girls. - Quite rokotnul Gryunt omitting Masha in her crib. - Thank you. They are beautiful. I wanted to see them and my dream came true. I am glad.

  - And I'm glad that you are now next to Gryunt. - Svetlana moved to the bed, he sat down, relaxed. - Sit in a chair, Gru. In the legs there is no truth.

  - May be. - Agreed Croghan, sitting down. - Mom ... maybe you should not start talking now? Children need to sleep ...

  - You can not start, Gryunt. - Streltsov nodded, taking the reader. - I'm here on the basis of something freshly data today sketched out, so it is possible to add to the general plan of development of the planet. - She gave the reader John. - Also, I'll be in touch. Okay. Go and good luck.

  - Thank you. - Gryunt boomed, with regret getting up and heading for the door. - I still come.

  - I will be glad, Gru. - Svetlana did not go up, after seeing only krogan eyes. Behind Gryunt of the Chamber came out and everyone else otryadovtsy.

  - The assumption that the Reapers are still planted rahniyskoy ship built with the Queen on board confirmed. - Shepard summed up when, after nearly an hour of discussion, conducted at the main virt-plate system and volumetric representation normandovtsy volgovtsy seated on chairs Hall Emergency Response. - The assumption, that the queen rachni exported to utukku - confirmed. So, our task - to land on the first planet, to conduct reconnaissance of the damaged ship and the surrounding area, to find out the circumstances of the incident with the maximum fullness, then prepare for a battle between on utukku. I have no doubt that the Queen kept there. It is possible she was wounded. All of you know that Queen rachni possess powerful immune to indoctrination, so I do not rule out that it applied the measures of physical fixing. Preliminary planning has shown that we have the favorable outcome include a second queen in the scope of protection. Suan - this is an option, but you need to ask permission first queen. The norm is, as you know, the queen rarely get together - they often use their own means of communication and a personal meeting - a phenomenon almost exclusive. It is possible that you have to raise the question of how to utukku take custody and control of another fleet cover. - Shepard looked at the screen, with which to confer looked Streltsov. Queen rarely get together - they often use their own means of communication and a personal meeting - a phenomenon almost exclusive. It is possible that you have to raise the question of how to utukku take custody and control of another fleet cover. - Shepard looked at the screen, with which to confer looked Streltsov. Queen rarely get together - they often use their own means of communication and a personal meeting - a phenomenon almost exclusive. It is possible that you have to raise the question of how to utukku take custody and control of another fleet cover. - Shepard looked at the screen, with which to confer looked Streltsov.


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