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Daddy's Girls

Page 8

by Stella Andrews

  Brewer stares at me - hard.

  “Word is, she’s damaged.”

  I shrug. “Who isn’t? When they come knocking here, it’s their last resort. This is the perfect place for her to heal.”

  He looks thoughtful. “What’s the plan?”

  I feel the anger building as I think of the men who sent her here in the first place.

  “Kitty’s in place and we wait. As soon as the plan is successful, we move in. It may take weeks, months or even years, but it will happen.”

  He grins. “You sure Kitty can handle this?”

  I grin. “She will enjoy every minute. Kitty is more Reaper than whore. She won’t let us down.”

  Brewer snorts. “What, like you let her down when you took a newbie as your old lady as soon as you saw her. The guys are pretty pissed.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure they are. You saw her though, she wouldn’t last five minutes without me to keep the wolves away.”

  Brewer laughs softly. “Keep telling yourself that. I saw your face when she walked in. That little lady got to you before she even opened that pretty little mouth of hers. Maybe you’re about to get a little of what you’ve dished out over the years and I can’t wait to see her fuck with your mind.”

  I laugh and look at him smugly. “It’s not her mind I’m fucking.”

  Shaking his head, Brewer throws the ax down as Snake comes around the corner. Immediately, I see something isn’t right and harden my heart for what he’s about to tell us.

  He looks worried and looks around before he speaks in a low voice.

  “You seen the news?”

  I shake my head. “No, what’s up?”

  “Your new wife’s picture is all over it. She’s been reported missing and her daddy’s going all out to find her. Apparently, he’s some rich Texan oil baron and is stopping at nothing to find his baby girl.”

  I see their concerned looks and just shrug. “Then let him come. We have nothing to hide – unlike him. If he comes knocking, he’ll regret it.”

  Snake grins, as Brewer says with interest, “What you got?”

  I smile wickedly. “Enough to bury him for good. That evil bastard is about to learn a very hard lesson.”

  The guys look at me with excitement and I nod towards the house. “I’ll fill her in on it later. Now, we should get back to work. There’s a shit load of problems waiting to deal with after this morning.”

  The guys fall in behind me as we head back to the compound. They may question me sometimes but they always follow my orders. We’re a team of brothers who would give our lives for the other. Nothing gets past us and this will be no exception.

  I think about Ashton’s daddy and once again the anger takes hold. He has damaged my beautiful Angel in a much more sinister way than the five men who ripped her innocence from her body so brutally. No, her daddy has damaged her mind and now I’ll damage him where it will hit him the hardest. By the time I’ve finished with him he will have lost everything.


  Lou is as lovely as I knew she would be. Not only is she a beautiful woman, but she is also open and friendly and immediately makes me feel relaxed.

  The kids run off to play and she pours me a coffee from a pot on the stove. Then we sit at the table in her homely kitchen that smells like apple cake.

  “So, how’s it going? It’s been quite a couple of days for you.”

  I nod and smile as I think about how far I’ve come in just a few hours. “Surprising good. I mean, I never thought for a minute I would be married and a mom to a gorgeous little girl within 24 hours of coming here. I thought I was here as a nanny, not a mom.”

  Lou laughs. “I can see why Ryder made you his old lady in record time. You’re an attractive girl, Ashton and would have caused a shed load of problems. The guys here are used to taking what they want and a pretty little thing like you would have set them against each other. Ryder isn’t stupid, he knew a good thing when he saw it and acted accordingly.”

  I shiver as I think of the man I married. The promise of what’s yet to come consumes my mind and body. I feel impatient to move this on but will protect my heart as I’ve always done. I let nothing in and he is no exception. I am protective of my heart and know that I have every reason to be as far as he’s concerned. That man is pure danger and blows my mind with the thought of being intimate with him.

  Lou laughs. “Earth to Ashton. You’ve got that man fucking your mind as well as your body.”

  I feel myself blushing and then say softly.

  “Tell me about him, Lou.”

