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Ice: Part I

Page 42

by Penny Hawking

  “Thank you God.” Peyton cried.


  “It’s okay.” Peyton said hugging his little sister.

  “It hurts.” She said softly as she began to cry.

  Forgetting about his dad, Peyton picked up his frail sister and rushed her inside. He grabbed some towels and wrapped her in it. He took out his phone and dialed 9-1-1.

  “9-1-1 what’s your emer--?”

  “My sister almost drowned, can you please get the ambulance over here!” Peyton screamed cutting her off.

  “Okay young man calm down.” The woman on the other line said gently.

  “I can’t fucking calm down, she’s still a little blue and she said it hurts.” Peyton said his voice breaking as the tears started coming down his face.

  “Okay…it’s okay sweetheart, we sent the ambulance over, you just stay on the phone okay?” the woman said.

  Peyton sniffled and went to sit next to his sister. He took Priya and cradled him in his arm, she was crying softly.

  “You’re a brave young man? I’m guessing you gave her CPR?” the woman said gently.

  Peyton nodded again. “I don’t know if I did it right, I don’t know…I wasn’t paying close attention.” He said crying.

  “I’m sleepy.” Priya whispered closing her eyes.

  The operator must have heard. “No son, keep her awake okay, whatever you do keep her awake, we need her to stay up.”

  Peyton nodded. “Pri stay up.” He said shaking his sister until she opened her eyes. Priya started crying again.

  “Crying is good.” The operator said. “You’re a good older brother, just hang on okay.”

  Peyton nodded again wiping the snot off his face. He then heard siren’s outside. “The ambulance is here.” He said into the phone.

  “Okay, now they’ll take care of you and your sister okay sweetheart.”

  Peyton dropped his phone. He put down his little sister and ran to the door to open the gate. At the same time, he opened the front door. He saw two man running towards his house. There was an ambulance and a cop car. Another two people were coming out the ambulance and a cop was getting out his car.

  “She’s in the living room, I don’t know if she’s okay.” Peyton said emotionally.

  One person rushed past him while another patted his head. “It’s gonna be okay son.” He said. Peyton followed them inside as they looked over his sister. Even though he was worried, he knew his sister was safe.

  He slipped out back and went to the pool.

  “Dad the ambulance came.” He looked around the pool. His dad was nowhere to be found.

  “Dad?” He called again dread forming in his heart.

  “Now son, what exactly happened?” one of the officers asked coming up behind Peyton and placing a hand on his shoulder. Peyton stared at the last place he’d seen his dad.

  “We were playing, and she fell in.” He lied, fresh tears rolling down his face.

  End flashback

  Ice didn’t say anything as she tried unsuccessfully to wipe the tears off her face. Peyton’s face was unemotional and dry.

  “He left. He just left like I told him to.” Peyton said.

  Peyton kept staring at the same spot on the ceiling. “We couldn’t find him anywhere. Three days searching. He was nowhere.”

  Peyton took a couple heavy breath to try to compose himself. “And then on the third day I decided to walk behind the house to get away. Get away from mom, grandma, and the crying. Then I saw this shed. It was an old place nobody ever went to, but dad had never gotten around to removing it off the property. It was old and dirty and dusty…. but I opened the door…” Peyton stopped as he took a couple breaths again. “It smelled so bad in there. I turned around and almost walked out until I saw feet. I should have kept walking, but I turned around and looked up. There he was. Just hanging from the fucking ceiling. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe. He was staring at me, accusing me. Letting me know I did that to him. I just…I just…I passed out.” Peyton whispered.

  “Oh my God Peyton.” Ice tried unsuccessfully to wipe her face and also to hug him as tightly as she could.

  “I told him to leave. I told him to get the fuck away, don’t you see? I told him that we would be better off without him.” Peyton closed his eyes. “And he did, he just left. No fucking good bye or anything, no warning…nothing.”

  Ice shook her head and hugged him tighter. “You had nothing to do with that.”

  “I knew what to say to push him over the edge.” Peyton whispered opening his eyes again. his grey eyes blazing dark with emotions. “The last straw for him was finding out we didn’t need him.” Peyton said blinking rapidly refusing to cry.

  “Oh my God Peyton….” Ice whispered carefully touching his face. “I’m so…so, so sorry.”

  He looked down and smiled sadly. Wrapping his arms around her, he brought her even closer to him. His lips descending on hers.

  After the kiss, they barely moved their lips a centimeter away.

  “We have some fucked up family huh?” He whispered.

  Ice nodded.

  “But ours won’t.” He assured her. “Our family won’t be fucked up Ice.” He promised again before kissing her.

  Ice closed her eyes and got lost in her embrace. They sank into the comfortable guest bed, their focus only on each other.

  Glass Flower

  Monday 6:30 a.m.

  Peyton watched as Ice moved slightly around the bed. She was waking up.

  Ice lazily opened her eyes and squinted up at him. “Peyton?” She murmured in confusion.

  “I could get used to this.” Peyton smirked.

  Ice sat up and stretched lazily. “Oh my God, I slept so good.”

