II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kanji.
5 Advanced Placement Exam Practice Question
A Japanese tutor is showing new students around the campus of a university. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions.
ここが大講堂です。この地下には中央食堂と生協があります。とてもやすいので、学生はよく食べ にきます。食堂と生協は文学部二号館にもあります。生協もあとで行きましょう。いろいろなものが あるので、便ですよ。大講堂の東にグラウンドがあって、1館やプールもあります。グラウンドの南にある学生会館では、よく留学生のパーティーがあります。 あしたのパーティーも学生会館ですから、いっしょに行きましょう。
大講堂の西にある西門のちかくに留学生センターがあります。そこでいろいろな国の留学生がしています。 もちろん、図書館でもできます。図書館は正門の東にあります。正門は午前七時に 開きます。
みなさんの日本語クラスは工学部一号館にありますから、これから行ってみましょう。工学部一号 館は正門の西にあります。大きないちょうの木が一号館の前にあるので、すぐにわかりますよ。
1 gymnasium
1. There is one more co-op other than at the large auditorium. Where is the other?
A. the basement of a student hall
B. the back of the library
C. near the west gate
D. the Department of Literature, Building no. 2
2. Where is the library?
A. south of the sports ground
B. east of the main gate
C. behind a student hall
D. near the west gate
3. Which is the nearest to their Japanese classroom?
A. a big tree
B. the west gate
C. sports field
D. the co-op
4. Choose the item that reflects the text.
A. Tomorrow’s party is held at the foreign students’ center.
B. The main gate is opened at 6:00 A.M.
C. There is a main cafeteria in the basement of a large auditorium.
D. A Japanese class is in the building of the Department of Literature.
5. Choose the item that is not stated in the text.
A. The main cafeteria is popular among students.
B. New students also attend a party on the next day.
C. Now students are in front of a large auditorium, and next they’ll go to a Japanese class.
D. There is a big swimming pool in front of the Department of Engineering, Building no.1.
At the University
As you’d expect, many kinds of rooms are found in Japanese university buildings; for example, lecture rooms, conference rooms, study rooms and offices. The names of the rooms are often written on signs in kanji. This lesson will help you recognize kanji for these rooms.
1 Introductory Quiz
Look at the illustration below and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.
I. Here is the first floor layout of a university building where Mr. Lee studies. While looking at the floor plan, choose the correct answers to the questions below.
1. 入口の左には、 (a. じむ室 b. じっけん室) があります。
2. しょうかいぎ室のとなりは、 (a. としょ室 b. こうぎ室) です。
3. 一階には、 (a. けんきゅう室 b. しょくどう) はありません。
4. 学生は、 (a. 大会議室 b. 研究室) でべんきょうします。
5. 専門のクラスは、 (a. 講義室 b. 事務室) であります。
6. 本やざっしがよみたい時は、 (a. 実験室 b. 図書室) へ行けばいいです。
II. The names of the rooms are usually posted over the doors. The signs hanging on the doors show whether each room is vacant or occupied. Look at the picture below and choose the correct answers to the following questions.
1. 講義室と研究室の間に、 (a. としょ室 b. しょうかいぎ室)
2. 小会議室は、いま (a. 使えます。 b. 使えません。)
3. 講義室は、いま (a. あいています。 b. 使っています。)
III. Combine these kanji to make compounds, and then write the kanji in the spaces below.
2 Vocabulary
Study the readings and meanings of these words to help you understand the Introductory Quiz.
1. いつかい ikkai the 1st floor
2. 研究室 けんきゅうしつ kenkyū shitsu research laboratory, research unit
3. じむしつ jimu shitsu administrative office
4. 実験室 じっけんしつ jikken shitsu laboratory for experiments
5. かいぎしつ kaigi shitsu conference room
6. どしょしつ tosho shitsu library room
7. こうぎしつ kōgi shitsu lecture room
8. きょうじゅしつ kyōju shitsu professor's office
9. くうしつ kūshitsu Vacant Room
10. しようちゅう shiyō chū Occupied
11. コピー室 コピーしつ kopī shitsu photocopy room
3 New Characters
Nine characters are introduced in this lesson. Use the explanations to help you understand and remember the characters. Study the compound words to increase your vocabulary.
