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Daddy's Girls

Page 7

by Stella Andrews

  Cara looks shocked but before she can speak Cassie opens her eyes and blinks as the sun hits her. She looks up and smiles and says softly, “Daddy.”

  Her little arm reaches up, and she touches my face and says, “I missed you.”

  Squeezing her tightly, I whisper, “Not as much as I missed you little princess.”

  She looks around and sees Ashton standing beside me and her eyes grow wide. I watch as Ashton smiles, a beautiful smile that lights up the yard and Cassie blinks in disbelief. I turn to Ashton and say softly.

  “Cassie, I want you to meet a very important lady. This is Ashton but you can call her, Mom.”

  I ignore Cara’s sharp intake of breath and see the worry enter Ashton’s eyes. But Cassie doesn’t waver as I knew she wouldn’t. A huge smile breaks out across her face and she struggles to get down. As I set her down, she moves over to Ashton and says in a whisper.

  “Are you really my mommy?”

  I see the tears form in Ashton’s eyes as she bends down so she’s the same height as Cassie.

  “Yes, darling. Your daddy and I got married yesterday so I am now officially your mom. I hope that’s ok with you?”

  My heart melts as Cassie wraps her little arms around Ashton’s waist and buries her face in her chest. I hear the emotion in her voice as she whispers, “I knew you would come. I asked God for a princess mommy and he sent me you.”

  I watch the tears fall down Ashton’s cheeks as she holds my Angel close, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. I am mesmerized and can’t tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me. I knew I wanted this but seeing it playing out in front of my eyes is like a hammer to my heart. My family, my world and my future are kneeling down before me and it feels fucking amazing.

  There is silence as Cassie pulls back and looks at Ashton with complete adoration, mixed with the excitement only a five-year-old can possess. “Come on mommy, I want to show you my toys.”

  Laughing, Ashton straightens up and allows Cassie to drag her off towards the house. Grinning, I turn and see the icy glare of my sister shooting daggers through my heart.

  “What the fuck is going on, Ryder? Who is that woman and why are you playing with Cassie’s heart like this?”

  I feel the irritation creeping over me at her words.

  “It’s none of your business, Cara. What I do with my life is my concern and mine alone.”

  Her voice is like a whip as she says angrily.

  “Oh great. Ryder wants the perfect family and has gone out and got a mom for Cassie overnight. What happens when she wakes up and realizes what a shit she’s married? She won’t hang around then and Cassie will be dealing with the loss, not you. You’ll just move back inside one of the whores you surround yourself with and carry on as before. You’re a selfish asshole, Ryder. You always have been. Cassie deserves better and once again I’m forced to plead with you. Let me take her and give her the life she deserves. This is no place for a young girl and you are making the bad situation a whole lot worse.”

  I feel the anger burning a hole in my soul but I refuse to react. Lowering my voice, I say in a hard, steely, ice-laden voice.

  “Thanks for your concern dear sis, it’s been duly noted. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to get back to my family. Cassie is my daughter, not yours. You’re a good Aunt to her but that’s all it is. Ashton is her mom and will be forever. I’m not going to drive her away and fool around with anyone else, so think again. Now, you are welcome to come in if you want to say goodbye but if not, don’t let me keep you.”

  If looks could kill Cara would be up for murder right now. She just shrugs and growls.

  “I’m coming in. I need to see that Cassie is ok with this. That was a big bomb to drop on a young child. I’m not sure you realize what you’ve just done.”

  Shrugging, I grab Cassie’s bags from the trunk.

  “We’ll have to see about that, won’t we?”

  As we head towards the house, I can’t wait to prove my sister wrong.



  The minute I saw Cassie in Ryder’s arms my heart was taken. Cassie is a mini replica of her father. She has gorgeous dark hair that hangs in curls and her eyes are the deepest velvety brown. Her lashes swept to the stars and her lips were the brightest ruby red. I have never seen such love between a father and daughter and it took my breath away.

