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Ice: Part I

Page 41

by Penny Hawking

  “Fuck! Fuck, I’m coming. I’m coming. Where are you?”

  “I’m just right off of Taylor and Garfield.” She sighed and groaned. She stared at the smoke in front of her and quickly got out of the car. “I think my car’s smoking.”

  “Jesus! Ice move away. I’m coming. Move away from the car, I’ll be there in like 5 minutes.” Peyton responded hurriedly. “Move to the other side.”

  “I should call the police, right? Or triple A?” She questioned. “I mean, I really don’t know.”

  “Call the police.” Peyton answered. “But I’m on my way.”

  “It’s raining so hard!” Ice protested stomping her foot angrily as the rain only hit her harder.


  Ice’s teeth were chattering as Peyton handed her fresh towels, wash cloth and a new pajama top and bottom that Cheryl kept exclusively for guests. She’d went back into her studio, saying she drew when the kids were asleep.

  “You’re so cold.” Peyton murmured as he rubbed her arm. He’d given her his sweatshirt when they’d gotten in his car but underneath, her clothes were still wet. Her hair was a frizzy damp mess, either sticking out or plastered to her face.

  After Peyton had gotten to her car with an umbrella. The police had followed soon after. They weren’t much help. She told them it was a red Toyota and no back-license plate. They asked for year, mark. She just stared at them blankly in confusion. It was a red Toyota and that was the best she could give them. Even the arm was covered in a long black sleeve and the hands had been wearing black gloves Shortly after Triple A came around and towed her car.

  In the pouring rain, all she could think about was finding a way to get dry and regain heat to her body.

  She felt bad climbing in Peyton’s all black corvette and wetting his seats. He said it didn’t matter. He even turned on the seat warmer. And for a moment she was no longer cold as they drove to his house.

  As soon as she pulled out of the corvette she was once again freezing.

  Cheryl had taken one look at them as soon as they opened the house and sprang into action. She almost made Ice laugh by the way she checked her over and asked if she was okay. She scolded Peyton for Ice being wet and Ice giggled.

  Peyton himself was wet actually even more so than Ice it seemed. The umbrella hadn’t helped one bit.

  Cheryl had ushered them upstairs. Priya and Bam-Bam were already fast asleep.

  As Peyton handed her, her stuff, Ice was pretty sure Cheryl had pushed him in the direction of his room before ushering Ice back to the guest room.

  “Mom put that nice lavender bath for you huh.” He grinned as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his wet sweats.

  “Can’t wait.” She whispered still shivering. “So cold.”

  “You should go.” Peyton pointed to the adjoined bathroom. “Go on in the bath quickly.”

  Ice nodded, but for some reason saw that she was hesitant to leave.

  “Thanks for everything.”

  “Nah, you gotta stop thanking me. It’s fine.” He grinned, pushing his damp hair out of his face. “Come on, go…. go the water’s gonna get cold.”

  “Okay, okay….” Ice nodded taking two steps to the bathroom. She stopped and turned around. “After we shower, can you come back here?” She whispered.

  Peyton licked his bottom lip and nodded. “Yeah…yeah…of course.” He whispered back.

  Ice smiled and nodded. She turned and walked to the bathroom, leaving Peyton to stare after her. She chewed her bottom lip nervously as she felt his eyes on her. She was being a punk. She wanted him to stay, as in stay the whole time. Come on she’d already had sex with him. Great amazing sex, and honestly she wouldn’t mind….

  She shook her head and giggled to herself as she pulled off his sweatshirt. She was such a sex fiend.

  “Ice I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Do you want to join me?” She asked him quickly hearing him come towards the bathroom.

  She shut her mouth tightly and blushed. “I mean…”


  They stood still for a couple seconds, watching the other. Their breathing slightly elevated. Nervousness laced with an electric energy flowed between them.



  They both took a step forward and spoke at the same time and stopped. Ice smiled and lowered her gaze.

  Peyton rushed to her and grabbed her. His mouth immediately coming on top of hers. Ice moaned into his kiss and wrapped desperate arms around him.

  He reached back and closed the bathroom door, not bothering to break off the kiss. He moved his hand over frantically until he locked it before turning his full attention back to Ice.

  “I want you so much.” He whispered finally releasing her mouth. He quickly yanked off his damp shirt and dropped it to the floor.

  “Me too.” Ice whispered, taking off her shirt also. She paused. “Wait is your mom----”

  “She’s in the studio, she’ll be there for like 4 hours. She zones out when it rains.” Peyton whispered hurriedly as he took off his sneakers and yanked down his sweatpants.

  Ice nodded and followed suit slipping out of her tennis shoes and pulling down her leggings.

  They took their damp clothes off in record time. Peyton already on her again desperately. His semi erection poking her belly as he kissed her. Their hands roaming eagerly, caressing and touching. Squeezing and grabbing whatever they could hold on to.

  Ice giggled against their mouths, feeling delirious with emotions. She shivered and Peyton took her hand.

