Book Read Free

Ice: Part I

Page 7

by Penny Hawking

  “Okay, maybe next time.” He shouted over the crowd.

  She finally made it to the end of the cafeteria and spotted Maddie and Joanna at their usual bench by the window.

  “There’s too many people in this school.” Ice muttered as she sat down on the bench.

  Maddie smiled. “I feel like you say that every day.”

  “Because every day it’s true.” She whispered. She took her book bag off and noticed Maddie and Joanna giving her sly looks from the other side of the bench. “What?” she asked.

  “Any spontaneous rendezvous in the janitor’s closet today with a certain Mr. Stone.” Joanna asked.

  Ice ignored the question. “Where’s Brooke?” She asked turning around and scanning the crowd for her little red head friend. “She like disappeared this morning.”

  Joanna tossed her black hair to the side and rolled her eyes. “Who cares, there’s more important matters to discuss, than the whereabouts of your little red dog--”

  Ice glared at her.

  Joanna smiled guiltily. “Sorry too far?” She asked.

  Maddie and Ice nodded.

  “Fine.” Joanna said. “I apologize, but you have to admit she does follow you around as though she was your b---”

  Ice smiled. “Apology accepted.” She said cutting her off.

  “Well speak of the devil.” Maddie said grinning.

  Ice turned around expecting to see Brooke, but instead saw Peyton with a straw in his mouth, dapping up Tyrone. Peyton put the straw back into the juice box and slurped contently.

  Ice turned back around to face her friends covering her face with her hands in embarrassment. “Why’d you say that, I thought you were talking about Brooke?” She whispered.

  “If only I could be that straw.” Joanna said lustily.

  Maddie nudged her. “He’s Ice’s now, remember.”

  “He’s not mine.” Ice insisted as she resisted the urge to turn back around and stare at him.

  “Well at least I’m lusting in front of her and not behind her back.” Joanna countered ignoring Ice.

  Ice touched her hair to see if everything was in place. She pushed her bangs out of her face. She reached in her book bag, pulled out some Chapstick and applied it to her lips. She put it away, crossed her hands in her lap, and looked at her friends.

  They were staring at her with an amused look on their faces.

  “What? My lips were chapped.” Ice said defensively.

  “Of course, they were.” Maddie said.

  “Darn it, I forgot to buy my food, before sitting down.” Ice said looking at the empty space in front of her. She looked at the crowded food lines. “I think I’ll fast.”

  “Maybe we should call him over?” Maddie suggested innocently.

  “What? No. That’s a horrible idea.” Ice shook her head vehemently.

  “Good idea twin.” Joanna beamed, totally ignoring Ice.

  “You guys don’t do this.” Ice whispered. Her heart thumping loudly.

  “Peyton!” Joanna yelled.

  Ice buried her head in her hands. “Stop it, this is so embarrassing.”

  “What’s embarrassing?” He’s your friend right?” Maddie asked grinning. “Unless he’s more…” She trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

  “Peyton, yeah…come here.” Joanna said motioning him towards the table.

  Ice’s palms were sweating so much, it felt as though she’d just poured water all over her hands. She wiped it on her jeans and groaned out of frustration.

  “Come sit.” Maddie said as Peyton appeared at the bench.

  Ice looked up at him and smiled briefly before returning to stare at her hands.

  Peyton looked at Ice, sat down close to her, and turned his attention to her friends.

  “Well actually Ice told us you two were friends.” Joanna said.

  Peyton looked at Ice and nodded. Ice refused to look up.

  “Yeah we are.” He said softly. He reached over and brushed her bangs out of her face.

  Ice froze, that was such an intimate gesture.

  Maddie and Joanna looked at each other.

  “Well a friend of Ice is a friend of ours. You already know us but let’s do some formal introductions why don’t we? I’m Joanna.” Joanna said extending her hand; Peyton took it and shook it.

  “Nice grip.” Joanna said smiling flirtatiously. Ice groaned inwardly. She would.

  “You too.” Peyton said missing Joanna’s sexual innuendo.

  “I’m Maddie.” Maddie said reaching over to shake his hand.

  Ice finally persuaded herself to look up, more out of curiosity than anything.

  Peyton was staring right back at her in amusement. “I thought you were gonna stare at your hand the whole lunch.” He remarked jokingly.

  Ice rolled her eyes and bit her lip to stop smiling. “Shut-up.” She said gently nudging him with her elbow.

  “Where’s your food?” He asked looking around.

  “I forgot to buy it in my haste to sit down.” Ice admitted.

  Peyton smiled. “You want me to get you something?”

  Ice shook her head. “No, I’m fine really I’ll get something after. Don’t worry about it.”

  “No really it’s not a problem.” He cocked his head to the side. The lighting in the cafeteria must have been perfect because the ray from the sun hit his face making him look like a Greek god.