  She smiles. “Ryder is the most unreadable, arrogant, annoying son of a bitch here. He gives nothing away and rules the Reapers with a rod of iron. He lets nobody in and you have to earn his trust and respect before he gives it. When you have he will kill for you. The only softness I ever see is when his little princess is in sight. He will pluck the stars from the sky for her and it would appear he has come up trumps again with you. He may be a hard-hearted bastard, Ashton, but there’s a soft side to him that only a few gets to see.”

  I look interested. “Have you seen it, Lou?”

  She smiles softly. “A few months back Brewer got shot. It was touch and go for a while and I sat up watching him at the hospital for two days and two nights. I wasn’t alone. Ryder sat on the other side of me and what I saw was a broken man. He felt responsible even though it wasn’t his fault. He let me in over those torturous hours and we shared the darkest of times. Brewer pulled through, and he reverted back to the hard-hearted bastard he is. However, now we have a history and we both know that it’s all a front. That man feels deeply and his act is just that. He must have seen some pretty fucked up things in his life that have built a hard shell around his heart. Maybe he needs you more than you need him because we all know that you need love in your life. You could save him as much as he is saving you, honey. Just don’t break him in the process.”

  I shiver as I see the hard glint in her eyes. For all her friendliness this woman is as hard as the men she lives among. I smile sadly. “I don’t want to hurt anyone, it’s the last thing I want. I want to learn how to live in this new world I inhabit. How can I fit in?”

  Lou looks at me and smiles. “The guys like their women hot, sexy and independent. It’s why they teach us how to defend ourselves and encourage us to sort things out in our own way. Bonnie is the best one around here to help teach you how to fight. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun being taught by Ryder but Bonnie will show you some little tricks that’ll keep him on his toes. We don’t run to our men with every problem we get, we deal with them in our own way. The guys live a hard life and are not interested in our domestic issues.”

  I lean forward and ask with curiosity. “What sort of things do you have to deal with?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Mainly when the whores try it on with our guys. They have the morals of alley cats and a married man is fair game to them. Most of them want the stability of being an old lady and if they take a fancy to one of our men, then it usually ends in a fight.”

  I look at her in horror as she laughs. “You’ll have your work cut out with them, honey. Ryder is top dog here and there isn’t a whore in there that doesn’t want him for herself. Then there are the kids to deal with. They’re an unruly lot and the guys don’t help. They teach them how to fight and stand up for themselves and their backchat would send a woman to the bottle. The men don’t want to hear tales of domestic life when they return home every night. They want a family life and then a hot sexy night with their lady. You keep them happy and they give you the world. It’s a good life here, Ashton. I’m sure once you get over the shock of it all you’ll fit in just fine."

  I feel the worry taking hold. All I can see is a future fighting off other women and shouting at kids. Then the thought of a hot night in bed with the man I’ve married makes up for it all. Now, that’s the part I’m looking forward to, way more than I should be after what just happened to me.

br />

  Lou calls the kids and takes me on a tour of the compound. We start with her neighbors Rock and Lily. As soon as Lily answers the door, I am smitten forever. She is a petite woman with long black hair and mesmerizing green eyes. Her smile is shy but welcoming and her eyes sparkle with interest when she sees me.

  Cassie runs up to her and grips her tightly. “Lily do you have any cupcakes?”

  Lily laughs and lifts Cassie up and squeezes her tightly. “I always have some for my favorite guys. How about you introduce me to this lovely lady first?”

  Cassie grins and says excitedly. “I have a new mommy. Isn’t she pretty, just like Cinderella?”

  Lily laughs and winks at me. “She sure is, honey. I always knew you would get the mom you deserve one day.”

  Cassie laughs. “My daddy told me that my special mommy was out there and now she’s here.”

  Tears prick my eyes as I think of her growing up with Ryder, yearning for a mom of her own.

  Jack shouts. “I want cake.”

  Lou says in a hard voice.

  “Nobody gets a cake without asking nicely. If you can’t say please, then you go without.”

