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Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1)

Page 20

by A Muse

  There was a moment of resisted before he penetrated me. I bit down on my lip so I didn’t make a sound. The pain and pleasure of him entering my body sent me over the edge. My hips started to move on their own accord. Even as I demanded them to stop, I was no longer in control of this body. This body belonged to Ban now.

  His fingers wrapped around me again as my hips rocked on top of him. His free hand pushed up my shirt to rest against my stomach. He was holding me to his chest. My heart was racing. Any moment now someone could turn around and see us. If they look this way they would know what Ban and I were doing.

  I prayed they watch the show. That they watch the black swan on the stage. If any of them tried to stop Ban, he would slaughter than all and then finish what he started with me. He couldn’t have her though. She was mine. I wanted her blood for myself.

  “Yes,” I answer him. Yes, I came here for her. He laughed softly kissing my shoulder through the shirt that I had on. He was so big, I could feel him filling me completely. He started to rock his hips softly. I was sure that his goal was to drive me insane. I felt as if I was losing my mind. Ban liked that though, he wanted me to get lost in him.

  “Shall we eat together then?” I turned to look at him. His face was so close to mine. He wanted to . . . Eat with me. That would mean killing everyone here. “Eat with me, Natsu.” His words were soft, his voice luring, his cock hard.

  I flicked my tongue out licking his lip. I wanted to eat. I could feel the hunger. It was pressing against me demanding that I eat. If I ate with Ban, we would kill every human in this club. My eyes shifted to the woman on the stage. I didn’t come here to watch her dance. The reason I was here was so I could feed on her. Because her blood called to me.

  Ban thrusted upward inside of me. It made a small moan part my lips. He was moving faster as the sound of our bodies connecting started to turn a few heads towards us. I nodded looking back to the woman. I was hungry. So I would eat. Starting with her.

  My eyes flew open as I held still. Looking around the room I never have been in before. There were windows with bars on it. There was a door a few feet away. I tried to sit up but found that I couldn’t. Looking up my wrist was chained to a bed.

  It only took another moment to notice that my ankles were bound as well. My clothes seemed to be missing and I didn’t have a clue where I was. The last this I remembered was . . . Ban. He never took me with him before. Why was this time different? This time Kenji had Soji.

  I couldn’t stay here. I had to help Soji. I had to leave before they did something awful to him. Before they killed him in order to bring the Night of Demon. I struggled to get free. My arms pulling at the chains as my legs tried to kill. These were no normal chains. Of course Ban knew better than to use normal chains when holding me prisoner.

  “Be still, Natsu,” Ban spoke and my head snapped to the side. Deeper in the room on the other side of the door was a table. I could see Ban sitting at the table. He was facing the bed as he had a glass of wine in his hand.

  Kenji was on his knees in front of him. It wasn’t hard to tell what Kenji was doing. His head bobbed up and down as Ban watched me. What was this? I could feel anger and annoyance boil inside of me. Why was I angry though. Because I was chained up or because Kenji was touching Ban. Maybe both.

  “You’ll get your turn, Natsu.” I didn’t want a turn, or maybe I did. I squeezed my eyes shift struggling against the chain again. Just like the first time it got me nothing.

  “Where is Soji?” I asked Ban eyes were locked with him. His fingers were shoved into Kenji’s hair as he guided the Blood Demon head along his cock. I could see him holding Kenji down as Kenji gagged on his length.

  “You don’t have to worry about the white mage.” Ban kicked Kenji away from him standing up. I looked towards Kenji. He was glaring at me as he rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth. Ban walked towards the bed I was attached to. I could hear my heart pick up. I knew the pleasure that Ban could bring.

  He was already as naked as I. He was standing at attention as he kneeled on the bed. Ban’s hand ran up my inner thigh. I shivered at his touch. The familiar tingle of pleasure running down my spine. Why did I want this man so much?

  “Where is Soji?” My voice was much weaker than I meant it to be. He had this effect on me as his hands explored my body. What did he need to explore for? Ban knew every inch of me. He’s mapped the paths my body took a long time ago. Over the last two hundred years, he had it memorizing.

