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Forever More

Page 6

by Rachel De Lune

  “Shut up and get lost, Phil. She isn’t here. Don’t come back. I’ll call the police next time.” He bashes his weight into the door, rattling it and shocking Jess. The safety holds. Jess slams the door shut and turns the lock.

  “Thank you. God, what is he doing? Does he really believe that this will help?”

  “That man is nuts. The sooner you’re shot of him, the better.”

  “I’m working on it, Jess.” The light buzz from the earlier wine has turned into a full, throbbing headache.

  “Are you going to be alright tonight?”

  “Yes, I just… I want to hit something. Preferably Phil.” My hands clench at my sides as I imagine trying to explain things to him. “I’ll get the glass cleared up and then go to bed. My head’s pounding.”

  “Okay. Look, we’ll get this worked out. Just stay strong.”

  “Thanks, Jess.” She gives me a hug goodnight and vanishes upstairs, leaving me to calm my frayed nerves and clean up the shattered glass.

  “Finally! Come on, come on, we need to get going and you need to make yourself look glam.” Jess accosts me in the hall as I walk through the door from work.

  “Hold on a minute. It’s going to take me some time to get ready. What’s your hurry? It’s only 5:30 p.m.”

  “Yes, and you haven’t been in the mood to celebrate in an age. Tonight, you are making up for it. Now, shower and change. I’ll come and get your hair and make-up done in a few. Drink?”

  I smile at her enthusiasm and know that tonight I’ll have to indulge her.

  Half an hour later, my hair is dry and I’ve chosen my dress but have no idea what shoes to wear. “Jess, can you help me? I don’t know which ones.”

  “It’s no wonder you can’t decide. You have more shoes than anyone I know.”

  “They are my thing, and you can never have too many shoes. Even when you think that you do, you still don’t. Now, shall I go for the glitz or these?” I hold up one shoe covered in sparkles and the other, a black stiletto with an intricate filigree cut-out design in suede.

  “The black. You have sparkles on the dress. Those are more sexy, anyway.”

  “Done. Now what about the rest of me?” I gesture to my bare face and raise my brows in a silent question.

  “Sexy, smoky eyes?”

  “Yes, please,” I respond. Jess has always had a knack with make-up. We settle for a minimal, natural look that shows off my eyes and lets the shoes do most of the talking.

  An hour and two gin and tonics later, we’re in the taxi, heading into town. Jess has arranged ‘the main event’, and tonight, I’m happy for her to make all the plans.

  When we arrive, Jess gives the bouncer our names. Magically, he opens the door and we head right in. The bar is huge, split across three suspended levels. Aerial acrobats hang from silks adorning the corners of the building and can be seen from each level. We move towards the bar but are handed champagne by the black-suited waiters servicing the lobby area.

  “Where did you hear about this place?” I shout at Jess above the music.

  “A friend told me to come. He put our names down on the list.”

  “He?” I beam at her, already jumping to conclusions.

  “Yes. He should be here somewhere.”

  Jess turns away and starts to traverse the floor, moving around the bar. She stops abruptly and I stumble into her. She’s looking up at a guy leaning over the stairs and looking right at her. This must be the mystery friend. Jess turns us and we make a beeline for the stairs. Mystery guy is already heading in our direction. As they look each other over, I stand, feeling like an intruder, and my mind skips to Seb. Thankfully, Jess saves my thoughts and makes a speedy introduction.

  “Izzy, this is Greg. Greg, Izzy.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Izzy.” Greg reaches to shake my hand and leans in to give me a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Nice to meet you too, Greg. Thank you for inviting us.”

  “A pleasure. Now, let me get you ladies a drink and we can go dance.” He gives Jess a more than friendly kiss before heading towards the bar.

  “He seems really nice,” I venture, seeing Jess smile after Greg.

  “Yes, he is. We’ll see.”

  “Hey, don’t be like that.”

  “I’m not. He’s really nice, but don’t get carried away and start planning the wedding, okay?”

