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Blood Prize (Bloody Dance #1)

Page 21

by A Muse

“I . . . I don’t know if I love Soji. All I know is I want to be with him.” I couldn’t say that I loved Soji. I didn’t know what love was anymore. Was it the nagging and unending bitching that my mother assaulted my father with on the day we died. Was it ignoring it all and staying with the woman you had three children by like my father? Was love the pain and pleasure that Ban gave me or the blind faith that Soji had in me.

  His mother looked at me and I didn’t know what she wanted. Maybe it wasn’t the answer that She wanted. I didn’t have another answer to give her. The woman who never gave me a name bent down. She pressed her lips to mine. I felt my fangs cut into her tongue. I could taste her blood in my mouth. It was sweet and salty. I could feel power leaking from her and entering my body.

  Darkness mixed with a light I didn’t know I held inside of myself. The light was strong, it threaten to kill the evil inside of my shell. What would happen to me if the evil were gone. I was a demon, if she killed the demon parts of me then I could die.

  Still she held herself to me. Her fingers pressed into my hair as she held her mouth to mine. I had no choice but to drink from her. I could feel myself fading. Why? Why was she doing this to me? Maybe I should have just given her the answer she wanted. I couldn’t die though. I didn’t want to die. Death was still something I was very much afraid of.

  The same burning desire to live was there again. It was just as strong as the night that Ban killed me. The only thought in my head was living. Was making it to the next day. Was living to the end of this one. I didn’t care if I had to be a demon or something in between. Anything was better the being nothing at all.

  I fought against the power that was threatening to take everything from me. I could feel the darkness gaining strength. It was becoming stronger than the light. I had to lose it, I had to release this light inside of me. I understood what she was doing now. Her light drew out the light inside of me. It gave strength to that small flicker. The light of my humanity.

  Was this her way of telling me to be a demon. To let go of my humanity. I wanted it. What would I become if I lost it. Who would I be without it? I didn’t want to kill people like I had in the fog. I didn’t want to be another S-Class demon like Kenji and Ban. I wanted the thing that made me look at the world.

  In order to kill a demon, I had to be a demon. All of these years I was a demon trying to be a human. Was that why Ban always won? Was it why I could never beat him? This was why I failed Shu, Kaleb, Amy. Would I remembered them if I no longer had the light inside of myself. I had to let it go. I had to be what I was.

  Reaching for her I held the woman close. I drank my fill before pushing her away. Turing, I could see the mirror across the room. My eyes shifted as if they were cycling through colors. Soon they settled on gray. The same color my eyes had been when I was human. How could I let go of my humanity and look more human now than ever before?

  Pulling on the chains at my wrist they popped away as I freed myself. I grabbed the ones around my ankle freeing my legs. Getting off the bed I walked across the room finding clothes that I could pull one. I squeezed my eyes shut before looking towards the window. It had bars on it so I doubt I was leaving that way. It was fine, I’d rather take the door.

  “Night has already fallen. You still have time to make it.” I looked down at my hands. I could feel the power flowing through me. I was stronger than I have ever been in the past. A full-fledged demon now. Would this new power be enough to beat Kenji and Ban? It would have to be. It was all I had.

  Leaving the room, I ran through the halls. I was stopped by lesser demons blocking my path to the stairs. I knew that Ban would be on the roof. He had to do this under the light of the moon. Holding my palm out small blades of darkness started to form inside of it. Once I had a hand full, I threw the blades at the lesser demons.

  They all went down and I continued up the stairs. With all of these demons around it was going to take me forever to get to the top of the tower. I didn’t know how I was going to reach Soji before Ban killed him.

  Before I could even have, a doubt vines shot to the left of me. They stabbed through two demons that were coming down the stairs at me. I turned around to see a hell hound behind me. He leaped over my head taking out another three demons.

  “Demon,” Able spoke and I rolled my eyes. I was, however, happy to see Rai and Fang. I could yell at Rai for coming to a dangerous place after we saved Soji. “Where is Soji?”