  I could feel his tongue following those pathways. It made it impossible to think. “Where is he? What have you done with him?” I had to stay focus. It was hard to remember the ‘him’ in question. Ban's tongue flicked over my neck before he bit into my flesh.

  The pain gave way to the pleasure just as it always did. I gasped my hips pushing forward into him as he drank from me. I should have been putting up a fight. There was never much of a fight when Ban had me like this. We both wanted this.

  When he pulled back, I could see my blood on his lips. He gave me his perfect smile before he kissed me. I could taste my blood on his tongue. It tasted bitter and sweet at the same time. It wasn’t what a demon’s blood should have tasted like. Still I enjoyed it as Ban twisted his tongue with mine.

  “Where is he?” I heaved out when Ban broke the kiss. His thumb ran over my lips as he looked down at me. That look that he gets in his eyes when we are like this was mixed with annoyance. No doubt he didn’t like me asking about Soji. Good, I didn’t like seeing Kenji blow him.

  “You insolent fool!” Kenji yelled as he walked over to the bed. I growled at him as he drew closer to me. “Lord Ban is before you. How dare you think about some disgusting white mage.” I could see the envy on his face. I could hear the anger in his voice.

  “Since when can’t you talk for yourself, Ban.” My voice was mocking as I looked up at the Great Demon. Ban only had this slight smile on his lips. He probably found it humorous that Kenji was sticking up for him. Ban didn’t need others to talk for him.

  “You look so lovely today, Natsu.” Ban lowered himself and I gasped when his tongue flicked out over my tip. He took me between his lips his tongue twisting around my cock. Kenji had growled before his fingers wrapped around my throat. I could feel the pleasure that Ban brought. It made my hips rock towards him. Ban fingers reached up as he held me down on the bed. He wanted to control how he sucked me off.

  Kenji fingers tighten and I didn’t know if I was going to live to get my happy ending. The lack of oxygen to my brain only made me focus on Ban’s mouth more. This wasn’t the first time he sucked me. It was as perfect this time as it has been the times before. Ban’s mouth was sin, the best kind of sin.

  My eyes widen as I felt something forcing my mouth to open. Kenji was on top of me. His fingers let go of my neck as he pushed himself into my mouth. Ban didn’t stop sucking even as Kenji was trying to join in. I could feel Ban’s fingers enter me. He pushed them deep inside of me.

  The build of pleasure was forming, I knew that I wasn’t going to last much longer. I couldn’t stop it as I released myself inside of Ban’s mouth. I gagged when Kenji did the same to me. When he backed away from me, I spit what he released into his face.

  Kenji slammed his fist into my face. He had growled at me before Ban grabbed his head. He yanked Kenji’s hair back his fangs bared at the Blood dead. Was he protecting me? Of course, he was. I was Ban’s toy.

  “I’ll kill you if you hurt him.” The threat was cold and Kenji only nodded his head. Ban fingers ran up my thighs opening my legs as far as the chains allowed. I felt something bigger enter me. Something hotter slipped inside. Ban was inside of me.

  My eyes rolled into the top of my head. I didn’t mind Ban, I preferred him. I loved the way he felt when we were connected. Kenji could go die, but I wasn’t in the position to kill him at the moment. All I could do was moan as Ban settled.

  Ban thrust inside of me. He was perfect just like always. His nails digging into my thi
ghs bringing blood, and pain. It was lasting the movement of him sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. Kenji sat on the bed watching Ban. He stroked himself as he watched the Great Demon. How bad did Kenji want to be me right now? I knew how bad. I wanted to be me at this moment. The only time I didn't hate Ban was when we were connected.

  I felt his hot liquid shoot inside of me, and he pulled out. I could feel him leaking out of me as he moved. Kenji moved so that he was between my legs. I watched as Ban stood behind him. He forced Kenji’s head down and the Blood Demon took me in his mouth.

  I looked past Kenji to Ban as he grabbed the other man hips. He shoved into Kenji going hard and fast. To someone else it might as look like the same way he took me. This was different though. Even when Ban was rough with me, he always kissed on me or whispered into my ear.

