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Kink's Way

Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “I’m just worried about everyone.” Callie started twisting her hands in her lap. It was clear there was something going on with Callie and Lucien by the way the girl acted when she just said his name. Sure, they were all worried, but the way Callie reacted was the behavior of a woman who worried for a man she wanted. For the man she loved. How far things went with her and Lucien Cookie didn’t know, and maybe Callie just had a crush on The Brothers of Menace President, but either way there was something there.


  The little voice came from upstairs, and Cookie looked up to see Dakota standing there.

  “Baby, you need to go to sleep.” Molly stood and went to Dakota. She picked up the little boy and cradled him.

  “Momma, I want Daddy.”

  “Dakota, Daddy had to leave, and he won’t be back until morning.” She pushed away the dark hair from his forehead. “If you go back to sleep morning will come quicker.”

  Dakota shook his head. “I want Stinger, then, Momma. I want a story. I can’t sleep.” Dakota whined.

  “Stinger isn’t here either, sweetheart. Come on, honey, let’s go back to bed. I’ll sing you a song.”

  “Twinkle, Twinkle, Momma.”

  Cookie watched Molly slip down the upstairs hallway and take Dakota to bed. What would it be like to have a little person that relied solely on her for everything? She had never worried about any of that. It was a frightening thought to have to care for someone other than herself, but Cookie thought about the joys it would bring as well.

  “I’ll be back. Need to use the restroom.” Tatum rose and left her, Callie, and Adrianna alone. Adrianna was quiet, probably so damn worried for Malice. Cookie reached out and grabbed the other woman’s hand, and Adrianna glanced up and gave her a tight smile. Cookie turned and stared at Callie, it was to see the girl staring at her.

  “So, you and my dad, huh?” Callie said matter-of-factly and shifted on the couch to see Cookie better.

  “Excuse me?” Of course she wouldn’t deny it, because it wasn’t like she was trying to hide anything, but she also wasn’t going to talk about this with a seventeen-year-old.

  “I mean, you don’t have to say it or anything, because it’s not my business, but I can see the way you two look at each other. And then of course there is the talk around the clubhouse.”

  Cookie stared at Callie and reached for the bottle of Irish whiskey. “Well, you got one thing right, it really isn’t your business.” She glanced at Callie and saw her smiling, and so she did the same. “But, yeah, I guess Kink and I are…” She shrugged, now knowing if she should put a label to it.

  “You’re his old lady,” Callie said flatly. “I get it. Everyone here does. If you’re in the biker life, and your man wants you, that’s what you are to him.”

  Cookie nodded. “Yeah, Kink called me that, and I want to be that with him … for him.” She took a long drink of the whiskey and then handed it to Callie. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Callie said softly, and then took a long swig of the liquor, too.

  “You into this whole lifestyle? You have an old man, if that’s what they’re called?”

  Callie looked down and shook her head. “No, I just graduated, will be eighteen soon, and just want to live my life.” She looked at Cookie. “Besides, these men, the ones that are in the MC…” She licked her lips. “Once you’re theirs, you’re theirs, if you know what I mean.”

  Cookie slowly nodded. “What about Lucien?” Cookie asked hesitantly, not knowing if she had read Callie wrong, or if she was crossing a line.

  Callie looked uncomfortable all of a sudden, and Cookie knew it was because she’d mentioned Lucien. But before Callie could even respond, Cookie heard her cell going off. The other girl grabbed her phone off the table between them, saw the number, and knitted her brows.

  “Hello?” Callie said after she accepted the call. Callie was silent for several minutes, and then she pulled the phone away from her ear, stared at it, and then let it drop to the floor.

  “Callie, God, what’s wrong?” Cookie said and moved closer, fearing that she had just gotten a call that Kink and the other men were… She shook her head, not about to think about that, or even contemplate that Kink was dead. “Callie, honey, talk to me.” She grabbed her shoulders, shook her slightly, and tried to get through the clear shock that had taken over Callie.