  He admired her and kept smiling, his head propped up against the pillow. “Seriously I could get used to this.” He murmured. “You, waking up next to me in bed.”

  He leaned towards her, but Ice put her hand out.

  “Don’t.” She blushed and covered her mouth. “I have morning breath.”

  Peyton chuckled as he grabbed her and caused her to fall on top of him. His mouth quickly finding her and kissing her deeply.

  “I love you.” He whispered. “I’m yours and you’re mine right?”

  Ice stared up at him and gently cupped his cheek. “I’m yours and you’re mine.” She whispered back and kissed him.

  “Forever and always?” Peyton asked.

  “Forever and always.” Ice answered.

  Peyton deepened the kiss eagerly. He wrapped his arms around her body as he slowly moved to press Ice back into the bed. Ice wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in closer her legs automatically parting. Peyton groaned. She was his drug and he would never cease to want her.

  “What’s that?” Ice asked breaking the kiss.

  “What?” Peyton bent down to kiss her again.

  “That.” She said, and he heard it this time. It was the faintest of knocking on the door.

  “I don’t hear anything.” He lied kissing her again.

  “Peyton.” Ice tried to pull away

  Peyton shook his head. “I don’t hear anything.” He whispered insistently.

  “PEY-PEY!” The all too familiar voice yelled when his knocking didn’t produce any results. “The door’s locked! Open it.”

  Peyton groaned and collapsed against Ice. Ice giggled. “Go away, the doors locked for a reason.” Peyton called out

  “Good morning!” Bam-Bam replied brightly.

  “Morning!” Peyton yelled back. He turned to Ice. “If we don’t make any noise, he’ll go away.” He whispered.

  Ice giggled.

  “Ssshhh.” Peyton put his hand over her mouth, only causing her to laugh some more.

  “Go open the door for your little brother.” Ice said, removing his hand.

  Peyton shook his head. “No, he’ll take you away from me.” He whined as he tried to climb back on top of her.

  Ice laughed harder, tr
ying to push him off.

  “SSssshhhh.” He whispered, covering her mouth with his hand again.

  “Pey-Pey…open the door.” Bam-Bam said in a singsong voice.

  Peyton groaned as he looked down at Ice. “Shit he knows you’re here…now he’ll never leave.

  Ice tried not to laugh.

  “What do you want?” Peyton asked in annoyance towards the door.

  “Mama says get your butts downstairs for breakfast, or you’ll be late for school.” Bam-Bam recited. “Hi Ice.” He said as an afterthought.

  “Don’t answer.” Peyton warned her.

  Ice removed Peyton’s hand from her mouth. “Hi Bam-Bam.” Her eyes opened wider. “School!” She screeched pulling the covers back. She hopped out of bed in the pajama outfit Cheryl had given her.

  Peyton groaned and climbed out of bed. His boxers hanging low. He marched to the door and snatched it open. “Tell mom we’re coming.” He growled.

  Bam-Bam grinned. “Hi Pey-Pey.” He said stretching out his hands to be picked up.

  “You’re too old for that.” Peyton said but picking him up anyways. His little brother kissed him affectionately on the mouth. “Mama made pancakes on a Monday.” Bam-Bam said happily as he wrapped his arms around Peyton’s neck.

  Peyton hugged his little brother back tight and grinned. “Yeah I can smell it.” He poked his head out of the guest bedroom and sniffed the air. He turned Bam-Bam upside down and shook him gently, which had Bam-Bam laughing hysterically.

  “How’d you sleep little brat?” Peyton asked lovingly. He put him down and spun him, which had Bam-Bam wobbling and falling all over his feet.

  “Good.” Bam-Bam said. “One more time so it’s even.” He said stretching out his hand. He’d been learning even and odd numbers in school and so now everything was even and odd.

  Peyton grabbed him and threw him in the air. He hung him upside down and pretended to drop him. Bam-Bam was laughing so hard there were tears in his eyes. His older brother dropped him gently on the ground and he latched on to his foot. Peyton shook his foot and Bam-Bam laughed. Peyton grinned but tried to mask it. “Bam-Bam come on, get off you little twerp.” He protested. Bam-Bam shook his head. Peyton took a step and dragged Bam-Bam with him. He walked back into the room dragging along his little brother, latched onto one leg.

  “I brought your husband.” Peyton told Ice who was sitting on the bed looking at him with so much love in her eyes. “What?” He asked in surprise.

  Ice looked away and shrugged. “You’re so…everything.” She smiled at him

  Peyton smiled back.

  “Morning Ice.” Bam-Bam said releasing his brother and jumping on Ice. Ice was ready and caught him. She laughed and ruffled his hair. Bam-Bam hugged her neck.. “You had a sleepover?” He asked in confusion as he looked around.

  Peyton grinned. “Not much sleeping.”

  Ice glared at him. “Yes.” She said sweetly to Bam-Bam.

  Bam-Bam pouted. “Why wasn’t I invited?”