  He held Kenji’s head down on me as his eyes locked with mine. My heart picked up as I watched Ban. Why did this feel just as intimate as when we were connected. His eyes held mine as I thrusted into Kenji. It as if Kenji wasn’t here at all.

  Kenji was reaching under himself stroking himself as Ban pounded into him. He didn’t hold back his voice making these loud ridiculous noises even with my cock in his mouth. Soon I couldn’t hold back anymore. My hips bucked as I released. It was a few minutes longer before Kenji did as well. I watched Ban his hips moving faster until he pulled from Kenji release up his back.

  There was a feeling nagging feeling inside of me. As we shifted behind which one of us Ban entered, I felt as if I forgot something. Ban always did that to me. He always made me forget about the world around us as he took me. Each time he entered my body it was like every time before. I hardly even noticed that Kenji was in the room with us.

  I lost count of how many times we climaxed. I noticed that Ban was with me longer. That he held onto me tighter. He took his time when he was with me. He seemed to rush through when Kenji took his turn. Kenji noticed it away. I could tell the Blood Demon wanted to kill me. I wanted to slaughter him as well. I couldn’t attack and he didn’t.

  When Ban finally fell onto the bed beside me, Kenji moved to a chair glaring at the two of us. I could feel Ban’s finger pushing into my hair. I was tired the nagging feeling only growing that I forgot something important. Now that Ban wasn’t inside of me. Wasn’t touching me in a sexual manner it snapped back to force.

  “Where is Soji?” I asked him and Ban ran his finger along the chain on my neck. He growled at the collar I had on but didn’t remove it.

  “He’ll die tonight.” Ban answered sitting up. I shook my head. Tonight, it couldn’t be tonight. How could it be tonight.

  “You have two days until the red moon.” When we met Kenji on the field, there was two days left.

  “That was two days ago.” I sucked in a breath as Ban and Kenji walked to the door. “I’ll be back. I love you, Natsu.” Ban said and I glared at him as he shut the door behind himself and Kenji. I had to get out of here. I had to save Soji. I had to protect him and stop the Night of Demons.


  Everything inside of me wanted to struggle against the chains. I already knew that was pointless. If there was a way to break the chains I would have done that hours ago when Ban first started touching me.

  I couldn’t just give up though. He was going to kill Soji. I couldn’t allow that. Soji . . . He loved me even though I’m a demon and he’s not. Soji was always talking about my soul as if I still had one. He believed that I had one. He believed in me. I couldn’t let Soji down. I couldn’t let Mother Fate down. Or even Soji’s real mom. I promised to protect him. I had to do that.

  Opening the third eye, it was a long shot. I didn’t know if it would work. Images shifted quickly pass me. None of them mattered or even made sense at the speed they moved. Then I saw him. Soji was sitting on a bed. His ankle was chained to this bed.

  He had his fingers folded together. His head was bowed he was praying. At a time like this he was trying to pray. I wanted to tell him that the Gods weren’t going to save him. I didn’t know what could save Soji at this moment. Me, I needed to be the one that got to him.

  I didn’t want Soji to die. I wanted to hold him one more time. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to connect with him. Just as Ban knew the planes of my body, I wanted to learn Soji’s. The few times we came together wasn’t enough. There had to be more. I wanted so much more with him.

  The door to Soji’s room opened. I frowned when a fully dressed Ban walked into the room. He didn’t have his lap dog Kenji with him this time. He probably sent him to get things ready for what was to come. Soji looked up at Ban, even I could see the defiance in his eyes.

  “So you’re Soji.” Ban walked over to him. He grabbed his chin turning Soji’s head from left to right. “I see why Natsu is so taken in by you. You’re enchanting.” Soji yanked his head away and Ban’s nail opened a cut on his neck.

  I watched the red liquid roll down Soji’s pale skin. Ban reached out his finger tracing the trail as he cleaned the blood away. Ban licked the blood from his finger before spitting it out. He looked down at Soji again. I watched as the white mage touched his neck healing himself.

  “You’re not like most humans. You’re nothing like normal white mages.” I frowned, what did Ban mean he wasn’t like normal white mages.