  If love, at first sight, is real, then it has hit me twice in as many days. Seeing the two of them in front of me made my world complete. So, this is what it’s like—a family. My family and my future. A little unconventional but so right at the same time. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to fall at the feet of my daughter and hold her close. The fact that I didn’t give birth to her doesn’t matter. This crazy mixed up arrangement and mad couple of days all slotted into place and made perfect sense. I am finally where I belong and every problem I have fades into the background.

  Cassie dragged me straight to her room and I smile at the excitement in her eyes. I thought she may be shy, but that is so not the case. One by one she shows me her toys and looks at me anxiously for approval. In no time at all, she thrusts a large storybook at me and drags me to the couch and sits on my lap.

  “Read me a story, mommy—please.”

  As she bats those luscious eyelashes at me I know how Ryder feels. How can I say no to this?

  “I take the book and begin the story. Cinderella - of course. Every little girl’s favorite.”

  As I read the words, she leans against my chest and sucks her thumb. Her other hand touches the pictures reverently as I say the words.

  I love this. The small human being in my arms has invaded my heart in a matter of seconds. How on earth does life work out this way?

  It doesn’t take long before Ryder and his sister join us. They stand in the doorway and just watch as I carry on reading the story. I blank them out. Nothing else matters but Cassie. This is our moment and I will deal with any problems later on. I didn’t miss the icy glare of his sister. I saw she didn’t approve and who can blame her. I understand her anger but she has no reason to worry. I’m going nowhere.

  They stay for a while and then leave us alone. I am glad of it. I feel happy with Cassie. Locked in her room with nothing but innocence and magic locking the real world out. If I could stay here forever I would. I had a room much the same as this one. However, my daddy was nothing like Ryder. I think I always hated him. He never looked at me the way Ryder looks at Cassie. He never read me stories or made me feel loved and secure. My room was my escape from an oppressive father. I surrounded myself in fairy stories to escape the brutal truth of reality.

  Cassie sits up and turns around. I feel the interest in her look as she reaches up and touches my face in the same way as she did Ryder’s. She smiles and looks at me with complete adoration.

  “I love you, mommy.”

  The tears well up in my eyes and I swallow several times. I see the hope and wonder in her eyes and know that look. I wanted a mommy so bad it hurt. I understand her need because I share it. I know that Ryder is a good daddy to her, it’s obvious. However, nothing can drive the aching need for a mom from a little girl’s heart and I smile and squeeze her tightly.

  “I love you too baby girl. I promise I will be a good mom to you. You know you don’t have anything to fear from me, don’t you?”

  She smiles a gappy smile that makes her even more adorable than she already is. “I know. You’re a Princess, not a wicked witch. Jack told me my daddy would marry a wicked stepmother like Cinderella’s. I knew my daddy wouldn’t do that. He’s like the prince, he wouldn’t be so silly.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes. “Your friend is wrong and you are right. Your daddy isn’t silly. How can he be when he has a great daughter like you to put him straight?”

  Cassie grins. “I’m hungry.”

  Jumping up, I start the business of caring for my child.

  “Come on then. Let’s see what we
can find.”

  Hand in hand we leave her room and head towards the kitchen.

  We join the others and I feel the icy atmosphere as soon as we enter the room. Ryder’s sister smiles at Cassie but I note the anxiety in her eyes. “You ok, Cass, honey?” Cassie smiles and drags me over to her excitedly.

  “Look, Aunty Cara, I have a new mommy and she is so pretty, like Cinderella.”

  Cara smiles and then looks at me with curiosity. I see the worry in her eyes and smile reassuringly.

  “I’m Ashton, I’m pleased to meet you.”

  She nods and smiles half-heartedly. “Cara. I’m Ryder’s sister, for my sins.”