  “Come one.” He led her to the tub gently. He stepped in and turned to her, slowly escorting her in.

  Ice’s eyes widen, the water in the tub wasn’t full but it was hot. Much hotter than she would have taken a shower with. But for some reason it was perfect. It warmed her up immediately. Peyton sat down, the water sloshing gently.

  She lowered herself and moaned. “This is perfect.”

  Peyton cupped her face, bringing her to him as they resumed their kissing. Their arms wrapping around each other again as the water moved around them, warming up their bodies.

  “I love you. I love you so much.” Peyton whispered.

  His words fell like butter on her skin. It covered every part of her. Sinking in every crevice. The chills running through her weren’t of the cold. It was the anticipation. The love pouring out of her as her legs wrapped around his. As she pressed her breasts against his chest. As they sank deeper and deeper into their embrace.

  Nothing was calculated. Nothing was planned. They flowed like they’d always been one. One couldn’t tell where Peyton began and Ice ended. And when he slid inside her, nothing felt more perfect. She thought that other time had been perfect. But nothing, nothing could compare to this feeling coursing through her body. Her knees locked against him as she rode him. His hands gripping her ass as he assisted her in her movements. The heat from the water only added to fuel their body temperature.

  Peyton closed his eyes in ecstasy, his head pressed against the crook of Ice’s neck. Sex had never felt this good.

  Ice moaned as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, her cheek pressed against the top of his head. Her eyes fluttering shut as her body reacted to every upward thrust coming from Peyton.


  Her soft but breathless voice filled the air. She didn’t know what she was begging for. She didn’t know how to tell him what she was feeling. All she knew is she felt like something was building up inside her. Something like an all-consuming flame taking over her body. Sending her nerves in a frenzy.

  “Fuck Ice…. fuck….”

  Ice shut her eyes as she focused on the pleasure. On Peyton’s dick filling her. On his fingers leaving prints on her dark skin. On the heat surrounding them. On the water splashing. And that oh so faint but beautiful scent of lavender.

  Peyton’s breathless moan only confirmed her own orgasm. She felt as if she’d transposed to another dimension.
She couldn’t open her eyes. She couldn’t stop panting. She clung to him like her life depended on it.

  “I love you.” Ice whispered.

  Peyton tightened his hold around her.

  She would remember this moment for the rest of her life.


  Sunday 11:39 p.m.

  “My dad didn’t die of a heart attack.” Peyton whispered as he stared up the ceiling.

  Ice lifted her head slightly from his naked chest. She rested her chin and stared up at him. “No?” She whispered.

  Peyton shook his head. One hand on Ice’s back while the other rested underneath his head. “He hung himself.”

  Ice’s lips parted slowly as her eyes widen. She immediately closed her mouth and bit down on her bottom lip. “Peyton…. I’m….I’m so sorry.”

  He kept staring at the ceiling. His gaze seemingly far off, but he rubbed her arm gently. “He was sick. “Bipolar…you know maniac depression.”

  Ice nodded.

  “…When he was happy, he was happy. But when he was sad…he was really fucking sad.” He paused and sighed.

  Ice wrapped her arm around his stomach and rested her head once again against his chest. She listened to his heartbeat as she let him talk.

  “Well everything was good for like a couple years and stuff. He stopped taking his medicine when I was like 10. He said he was fine…and he was…same old dad and stuff. But then around the time I turned 12…he started acting weird again. He refused to take his medicine…refused to go to therapy or counseling or whatever shit. He and mom were arguing again nonstop…it was hell.” Peyton ran his hand through his hair. “He would blame the world and everything in it saying that everything was fucked up, this world was fucked up. He regretted bringing kids into such a fucked-up world that he wanted to leave and all this shit.”

  Peyton’s voice shook a little. Ice looked up slightly. The pain was evident in his voice, but he wasn’t crying.

  “Then when he told me that it was my fault, that I was fucking up the family and shit. That I was a prime example of what was wrong with the world and the youth, and money and power. I felt like shit. I was the reason why he’d gone off again. It was my fault. I was making my dad sicker. So, I stopped.”

  Peyton swallowed hard.

  “For a couple months, everything went back to normal. He was quieter but he was same old dad. He kept saying stuff that he was proud of me and that I’ll be a great man someday unlike him. He’ll apologize for bringing us in a dirty world. He was calmer and he’ll smile, and it would be like nothing happened.”

  He lifted his hand up to the ceiling momentarily before bringing it back to the bed. “So, I lied to myself and told myself everything was fine, that we were back to our perfect little family.”

  Ice rubbed his chest and kissed it.

  Peyton laughed sadly. “Then one day…”


  “Hey man, you sure you don’t want to come over and play with my new system?” Brad asked again as his driver pulled up to Peyton’s house.

  Peyton hesitated a little than nodded. “Yeah I’m sure.” He said to reassure himself. “I’ll come over tomorrow, so you better practice now cause you know I’m gonna beat your ass.” His grey eyes twinkled as he joked with his best friend.