  “I don’t know why you would think that,” Soji replied. Maybe the fact that he wasn’t quaking with fear in front of Ban was a testament to how normal Soji really was. Even demons feared the great demon and yet Soji looked him in the eyes and defied him.

  “Most white mages can’t sleep with a demon and remind pure.” Ban reached down grabbing Soji behind the legs. I didn’t know if this was something I wanted to watch or end. Two people who I found beautiful touching each other.

  It was the kind of porn people paid good money for. The kind that was passed around and download a million times. A white mage and Lord Ban. It would sell out as soon as it hit the shelves. Of course, this was for my eyes only. Two people who claimed they loved me. Wrapped in the sheets together. Was that really something worth seeing.

  “Maybe Zero just isn’t a normal demon.” Soji countered and Ban laughed.

  “My Natsu is anything but normal.” I rolled my eyes at that statement. Maybe Natsu wasn’t but my name was Zero. “In a few short hours you will be dead. Then Natsu will be mine and mine alone. Oh yeah, and hell will be brought to earth. Minor detail I think.”

  “Zero will stop you. It’s his destiny to stop this.” Ban looked down at Soji his head tilted to the side for a moment. I couldn’t read the expression on his face. Walked closer to Soji as the door opened again and two A-Class Demons walked in.

  “Natsu destiny. You have no idea what his destiny is. You're just a child obeying orders. Natsu . . . The power inside of him . . .” Ban shook his head leaning in and whispering something so low to Soji that I couldn’t hear it. When he pulled away Ban was smiling and Soji looked horrified. What was it? What did he say to him?

  Soji was unchained from the bed. His hands were put in chains before they led him out the way. When he left the room the room whatever magic was outside the door didn’t allow my third eye to see Soji anymore. It was annoying. I was trapped in this bed and Soji was out there. He was being led to his death and I couldn’t see him.

  Struggling against the chains would just waste energy that I was going to need when I was free. I couldn’t use my magic either. Ban had prepared well for this moment. Soji seemed to have blind faith in me. He looked Ban in the eyes and told him that I was going to stop him. I couldn’t let him down. I didn’t want to fail another person I cared about.

  “What will you do?” A voice asked and I turned to the left to see a woman sitting at the table that Ban had been sitting at hours ago. She had the glass of wine he abandoned sipping from it slowly as she looked at me.

  It was Soji’s mother. She was here. How had she gotten here? Why was she wasting her time with me? She needed to go save Soji. I didn’t care
if I locked away if it meant that someone could stop this madness from happening. I wasn’t like Soji. I didn’t believe in destiny and all of that nonsense.

  “Look at you.” I could feel her eyes running over me. I wanted to reach down and cover the exposed parts of my body. I, of course, couldn’t. She walked towards the bed sitting down on the edge. Her fingers reached out brushing my hair out of my face. “What will you do, Zero?” She asked me and I took in a breath.

  “I would save him. I just . . . I can’t do anything like this.” Couldn’t she see that. That I was useless if I was trapped in this bed. I wanted to save Soji but how could I if I couldn’t save myself at the moment. How sad was I?

  “Do you love him?” My eyes shifted to her. Which he was she speaking of. Ban or Soji. Did I love either one of them? Maybe I loved both of them. I wasn’t so sure I was capable of love. If Ban could love didn’t that I mean could as well. Ban’s love was about possession. Soji’s love was about souls linking. I didn’t know about either of those loves. I didn’t think I could love in either of those ways.

  “Do you love my son?” She asked me and hissed out a breath. I knew the right answer. I wanted her to help me so I knew what I was supposed to tell her. Was the right answer to true answer. I didn’t think that it was. I just didn’t know what I felt.

  “Demons can’t love.” I gave her that answer. It was the truest answer that I could offer her.

  “Ban loves you.” I could feel my heart squeeze. How would she know that? It wasn’t as if Ban tried to hide it. He was always yelling out that he loved me. Ban wasn’t the kind of man that cared if others knew he loved someone. He wanted them to know so they didn’t touch the things he claimed.


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