  Jack’s little face looks worried, and he says in the politest voice.

  “Excuse me, Lily. Please, may I have a cake?”

  We all grin and Lily smiles. “Well, as you’ve asked so nicely, of course, you can. Follow me.”

  We head into their home and like Brewer and Lou’s it looks welcoming and very chic. It’s obvious there’s no shortage of money here because everything in their homes is modern and luxurious. The decor is tasteful and up to date and yet the houses make you feel comfortable and definitely aren’t show homes.

  I smile at Lily who is looking at me with curiosity.

  “You have a lovely home.”

  She laughs. “Bonnie had a lot to do with it. What that girl doesn’t know about interior design isn’t worth knowing. She should be back from college soon. Who knows what ideas she will bring back with her today?”

  Lou laughs. “Yes, if there’s a bare wall around she has designs on it. She really should start her design business, she would clean up.”

  We sit at Lily’s table as the children run into the garden with their mouths full of cake.

  As I sit with them I feel strangely at home. This is the oddest experience of my life and nothing like I thought it would be.

  Lily looks at me curiously.

  “This must be strange for you, Ashton. When Rock told me Ryder had claimed you as his old lady, I was shocked to say the least. I never thought I’d see the day. It must be a lot to deal with because he’s one hard guy to read.”

  Once again, I feel the shiver run through me at the mention of his name. My husband - how good that sounds.

  I smile. “Well, it’s certainly been a strange couple of days but everyone’s been so welcoming it’s made it a lot easier than I thought it would be. As for Cassie, I think I loved her on first sight. I just hope I’ll live up to her dream of the perfect mom.”

  Lou looks thoughtful. “Don’t try too hard, honey. Cassie lives in the clouds most of the time and that ain’t real life. She needs a mom to bring her down to earth a little. Ryder gives her whatever she wants and isn’t the most practical man in the world when it comes to raising a kid. At least Cassie has us and her Aunt but all the good we do unravel as soon as she spends time with her father.”

  I look interested. “Tell me about his sister. She didn’t look happy when I met her.”

  Lily laughs. “She never does. She hates this life we lead. She’s a PA to a big shot in Washington and hates that her brother’s a biker. She’s heard the rumors about the Reapers and fears for her niece’s well-being. You would have thought she knew her brother well enough to trust him but they didn’t live together for most of their life. Their parents split and she went with her mom and Ryder his dad. As soon as he was old enough, he enlisted in the military and the rest is history.”

  Lou nods. “It didn’t take long, and he became a SEAL. Most of the guys were also in the military and have seen things that would make a normal person run for the hills. They’ve adjusted their minds and think nothing of the job they do. Ryder though is harder than most. Brewer told me he was respected in the SEALS as the man who asked no questions and carried out the mission to the letter. He’s no different here. He runs the Reapers with military precision and if anyone gets out of line, they regret it. Nobody gets the better of Ryder because behind that fine appearance is a man with steel running through his veins. It will be interesting to see what effect you have on him because I’ve never seen him look at any woman the way he looks at you.”

  I fall silent as I listen to her words. What sort of man have I married? The man they describe is nothing like the man who has taken me in and shown me nothing but kindness. I wonder if he’ll show his true colors when the interest wears off.

  Lily smiles reassuringly. “You’ll have a good life here, Ashton. The guys are hard and crude but have strong morals. You’ll be safe and protected and will have everything you need.”

  I look worried. “I’m not sure I can protect myself. I mean, Ryder told me he’ll teach me to fight, but that’s just not me. If one of those women want to take him, I’m not sure I can fight anyone. Surely, if he wants another, then that’s up to him and our marriage wouldn’t work.”

  Lily laughs. “I think we should take you to meet these so-called warrior whores. They may put your mind at rest. Not everyone fights here, Ashton. It’s completely frowned upon. We need to get along as one unit because if the Reapers turn on each other chaos will follow. Don’t worry, everyone knows their place. If anyone steps out of line, then they suffer the consequences. The whores know that and don’t want to ruin the good thing they’ve got going.”