  “It’s past his bedtime. If he’s not in his room, then I haven’t a clue.” I answered ad Rai giggled. Able was an idiot. If everyone was on their way to the roof then of course that was where all the action was.

  “Master Soji needs us to work together. Zero, Fang, and Able go to him. Rai and I will clear a path and hold them off.” Ayase said and I nodded my head. I liked her she cared about Soji. “Please, Master Soji can’t die.”

  “He won’t,” I promised her and she smiled at me before the demons in front of us were engulfed in flames. Red magic, very useful. Jumping on Fang’s back he knocked away the demons that were in his path as we rushed up the stairs. We were coming.


  Kicking the door to the rooftop open I could see Ban, Kenji, and Korku. Ban held an old book in his hand as he read from it. I couldn’t understand the words, but I could feel the power in their meaning. Soji was in front of Ban, he was tied down to a table. I could see him still and unmoving. He wasn’t dead yet. I knew that. He wasn’t dead yet.

  “Ban!” I yelled and the Great Demon paused as all three men turned around to look at me. Ban lips parted in a smile as he move closer to Soji. If he thought that I was going to stand by and let him kill Soji he was wrong. Ban had to have known that.

  “Stall him,” Ban told the others and Kenji rushed towards me as Korku went for Fang and Able. I rushed towards Kenji as well. I have been meaning to kill him for some time now. I kicked my foot out connecting with Kenji’s stomach when he leaped at me. He flew across the rooftop and I smiled.

  I wondered if Kenji could feel my newly found powers in that kick. He rose again quickly and rushed towards me again. Swinging at me I blocked his attacks. He moved like lightning. He was so fast, much faster than the last time we battled. Of course, I was faster as well. Even with his new speed I matched him blocking every blow that he sent towards me.

  Kenji kicked me in the chest and I backed away. Turning to Able he and Fang were taking on the Fear Demon. Able had a sword in his hand. Each new cut he made seemed to burn the demon. His blade must have been blessed in order for it to do that. They had a white mage. I’m sure Soji power was infused with all of the weapons in that church.

  I allowed my eyes to wander back to Ban and Soji. Ban was reading as he pulled oils onto Soji’s skin. We still had time. We could still stop this. I kept telling myself this as Kenji was charging towards me again.

  Reaching into my pocket I took out a blue stone. Kenji watched me as he laughed. I smiled at him. He shouldn’t laugh at things he didn’t understand. This stone was the beginning of his end. Holding it between both of my hands I started to chant the words needed for this spell.

  I wondered if the spell would be more powerful now that I gave up my humanity. I didn’t feel different. I had the same thoughts. I felt the same about Soji and Ban. Maybe I understood my feelings towards the both of them a bit more. I wouldn't call it love, but I liked them. It should have sickened me to like Ban, but I liked him.

  The stone was heating in my hand as Kenji came for me. I laughed inside of my mind. Of course, he didn’t want me to finish my spell. Muttering the words under my breath I only had my feet to defend myself with.

  Kicking and blocking Kenji I was holding him off with some fancy footwork. He backed away from me his blood snakes shooting at me. I ducked, dodged, and flipped out of the way as they were shot at me in an endless barrage. I hissed when one of them bit into my shoulder. It’s fangs sunk further into me. I almost lost my focus as its body was being sucked into my blood throu
gh the wound.

  Turning towards Able he was on the defense. Korku was attacking his sword hitting it again, and again with his long nails. The demon had gone into his true form as he attacked Able. I watched as Able dropped his guard for a split second, and the demon stabbed his nails through his shoulder. Able backed away hissing with pain as his blood dripped down his arm. Fang was at the door attacking any demon that thought he was coming on the roof with us. I couldn’t tell if we were winning or not.

  My eyes shifted to Ban, who now had a wicked jagged blade in his hand as he continued to read from his book. I needed to get over there, but first I needed to take care of Kenji. I could feel the snake moving through my blood. I needed to finish, saying the last three lines of the spell I threw the stone, and it frozen in the air as if some invisible net caught it.

  I started on a new spell backing away from Kenji so that I could get his snake out of me. I could feel it slithering towards my brain and that was the last place I wanted it to be. The blue stone vibrate mid-air then cracked.

