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Ice: Part I

Page 15

by Penny Hawking

  Peyton amused by the little exchange, grinned. “Yes ma’am.” He touched Maddie’s back softly and ushered her in front of him.

  “Play nice.” He whispered as they followed the little hostess whom Maddie had decided to stick her middle finger up to as soon as she turned.

  “Why the fuck was she looking at me like I was some kind of tramp?” Maddie asked.

  “Because she’s jealous of how gorgeous you are.” Peyton answered watching a small smile appear on Maddie’s face.

  “Well here you are.” The hostess beamed at Peyton as she motioned for them to sit.

  “Thank you.” Peyton said as he pulled out the chair for Maddie, and once she was seated, sat himself across from her.

  “If there’s anything, anything at all you want, please don’t hesitate to ask.” The hostess said nervously practically drooling.

  “That’s what waitresses are for hun. Goody-bye.” Maddie said giving her a little wave.

  She averted her eyes and hurriedly walked away.

  Peyton looked at Maddie and smiled.

  “So, Mr. Stone can I ask you a question?” Maddie said crossing her legs.

  “Go ahead.” Peyton said leaning back on his chair.

  “How the hell, did you get reservations to this place in a couple of hours? It’s virtually impossible unless you’re famous or super rich.” Maddie asked.

  Peyton shrugged. “Thank you.” He said to the waiter who brought them a glass of water.

  The waiter was a tall scrawny blond kid with dull brown eyes.

  Peyton smiled at him.

  “Would you like anything to drink?” The waiter asked nervously glancing from Peyton to Maddie and then back to Peyton again.

  Peyton stretched his hand out to Maddie for her to answer

  “Cosmopolitan.” Maddie answered.

  “Uhm….ID?” He asked.

  “We’re in Petit Paris.” Maddie replied. “If we got through those doors, you’re not carding us for shit. We’re too rich to get carded.”

  Peyton stifled a fake cough to stop from laughing. He put both elbows on the table and stared at her in amusement. She wasn’t lying. He’d came her with his family a couple times. They never carded minors.

  “I uh…. we….uhm…” The waiter gulped.

  “Let me have a golden margarita and an Orangina on the side.” Peyton grinned at the waiter.

  The waiter nodded and scribbled it down. His face red as he quickly rushed off.

  Maddie turned her attention back to Peyton. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I just called, and they had availability.” Peyton answered nonchalant.

  Maddie gave him a look to show him that she didn’t believe him. “What about the nice Corvette we drove here with?”

  Peyton raised his eyebrow and drank some water and leaned back. Maddie tried not to notice how attractive he looked doing such a simple gesture.

  “You don’t like my car.” He questioned

  Her mouth dropped open in shock. “Don’t like the car? It’s a 2019 black Corvette, what the fuck! Like hell I like the car.”

  He smiled. “Good.” Peyton took her hand. “Now relax and enjoy our date.”

  “I mean it’s just weird because I never took you for the filthy rich kid…but now I’m not too sure…I…I…” Maddie trailed off as she tried not to think of the feelings she was getting with Peyton softly rubbing his thumb over her hand.

  “You what?” Peyton asked softly, leaning closer.

  “…uumm…huh?” Maddie asked not sure what the question was.

  Peyton slowly let go of her hand and watched as Maddie nervously smoothed down her already perfect hair.

  “Tell me a little about yourself Maddie.” Peyton said opening the floor for conversation.

  “Well…um…I don’t know…okay let’s see, I was born in California and moved to the east coast when I was 5. That’s when I met Joanna. Ice moved here later on.” Maddie started.

  Mentioning Ice sparked Peyton’s interest. “Oh yeah…. Ice wasn’t born here right…” He asked even though he already knew the answer

  “Well yeah that’s true, she was born in Hawaii because her father was owner of a bank there and then he got transferred to Kansas. They lived in Kansas for a while, until something happened and then her family moved here, like when we were in fourth grade or something. Joanna on the other hand, born and raised here. So yeah, and then---”

  “What happened in Kansas?” Peyton asked trying not to sound too interested as he drank his water.

  Maddie furrowed her eyebrows. “Actually, I don’t know, wait…yeah her aunt died in like this horrible fire, so it was too traumatic for them to stay in the same place, but since her dad owned some banks here they decided to move here.”

  Peyton winked at the waiter as he handed him their drinks.

  The waiter blushed.

  “Would you guys like to start with an appetizer or go to the entrée?” He asked.

  “Do you know what you want?” Peyton asked Maddie.

  “We’re not ready yet, sorry. Can you come back?” Maddie asked the waiter sweetly.

  He nodded and left.

  “He wants your dick.” Maddie said calmly.

  “How do you know?” Peyton asked as he slowly drank his Orangina.