  Molly finally came back downstairs, and Tatum finished up in the bathroom. Adrianna followed shortly after.

  Kendra, probably the youngest girl that had been in Denver when the pimp had attacked them, came out of one of the rooms. She stopped, looked at everyone, and said, “Oh, God, more bad news?”

  And then when Harlem, another young girl from the house, shuffled behind Kendra, Cookie could have screamed. This wasn’t a fucking circus, yet there were now several women staring at them. They all wore either confused or worried expressions, and Cookie hadn’t even heard what the news was Callie had just gotten. Cookie glanced away from the women, and looked back at the young girl. “Callie, sweetheart, please tell me what’s going on.”

  Callie looked at Cookie, opened her mouth, and promptly shut it. She closed her eyes, and these two big tears slipped out of the corner of them. Cookie felt that dread fill her to the point she felt like she was suffocating from it all. Her throat tightened, and just staring at Callie, and seeing the pain cover her face, Cookie just wanted to take the girl in her arms and comfort her.

  When Callie opened her mouth again, this gasping sound left her. She scrubbed her hand over her face, and Cookie saw the way her hands shook. She stared right at Cookie, and the color of her eyes looked so much like Kink’s. “That was the police.” Callie swallowed audibly again. “My mom and Dale are dead.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kink was in front, with Lucien, the rest of The Brothers, and Jagger and his men following closely behind. They were not some kind of trained SWAT team, but they were organized, and had the same goal in mind: end this now so no one else got hurt. This cult had stirred up shit in Fairview, and although Kink hadn’t been there, he had heard from Malice and the other guys what the cult had done. This “church” had a one-track mindset, one that was toxic, vile, and screamed it was their way or no way. The Brothers would have just turned their back on their hateful protesting, but the cult had taken it way over the fucking line, and now it was time to get their answers, and make them see that once they screwed with the MC, they were dead.

  Kink stopped, which caused the rest of the guys to do the same. He was just about to round a corner when he saw the slight shadow move across the wall, and heard the shuffling of someone moving closer. Marx’s men were standing on the other side of the building, waiting for the action to start so they could move in and take out anyone vulnerable. He turned and glanced at Lucien who was directly behind him. The President of the club looked hard, tense. They gave each other a brisk nod, not that they could read each other’s minds, but because they knew what they needed to do.

  Kink stepped around the corner, gun trained straight in front of him, and the only light coming from one of the broken skylights above him. The man who stood only a few feet from them had his back to Kink, but upon hearing something behind him the man turned. For a moment all they did was stare at each other. The MC men wouldn’t react until Kink or this fucker made the first move. But the man didn’t move so much as a muscle for a long minute, and then his smile spread, as if he had been expecting Kink.

  “Welcome, brother.” The cult member smiled wider, and from the corner of his eye Kink saw the guy’s fingers move. “Before this is over with you will be the ones kneeling before us, and accepting our way.” The man lifted his gun, but Kink was the one to react faster.

  He shot his gun right when the cult member lifted his and aimed it right at Kink’s chest. The sound of the bullet leaving his Glock ricocheted off the metal wall, and had this ringing settling in his ears. It was like a giant tuning fork had been hit, and t
hey were stuck in the center of it. The MCs reacted, moved behind Kink, and then they went forward in unison. The cult member lay on the floor groaning. Kink hadn’t killed him, but he had incapacitated him with a bullet to his knee.

  “Where is the fucker that is leading you and these lemmings?” Lucien said in a deep, deadly voice.

  Kink was on alert, watching the narrow hallway and listening for any movement up ahead. He turned around, saw Jagger and his boys scanning the area behind them, and knew they were watching as well.

  “You are all nothing but cattle in all of this,” the man said again, and then moaned out and clutched his knee. “We knew you’d come to us after you received our message.”

  There was a low hiss that came from Lucien, but Kink focused before him. Malice was beside him, and Rock came up on the other side of Kink. He glanced over his shoulder quickly.