  Looking around, I see Ryder watching us from his seat at the table. My heart flutters as I feel those hard eyes piercing my heart. He is a commanding presence and draws my attention. I know we have a connection, it’s obvious to me and to him. Despite the trauma of the last few days, there is an aching need in me to be with him. He wants me to beg, but I will not. I won’t beg for him, what would that say about me? Sighing inside, I drag my eyes away and smile at Cassie.

  “Would you like to help me prepare some lunch for everyone?”

  Cassie shrieks and charges over to the fridge. She throws it open and starts pulling every item of food from it. Laughing, I join her and shake my head.

  “First you must wash your hands, young lady. A good cook always starts with clean hands.”

  Nodding, she follows me to the sink and I thank god for my father’s cook, who spent hours showing me how to cook and care for a household. Her training is about to bear fruit and this is going to be a piece of cake.



  After lunch, Cara left, and I was glad to see her go. She’s good to Cassie and I know she loves her like her own. Cara married a couple of years ago but has yet to start a family. I don’t know why because she loves playing mom to Cassie but I would never make that permanent. No, my Angel belongs with me and nobody is ever gonna change that. Now she has her own mommy and what a fine one she has turned out to be.

  Almost immediately I saw the connection they had. Ashton has proven to be an angel in disguise. Not only is she the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever seen, but she handles Cassie like she’s her real mom. She was firm but gentle and guided her in the right way. If Cassie stepped out of line she brought her gently back on it. Yes, I knew she was the one as soon as she walked into the club. Now I just need to take care of the more physical nature of our relationship.

  As I think about that particular problem my balls tighten and I feel the need rushing through me. This had better not take long because the more I see of this sexy lady the more I need to be inside her.

  As I think about what brought her here in the first place the anger washes over me and drives my desire for revenge. Those men will pay and pay dearly. What Kitty has planned is just the beginning. My revenge will be much harder to bear than the public humiliation heading their way. I’m about to destroy every last one of them - forever.

  My thoughts of revenge are interrupted as Cassie rushes over and I smile at the excitement in her eyes.

  “Daddy, can I take mommy to see Jack? He won’t believe she’s here.”

  I smile indulgently and pull her onto my knee.

  “Sure princess. I’ll take you both over there. I have some work to do, anyway.”

  I look up and see the questions in Ashton’s eyes. Smiling, I stand and lift my daughter onto my shoulders.

  “Jack is Cassie’s best friend. He’s Brewer and Lou’s son and they live in one of the houses nearby. You’ll like Lou, she takes no shit and tells it how it is.”

  Cassie giggles as Ashton says with horror, “Mind your language in front of Cassie.”

  Grinning, I look at her and roll my eyes. “Yes, mom.”

  Cassie laughs and I see the laughter in Ashton’s eyes despite her frown.

  Without thinking I reach for her hand and pull her along as though this is the most natural thing in the world. My family—at last.

  We head to Brewer’s which takes us all of five minutes. I see Ashton looking around with curiosity and smile. “We live all together in our little community. Brewer lives with Lou and Jack next to Rock and Lily. They have twin boys and are the craziest family. Through the trees are another two houses where Tiny and Flo and Hawk and Ruby live. They’re older and their kids are teenagers. Most of the single guys have rooms in the main house. If they take an old lady, we get another house built. There’s so much land around here it’s no big deal.”

  Ashton looks interested as she looks around. “I can’t believe it. I would never have thought you lived like this. It’s quite something you know.”

  I grin. “I suppose it is. The trouble is when you live as we do you have to stick together.”

  I see the anxiety enter her eyes and look at her thoughtfully.

  “Take time to get to know the old ladies, Ashton. They will fill you in on how it all works. You know you can ask them anything, just don’t tell them much. Remember we have a deal.”

  She nods and bites her bottom lip which reinforces the fact that I’m gonna need to step up my game and fast. I know that as soon as I can I will claim this beauty and then she will never wanna leave, I’ll make sure of it.


