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The Siren (The Chloe Chronicals Book 2)

Page 13

by Eden Rose


  There is something so attractive about a girl using you to get off. Chloe looked as if she is in a different time as the pleasure rode over her face.

  "Wake up, love birds!" Howard hollered as he pounded on the door.

  "Go away, ass hole, before I kick you in your throat," Chloe shouted back.

  I brushed the hair out of her face and she looked up at me and smiled. "I like sleepy sex. Did you?"

  She blushed and nodded against my chest. "Yes, I like feeling close to you," her mouth shut really fast and I knew I lost her.

  By the time we made our way out of her bed, Christine is huddled around the coffee pot looking like a psycho. Her hair is all over the place and I could tell she is hungover.

  Christine looked over at us and nodded. "First two cups of coffee are mine. I might share the rest." I took a minute to look at her. She is wearing underwear and a tank top that is stretched out. Kind of mafia style. "Why do I have this hang over?" She whined and I laughed.

  "What? You don't remember making out with Chloe?" Howard asked as he came into the kitchen wearing underwear.

  What is with people and constantly needing to be naked?

  I looked over at Chloe and she tried to look at the ground but I caught her staring at Howard a couple of times. And it looks like he did too. "See something you like?"

  My girl blushed red and Christine came over and smacked him upside the head. While they were fighting, Chloe and I took Steve outside to go to the bathroom.

  "It's nice out," I murmured as I held her hand. It's strange to think this is probably stressing her out way beyond belief.

  "Mmhmm," she hummed and stopped so the dog could mark up a tree. "Normally Christine and I go running so he gets more exercise so he's probably going to mark a dozen trees."

  I laughed and tugged on her hand. "We shouldn't be holding hands," she whispered and looked around. "I don't want to get fired. If people see us..."

  I should have let her hand go. Not going to. It's a fucking cop out and I'm not going to deal with that shit. "Come on, Steve," I spoke to the dog and started walking more.

  Steve led the way with his nose to the ground and his paws kicking up his ears. It is hilarious to watch his ears fly up and down. "I swear, this dog is fucking funny."

  "I agree."

  By the time we made it back, I have held her hand for a little over a mile and squeezed it when we got to the building. "What do you want to do tonight?" I asked as I held the elevator door open for Chloe and Steve.

  "Anything that doesn't involve me putting on a bra."

  WIthout her noticing, I stepped behind her and cupped her luscious tits in my hands. "I'll be your bra, precious." She wiggled that fine ass against the front of my pants and I instantly got hard. The elevator door slid open and I walked behind her holding her tits.

  By the time we made it into her apartment, Christine and Howard were nowhere to be found and there is a mess in the kitchen. "That girl is such a skank."

  I shrugged and bent down to take Steve's leash off. Immediately he went running in a circle and then barked. What he's barking at it, is unknown but it's fucking funny.

  We spent the rest of the weekend relaxing and made all of our meals out of their kitchen. I actually enjoy cooking so I had no problem picking up the slack. Howard and Christine kept leaving to have sex but Chloe and I just spent time hanging out like we used to.

  "Do you remember that one time you brought that bitch home and she cried because you didn't sleep with her? I do, man, I thought she is going to go crazy," Chloe said as she took a sip out of her water bottle.

  I rubbed my hand up and down her feet that were draped over my lap. "Yeah, well... That chick did go a little crazy even after I let her suck my dick." No point in denying what happened.

  She spits out some water and shoots out of the corner of the couch. "Nu uh! You didn't?"

  "What, we're all grown ups."

  Chloe pouted and I tickled her feet. "Suck that lip back in your mouth before I shove my dick in there," I growled.

  The look on her face is priceless. She looks as if I told her Santa isn't real or something. "Um, what?" Chloe whispers and looks closer at me.

  "You heard me. I don't want you thinking about what happened in the fucking past. I'm not going to put up with it and you aren't going to dwell in it. Ya got me?" I meant to be as up front as I came off. I didn't want to see that look of insecurity on her face because I sure as shit am not bringing up what happened before.

  We stared each other down for a few moments and none of us broke away from it. FInally after what seemed like ages, she shivered and closed her eyes. "Yeah, okay," and I got a shrug.

  I got out of my seat and pushed her feet on the ground which caused her to swirl in her seat. "On your knees. You need to learn that those people didn't matter and they don't matter now. Get on your knees and suck my dick until you're no longer thinking about them." I thought for sure I had pushed her too hard, but sure enough, she got on her knees and took my dick out. I watched her eyes widened as she seen me get harder against my stomach. "I'm hard for you. No one else. Now put those lips on me."

  Chloe started by sucking on the tip of my dick and pulled it to the back of her throat. "That's it." I rolled my head back and rested it on the back of the couch. I've always man-scaped and never stopped, so she didn't have to worry about hair in her mouth. Her luscious lips shuttled over my shaft over and over and I felt the back of her throat open to accept me. "Yeah, suck me so good. This dick's yours."