  “Yeah right fuck you.” Brad said, though he knew Peyton would beat him at anything.

  The limo driver came around and opened the door for Peyton to get out.

  “Aight later man.” Peyton said grabbing his book bag and exiting the limo.

  “Aight man, see you tomorrow.” Brad said as his driver closed the car door and bowed to Peyton.

  Peyton punched the driver playfully on the arm. “Sergio stop fucking bowing to us man, it’s so weird.” He said rolling his eyes.

  “Yes, master Stone.” Sergio said giving an exaggerated bow and then straightening up to ruffle Peyton’s short hair.

  Peyton rolled his eyes although to be perfectly honest, he didn’t particularly mind it.

  Sergio went to the driver’s door and opened it. “Oh, and master Stone, try to be on time tomorrow morning, I keep getting yelled at for brining you little ones to school late.” Sergio said grinning, though the main reason they were late was that he insisted on having them eat a full breakfast, provided by his wife who happened to be the Stone family’s cook.

  “Then tell Lucinda to stop trying to make us clear the whole table.” Peyton joked.

  Sergio laughed his hearty laughter, got in the limo, and sped off. Peyton watched the limo exit the gate and disappear around the corner. It felt lonely without Brad or Sergio to keep him company. He walked up to his house, pressed his index finger on the little box and the door automatically opened. Peyton took off his book bag and dropped it on the ground.

  “Dad, I’m home.” Peyton said taking off his irritating school blazer. He dropped it on the floor and walked away. His mom would kill him. He walked back, picked his blazer up, and hung it on a stand.

  “Dad?” Peyton asked again looking around. Usually his dad would be nearby waiting for him when he came back from school.

  “Priya? Dad?” Peyton asked again looking into the living room. He repeated the same procedure in the dining room and the kitchen. Peyton looked around in confusion. Even the housekeepers and the cook weren’t here.

  “Where is everybody?” Peyton wondered aloud. He took out his cellphone from his pocket to call his dad when he heard a noise from outback.

  “The pool? “He put his phone away and headed to the back of the house. He opened the screen door and stepped outside.

  “Dad what are you doing?” Peyton asked as he watched his father sitting on the edge of the pool looking gloomy and smoking a cigarette.

  Peter looked up at his son sadly. His grey eyes dark with despair. “I’m so sorry that I brought you guys into this evil world. I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry son…I’m so sorry Priya.” Peter whispered as he took another slow drag.

  “Priya? Where’s Priya?” Peyton asked frantically looking for his little sister. He knew that his dad wasn’t in a stable state right now.

  “She’s going to a better place.” Peter said sadly. “Like I wish we all would.”

  Peyton froze when he looked in the pool and saw a little hand reach up and then fall back into the water.

  “Dad what the fuck!” Peyton screamed as he ran to the pool. He dived in and swam towards where he last saw the hand. “Priya!” Peyton screamed swimming faster. Priya’s little hand stopped moving and sunk under the water. “Priya!” Peyton screamed again as he went underneath the water to grab his little sister.

  “This is good for her. She doesn’t need to live to see the evil in this world.”

  “Dad help!” Peyton screamed as he struggled to swim with his almost six-year-old sister to the edge of the pool. Priya who hated water. Priya who never wanted to learn to swim because of the water monster.

  “This is better.” Peter whispered taking another drag.

  “Shut up, shut the fuck up dad!” Peyton screamed as he struggled to pull his sister out of the water. He laid her down on her back. Priya wasn’t breathing. Thank God for fucking CPR classes. Peyton bent down and breathed two breaths into her mouth while pinching her nostrils. He then pumped her chest 5 times.

  “Dad, call an ambulance!” Peyton yelled frantically as he bent down to check for any breathing. Nothing. He breathed into her mouth again and pumped her chest five more times.

  “I don’t want to put you guys through the hell I went through.” Peter said standing up slowly and smoking his cigarette as he stared at his kids. “Let her be.”

  Peyton breathed into his sister’s mouth again and pumped five more times. The tears were blurring his vision. “Come on Pri.” He whispered choking on his words.

  Peyton looked down at his sister’s face; it looked as though it was turning blue. He breathed into her mouth again while pinching the nostril and pumped five more time.

  “If we could
all just leave this place. I’m sorry I can’t be the dad that you need…I just….” Peter started.

  “Go!” Peyton shouted angrily. “Just get the fuck out of here, if you want to get away so badly just fucking leave, we don’t need you!” He said the tears flowing down his face. “We don’t fucking need you.” He bent down and breathed again into his little sister’s mouth. He pumped her chest five more times.

  “You’re not a fucking dad, just get out of here, we’ll be better off without you!” Peyton shouted. He was giving up hope and he was angry, sad, and terrified all at the same time. “Please God, Please God…not my little sister.” Helplessly he performed the procedure again, this time it was followed by water spewing out of Priya’s mouth and coughing. Peyton lifted her head so that she wouldn’t choke back on the water.


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