  “No really it’s not a problem.” Ice repeated nervously. She groaned in embarrassment.

  Peyton smiled.

  “I don’t know why I just repeated what you said.” Ice said bringing her hand to her temple.

  “I’ll be back.” He stood up from the table.

  “Wait.” Ice touched his arm to stop him. “The lines are too long. Don’t worry about it.”

  Peyton laughed. “Who waits in line anymore?” He shrugged, turned and headed towards the line.

  “You know what you touching his arm means right?” Joanna said with a big grin on her face.

  “Please Peyton let me fuck you.” Maddie answered.

  The two girls giggled proudly while Ice stared after Peyton. She was an awkward mess.

  The Outburst


  “Ice! Hey Ice!”

  Ice turned around to see Peyton jumping down the last step of the school. He jogged towards her and waved his hand.


  “Hey.” She smiled, fully turning from her car to face him.

  He exhaled deeply and ran his hand through his slightly wavy hair framing his face. He’d let his hair down today. It reached his shoulders. The golden locs looked luscious, full shiny and so full of volume. Ice was sure there were a couple of blonds at the school in deep envy of the hair on Peyton Stone’s head. “You uh…you’re a hard woman to catch.” He rolled his shoulders back and straightened up.

  “Am I?” She asked eyes wide with surprise. “I’m here.” Ice shrugged, looking around the parking lot of the school.

  He nodded at her. “Where are you going?”

  “Home.” She shrugged one shoulder.

  “You always go straight home after school huh?” He asked crossing his arms over his chest.

  She shrugged again. “I mean I guess…. yeah…”


  She narrowed her eyes in confusion in smiled. “Why not?”

  Peyton leaned against her car and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You know most teenagers hang around the school or go to a friend’s house or….” This time he shrugged. “You know…hang out.”

  Ice moved her bangs to the side, tucking some pieces behind her ear. “Yeah, I…I know.” She agreed, her eyes lowering to the ground. “I just….my mom’s really…” She shook her head and stared back at him. “I mean…I just always go home. It’s okay, I don’t really do anything after school.” She twirled her keys in her hand. “So…” she avoided his gaze as she turned to open her car door.

  “Do you want to hang out?”

What?” she turned around quickly to face him again. Her hand holding the door handle as it had partially opened the driver’s door.

  Peyton sat up straight and smiled. “Do you want to hang out with me? Don’t go straight home.” He nodded towards the street. “Let’s go somewhere.”

  Ice tried really hard to calm the intense pounding of her heart. She gripped the top of her driver’s door and shook her head. “I uh…..I can’t…” she whispered quickly, her eyes to the ground. She opened her door wider.

  “You can’t hang out?” Peyton asked cocking his head to the side to try and meet her eyes.

  “No.” Ice exhaled slowly and opened her door wider.

  Peyton reached up past her shoulders and closed her driver door. She jumped a little in surprise as she looked up at him. He kept his hand on the driver side window as he stared down at her. A soft expression on his face.

  “You can’t hang out or you don’t want to hang out?” He whispered.

  She met his gaze and quickly looked away, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. “I can’t.” she responded.

  “Why not?”

  “Peyton…” Ice pursed her lips together and looked over her shoulders as if expecting somebody. She moved her head to the side and took a deep breath. “Look I just can’t okay.”

  “Did I do something?” His voice was even softer than before. Eyes furrowed in worry. “Do I make you uncomfortable?”

  “No, I just…” Ice stopped and exhaled slowly. She looked down at their feet. His adorned in all white Nike sneakers and hers in tan booties. She closed her eyes slowly before exhaling again and looking up. “Peyton.” Ice put her hand out. “I----I can be your friend at school…. only at school…”

  She watched his shoulders slump, but he didn’t say anything as he let her continue.

  “But not…. not beyond that….” She trailed off. “Last week riding your motorcycle shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry.”

  Peyton blinked a couple times and exhaled. “Okay…” He shifted his gaze over her shoulder. He looked at the school, he took in the parking lot. His motorcycle was parked not too far from her. He ran his hand through his hair again, ruffling it as he looked up at the sky in confusion. He shifted from one foot to another and nodded. He dropped his hand from her car and stuffed his hands in his pockets. His eyes finally rested on her again.

  “So….is that because of…. Michael?”

  “What?” Ice asked momentarily confused. She shook her head. “No…. it’s…….” She waved her right hand nonchalantly. “My mother…. she uh….” She shook her head and shrugged. “My mom doesn’t approve of you.”

  “Oh.” Peyton chuckled. His shoulders relaxing as he nodded slowly. “Your mom doesn’t approve of me, so…you can’t hang out with me.”

  “Yeah…. why did you say it like that?” Ice asked. “But yeah…. yeah, she uh….she thinks your bad news.”