  She mumbled over my head and I groaned loudly as the vibrations washed over me. Her hand fondled my balls gently and pushed against that secret place most women don't know about. "I'm gonna fill that mouth up."

  Instead of stopping, she gripped my base and held tightly as she continued to suck me up and down. I felt the tingle in my balls and then felt the stream come out. She sucked the head of my dick harder as I fulfilled my promise. "That's it, precious. Swallow me," I murmured as I opened my eyes.

  I looked down at her as she let go of my pleasure spent dick. She opened her mouth and showed me my load that she held in her mouth. Then. She. Fucking. Swallowed. It. And. Licked. Her. God. Damned. Lips.

  "That is so hot," we heard behind us and Chloe stood up and faced Howard off.

  "Yeah, well I already got my protein for today. Thanks for coming," she walked off into the bathroom and her dog followed her.


  We walked to work all together after Chloe and Christine went for their run. I prefer more of a "lunk" work out so I stick to the gym. I enjoy lifting weights and feeling my muscles grow. I always found it funny to watch Steve come in from a run because his tongue hangs out of his mouth and he always collapses outside of his crate.

  I made sure to kiss the fuck out of Chloe before we left their place and I fingered her off while she blow dried her hair. Her pink lips puckered as I shoved my fingers in and out of pussy and rocked the heal of my hand on her clit. She moaned loudly and I sucked on the back her neck as she came.

  We were accosted by the time we walked through the door by William. "Chloe, you need to come right now. The captain says there is a break."


  A break? A break in the stalker case, maybe. I'm hoping so!

  Grant and I followed behind my assistant as he walked off to the elevators. The whole building is in a buzz and I had this horrible feeling in my stomach that some shit is about to go down. What, I don't know.

  "Where are we meeting?' I ask as I run through the floor of our department. I don't know how it is at other places, but you can always tell the severity of the situation is by the room we are supposed to be meeting in. If it's employee related, it's usually Conference Room B. It's small and there aren't any cameras. Needless to say, all of the other rooms have cameras and audio throughout the whole thing.

  "CR D. Now, Delacruz and Brandon. If you are a second later than two fucking seconds, I'm kicking your ass," the captain'
s voice is gritty and sleep deprived.

  Shit. Things must have gotten bad.

  As we approach the room, I ignore my feet that are in pain from running in my high heels and steamroll past Mable as I make my way through. What I see on the video camera is something that will haunt me for life.

  My whole team is surrounding the projection screen and each of them are talking to themselves. About what, I haven't come to terms with yet. I'm rooted in my heels to the ground while my eyes take in the picture of the screen.

  A woman who is lying in a hospital bed, is broken and bruised with wires all over body. I can barely make out her facial features, but I know that she is pretty before this happened to her. Her cheekbones are high and her lips are the perfect pucker that women train their lips to look like. My breathing becomes shallow as I take it in.

  This must have something to do with my case.

  "All right, chuckle heads," the captain says and gestures to the chairs with his middle finger. "Sit your happy asses down."

  "Cap-" Colin starts but is interrupted by me.

  I found my voice and I'm gearing up to use it. "She... this... this is about the... stalking? Isn't it? Did I fail?" I didn't mean to say the last part but Grant heard me and leaned over into my chair space.

  "Baby, you didn't fail."

  I'm too caught up in my head to address the fact that he called me a pet name in front of my team which draws attention to our relationship... but I file it away for later.

  "We've got something new that is taking place. The stalking task force is being pushed off to the police departments and each division will have their own force. You all are now working on something that is probably going to keep you up at night."

  Colin sits up straighter in his chair and he drums his fingertips against the table. "What are you talking about, captain? We just started the task force!"

  I'm spending so much of my energy trying to figure out happened to this poor girl to even consider the gravity of what this truly means. I have only had my task force for a few days and it's already been taken from me. Shit, this means that I won't get the director position. Great. I'm an asshole.

  "Shut the fuck up and listen to what I got to say."

  Oh, shit. Captain is getting feisty. It rarely happens but when it does... yeah. Many lives have been threatened. "Get to it then."

  He takes a seat in front us and stretches out his legs. Another sign that he's close to losing it. "I got called last night by the hospital staff and they told me to come immediately to the hospital because a patient held my card in her hand." He takes a breath and shrugs. "Katelyn McCormick had gone missing about six years ago from her high school. No one knew where she had gone or if she even is taken. From what her friends would say, she didn't get along with her parents that well. But there were too many things that fucking pointed to some jankedy business. Turns out, according to her friends, she had a secret older boyfriend and no one knew who he was. They just knew that they were seeing each other."

