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Kink's Way

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  “All mine.” He growled against her neck and picked up speed.

  Soon she was falling over the edge into mindless, blissful completion. She let go of the headboard, and grabbed his shoulders, needing to hold onto him as she went over. Just as the high started to slowly dwindle, she found herself flipped on her belly. The world shifted beneath her, a gasp left her, and she blinked back the haze that settled over her. He had his hands on her hips, curled his fingers into her flesh, and murmured something she couldn’t understand, but she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her again. He lifted her ass, palmed her cheeks, and then dipped his finger into her wetness, only to bring it to her back entrance. Cookie knew what he wanted, and she shouldn’t have wanted that. But she did. She shouldn’t have wanted any more, especially what she knew was about to come, but she couldn’t stop herself from giving him everything.

  “You going to give me this, baby?” He squeezed one cheek of her ass, and used the finger of his other hand to tease her anus.

  She didn’t answer verbally, but showed him with her body language that she wanted this, too. Palms flat on the mattress and legs spread wide, she waited for him to make his next move. Cookie looked over her shoulder, saw that he was staring at her ass, and waited with her heart in her throat for him to take her. She wasn’t an anal virgin, but this was the first time she’d craved it. Her vagina still convulsed from the after tremors of her orgasm, and she still had her ass high in the air for the taking. The thought of letting him in there, with his massive erection, should have scared the hell out of her, but all she felt was the mindless pleasure of wanting more.

  Cookie closed her eyes when she felt his fingers skate over her slit to gather her cream. There was no tensing, no worries about what was going to happen next as he spread her juices over her anus. The sheets were tightly fisted between her fingers, and he repeated the action, over and over, bringing her closer to begging him to fuck her ass. She thought he would push right into her, but instead he leaned over her, covered her back with his chest, and breathed into her ear. With his other hand she felt him stroke her lower back, and she knew it wasn’t because he liked that part of her body. She had scars there, and he had obviously seen them. This small act of sweetness had tears forming in her eyes, but she blinked them away.

  “You still with me?” he asked softly.

  “I am. Please don’t stop.”

  “Okay, baby.” He teased her back hole again, slow, easy, gently. “Just stay here with me, okay?”

  She nodded.

  Of course the fear of pain was present, but his soft touches told her he was a dominating, but gentle and compassionate lover. He had already ensured her pleasure above his by bringing her to climax three times, and he still had yet to find his own release.

  “You’re so responsive to my touch. Will you be this responsive when I’m buried deep in your ass?”

  A shiver shook her body. She didn’t answer, couldn’t.

  “Come on, Cookie,” he said softly. “Answer me.” His voice was thick and sweet like honey.

  “I want to feel you everywhere.” She felt herself blush, not because she had said the words he so desperately wanted to hear, but because she had meant them, each and every one.

  “I am so hard for you. Do you feel what you do to me?” He lifted off her back, and she felt his erection slide across her ass.

  She wanted to tell him to do it, to beg him to end her misery and quit taunting her. Maybe she spoke aloud because in the next second he was moving away from her only long enough to grab some lube and a condom from his bedside table. He was back to her seconds later, and poured the cold, slick lubrication between her cheeks. The feel of his cockhead pressed to her anus when he was finished priming her had her breathing heavier. He slowly pushed all his hard inches into her. Tears stung her eyes, and she started to feel the burn of being filled completely. The sting of the tip of his shaft popping through the tight ring of muscle had her squeezing her eyes shut. And then he slid easily into her. A groan left him, and he held onto her hips in an ironclad grip. He didn’t move for a few seconds, and she knew he was letting her body get accustomed to his girth.

  “So good, Bailey, so fucking good that I could come right now.” He started moving in and out of her, and soon the burn of pain was replaced by something far more pleasing. Each time he pushed into her that desire heightened. His groans behind her were enough to have her nearing yet another orgasm, but it was his hands reaching in front of her and rubbing her clit back and forth that had her crying out. She pressed her face into the mattress and shook uncontrollably. One thrust, two thrusts, and on the third one he buried himself so deep in her ass that his balls slapped her pussy. His language was crass, but it reflected the strong emotions she was sure he felt at that moment. She couldn’t fault him for that, because inside she felt the same way. When he pulled out of her and wrapped his body around hers, she had to force herself to not fall into a euphoric-induced coma.

  “You leave soon,” she said softly, and closed her eyes when he kissed the top of her head, and shifted enough to bring the blanket over them both.

  “I know.”

  “Are you frightened about what will happen tonight?” She leaned back enough that she could tilt her head back and look at him. “I’m frightened for you.” She knew telling him that wasn’t helping anything, but the words had tumbled out of her mouth.