  He smiled. “So, my little Ice Princess, do you do everything mommy dearest tells you?”

  “Yes.” Ice answered honestly.

  “Why?” Peyton shrugged.

  “Because she’s my mom.” Ice put her hand up.

  “And?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Ice’s mouth parted as she stared at him in confusion. She blinked several times as he held her gaze.

  She had no idea what more he wanted her to say. Of course, she did everything Melissa wanted. She would be crazy not to. Melissa was Melissa. If Melissa was his mother, he would understand.

  “And that’s it.” She finally responded after a minute or so of staring at each other in silence.

  “And you’re your own person and can make your own decision.” Peyton added.

  This time Ice chuckled and shook her head. “You wouldn’t understand.” She said seriously. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hang out with me.” Peyton said again taking a step towards her.

  “I ca----“

  “Tell her you’re going to the library or something.” He shrugged. He smiled, his grey eyes sparkling as he stared at her. “Live a little Ice.”

  “You don’t know my mother.” Ice shook her head.

  Peyton took another step forward and lowered his head. His hair gently brushed her cheek. “I want to spend time with you Iceria.” He whispered. He tilted his head, their noses barely a centimeter apart. He smiled warmly at her. His eyes shifting down to her lips before staring back at her. “I want to get to know you.”

  Ice felt goosebumps run through her body. Her mouth moving as if to speak but no words came out. She looked down at the ground, feeling as if her entire chest would detach from her body. “Peyton….”

  “I really love the way you say my name.” He whispered, taking another step forward.

  If she reached out just a little, she could put her palm on his chest. If she leaned forward just a tad she could kiss him. His lips seemed pinker from so close.

  Peyton reached out and touched her elbow. She almost jolted from the contact. “Let’s hang out…. let’s get to know each other.” The side of his mouth lifted in a smirk. “Lie.”

  Her mouth dropped open at his suggestion.

  His smile grew bigger. “Come on.” He chuckled. “You stayed after school for a project.” His hand slipped down her arm to take her hand. “You got detention.” He slipped his hand in hers.

  “She’ll never believe that.” Ice interjected.

  “You went to the library.” Peyton continued as he moved backward. “You’re with Maddie or Jo.” He tugged her gently toward him. Ice’s feet moved forward. She didn’t want to resist. She didn’t want to get in her car and go home. She did want to go with him. Wherever he wanted to go, she wanted to be a part of it.

  “Besides, I got you a present.” Peyton continued as he slowly led her away from her car and to his motorcycle.

  “You got me a present?” Ice said raising her eyebrows at him. She allowed him to lead her away.

  Peyton let go of her hand and turned his backpack around. It was then that she noticed the huge circular bulge of the backpack. “I saw how much you enjoyed our ride last week.” He unzipped his backpack and pulled out a black and lime green helmet.

  Ice stared in shock as he threw it at her. She caught it quickly. This wasn’t his all-black helmet.

  “I like to practice motorcycle safety.” Peyton grinned as he zipped back up his backpack.

  “Peyton…” His name came out as a gasp from her mouth.

  “It’s yours, so now I kind of guilt-tripped you into hanging out with me.” He grinned and nodded at his bike. “Come on Ice. Let’s go.”

  She looked back at her car and then to him by his bike. She held the helmet securely to her chest, her car keys still in her hand.

  “30 minutes.”

  Peyton flashed her a gorgeous smile as he unlocked his own helmet from the handlebars. “Okay Ice. 30 minutes.”


  “An assembly on bullying?” Jo muttered. “What the fuck are we 12?”

  Ice grinned. “If anybody needs to attend this ceremony, it’s you.”

  Joanna put her hand to her chest and gasped. “Preposterous!”

  Ice put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laugh.

  “Did I use that shit right?” Jo asked nudging her friend. “A in English here I come.”

  “Ice! Ice!”

  Ice was about to turn her head when Jo elbowed her harshly and pointed to Peyton a little further down. He pointed to a seat next to him.


  “Don’t say I never did nothing for you.” Jo whispered in her ear and pushed her forward. She turned and went to the row on the left. “Ice already has a seat, calm your tits.”

  Brooke put her hand down as Jo wiggled her way to sit next to Tyrone. She stared desperately as she watched Ice sit a couple rows down.

  “Oh, now you know me?” Tyrone asked as Jo slid into the seat. “I’m saving this seat.”

  “Boy hush.” Jo rolled her eyes and crossed her legs,
turning her attention to the auditorium. She moved her long wavy hair to the side and fluttered her long eyelashes at him. “Are you coming over tonight?”

  Tyrone smirked and reached out and bopped her nose. “No.” He leaned close to her and licked his plump bottom lip. Joanna’s own lips parted in anticipation. “So, I suggest you find yourself some new dick Ms. Watson.”


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