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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

Page 12

by Eden Rose

  "Adam, why don't you get some pants on?" Christine asked with no shame in her tone. where Adam turned around to leave she looked at us. "So I take it you aren't mad at me for inviting him to stay with us for a while?" She patted my back and this caused me to laugh even harder.

  "Nope. Just don't invite other strays too!" Grant picked me up off of his lap and threw me down on the couch to tickle me.

  "Yeah! I'm the only stray that is allowed here!" He said a as he leaned down to kiss me.

  "Wait... wait! You guys are done playing that game and are going to give it a go?" She asked as she flew off the couch.

  "Yes," Grant and I both answered at the same time.

  "That's good! So what are we doing tonight?" Christine asked as she stared at Adam when he came out in briefs.

  Grant got off of me while my jaw dropped when Adam sat down. I didn't know where to look. I mean the guy is attractive and apparently an exhibitionist. He obviously wants to show off what he has but this is awkward.

  "Um... Yeah. Grant, I will give you a tour," I stood up and pulled him up with me.

  I showed him my bathroom, the kitchen, my room and Christine's side of the apartment. Steve followed us around everywhere we went and barked as we went into my room.

  "How old is your dog? He is cute."

  "A few years. I have had him since he's four weeks old. I raided a puppy mill and he's in a cage at the back. It was love at first sight, wasn't it, Steve?" I puckered my lips at my dog and he kissed my nose.

  Grant scanned my room and looked at the decor. It is funny to see him process that I'm not the same sorority girl in college anymore. I now have grown up furniture with a grown up decor.

  "Your room is nice," he pulled my desk chair out and sat down. "I am curious when my apartment will be ready. Maybe you can help me decorate too."

  I laid down on my stomach and pushed my elbows up so I can rest my head on them. Steve came up onto my bed and laid next to me. "Sounds good. Are you wanting to stay here until your apartment is ready?" Part of me wanted him to say that he never got an apartment so he could stay here with me... But that would be selfish of me.

  The front door opened and closed and then I heard heavy footsteps on the floor. Before I could process what is happening, Christine is at my door.

  "My birthday is tomorrow, how did you know my fantasy is to bang a cop?" She asked and pushed the door further open.

  "Hi, guys!" Howard walked into my room and plopped down on my bed.

  "Are there any more visitors that I need to know about?" I asked as I kicked Howard in the shin.

  Christine came into the room and sat down on Grant's lap. The look on his face is priceless. He couldn't decide if he should push her off or keep her there. Howard and I both chuckled at this.

  "Not that I'm aware of. Howard, you can share my bed if you want tonight... Because last I checked, Grant is sleeping on the couch!" Christine offered and elbowed Grant in the ribs.

  "Aww, come on, Chlo, let the poor guy share your bed with you! I know you guys are doing the nasty!"

  My cheeks burned after Howard's confession. Grant looked at me and winked which caused me to blush even further. I examined Grant and his reactions to this conversation. I couldn't decide if he were embarrassed or proud of himself that he got me out of my pants... well three times now.

  * Grant

  I could sense that there is an aire of awkwardness in the room as Howard laid down next to Chloe. There isn't any reason for me to get obsessive since Christine is sitting on my lap, but I knew the reason why they were being awkward.

  I will put them out of their misery. "Listen, I know why you guys are acting so weird." Chloe looked at me with questions in her eyes. "I know that you and Howard slept together in college. So you guys can stop being weird."

  Howard looked at Chloe as she punched him in his shoulder. "You told him?" She screamed and rolled off of her bed with a thud on the floor where she fell. "Fuck! That hurt!" Christine is obviously enjoying this since she is laughing like a crazy person.

  "He told me when he was drunk after we slept together the first time. Its no big deal." Even though those words came out of my mouth, I'm a little uneasy about him laying next to her. "So, quit being weird!" Christine turned and looked at me with incredulous eyes.

  "Aw, Grant had to share his crush! You should have told her in college, you big pussy!"

  Damn it. Christine and her big mouth. The night that we all got drunk and the first night that we slept together, Christine called me out and asked me if I had feelings for Chloe. When I denied it, she badgered me until I admitted it. When Chloe came out of her room, I always wondered if she heard me admitting that I have feelings for her.

  "What is she talking about?" Chloe asked as she got off the ground and fell back onto her bed smacking Howard in the face.

  "Oh, shit! You haven't told her?" Christine wiggled on my lap and I pushed her off of me.

  "You are being crazy, Christine. Completely crazy." Chloe watched me while Christine walked over to her side of the bed and laid on top of her. Since Christine is so much taller than her, all I could see were Chloe's hands. "Get off of her, you psycho!" I said this as a joke but it came off more serious.

  "I will get off when you admit it!"

  Howard is tickling both girls and they were squealing with laughter. "All right. All right. Chloe, that night Christine called me out and I admitted that I had feelings for you but I couldn't tell you because you and that dumb ass were together." I walked over to Christine and rolled her off of Chloe. I wanted to hold her and feel her in my arms. Her body fit so wonderfully against mine.