階 義 議 室 研 究 務 実 験
187 階
kai, (gai)
stair, story; rank
階 combines stone hedge, 比 two men lined up, and 白 modified from 自 oneself (cf. 99). In ancient times, people piled up stones to make stairs. Rank is an associated meaning. By itself 皆 means everybody.
四階 よんかい yonkai the 4th floor
地下一階 ちかいっかい chika ikkai the 1st basement
三階 さんがい sangai the 3rd floor
かいだん kaidan staircase, stairs
地階 ちかい chikai basement
188 義
justice, righteousness
義 combines beautiful or right (cf. 130 着), and 我, a hand holding a weapon to protect oneself, meaning I. Thus 義 means a right way of doing something, which is related to the idea of justice.
兩我する こうぎする kōgi suru to give a lecture
しゅぎ shugi principle, -ism
定義する ていぎする teigi suru to define
思、我 いぎ igi meaning, significance
止義 せいぎ seigi justice
ぎり giri social duty, obligation; in-law
189 議
deliberate, discuss
議, which combines 言 speak and 義 justice or righteousness, means discussing and deliberating to come to right conclusions.
会議 かいぎ kaigi meeting, conference
国際会議 こくさい かいぎ kokusai kaigi international conference
ぎろんする giron suru to argue, to discuss
議題 ぎだい gidai subject for discussion, agenda
ぎちょう gichō chairperson
議会 ぎかい gikai assembly, the Diet, Congress, Parliament
ぎいん giin member of an assembly/the Diet/Congress/Parliament
190 室
室 combines 宀 house and 至 bird diving down to the ground, meaning reaching a goal. Thus 室 means room, which can be thought of as the goal to reach in a house.
会議室 かいぎしつ kaigi shitsu conference room
図書室 どしよしつ tosho shitsu library room
講義室 こうぎしつ kōgi shitsu lecture room
空室 くうしつ kūshitsu vacant room
地下室 ちかしつ chika shitsu basement
五号室 ごごうしつ gogō shitsu room no. 5
室内 しつない shitsunai indoor, inside the room
よくしっ yokushitsu bathroom
191 研
polish, sharpen
研, which combines 石 stone (cf. 139 確) and make things even, indicates making something smooth with a stone, namely, polishing or sharpening.
〜研 〜けん ~ken abbreviation for ~研究所/室
(~Research Institute/Laboratory)
研修生 けんしゆうせい kenshū sei trainee
192 究
究 combines hole (cf. 158 空) and 九 nine, the number that ends the series of single digits. Thus 究 means searching or investigating an unknown space to its end.
研究する けんきゅうする kenkyū suru to research, to investigate
研究室 けんきゅうしつ kenkyū shitsu research laboratory; research unit
研究生 けんきゆうせい kenkyū sei research student
研究所 けんきゆうじよ kenkyū jo research institute
研究会 けんきゅうかい kenkyū kai research society/meeting
けんきゆういん kenkyū in research fellow
193 務
work; serve
務 combines 矛 halberd, 力 power (cf. 67 男), and 攵, indicating an action (cf. 47 攻). Fighting powerfully with a halberd was an important duty of warriors. From this association, 務 came to mean work in general.
事務室 じむしつ jimu shitsu office, administrative office
事務所 じむしょ jimu sho office
ぎむきょういく gimu kvōiku compulsory education
こうむいん kōmuin government employee, public servant
がいむしよう gaimushō Ministry of Foreign Affairs
ほうむしょう hōmushō Ministry of Justice
きんむさき kimmu saki one's place of work
194 実
mi, jitsu, (ji’)
fruit; truth, actuality
実 derives from 實, which combines 宀 house, or 田 rice paddy (cf. 88), and 貝 money (cf. 200 費). Thus 實 or 実 implies a fruitful harvest, which means fruit or nuts as well as actual money for a household. Truth is an associated meaning.
事実 じじつ jijitsu fact
実際 じっさい jissai fact, reality; actually
木の実 きのみ kinomi nut
実物 じつぶつ jitsubutsu real/actual thing
実用 じっよう jitsuyō practical use
じっしゆう する jisshū suru to have practical training
実行する じっこう する jikkō suru to execute, to implement
195 験
test, examine
験 derives from 驗, which combines 馬 horse (cf. 70 駅) and collect many things (cf. 172 険). The ancient Chinese examined and tested many horses before buying one.