  “Fine. Where did you meet him?”

  “At another bar. This is our first date, so to speak.” She grins a devilish smile at me and I’m reminded of her late night rendezvous that woke me up the other night.

  “Ladies.” Greg returns with three flutes of champagne and hands them to us. I tap down the disappointment of not being able to celebrate with Seb. I want Seb to be handing me my drink. I shake it off and put a brave face on. With glasses in hand, we weave our way towards one of the dance floors. I watch as Greg does his best not to smother Jess with his body, clearly wanting to get as close as decently possible in a public place. I’ll be leaving without those two later tonight.

  “Three, two, one… Happy New Year!” We all shout and cheer. I’m hot and still a little buzzed from all the alcohol, even though I stopped drinking a while ago. I turn to hug Jess but she’s wrapped around Greg. They look like they could devour each other, so I choose this moment for my exit. I send a quick text to let her know and head for home.

  Once home, I stagger upstairs to bed but want to call Seb before I fall asleep. I haven’t heard his voice all day. It rings a few times before he answers.

  “Happy New Year, Izzy,” his deep, rich voice purrs through the phone, and I instantly feel awake.

  “Happy New Year to you.”

  “Are you at home? I thought you would be out with Jess.”

  “I was. She met a guy so I called it a night. I wish I could have spent tonight with you. Or at least come home to you.”

  “And I miss you. Soon, I promise. Just let me get everything wrapped up with work here. Hold on a minute.” Seb pauses and I can hear muffled voices in the background. My stomach drops. He’s with someone else? I strain to hear what he’s saying and the response, but I can’t. It’s past midnight. Who would be with him? My head starts to put together a hundred different possibilities. They’re all irrational, but my head isn’t logical. “Izzy? You still there?”

  “Um hmm,” is all I trust myself with right now. Can I ask him? Should I ask him? I should trust him. Hell, I trust him with a lot more, why can’t I deal with this?

  “Izzy, are you alright?

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m tired.” There is a long pause before he responds.

  “Isabel, you seem to forget that I know when you’re lying. I’ve talked to you about honesty before. Now, will you tell me what is wrong?”

  “Are you with someone else?” I rush the words, stringing them together in my haste.

  “Isabel.” His voice isn’t the warm, rich, sensual tone he used at the beginning of our conversation. It’s now laced with a stern edge that makes me nervous. “Do you really believe that I would be with another woman? Do you have that little faith or trust in me?” Tears pool in my eyes, and I can’t stand that I’ve done this already. “I’m at the work New Year’s party with some of the colleagues I’ve been supporting.”

  “Oh,” I answer weakly. I know, if I think clearly, that Seb isn’t like Phil, that he wouldn’t do that after everything we’ve been through. But there is that nagging part of my mind that always goes to the dark place, that place where my self-doubt, guilt and failures conspire against me.

  “We didn’t talk about how things will work in the future between us, Isabel. You will have to learn to trust me. Not just with your body, but with your heart as well. I want nothing more than to be with you. Now, this isn’t the conversation I wanted to start the New Year with. Perhaps we can talk more tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, Seb. I just, I suppose my past experience is going to leave a few bad memories. I love you. I do.”

  “Shh, I k
now, sweetheart. And I’ll be home as soon as I can. You’re not alone. Please, just don’t let the dark in.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Good girl. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Sleep well.”

  “Good night.”

  I wake up and remember that it’s New Year’s Day. I can stay in bed, thank heavens. The conversation I had with Seb last night stayed with me until sleep finally claimed my tired mind, and this morning, the residual effects of the champagne leave me feeling like I’ve been out drinking all night.

  I wonder what Seb’s doing… God, this is infuriating. I grudgingly pull myself out of bed and trudge downstairs to put coffee on. The house is quiet, as expected. I doubt Jess is awake, or even here for that matter. I need to start thinking about what to do in the next few weeks, and if Jess will be alright if I stay here while I find somewhere else to live. Not before coffee!