  I hope I didn't push her too far when I asked her to give me a chance. There is no way that I could watch her with another man. I needed her in my bed every night. That beautiful body felt erotic next me and under me. I leaned over and pulled Chloe off the bed and I sat down on the bed with her on my lap.

  She giggled when I tickled her sides. "So, everyone knew you had the hots for your room mate except your roommate? Talk about awkward!"


  I did get to sleep in Chloe's bed with her. Steve laid at our feet and I felt awful since I kicked him twice while I am sleeping. I held Chloe the whole night and woke up in the same position the next morning.


  For some reason, I thought that with the girls no longer being in a sorority, that their alcohol tolerance depreciated. Oh, fuck, is I wrong.

  Howard and I watched Chloe and Christine as they went shot for shot at the Latin bar that night. They would take turns every other song by shooting drinks out of their tits.

  "I don't even want to know what their bar tab is after that!" Howard yelled across the pool table. "Damn bro, you are going to burn holes into her head if you keep staring at her so much!"

  The bar is jammed packed by all different types of people. Each wall is painted a Latin color and the floor is black. Black from what, I don't want to know at all. Every wall around us vibrated from the pulsating music and I felt it in my chest. People danced together on the floor in a way that should be illegal. I'm pretty sure I seen at least three people having actual sex out in front of everyone.

  Why am I just a little jealous of that?

  I snapped out of my daze as Chloe licked her hand and then did another body shot off of Christine. "What were you saying, man?"

  Howard rolled his eyes and restocked the pool balls. He picked up a blue one and walked over to me. "Hey, bro, I found your balls!" He placed the ball into my hand.

  "Not funny, man!" I whacked him with my pool stick across his back.

  We finished our beer and then I seen that look in Howard's eyes. That look of him wanting to talk about something serious. "What's up?" I lined up my next shot and took it.

  He walked over in front of me and waved his hand for another beer. "Do you really like her or are you just getting back at her for putting you in the friend's zone?"

  Ouch. That stung. I'm a little too drunk to pl
ay this off cool and all I need is for someone to overhear us about my confession. "Man, I have liked her since fuckin' freshman year of college. I guess I didn't realize it. Do I sound insane?"

  He examined my face and popped off the top of his new bottle to take a swig. "Why do you think you sound crazy?" Normally, Howard is not the type to be warm and fuzzy but I think he wants to know how I feel.

  I rubbed my hands over my face and tried to suck it up and get real advice from my friend who just happens to know that drunk and sexy ass over there.

  "She really isn't the type to want to be in a serious relationship... Yesterday at her parent's house, I told her that I couldn't do casual with her anymore. How desperate does that sound?" I knew I risked the chance of him bagging on me for the rest of the weekend but I really wanted to know what he had to say.

  Howard took a drink and then walked back over to the table to line up his next shot. After he sunk the last of his stripes, he turned to me. "I don't think it is desperate. I think that it is great that you finally admit that you have a thing for her." He continued stacking the balls again since I lost, he gets the first try. "But... I think it is a little more than a thing for you. Look, Grant, we have known each other for a long time and we were partners. Everyone knows that partnership is similar to a marriage. I know you man," he lined up his next shot and sunk in a solid. "Bro, when are you going to admit that you are in love with the girl?"

  His words slapped me in my face. Straight pushed me back against the bar stool right behind me. Am I that transparent? I lined up my next shot and heard the girls yelling for more shots on the dance floor. Not going to lie, there is something hot as fuck watching them dance on each other. They had their hands on the others back and Chloe stuck a finger in the back of Christine's jeans. A little girl on girl never hurt anyone, right.

  "Yo, bro! Admit it and I will get the next round!" He nudged me into the table and I spilled my beer over my hand. "My bad, that's on me. I will take that!"

  "Damn straight!" I shook my hand off in the air and then rubbed the splatter on the back of Howard's shirt. "Okay, okay! It is a little more than a thing..."

  Howard placed his bottle in front of my shot and I looked back at him. "I won't tell her, I promise," he did an X over his chest and chuckled.

  "Fine! I'm in love with Chloe and I have been since college!" Before we could finish the conversation at hand, we both heard a big thud on the floor and whiskey flying through the air. "Um..." I set my pool stick on the table and walked over to the dance floor with Howard trailing behind me.

  My conversation with Colin played in the back of my mind. I know I'm going to get burned.

  Howard is the first one to find what caused the thud. The girls were in a pile on the floor all tangled in each other. Both of them were rubbing the hair out of each other's faces and were laughing hysterically at falling.

  After what seemed like an hour of us watching them, Chloe and Christine looked up and found us looking at them.

  "Uh-oh! We got busted!" Chloe snorted as she tried to get up but she fell back down on top of Christine this time. They stared at each other for a good minute and I felt the air change. "I want to kiss you," she whispered against Christine's mouth.