  He didn’t speak for several seconds and then cupped the side of her face. He looked right into her eyes, like he could see her very soul. “Am I scared of dying, or taking a life that crossed the club?” He shook his head. “No, baby, I’m not scared. I’m juiced to get this over with, to get vengeance for what they did to us.” He smoothed his thumb along her cheekbone. “I want to make sure you’re safe, that Callie is safe.” He smiled, but it faltered slightly. “But I will tell you what I am afraid of.” He leaned in close enough that their lips touched. “I’m scared of leaving you behind.” He kissed her hard, possessively, and with so much emotion that she tasted the saltiness of her tears. For once in her life she had let her guard down, her carefully placed wall that she had survived with. And it was all because of this one man and the powerful emotions he evoked inside of her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Everything was quiet, too fucking quiet for Kink’s comfort. He stood beside Lucien, and Malice was on the other side of him. Tuck, Rock, and Ruin were spread out around them, and the sound of several men inhaling from their cigarettes was loud in the still night. Gravel crunching under tires had all of them turning around. A dark van came to a stop beside their own black one parked just a few feet away. They had left their bikes behind at the clubhouse, because what they were going for was stealth, not power. They didn’t want their spot compromised if the cult was in the warehouse, which they didn’t even know for sure since they didn’t have a visual of cars or activity in the rundown building.

  Jagger and his crew stepped out of the van and made their way toward them. The Grizzly MC was one fierce bunch of motherfuckers, having this animal power to back them up, and so they were an asset and hardcore alley to have behind The Brothers of Menace. Jagger stopped, and Stinger, Diesel, Dallas, Court, Drevin, and Brick all stopped beside their President. The shadows played over their massive bodies, and although most residents of Steel Corner and even River Run were afraid of this MC, The Brothers could take care of their own and handle their shit.

  “Thanks for the back-up, boys,” Lucien said and flicked his cigarette away. The moon was full, and even though it cast this silvery glow on everything, with the buildings scattered around this industrial part of town, everything looked more sinister. Good, because they all were a sinister fucking bunch. The Fairview chapter had come in earlier in the day, and they stood back as they moved closer to The Grizzlies.

  “You know we have your back. Your club helped us out during some tricky shit, and things will be a lot better if we work together instead of against each other.”
  Kink couldn’t agree more. He shoved his hands in his front pockets and glanced at the six Grizzlies in front of them.

  “So, how is this going down?” Jagger asked. “Lucien, you told us the bare minimum on the phone.” Jagger rolled his head around on his neck and then cracked his knuckles. There was this dangerous, hard, and angry energy that was coming off of everyone, but what they were about to do was not light work. People would get killed, but when someone fucked with the club, with the people they had under their protection, action had to be taken.

  “We don’t have confirmation that they are in there right now. We haven’t seen any movement on the outside, and there are no vehicles parked there,” Kink said, and glanced at the men standing around. Marx and the rest of the Fairview chapter moved closer. They had already gone through all of this with them, but they needed to formulate the plan now.

  “I want the Fairview boys to head around the back, spread out so the side and any exits are covered, and then Jagger and The Grizzlies will head with us to get inside,” Lucien said, his voice low, and reflecting all of his anger. “I know my boys, and me, want to take these fuckers out hard and fast, but we need to play it safe.” Lucien glanced around, too.

  “They’ve been quiet, probably hiding out for the most part after the bombing,” Kink said, wanting nothing more than to just go in there and start shooting. Cookie could have been in the cabin when those heartless sons-of-bitches blew up their shit, and that thought had him curling his hands in rage. He had left his woman at the clubhouse, tucked in his bed, with her red hair fanned out over his pillows, and her breathing easy. He had fucked her every which way, and claimed her so hard there was no doubt she was his. And then she had asked if he was afraid of going out tonight. Although this was club business, the women in the club, and the guys’ family members, knew why they had been there, and knew what the members were going to do.


  “And then what?” Stinger asked and exhaled a puff of smoke. “What the fuck then?”

  “What do you mean?” Kink asked, not about to play these stupid little games with the biker.

  Stinger took a step forward and shrugged. “I just mean, what the fuck you boys plan on doing if they are inside?” Stinger said, and kept his expression stoic.

  “We take them out, easy as that,” Kink said just as stoically. He had a Glock tucked at the small of his back and a knife strapped to his waist. The other Brothers had guns as well, and they were just as anxious to get this fucking going as he was. Marx and his guys moved closer, and although the cult had started on their territory first weeks ago, those bastards had come to River Run, and weren’t going to leave.

  “We’ve been watching the perimeter for the last twenty minutes, and there hasn’t been any movement, but we assume they are operating at full force inside.” Lucien took out his gun, lifted the SIG Sauer, and checked the bullets.

  “And you’re sure they are the ones that bombed your place?” Jagger asked.

  Lucien put his gun in the waistband of his pants and glared at Jagger. “You questioning me now, Grizzly?” Lucien took a step closer, and Kink moved forward. Over the last week Lucien had been acting strange as hell. But Kink just assumed it was all the crap happening lately and the stress and pressure weighing on the club. “We have the proof that they bought the bomb materials only days before they fucked up our shit, even saw the blueprints that had of the cabin they used the explosives on.”

  Jagger lifted his hands in surrender, but smirked. “Hey, we are here to help you, not fight with you. I was just asking, but if you say they fucked you over, then they fucked you over, man.” Jagger’s grin widened, and the rest of The Grizzlies chuckled. “Listen, let’s just get this done, because I want to get home and see my old lady, okay?”