  Seb calls late morning and we talk. It’s slightly awkward, especially after my late night accusation. Why did my mind go there? He reassures me, again. He also says that he’ll be checking in on me, that he wants to know that I am safe. I suddenly feel every one of the two hundred miles between us.

  Jess doesn’t surface on New Year’s Day, and the following day, after my short respite, it’s back to the real world of work. The office buzzes with most of my colleagues returning after a couple of weeks of holiday. Mark wishes me a happy New Year before getting right to business and asking for the client files I’ve been working on. The client projects are much more in-depth than what I’ve worked on before. They demanded much more of my concentration. Something that I’m struggling to balance with Seb taking up too much of my headspace. If only I could switch it off.

  While I’m reviewing the optimisation stats I’ve prepared for Mark, my phone vibrates.

  Call me. Phil

  Unbelievable! I shake my head in disgust and ignore his text. Calling Phil at work isn’t an option. I’d rather my co-workers not overhear my conversation with him. He can wait until I get home.

  After negotiating the short drive back to Jess’s, I put the kettle on and slump into the kitchen chair. Summoning up the courage to phone Phil back, I hit call and hold my breath.

  “Izzy.” His cool tone immediately puts me on edge.

  “Phil. You sent me a text.” I don’t want to be on the phone for any longer than necessary.

  “Yes, we need to talk. I’ve received your divorce petition. I can’t believe you’ve done this. How dare you! Well, you know what, I can contest this. And I’m going to.”

  “What? Why? We’re over, Phil.”

  “No we’re not. You don’t get to dictate to me.”

  “There’s nothing left between us. We need to move on.” I astound myself with how calm I sound. Inside, I’m seething.

  “You will not make me the fool in our relationship. ‘Happily married’ is what my job requires and I’m not risking losing my position because of this stunt, and there is no fucking way I’m paying your costs. You want a divorce you pay for it on your own. As for the house and savings, we both know I have more right over them than you.”

  “You should have thought about that before sleeping with Sophie and the countless others. We’ve been over for years. You’ve been cheating on me for years.”

  “I’m one step away from being the area manager. You don’t get to walk out on our marriage now.”

  “Yes, I do! You can’t stop me. It’s not up to you.”

  “I’m warning you, Izzy, if you mess this up for me, you’ll regret it. Divorcing me won’t get me out of your life!”

  “Fuck you, Phil!”

  I hang up before we shout any further. I’m not sure I can take fighting Phil for this, or rather how I can fight him. What can I do?

  “Izzy? Are you alright? I heard shouting.” Jess comes into the kitchen. “Oh, hun, what’s the matter?” Silent tears have started to run down my cheeks.

  “Phil’s going to contest the divorce.” The sorrow and turmoil that Phil has caused are obvious in my voice.

  “He can’t do that, can he?”

  “He can, and the details of the settlement. He’ll drag it out. The solicitor told me that there are sufficient grounds for the divorce, so he’s doing it just to spite me. I hate him. After everything, he’s doing this.”

  “He’s a prick, that’s why. Have you told your solicitor?”

  “I will. God, I just want all of this to be over and be able to get on with my life. I want to be free of Phil and move forward.” My self-confidence is holding on by a thread. Each conversation with Phil reminds me of how stupid I’ve been. Why did I put up with this?

  “I know you do, and you will. Just be patient, Izzy.”

  “Can we change the subject? It makes me so angry, and you know I get emotional when I’m angry.”

  Jess can’t disguise her giggles. “Sorry, you’re just so cute when you’re angry.” She knows full well that I don’t do well at getting angry. “When’s Seb back?”

  “I don’t know. He said after New Year, but I don’t want to start pressuring him already. I need to look for a flat. I know you’ll let me stay here, but I need to try and get some independence back in my life.” I busy my hands and pretend that I’ve not thought of moving in with Seb as a solution to my housing issue. It’s a stupid fantasy, and one that would go against everything I need to do right with this relationship. I want to take my time with Seb and not jeopardise our future by rushing into anything on a romantic whim, even if it’s now a fantasy I can see myself becoming absorbed in.