  Kenji laughed out, and I felt his snake bit into my brain. Closing my eyes, I told myself I was stronger than it. Blocking off sections of my mind I started to isolate his parasite into a corner. It would deal with it after I was done.

  Turning around I watched as Able rammed his sword through Korku’s heart. The demon stumbled away from him for a moment. Looking down at his body the cuts that he had gotten throughout the course of his battle started to glow white. A bright white light was coming from his body.

  His eyes, his fingertips, even his ears were giving off this harsh pure light. When he opened his mouth to scream in pain, I could only see a light inside of him and then he shattered into a million pieces. The light turning those pieces into ash before they could even touch anyone.

  I smiled, that was one demon down and two to go. Focusing on Kenji and the stone again a hand came out.. Another followed, and then a head poked out. Its was a boar’s head with huge tusk and small beady black eyes. It looked around spotting me before a shoulder came through the stone.

  Slowing the body of a human started to come through only this human was five stories tall. I watched as Kenji looked up at the massive beast I had summoned from the deepest depths of hell. Smiling the last time I used the blue stone nothing as powerful as him came from it. Yet another testament to how powerful I had become by giving away what little light had reminded inside of me.

  The beast of hell looked back into the stone. Reaching in it pulled out a hammer that was just as big as he was and swung it at Kenji. Kenji leaped out of the way as the hammer crush the floor of the roof where the Blood Demon just was. The force of the attack sent a shock wave over the roof, and Able fell to his knees.

  I watched as Kenji jumped, and moved out of the was just seconds before the huge hammer slammed down where he just was. He didn’t have time to go on the attack since the Hell Beast had him on the move. I wanted it to kill him. Flatten him like a pancake, step on him, and crush him like the worm he was.

  Kenji frowned going for the beast at last. The sky seemed to open only above the Hell Beast, and it rained blood down on him. I could see smoking raising the Hell Beast’s body as Kenji’s blood rain burned like acid. Growling to myself slightly I didn’t want Kenji to win. He was weak and pointless. He needed to die already.

  I looked to see Able leaning against one of the walls holding his shoulder. Fang had gone back down the stairs probably helping Ayase and Rai. The Hell Beast was keeping Kenji busy enough so I set my sights on Ban.

  Rushing for Ban, Kenji came from nowhere and planted a kick to my face. I flew back from the force of it slamming into the wall and hitting my head against the stone of the tower. I saw the Hell Beast kick Kenji, and he was the next one that was sent sailing across the roof. He hit the edge and went over. Rush to the edge Kenji had vanished before he hit the ground.

  “Find him,” I told the Hell Beast. He had bowed to me before he vanished as well. Looking over at Able he was no use to anyone as he cuddled his wounded shoulder. Then there was Ban, the last link in this chain.

  I rushed forward, and without stopping he jumped up and kicked me in a chest. I stumbled away touching my chest knowing that it was bruised from the force of the kick. I was a little winded, but that wasn’t going to stop me. I came at him again, and he kicked me yet again. I leaped at him again, and he dropped the dagger grabbing my throat.

  My feet dangled in the air as Ban held me. He wasn’t even looking at me. His eyes were in his book as he read the spell. I tried to pry his hand off of me, but his grip was like iron though. I couldn’t remove his hand from around my throat. He was squeezing tighter, and tighter.

  My vision was starting to tunnel. It was getting harder to breathe. There was darkness at the edge and it was pulling me in. I was dying, even with all my new strength Ban was still stronger than me.

  My eyes shifted as I looked at Soji. He was lying so still on the table. Soji was about to have his life, his light stolen from him. “So . . . Soji . . .” I had whispered before the darkness closed in on me, and all was lost.

  There were lots of faces that I didn’t know. Names that I couldn’t remember. Then one stayed. It whispered into my mind as if it was trying to implant itself. Blake, I didn’t know who he was. I felt like I should. Blake, he was someone important. Why didn’t I remember him?