  "Okay, sounds fun!" Christine wrapped her fingers in Chloe's hair and pulled her mouth down to hers. They kissed briefly but the crowd is enjoying the show. My dick twitched while I watched them kiss. I'm not even jealous that it is Christine and not me, but I did want to be the one who could make her do that moan she just made.

  The bouncer came up to me and hit me on the arm. "Hey! They can't be this drunk! They need to leave."

  "Okay, man. Give us a minute."

  Howard waited for me to grab Chloe from the second lip lock that she is in with Christine and he grabbed the other kisser. I threw Chloe over my shoulder and she laughed while hitting my ass as we walked out of the bar.

  "This is such a sexy view! Gr!" She yelled as she wiggled on my shoulder.

  "I don't have a bad view either," I had her ass eye level to me and I bit it.

  Christine is talking to Howard as he held her around her waist. She kept falling into him and I could tell the frustration on his face.

  "I think you should take me to bed," Christine probably thought she whispered this, but it is loud as hell.

  "Do it! She is a sexy kisser!" Chloe yelled from over my shoulder. "Not as good as you, baby. Don't worry, I still.. lo... am yours!"

  What is she going to say? Holy shit. Was she actually going to admit that she has feelings and emotions for me? Hot damn.

  "Chlo, what did you just say?" Howard asked and my face burned.

  "You don't need to know! Grant knows what I said and that is what matters." All of a sudden she stopped fighting to get off of me and her body went limp. She fell asleep.

  That night, when I put her in bed, she snuggled into my chest and before I could fall asleep she started to talk.

  Most of it is unrecognizable but now I'm curious. I didn't know she talked in her sleep. Chloe is draped over me and since she is we wearing little clothes, I got hard.

  She started to flop around against me and then she said something that I could make out. "Grant... Grant... I'm sorry... I love you... I have loved you for a while... I'm so sorry."

  Holy fucking hell! She just said those words to me! Calm down, she is asleep.

  "I love you, Chloe. I have you, it's okay," she stopped moving and laid half on me and half off of me. I can't let her know what she said while she is asleep because by knowing her she will deny it.

  * Chloe


  Who is the evil genius that made mornings so bright? I want to kick them in their dick. I know it is a man because everything bad that happens to a woman comes down to a man being involved. Menstruation.

  My body feels like it's on fire and I'm suddenly too warm. When did my room get to be so hot? I push at my covers and am shocked to feel warm flesh. Great! Did I go home with someone?

  "Good morning, precious," the warm flesh says.

  Everything started to become clear. Grant is back and I didn't dream him up. All of these years I wondered what it would be like to wake up with him and now I don't have to wonder anymore. It feels amazing.

  I stare at his stubbled face and blurry eyes as he tries to focus on me. He's beautiful. Really, beautiful. I never realized it before how truly wonderful he is. These thoughts hit me like a mack truck but I can't help it.

  "Grant," I whisper as I brush the fallen hair out of his eyes and grip his face with both hands to bring him closer to me. "You're here," I say against his lips.

  "Of course, I'm here."

  With all of my might, I managed to get him on his back. Once he were lying comfortably on my pillows, I sat up gingerly and crawled on top of his thighs. "I like you being here."

  I aligned my pussy just right so it rested on his clothed dick and rubbed lightly. I wanted to tease him a little. "Can we do something I've never done?" I ask him as I kiss up his chest and lick around his nipples.

  He brushed my crazy knotted hair out of the way and smiled. "We can do anything you want if it involves me getting inside you soon." I blushed and then he continued. "What do you want to do?"

  I gently ran a hand down his chest until it got to the hem of my shirt. Well... Not mine. "Thanks for letting me borrow your shirt," I say as I take it off.

  Grant chuckled and thrusted up hitting me just right. "It looks better on the floor."

  Such a charmer.

  I reached for his boxer briefs and lightly pulled them down as I rested on my knees. As soon as they were at his knees, I climbed up a little to take off my panties.

  "Well, I'm liking where this is going," he whispers as his hands cupped my breasts and balanced their weight in his palms. "You're perfect, you know that?"

  The smile that flooded my face couldn't have been wiped off if I tried. Carefully, I pushed myself up on his thighs and sat down so his dick is embedded in m
e. "I want sleepy sex," I whispered as I leaned over and kissed along his jaw.

  We chose a rhythm that is both pleasurable for each other and I bobbed slowly and methodically on his dick. Grant pushed his hips into me and his dick went deeper. My head rolled back and I grabbed onto his thighs backwards. My chest stuck straight out and I am leaning over in camel pose (yoga speak for a back bend thingy).

  I used my grip on his thighs for leverage as I pleasured us both.

  "Use me to make yourself feel good, let me give it to you," he whispered as I touched my clit and rubbed my finger along the base of his shaft.

  A few minutes later, I came and so did he and I felt it drip out of me. Normally I would be disgusted but I like knowing that our arousals have blended together.


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