  “He kept checking you out and blushing every time you so much as turned in his direction. Besides, I’m the female here and he never so much as glanced at me and I’m pretty hot.” Maddie pouted.

  Peyton laughed. His eyes immediately glanced past Maddie and landed at a table, a couple feet away. A black couple was sitting across from each other, both of them looking at the menu.

  Peyton’s heart leaped. He knew it was Ice, even before she looked up at the waiter and confirmed it. He watched as she gave the waiter one of her dazzling smiles and asked a question. Peyton put his Orangina down.

  “So anyways, we all went to elementary school with each other and stuff. Ice joined us in middle school. She was always the quiet good girl and Joanna is the crazy one, as you can clearly tell. I guess I just balanced them out.” Maddie continued.

  Peyton nodded to show that he was listening, but his attention went back to Ice. She was wearing a gold one strap mid-thigh dress that seemed to fit her body perfectly from what he could see from where he was sitting. The gold looked perfect against her dark skin. If anything, she looked exquisite. Peyton reached for his water. His mouth had suddenly gone dry.

  He watched as she smiled politely to the person sitting across from here. He was tall and muscular, maybe a football player. Peyton looked over his competition bitterly as he watched him pat Ice’s hand. So, this was Michael Richards.


  “Uuumm…what?” Peyton asked snapping his attention back to Maddie.

  Maddie smirked. “I’m guessing you found her.”

  “Found who?” Peyton asked feigning confusion.

  “Riggghhht.” Maddie said smirking again.

  “Let’s order.” Peyton said, ignoring her and signaling the waiter over.

  After they finished ordering their food, Peyton stared at Maddie, determined not to look in Ice’s direction.

  Maddie sighed and leaned towards Peyton. “Okay let’s cut the bullshit Peyton. You and I both know you’re not interested in me whatsoever. You would think two sexy people would be able to have a decent conversation, but I can’t even hold your attention for two seconds without you looking behind me.”

  “What?” Peyton asked, focusing back on Maddie, not sure when his eyes had drifted back to Ice.

  Maddie smiled. “Exactly.”

  Peyton looked back at Ice’s table. Michael really did look like an asshole. He couldn’t deny the guy was handsome. A handsome asshole.

  “So, what’s the plan? Are we making her jealous? Are we making him jealous? Are you killing somebody Mr. Stone?” Maddie asked.

  Peyton looked at her, his eyes twinkling and a small smile forming his face. “May
be a little bit of everything.” He said softly as he sipped his golden margarita.

  “Amen to that.” Maddie said raising her cosmopolitan and sipping. “Just for the record, fuck Michael, he’s an asshole.”

  Peyton raised his eyebrow. “I’ve been hearing that a lot lately.” He grinned. “Does Ice know that?”

  Maddie chuckled. “Have you ever heard Ice say anything negative about anybody? Besides, they’re technically the ‘it’ couple in this town.”

  Peyton scoffed as he stared at their table.

  “And it looks as if you want to change all that.” Maddie giggled. “I for one…am all for it.” She said raising her cosmopolitan.

  “I knew you were my favorite.” Peyton said toasting her with his golden margarita. They smiled at each other and drank contently.


  “So, I won the mock trial again, and as usual I’m top of the class.” Michael bragged.

  Ice smiled politely.

  She shifted in her seat and took a sip of her cosmopolitan. It was Maddie’s favorite cocktail and she’d gotten Joanna and Ice hooked on it. This being the only place they could get it without worrying about being under 21.

  “Are you listening to me Ice?” Michael asked.

  “Yes, of course I am.” Ice said returning her attention back to him.

  “Then take your elbows off the table, this is the third time I told you already. It’s not lady like.”

  Ice removed her elbows from the table, unaware she’d placed her arms on the table again. When should she do it? This wasn’t a good time. Was there ever a good time. She’d never broken up with anybody before.

  “You’re slouching honey.” Michael said cutting his steak and putting it in his mouth.

  Ice straightened up. She had no idea why Michael was so talkative today and why he kept giving her strange looks. So much so, she couldn’t get a word in.

  “You look very beautiful today.” Michael said, giving her another of those strange looks and then looking away.

  “Thank you Michael. You look very handsome yourself.” She replied nervously. And he was. Michael was a very attractive man. Wasn’t just a few months ago she would have done anything for him. Hadn’t she craved his smile, his simple hand touch, his acknowledgment. She stared at her plate and moved her mashed potatoes around. And now…

  “Stop playing with your food sweetheart, it’s irritating.” Michael said

  Ice contemplated ignoring him. But stopped, put on a smile and looked at him. And now…now there was Peyton. She smiled softly to herself. Who would have thought? Of anybody in this town. He…. he was the guy.

  Ice looked down at Michael’s hands. She’d never noticed how perfectly manicured and soft they looked. Fragile, breakable. Unable to stand much. Peyton’s on the other hand…. Peyton’s hands were strong… callused. They felt so good against her skin. When he caressed her, touched her…Ice shuddered at the thought. What perfection.