  “I get it, Iz. I do. I’ll help as well, alright?”

  “Thanks. Now, what have you been up to? And how’s Greg?” I move the conversation to safer territory.

  “Greg and I are good. It’s only been a few dates, though. We’ll see.”

  “It looked like you were into him at New Year—or was he ‘into’ you?” Raising an eyebrow at her, I grin. We both burst into giggles, the perfect antidote to my dour mood.

  Seb calls at 9:00 p.m. It’s become our usual time to talk. I try to sound positive, but the combined weight of Phil’s conversation, flat hunting and missing Seb is just too great not to feel glum.

  “I can tell you’re not happy, Izzy. Talk to me.”

  “Phil phoned today. It appears I’m going to have to fight with him over the settlement. I just want it to be over, and he’s not going to let that happen. He threatened me and it actually worked. He frightens me.”

  There’s a long pause while I wait to see what Seb will say.

  “I want to know whenever Phil calls you or contacts you in any way. Do you understand, Isabel?” His voice sounds harsher, more commanding, and it grasps my full attention. “And keep up with your texts to me. I might be away, but I still need to know you’re safe.” His commanding voice tells me he won’t waver on this.

  “Okay, I will text you during the day and I’ll let you know if Phil contacts me.”

  “Good. I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

  “It feels like it’s been months since I’ve seen you. I know that it’s only been days, but the thought those days might turn to weeks hurts.”

  “Sweetheart, I will be with you as soon as I can. I’ll see you this weekend.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise. Now, what have you got planned for the week?”

  “I need to start flat hunting, but aside from that, only work.”

  “Flat hunting?”

  “Yes, I can’t stay with Jess for much longer. I need to start looking for a place to live.” Seb’s quiet for a moment. “Seb?”

  “I don’t want you flat hunting.”

  “Why not? Jess’s isn’t a permanent solution. Right now, I need something for me, to show that I can be my own person.” There’s another pregnant pause.

  “After you finalise the divorce, what do you plan on doing?”

  “I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought that far ahead,” I lie. I’ve thought about being with Se
b. Properly. No baggage of a divorce or marriage hanging around my neck.

  “You don’t need to flat hunt because you can move in with me.”

  Now I pause. What? My heart contracts with love and fear. His offer is everything that I want. In the future. The timing is all wrong now. Surely he doesn’t want me to run from my marriage straight into his arms? It’s too fast, not right. I need to get the divorce first. We didn’t start our relationship the way we should have. I want to make up for that.

  “Izzy, are you going to say something?”

  “I’m… I’m not sure. Don’t you think it’s a bit fast? We’ve not had any real time to explore our relationship.”

  “No.” He doesn’t elaborate. The tension is clear even over the phone.

  “Will you call me tomorrow?”

  “Of course I will.”

  “Aren’t you going to ask me anything else? Try and talk me round?” I hear the huff of his sigh on the other end.

  “No, I’m not. If you need some time to adjust to the idea, fine, but this will happen. It’s time you understood how much I want to take care of you, properly look after you. I couldn’t before, and now that I can, I have no intention of being subtle about it. Remember to keep me posted by text.” I’m stunned. How can I argue with him when everything he says sounds so wonderful?

  “I will.”

  “Okay then. Think about us, Izzy. Think about all of the good that we’ve only been able to grasp at. I want it all the time with you. Good night.”

  Flat hunting is utterly depressing. Jess and I have gone from one small, dreary room to the next. Nondescript, cramped, one-bed flats are all I can afford while still paying bills on the joint account with Phil.

  I don’t want my life to take this turn, going backward just to get by, but my options are limited. Plus, the thought of my own independence, taking control of my life, keeps the flame of hope alive. My reality is setting in, and it might not be everything I dreamed, but it’s been of my making. My own space is something I can do for me, and only for me.


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