  Ryder takes us to a pretty house that has been set among a clearing. I can see a kid’s bike in the yard and hear a woman shout. “Jack, get here you little rascal and clear away these toys.”

  Cassie laughs and starts yelling. “Jack!”

  The door flies open and a little body careers down the path and almost knocks Ryder over. Laughing, he lowers Cassie to the floor, and she grabs my hand proudly.

  “Look, Jack. This is my new mommy. I told you she would be a princess.”

  I look down at a gorgeous little boy. He has dark hair much like Cassie’s but the brightest blue eyes that sparkle with mischief. He stares at me with a keen look and then shouts, “Mom, Cassie’s here. Can we have a cookie and play Xbox?”

  I watch as he takes Cassie’s hand and drags her inside. Ryder turns to me and grins.

  “They’re like two halves of the same coin. Jack is Cassie’s best friend and they are inseparable. You’ll have your hands full with those two. He’s not the most well behaved of kids and drags Cassie into all kinds of mischief. You’ll like Lou though.”

  I smile and then my pulse quickens as I see the look he gives me. He pulls me close and whispers.

  “Remember our deal. To everyone else we are newlyweds. It’s for your own protection, remember that.”

  Nodding, I swallow as I see the promise in his eyes. His words do little to disguise the reality. This is just a charade. We both know it won’t last. He won’t wait long I can see it in his eyes. What’s more, my body can’t wait either. As usual, it gravitates to his like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  He pulls me even closer and I feel his hot breath on my face. I just stare into those menacing eyes and drown in their depths. They pull me in and hypnotize my soul.

  I feel my lips part voluntarily as he lowers his to claim them. I almost groan with longing as his teeth bite my bottom lip gently and suck it into his mouth. His hand splays out on my lower back and pulls my body into his until it fits like a puzzle piece. His other hand holds my head in place as his tongue enters my mouth and dances with mine.

  Then we hear giggling and quickly pull apart. My cheeks flame as I see the amused look of a very striking woman who is watching us with Cassie and Jack either side of her. She smiles broadly and steps forward.

  “I’ll take it from here, Ryder. Brewer’s out back and could use a hand with splitting the logs.”

  Ryder grins.

  “Take care of her, Lou. Oh, and a couple of beers would be good when you’re ready.”

  Lou frowns. “Get out of here. I’m not your servant, get your own beers.”

  She winks at me as Ryder shoots me another promise-filled look and winks at his d

  “Be good little princess. I’ll see you later.”

  As I watch him disappear around the side of the house I feel warm inside. Whatever happens, I know I’m safe here. Ryder may be the most dangerous man I have ever laid eyes on but it’s a danger that excites rather than drives fear. I drag my gaze away and see a rather amused looking woman staring at me.

  “Hi honey, I’m Lou. Come on in and I’ll fill you in on everything over a coffee. The kids will amuse themselves while I tell you everything you need to know about surviving this crazy life.”



  As I turn the corner I see Brewer splitting logs and grin. He’s like my brother and the only one I can really talk to.

  As he sees me coming he growls, “You just gonna stand there gawping or lend a hand?”

  Grinning, I grab a nearby ax and take a large log in my hand. Setting up next to him I look at him with interest.

  “You ok?”

  He nods.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  I fix him with a hard look. “That was pretty heavy back there. I’m just checking you were ok with it.”

  I don’t miss the irritation in his eyes as he growls angrily. “I’ll be fine. You just worry about the mess you’ve got yourself into here and leave worrying about me to Lou.”

  We get back to the logs and fall silent. A few months back we went on a job that went crazy. Brewer got shot and spent a few days battling for his life in hospital. It shocked us all, and it was a dark time. He pulled through, but it left scars, both physically and mentally.

  He interrupts my thoughts.

  “How’s it going with your new wife?”

  I grin as I think about my new hot, sexy wife currently nearby in that cock busting dress.

  “It’s going fine. Cassie loved her as soon as she saw her and Ashton is proving to be everything I knew she would be.”


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