  Lucien exhaled and nodded. “Yeah, I think we are all wound tight right now.”

  The two Presidents spoke for a few more minutes on the details, and Kink glanced at the warehouse once more. “Listen, you all know that this is going to be heavy when we get in there, find them, and they realize we are there for payback.”

  “How about we quit talking about this, and tear them apart?” Stinger asked, inhaled from his joint once more, and flicked it aside.

  No one argued.

  They all checked their weapons, and Marx and his men went in first. Even from the distance Kink could see them working in perfect formation as they moved around the sides of the building, and then disappeared from their sight. Lucien turned and looked at Kink. “Once we get the call from Marx that they are set then we’ll move in.”

  Kink nodded. They stood still, tense, and ready for action. Minutes passed, and then the buzzing sound coming from inside Lucien’s cut had even the air stilling. Kink looked at Lucien, watched him accept the call and place the phone to his ear, and then there was silence. “Hold on. I want you to relay this to the guys.” Lucien put the phone on speaker, and Marx started talking.

  “We’re in position, and from my standpoint I can see through a side window there appears to be one of them standing guard. It looks like he’s packing a shotgun, maybe more, but it’s too dark, and he’s too far for me to see exactly,” Marx said softly.

  “Can you see if there are any more in the warehouse?” Malice said in a gruff voice.

  There was a moment of silence, and then Marx was speaking again. “I can see shadows in the room the bastard is clearly guarding, but I couldn’t give you an exact head count.”

  “Okay, keep your position,” Lucien said, ended the call, and put the cell back in his pocket. “Now, I want to be sure we are dealing with the cult fuckers when we bust in there. Play it safe, be careful, and only shoot the ones going after us.”

  “And if there are females and children in there?” Jagger asked. “Because we don’t hurt women and children.”

  “And you think we do?” Lucien said on a growl.

  “No, but I want to make it clear that we won’t be a part of that, and won’t allow it to happen.”

  Lucien shook his head. “No worries about that. Marx has a few guys that will get any women or children out, if they are in there. They will be taken away from the violence.”

  Jagger nodded and grunted. “Okay, good, then let’s get this fucking moving.”

  They all headed toward the front of the building silently, stealthily. Kink, as well as the other men, all kept their gazes moving back and forth. They were close to the front bay doors, and pressed their bodies to the rusted and dented metal. Lucien gestured for Kink to move forward. Kink grabbed his Glock and moved past the other men. He scanned the perimeter, saw shadows pass across the roof, and pressed his back to the wall once more. The other bikers had their guns raised, their expressions alert, and ready for violence. Kink reached out and tried the door that was beside him. It was stuck, but after he put some weight and strength into it the heavy metal pushed open. He scanned the rooftop again, but everything was silent. Either this cult was too convinced they were safe here, and therefore didn’t need security, or they knew The Brothers and The Grizzlies were here, and waited for them inside.

  The other bikers moved behind Kink, and he took one deep breath before slipping into the dark building.


  Cookie was nervous as hell and had to have checked the clock a hundred times already. The guys had only been gone an hour, but it felt like it had been eternity. She had fallen asleep in Kink’s arms after he thoroughly pleased her. But she had woken up alone, cold, and feeling this sick dread in her belly. So she had gotten dressed and went into the main room, expecting to be alone, but finding Callie, Tatum, Adrianna, and Molly out there drinking alcohol and looking grim as hell.

  They looked how Cookie felt.

  Cookie contemplated going over to the bar instead of sitting on the couch with them. She might know the women fairly well, aside from Kink’s daughter, but she didn’t want to intrude on them. But when she turned and headed toward the bar for a drink herself, Tatum ca
lled out.

  “Cookie, come over here and take a few sips off of this.”

  She turned and stared at Tatum who held up a bottle of Tullamore Irish whiskey.

  Cookie wasn’t much of a drinker, but her nerves were so shot that she needed something to help settle them. She walked over to the women and sat down beside Molly. Tatum handed over the bottle, and without thinking Cookie brought it to her lips and took a long drink. The liquor was smooth and instantly warmed her, but she had never liked the taste of alcohol, and started coughing a bit because of it. Callie reached out and took the bottle with a smile, and then took several long pulls from it.

  “Easy, girl. Your dad would kill me if he knew I was allowing you to drink.”

  Callie handed the bottle to Tatum. “No, I think he’d be okay since I am at the clubhouse doing it. Besides,” Callie shrugged and looked down at her bare feet. “I’m really nervous about what they are doing, and if they will even come back.” She looked at each of them. “I mean, this is their life, our life. I know that, and although I don’t know exactly what they went to do, we all know they went after that cult.” Callie swallowed audibly. “I’m worried about my dad, about the club, and about Lucien.” Callie glanced up with just her eyes, and Cookie saw this strange expression cross the young woman’s face after she said Lucien’s name. Callie cleared her throat, leaned back on the couch, and tucked her feet under her bottom.

  Cookie knew that look well. It was one that she had covering her own face far too many times whenever she thought about Kink.


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