実験する じっけん する jikken suru to conduct an experiment
実験室 じっけん しっ jikken shitsu laboratory for experiments
しけん shiken text, examination
けいけん する keiken suru to experience, to go through
たいけん する taiken suru to experience personally, to go through
4 Practice
I. Write the readings of the following kanji in hiragana.
1. 事 務 室
2. 実 験 室
3. 講 義 室
4. 一 階
5. 研 究 室
6. 三 階
7. 研 究 生
8. 事 実
9. 実 験 す る
10. 食 堂 は 、 地 下 二 階 に あ り ま す 。
11. 来 月 、 京 都 で 国 際 会 議 が あ り ま す 。
12. い ま 、 大 会 議 室 は 使 用 中 で す が 、 小 会 議 室 は 空 室 で す 。
13. そ れ は 、 実 際 に あ っ た こ と で す 。
II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate kanji.
5 Advanced Placement Exam Practice Question
Read the conversation that the professor’s secretary had with a university staff member, first on the phone and then in a room. Then answer the following questions.
1書: はい、田中研究室です。
大木: 事務の大木です。こちらは二階の二会議室から電話しているんですが、田中教はいらっ しゃいますか。
書: 教は3時間目の講義からまだもどりませんが…
大木: 3時間目は2時50分に終わりますよね、講義はどちらで?
書: 講義室です。
大木: 講義室ならこの階ですよね、会議力々時からなのですが、まだいらっしゃらないんです。
書: ちょっとおまちください。スケジュールを確認します。 教もわかっているはずです。会議の2料もコピーしましたし…
大木: え、そうですか。じゃ、おなじ階だから事務室からそのまま一会議室へ行かれたのかな あ。
書: わたし一会議室をみてきます。
大木: はい、おねがいします。
書: 教はまだいらっしゃいませんか。 一会議室は空室になっていました。
大木: どうしたんだろう。じや、30分まではまちましょう。
書: もうしわけありません。
1 書: secretary
2 料: documents
1. Professor Tanaka’s research laboratory
A. is on the first floor.
B. is on the second floor.
C. is on the same floor as conference room #2.
D. We don’t know what floor it is on.
2. Where was Professor Tanaka supposed to go after the lecture, according to the understanding of the secretary?
A. the laboratory for experiments.
B. the library room.
C. the administrative office.
D. the photocopy room.
3. The administrative office is
A. next door to the laboratory for experiments.
B. on the same floor as conference room #1.
C. next door to the photocopy room.
D. on the same floor as conference room #2.
4. When the secretary went to conference room #1,
A. it was occupied.
B. Professor Tanaka was there.
C. a “vacant room” sign was on the door.
D. it was locked.
5. What can be said about the meeting?
A. It started as soon as they knew the Professor was missing.
B. Even though Professor Tanaka hadn’t come, it started at 3:00.
C. It was cancelled because Professor Tanaka didn’t show up at all.
D. Whether Professor Tanaka comes or not, it starts at 3:30.
Bulletin boards contain a lot of useful information. Campus bulletin boards offer announcements like dates of final exams, when new courses start, names of scholarship recipients, and so on. Municipal offices, supermarkets, banks, and other public places also use bulletin boards for official notices and personal advertisements. Thanks to ads on bulletin boards, you can find part-time jobs, used CD players, or bicycles at discount prices. Some
times if you are lucky, you can even get things such as used furniture or electrical appliances for free. The community bulletin boards give you the latest news in your neighborhood and the schedules of local events.
In this lesson, you will learn how to read bulletin boards and, in the process, you may even find some useful information on boards where you work or study.
1 Introductory Quiz
Look at the illustration below, and refer to the words in Vocabulary. Then try the following quiz.
I. Posted below is a notice about a lecture by Professor Brown of London University. Read the notice carefully and write the correct answers in the spaces provided.
1. ブラウン教は、 何について話しますか。
2. 講をききたいのですが、どのたてものに行けばいいですか。
3. 四階のどのへやに行けばいいですか。
4. ブラウン教の講は何日ですか。
II. Below is a notice about a field trip to the Yokohama Bay Bridge. To join the trip you must fill in the application form. Read the notice and write the correct answers in the spaces provided.
1. 見学ツアーは何日ですか。
2. お金はいくらかかりますか。
3. 見学ツアーに行きたい人はどうすればいいですか。
_________________に記入して、 _________________に出します。
250 Essential Japanese Kanji Characters Volume 1 Page 14