  Piles of photos hit the table and we each pick up a stack of them. The first one is of a girl who looks happy. Her long red hair is curly but it's not a natural curl. She looks fresh and beautiful. The next photo is of the same girl but she looks mad at the world. her brown eyes are narrowed at the camera and it's not a school photo. The next one is of the same girl but she's in a circle with a group of girls her age and they are passing around a bottle. The next couple were of her partying. Then the last one is of the bottle on the floor and everyone is gone.

  "What is this about?" I ask. My attention has been firmly placed in this. Something obviously had happened that is bad because the feds are involved.

  The captain nods his head at the door and a woman comes in. She looks about the age of forty and almost as if she is scared shitless for being here. This is going to be bad. "This is Natasha Birkovich. I want everyone in here to listen to what she is about to say and know that she has been rewarded with immunity."

  I lean forward in my seat and kick my shoes off. I'm gearing up to attack this bitch because I can feel it already that she is about to piss me off.

  Natasha's hair is blonde but I can tell it's a bottle dye and she looks very pristine. The suit she is wearing probably costs as much as my monthly rent and she has a fuck ton of jewelry.

  "Hello. I here as part of my agreement with captain." She sounds fresh of the boat from Europe. The accent is thick and definitely new. "I fifteen when I'm taken from school in Russia. They took me from my math class and carried me to van outside door. Men wear black clothes and one shot my hand when we left. They kept saying my dad owes money and I make payment."

  Is this what I think it is?

  "Agreement with captain is I tell you what I did. The first house I come to is bath house and they were nice. One lady came 'round with needle and stuck in arms. She came three time day and each time, we got warm feeling. Week later, men in group came and two picked me up by elbows and dragged me in back."

  My throat began to close up and I couldn't help the fire that took place in my chest. Shit. This is exactly what I think it is and now I get to hear about it.

  She takes a drink of water that the captain must have brought in and sits in front of us. "I so young and didn't know what is going to happen. I follow man and he place me in room. Three men rape me and then one came in and asked how merchandise was. I never say bye to my family and I left Russia." Natasha shakes out her neck and then looks over at all of us. "It's true. I held in captivity for five year and no one come find me. They made me work on streets to make money and then took all of my money. When Marco came to find me..."

  My hand began to hurt as I furiously began writing everything down in my notebook that the captain had left us.


  "He told me to come with him and make money. I came with him and then I had to kidnap girls. Many thought I stalked them, and I did. But I needed a quota."

  My mind fought with what Colin said as memories flooded through my mind.

  I can't keep my mouth shut anymore. "Are you honestly telling us that you kidnapped girls so you could make money?" I knew the answer but I couldn't help my question. These types of situations is one where the individual cares more about themselves.

  Natasha looks at me and narrow her eyes at me. "You don't know what it like there."

  Against my better judgement, I stand up and look at her. This is hitting too close to home and I can't sit here and listen to a woman who openly admits that she helped those demons traffic innocent girls. "No, you don't know what it's like to be the family members of those girls who never come home and when they do... they're so far gone. You are the problem!" I yell and then go to sit back down.

  "Brandon! Get out of here and go wait in my office!" The captain shouts at me and then points to the door.

  Fuck! I stand out of my chair and march out of the conference room. Shit! I probably just got myself fired and I just got Chloe back. Now... this is going to give her time to run out on me.

  The knock on the door wakes me out of a cold and dead sleep. For the past two years I have stalked and waited for this case to be broken open. It is only a matter of time for me to bring Emily home. I will bring her home and after that, I'm never letting her out of my sight.

  I open the door, and block half of it so they know I don't want anyone to come inside. "What can I help you with?"

  "Are you Detective Grant Brandon? Have you been working on Emily McCloud's missing persons case?" The fed says as he shows me a picture of the little girl that haunts my dreams.

  In those photo, she is about seven years old with pigtails and blonde hair. Her brown eyes shimmer in the photo but even this photo shows the small amount of horror of that she has been living since she is born. I have tried to save her. Numerous times. I have told them over and over again that that bastard will kill her or sell her off for a dime bag of weed. No one believed me. But I knew.

  I push open the door enough for the officers to come
inside. "Sorry about the mess." I mutter and sit on my recliner. This is not going to be good. This is going to be bad. I feel it all through my fucking body. Everything in me is screaming to fucking kill someone.

  "Mr. Brandon, we found Emily."

  "Why didn't you say that at first? We have to go." I jump out of my chair and slip into my tennis shoes and grab my keys and everything else that is needed.

  I followed them to the hospital and then when it is my turn to walk into the hospital room, I knew everything is about to change for this girl.

  The door opened and then slammed shut. "Tell me why I don't send your ungrateful little ass back to where you came from? I did you a fucking favor!" The captain yelled at me and I fought the urge to shrink myself into the chair.


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