  I shake my head. “I hate the fact they’re called whores though. It seems so disrespectful. Surely they hate it too.”

  Lou grins at Lily. “Most of them were whores, Ashton. They lived on the streets controlled by guys who never had their best interests at heart. They were sold every day to unscrupulous men and most of them treated badly. Now they get their pick of the hottest men this side of Hell who treat them right. If they want they can leave but who would want to? I mean, those guys are gorgeous and care for the girls as if they are their own true loves. If they want to leave they can, they’re not prisoners. Take Kitty for example. She had a hard start in life and when Snake brought her here, she struggled to understand that she was free. It took a while for her to relax and we watched her blossom into a confident, sexy woman.”

  I try to shake off the alarm hearing her name brings me. The look she gave me wasn’t friendly. That look told me that I had taken something of hers and she wasn’t happy about it in the slightest.

  I have to ask the question though that’s burning my soul. “Was she Ryder’s girl?”

  Lou laughs. “She wishes. Kitty adored Ryder, they all do. He may be a hard bastard but who wouldn’t want a piece of him? He uses the girls for one thing only and they lap it up. Kitty made sure the girls knew who was first in line. If she was around when he came calling, she came first. The other girls knew not to overstep the mark because she wasn’t afraid to make their lives hell where he was concerned.”

  Lily grins. “It didn’t always work though. Sometimes he fancied a change, and she had no control over that. Ryder used to work his way through those whores like he was choosing a different outfit to wear.”

  I feel my face fall and the two women share a look. Then Lily reaches out and grasps my hand. “That was in the past. When a Reaper takes an old lady, it’s for life. Ryder’s whoring days are over if he wants to keep you and you shouldn’t worry. He’s an honorable man who will keep to the code if it kills him. That’s why it’s such big news. It’s all anyone is talking about and I must say you are one very lucky lady.”

  Lou laughs. “I bet he’s good. Just looking at him you know he would be. Come on, Ashto
n put us out of our misery and tell us all the gory details.”

  I smile at the genuine curiosity in their eyes. I feel a delicious shiver of anticipation flood my underwear at the thought of what’s in store if I allowed it. Instead, I just smile secretively. “I’ll fill you in when the kids aren’t around.”

  Lily laughs. “Yes, the walls have ears where those two are concerned. Anyway, let’s all meet up later and have a drink at the bar. We’ll introduce you to the whores and put your mind at rest.”

  I look at her with a worried look. “I would love to but what about Cassie? I can’t leave her and Ryder may not like me going out.”

  Lou smiles. “It’s ok we’ll ask Flo and Molli. Lily, the twins can come to ours and keep Jack company.”

  I still feel worried at what Ryder will say and Lou notices and laughs softly.

  “Listen, honey. Ryder will be fine about this. He probably can’t wait to show his pretty little wife off. The guys will be there and all we’re doing is getting to know one another. It’ll be fine.”

  I smile gratefully. “It’s nice to know everyone's friendly. I must say, it was a bit intimidating coming here yesterday. It’s nothing like I thought it’d be.”

  Lou laughs. “It’s certainly not normal, I’ll give you that. Maybe that’s why Ryder wants Cassie to go to a school where she knows nobody.”

  I look at her with concern. “Won’t your children go there?”

  Lily shakes her head. “No, our kids go to the one in town. Ryder has chosen one on the other side of town that’s fancier and where the rich kids go. Normally our kids are expected to mix in with the rest of the town and find their way on their own. Ryder wants the best start for his princess and knows as soon as they find out she lives with a bunch of hard, unruly bastards she wouldn’t be accepted. With you as her mom, however, he’s played a trump card. Looking like you do she’ll be accepted, and he hopes will learn how to be a lady. His plan is to give her an ivy league education and become a professional. He doesn’t want this life to shield her from the opportunities out there. The sky’s the limit for his princess and he’s chartering the flight to take her there.”


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