  My eyes flew opened and I looked around to see Kenji and the Hell Beast. Kenji was in his true demon form, and his snake body was wrapped around the Hell Beast’s squeezing him tightly. I saw Kenji's eyes go to me as I shifted and started to stand up.

  He had smiled before he bit into the Hell Beast’s throat. The beast screamed then in a pop vanished from between Kenji. I looked at the blue stone and, it shattered along with the beast that it had held. This wasn’t how I picture this going.

  Ban slammed the book that he had been reading from shut, and all eyes went to him. He was looking at me, and then he looked down at Soji. I growled as Ban ran his hand over Soji, moving his fingers up Soji’s shirt.

  “Ban!” I yelled his name and he laughed at me.

  “I wanted you to wait in your room, Natsu,” Ban spoke as he picked up the dagger he had before. He ran it up Soji’s body and I swallowed. How was I going to stop him? He was still stronger than me. I haven’t even killed Kenji yet. What was I suppose to do?

  “Zero, you came.” Soji eyes were open. His head was turned slightly as he smiled. Ban had looked down at Soji before he plunged the dagger into Soji’s heart.


  Soji’s face twisted in pain. My eyes widen at the sight of the dagger in his chest. I inhaled deeply my heart squeezed. Soji’s eyes seemed to have locked with mine. His lips moved. ‘I love you.’ As he exhaled, he went skill.

  Someone else died. Ban killed another person that was important to me. I could see Soji’s blood pooling from the table and onto the floor. There was a symbol that Ban had painted under the table. As soon as the first drop hit that symbol it started to glow.

  I was supposed to protect him. I promised so many people that I would kill him safe. I failed. Yet again I failed. Soji was dead because I was weak. It was the same reason why Shu was dead. Why Amy was dead. My weakness was why Kaleb was gone from this world. More importantly it was why my family was no longer with me.

  Rage boiled inside of me. As I looked at the still frame of Soji, I only felt rage. I wanted blood, I wanted Ban’s blood. This was the last time that I was going to let him take someone from me. This was the last time someone would suffer because of Ban.

  The glow of the symbol was getting brighter by the moment. I didn’t care about that. I only cared about one thing. Killing Ban, getting back at the demon that takes everything at me. My eyes went back to Soji. It was awful seeing him so still.

  Soji was so young, he was pure and good. Soji was a good person. He wasn’t like other people. He knew kindness. He found a way to love a demon. Few people could do that. Soji was special
and person and Ban took him from the world.

  Moving towards Soji I grabbed the dagger that was in his chest. Ripping it from his body I threw it at Ban. The Great Demon moved to the side slight as the dagger flew by him. He smiled at me, but his eyes shifted to the edge of the rooftop. He was watching something down below. He didn’t care that he just snuffed out one of the brightest lights in this world. Was that what it meant to be a true demon?

  So much happened today. I felt . . . I didn’t feel anything. Everything was hollow inside of me. I should have felt something, but even the rage was leaking from me. My eyes shifted to Ban again. He felt things. Ban was a demon in every sense of the word, but even he felt things. He loved me, and for the first time I believed that he actually does love me.

  “What have you done?” I asked him my voice was cold, it was hard. Not the tone that I normally take with Ban. He turned towards me. His black eyes looking at me. They held my gray eyes and smiled. He probably saw me as the human he killed two hundred years ago.

  “I did what I told you I was going to do, Natsu. Don’t be so shocked.” I looked back at Soji. He was still bleeding out. Still feeding the symbol on the floor. “Come here, Natsu. Come see.” See what? What was it that he was looking at. I walked towards the edge. Looking over the side my eyes widen at the sight.

  A portal to hell had opened under us. I could see thousands of demon rushing towards the surface. They all were moving as if swimming towards us. Then all at once they burst through. Hundreds of thousand of lesser and lower class demons were flooding the sky.

  They covered the sky moving as if it was alive. It was unthinkable, it was fearsome. I backed away from the edge and frowned. I didn’t want this, it was worse than the gate that was opened when I was human. This was hell. All of hell was coming to earth. I couldn’t allow it, I didn’t know how I could stop it either.


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