  “Where is he?” Lucien leaned down on his haunches and moved close enough that he was right in the man’s face. “You think you’re in pain now, you haven’t felt anything yet.” Lucien wrapped his hand around the guy’s throat.

  “Lucien, we need to keep moving. They no doubt heard the gun, and the longer we sit here with this piece of shit, the more time they have to prepare for us.”

  Lucien didn’t move for a suspended second, and when it was clear they weren’t going to get any answers out of the cult member aside from Lucien clocked him right in the fucking face.

  “We welcome the pain because that is the will of the mighty, but heed our words, and know that when this is all said and done your bodies, and the ones of those whores you protect and make money off of, will be lying at our feet.”

  And then Malice was moving toward Lucien and the man, lifting his gun, and putting a bullet in the guy’s head. The cult member fell to the ground on his side.

  “Damn, man,” Lucien said and slowly rose to stand. “Nice fucking shot.” Lucien clapped Malice on the shoulder. Everyone stared at the body on the ground, but then snapped into motion. They didn’t waste another second in moving down the hallway, but when they rounded a corner they faced off with a man standing before an entryway. The light from the room behind him shone brightly, and the chanting that came forward was loud but muffled. But the man didn’t raise the gun he had strapped to his side. Instead he moved to the side and gestured them forward. Brick was on the guy a second later, taking him down as if he were nothing more than an annoying fly.

  “Brothers, there is no need for violence.” The deep, male voice came through the open entryway, and the sound of the men grabbing their guns and aiming them was loud behind Kink. “But we will engage if that is the will of our Master. Enter, show yourselves, and let us worship the good and only.”

  They could see the man speaking, the one who was clearly the leader as he wore this bright white robe, had this large wooden cross hanging from his neck, and had about twenty men standing behind him in dark hooded cloaks. None of the MC men said anything, but Kink felt their anger, felt the violence brewing right below the surface. It was the same thing he felt, the same hatred he had for these men he didn’t even know.

  “That’s him, that’s the motherfucker that was leading these washouts in Fairview,” Malice said as he moved up closer beside Kink. He glanced at Malice, saw his jaw locked up tight, and then lowered his gaze to his hand only to see his knuckles bone white from holding the gun tightly.

  “You followed us from Fairview, came to our territory, and spouted your holier-than-thou bullshit,” Malice gritted out, and Lucien reached out and grabbed his forearm.

  “Easy, brother.”

  Kink took a step to the side and let Lucien move forward. “You knew we were here,” Lucien stated matter-of-factly.

  The leader nodded, and his grin widened. “We knew that the bombing would get your attention, and we have come to learn that you and your little congregation are in desperate need of our guidance.” The leader stepped back, and the dark robbed men moved an inch forward.

  Kink and the other MC members lifted their guns, but the leader tsked and shook his head.

  “Brothers, we are here to save you, to bring you redemption for your sins, and help you see the light.”

  “Motherfucker, the only thing we are going to be doing is taking you down,” Lucien gritted out, and Kink knew that the showdown was going to happen any minute now. Everyone was barely leashing in their rage as they stared at the bastards that thought destroying their property and putting innocent lives in danger was “saving them”.

  “Join us and put away all of your filthy and immoral ways of earning a living.” The leader grinned. “Be one of us or fall like the banished angel from heaven.”

  “Oh man, this is like a really bad and twisted afterschool special,” Stinger said from behind Kink.

  “You have to be high, drunk, and deranged to think we came here to join your little fucking cult,” Malice said. The men removed their hoods, and Kink was relieved to see there were no women or children amongst them.

  “That little explosion was a threat, a warning that we will not stand by and let this world get sent down to the pits of hell by the likes of you and your kind.”

  “Our kind?” Jagger was the one to speak, and The Grizzly leader looked two seconds away from tearing through his skin.

  “The kind that sells women for pleasure, deals with drugs, guns, and the like. You and yours are a stain upon humanity, and the sooner you are eradicated, the sooner this world can get back on the right track, too.”