  “Are you cold?” Michael asked.

  “No, I’m fine.” Ice answered smiling. Had she really been fantasizing about Peyton right now? What was wrong with her? More reasons for Michael to call her a slut or whore if he were to find out.

  She looked down in shame.

  “It is I Ice…I am your whore…”

  She smiled at the memory of Peyton’s words. Realizing she probably looked ridiculous she picked up her cosmopolitan and brought it to her lips. She took a big gulp.

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Ice spit out the drink in her mouth before it could go down her throat. She would recognize that voice anywhere.

  “Are you okay?” Michael asked handing her a napkin in concern

  “Sorry.” Ice nodded as she wiped her mouth and her dress. “Yes, sorry, it went down the wrong pipe.” She apologized and finally looked up with dread.

  Peyton stood before her with an amused look on his face. He was looking extra fine in his black tuxedo. His hair was slicked back and put into a ponytail. He looked good enough to eat. Ice turned her head and was followed by another surprise.


  She was wearing a beautiful mid-thigh dark blue halter dress. Her beautiful blond hair was gorgeous as usual, as it cascaded down her shoulders.

  Ice stared at her puzzled. She looked back and forth. They looked beautiful together, just like a Hollywood couple right out of a magazine.

  Maddie smiled brightly and linked arms with Peyton.

  Ice’s gaze drifted down to their arms.

  “You must be Michael.” Peyton said. “I heard so much about you.” He added, stretching out his hand. Michael stood up and shook it. “I’m Peyton.”


  “I’m sure you’ve met my date Madison.” Peyton said.

  Michael nodded. “Beautiful as always.” He said taking Madison’s hand and kissing it. Maddie smiled briefly.

  “Ice I didn’t know you were here, come give me a hug.” Maddie said excitedly.

  Ice gave her a strange look. What the hell was going on?

  Maddie pretended she didn’t see it and just smiled back at her.

  Ice recovered and forced a smile on her face. “I didn’t know you guys were here too.” She said standing up reluctantly. She got out of her seat and gave Maddie a hug.

  “This is going to be fun.” Maddie whispered in her ear and hugged her back.

  Ice stared at her in confusion.

  “Ice, always a pleasure to see you.” Peyton smiled, his grey eyes clear and bright.

  “Same.” Ice replied slowly, looking at him suspiciously. She stretched out her hand for him to shake it.

  He took it, brought it to his lips and kissed it. His lips lingering as he looked up to meet her eyes. He brushed his thumb over her hand slowly.

  Ice snatched her hand away, trying not to think of the stirring in her stomach.

  She smiled politely at both of them as she took a step back. “I didn’t…I…I didn’t know you two were on…..a date.” She said as she looked from Peyton to Maddie, back to Peyton and then Maddie.

  “Yeah well, who could resist this gorgeous beauty?” Peyton asked.

  He pulled Maddie to him and kissed her softly on the cheek. Maddie smiled at him as if she was in love.

  Ice’s stomach tightened. How and what had she missed? Emotions surged through her body and she pressed her hands against the side of her dress.

  Peyton touched Maddie’s hair gently and removed it from her neck as he bent down to kiss her neck.

  Ice looked away. She felt like she was about to throw up. What was going on?

  “Well sit, join us.” Michael said.

  Ice turned her head sharply and glared at Michael.

  Michael gave her a questioning look, realizing how ridiculous she must have looked she turned away. These were supposedly her friends, why wouldn’t she want them to sit with her. Because she was feeling betrayed? How would Michael understand that?

  “Thank you, don’t mind if we do.” Peyton said signaling for a waiter to bring over two more chairs.

  Ice was in a daze at what was going on. Since the table was circular, they were able to accommodate two more people. She sat back down next to Michael and Peyton immediately made his way to her side. Maddie was on the other side of him and they sat down.

  Ice looked down at her plate. She was mad. This didn’t make sense. It didn’t make sense at all. Was it because she told him she had a date with Michael that he would go and ask out her best friend? She pushed the mashed potatoes around her plate, trying to drown out everybody.

  “Stop playing with your food.”

  Ice didn’t respond. What kind of guy would do that? And why would Maddie even accept that.

  “Ice.” Michael spoke sharply.

  His voice startled her. She looked up.

  “Stop playing with your food, it’s not proper.”

  “Sorry.” She said as she put her fork down.

  Peyton looked at her and then at Michael. He looked
back at Ice. “You’re not hungry.”

  “Not really.” She answered dismissively, not looking in his direction. She felt him staring at her but refused to look. God, this kid had fooled her for real.

  Ice stiffened and sat up straighter.

  “So, Michael, I heard you’re studying to become a lawyer.” Peyton said casually.


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