  “17 and up.” Peyton said pushing Bam-Bam’s head and making him fall on the bed. He sat next to Ice on the bed and put his arm around her waist.

  “Oh.” Bam-Bam said accepting it as a legit excuse. Ice smiled. Anything Peyton said, Bam-Bam would accept as a legit excuse. “Well next time you’ll come to my sleep over.” Bam-Bam told Ice. “It’ll be 5 and up…but no older brothers.

  Ice laughed. Wow, he really was, just like Peyton. Peyton smirked at Bam-Bam and ruffled his hair.

  “Aight mini me, go tell mom we’re coming down for breakfast.” Peyton said.

  “Okay.” Bam-Bam said jumping off the bed. He raced out the bedroom.

  Peyton turned to Ice. “Now where were we?” He joked leaning in for a kiss.

  Ice stopped him nervously. “This is gonna be really awkward.”

  Peyton kissed her arm.

  He gently pushed her down on the bed. “We don’t have to go down, we can stay here.” He said climbing on top of her. “I’m sure mommy dearest would understand if we don’t show up for breakfast.” Peyton looked down at her. “Or go to school.”

  “That’s even worse.” Ice said pushing him off her and standing up. “1. I need to take a shower and get ready. 2. I don’t even have any clothes to wear! And three she for sure knows what we were up to last nice.” Ice listed frantically. “You didn’t even sleep in your bed.”

  Peyton shrugged. “Ice, mom doesn’t care. If it helps, she probably assumed we had sex a while ago.” He said. By the look on her face, he’s worsened the matter. Peyton stood up and held her shoulders to stop her and have her face him. “Look my family knows I love you okay.” He said. He waited for a response. When she nodded, he continued. “I’ll give you time to take a shower----or we can take one together----”

  “Peyton…” Ice groaned.

  “Take a shower, I’ll tell mom you need clothes. Seriously you two are almost the same size. Or you can wear something of mine.”


  “Trust me, mom stocks up on all this brand new never touched, never worn things the hallway closet.” He pointed to her pajamas as proof. “You would think we house people every day.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes. “I’ll get your stuff. You get ready.” He grinned and back up putting his hands up. “Welcome to the family Ice. You know you’ll have the coolest name right. Ice Stone, that’s pretty badass.”

  Ice laughed and he winked at her before leaving the guest room.

  It didn’t take long for them to get ready. She tried to go as fast as possible knowing that somebody’s mom was downstairs waiting for them. Feeling hopeless she simply tried to brush her hair and put half of it up in a top knot. Her hair was now too short for a bun.

  Ice didn’t have to worry about borrowing clothes or any of that matter. Peyton came back handing her her shoes and clothes from yesterday, dry, folded and with the fresh scent of clean laundry. She remembered leaving it in the bathroom. This meant his mom had come in last night while they were sleeping. This meant she must have seen them snuggled on the bed. She knew, she for sure knew.

  When they walked into the dining room, Priya immediately bombarded Ice.

  “Ice I’m so nervous for my recital.” The young girl whispered excitedly as she grabbed Ice’s hand.

  “You’ll do fine.” Ice laughed. “I’m excited to see it.”

  Priya beamed up at Ice.

  Peyton left them and went into the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around his mom and gave her a peck on the lips. “Morning mommy dearest.” He said happily, as he turned and made his way to the fridge.

  “I told you to sleep in your own bed.” Cheryl turned to her son.

  Peyton smiled at her innocently. “Mom I’m in love.”

  Cheryl shook her head and grinned “Somebody’s happy this morning.” She teased. “Must have been a great night. I’m happy you didn’t wake up your brother and sister.”

  Peyton grabbed a strawberry she was cutting. “Mom, that is none of your business.”

  Cheryl chuckled. “I carried you for 9 months…37 hours of labor…It’s my business boy.” She said.

  Peyton took another strawberry and cocked his head out the kitchen to watch Ice. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Everything’s so fucking perfect…she’s perfect.” Peyton told his mom. Peyton groaned. “I just…I don’t know.” He said happily.

  Cheryl looked at her son cautiously. “Sweetheart, take it easy….”

  “I know.” Peyton grinned. “But I’m serious; she’s the one I wanna be with. I love her.” He said taking another grape.

  Cheryl opened her mouth. She was speechless. She reached out and touched his arm. “I’m happy truly I am. I like her a lot. But I need to think. To be careful. To take your time. Don’t rush and overpower her. Give her time. I don’t want you to get hurt okay.” She whispered. “I sure as hell don’t want you to hurt her either. All I’m saying is, be careful.” She whispered brushing his hair away from his face..

/>   Peyton’s blueish gray eyes smiled at his mom. “Yeah, okay I got it.” He popped a couple blueberries in his mouth. “I told her everything, about me, all the shit and stuff, like with dad.” Peyton shrugged. “And she doesn’t even care.”

  “You’re right about that whole good and bad part of love…I think I love her more now that she knows me.” He said. He turned his head to the side to stare at Ice. “Look at her mom, she’s beautiful.” He said putting an arm around his mom’s shoulder. “And she’s mine…all mine.”


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