  “You piece of shit,” Rock growled out, and before Kink knew what was happening Rock had fired a shot. The next sequence of events happened fast. The large room was filled with shouting and gunfire. Kink and Lucien moved to the side, and he pressed his back to the metal beam.

  “Go around, Kink, take out as many of these bastards as you can.” A bullet slammed into the concrete in front of them, and Kink and Lucien both ducked.

  “Where the fuck were they hiding those guns?” Kink asked and leaned to the side, and saw the cult members no longer wore their dark robes. They held shotguns and 9mm handguns, and Kink realized these fuckers had them hidden under their cloaks the whole time.

  “Man, these guys are fucking psycho,” Lucien said and ducked just as a stray bullet slammed into the wall beside him. “And they’re dead.”

  Kink nodded at Lucien, and they both turned and faced off with the firing squad. Jagger and his men were taking care of several of them, and The Brothers had the other half, but there were three men, including that fucking crazy ass leader, who were coming toward him and Lucien. Kink fired off a shot and took out the guy to the right. Lucien put a bullet in the head of the guy on the left. The bodies stacked up on the ground, and several of Marx’s men came running in through a side door. Blood thickened the air in a tangy, metallic scent that was nauseating, but familiar. Soon the large warehouse room was filled with Brothers of Menace and Grizzly bikers. Everyone was breathing hard, and they slowly moved forward, circling the leader, who wore this cocky smile on his face.

  “Brothers, children of the light, we are one.” The leader held his arms up above his head, tipped his chin up, and closed his eyes.

  “Motherfucker, you’re about to be another body on this ground.” Lucien moved forward, cocked his gun, and stopped when he was a foot from the leader.

  “Tobias, my brother. My name is Tobias.” The leader grinned. “You can kill me, lay my body with my brethren, but I won’t be the one that judges you. That bomb should have killed you and all of your fucking whores,” Tobias snarled out. “And if I had to do over again, I would have taken the bitches out myself, and rid the world of their disgusting and nasty lives on this earth.”

  “Well, well, well, looks like the asshole’s true colors are coming out,” Ruin said on a humorless laugh.

  “I don’t need any other reason to have done what I did other than the fact I am doing my God’s work.”

  “Motherfucker, I should make you suffer for all your bulls
hit,” Lucien said, and in the next instance backhanded Tobias so hard the leader fell backward. The deadly silence filled the room. Kink clutched the gun and felt his skin pull taut with the need riding high in him to just shoot the asshole.

  “Why would you follow us? You could have done your creepy, demented shit back in Utah, but you traveled here to, what? End up with my gun pointed to your head and two seconds away from tasting the bullet?” Lucien snarled out, and lifted the gun. “If you would have stayed in Fairview and minded your own fucking business you wouldn’t be about to die right now. But you put the people that are my family in danger, and because of that I will not show you any mercy.”

  “You can kill me, but there will be more like me, more that will come and get rid of the —”

  Lucien pressed the gun to Tobias’s head, and in one, swift move pulled the trigger.

  Tobias fell backward, and blood immediately started to pool beneath his skull. The silence stretched throughout the room. Marx and then a few of his last remaining men who had been outside came in. Kink looked away from the corpses on the ground and stared at Marx and his men that were surveying the room.

  “Well, fuck, you guys took them out fast.” Marx strapped his gun to his thigh. “And made one big fuckin’ mess.” He started chuckling, and although some of his men followed suit, Kink didn’t find this situation amusing in the least.

  Yeah, these men deserved to die for what they did, for what they could have done, but taking a life was never easy. It chipped away at a person’s soul, and Kink had killed more people than he even cared to think about. Did he even have a soul? Did he even know what was right from wrong anymore? He watched Malice move over to the leader. The other biker kicked the shit out of Tobias’s body, and the anger that came from Malice was tangible. But then again Kink would have felt the same mind-numbing rage if he had been standing with Cookie so close to the bombing.

  “I got a guy that lives in Steamboat that cleans shit up like this,” Marx said and grabbed his cell from inside of his cut. “You think this is the end of it?” he asked no one in particular.


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