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Releasing Hannah

Page 8

by Tl Reeve

  “It gets better, guys.” Jude chimed in. “In the little bit of digging I was able to do, I found a few things out too. Kapinsky has a couple of harassment write ups in his file. It seems there were two female officers he was obsessed with. He left them notes, flowers, obscene messages, and keyed their cars. It bordered on fatal attraction. His chief suspended him with pay for two weeks. By then the women had been transferred out of his squad.”

  “Clearly, because what would people think of two female officers who couldn’t handle working with a pig? Yeah, it solves everything and nothing at the same time,” Hannah snarled. Her leg twitched with excess energy as she listened to what Jude had to say. She couldn’t wait until she was able to get hands on the prick. She’d teach him a few manners, that’s for sure.

  “Oh, there’s more. Trust me. He tried to do the same to one of the female detectives in his squad house,” Jude chuckled. “The detective happens to be a Dommé across town. From what I understand, he couldn’t sit right for about a week.”

  “Rock on! Holy fuck me! I want to meet this lady and shake her hand. She’s awesome.” Hannah laughed.

  “After the last little incident, there aren’t any more write-ups in his file.” Jude closed the file on his desk.

  “Of course not. He went back to what he knew, breaking and entering,” Jonas said.

  “My thought as well when Jude told me last night. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar one too many times,” Jackson said, leaning back in his chair.

  “Well if this is going to work, he’ll have to stick his hand back into the proverbial cookie jar one more time,” she said, ready to get back at the man who cuffed her to a bench.

  Jonas waited for Hannah to walk out of the office before talking to Jude. He didn’t have very much information on her, but maybe Jude could help him piece together her past. If anything, he knew the man could be discreet and efficient.

  “I need your help,” he said, once they were alone. “I want to find Hannah’s family.” He pulled the chair Hannah had sat in, close to Jude’s desk.

  “You know Scotland Yard has tried to find her family but got nowhere, right?”

  “I know, but a family doesn’t take a trip overseas without someone stateside knowing where they’d be going. Their death had to be in the papers. There had to be identification, passports, something. I have to understand how people could leave Hannah behind without even a kiss my ass or a fuck you.” Nothing else made sense. Who in their right mind just goes on vacation and doesn’t tell anyone? Someone should have inquired about her or her parents or both.

  “Does Hannah know you want me to do this?” Jude asked, folding his hands behind his head.

  “No. I know she would tell me not to worry about it, but finding her family would complete her.” He didn’t know how to explain it to Jude, but he had a feeling about the reason why Hannah couldn’t completely connect to people. She couldn’t put herself out there. The idea of losing anyone else would destroy her,

  “I would start in Scotland, about fifteen, twenty years ago. I would look for Americans vacationing near the area of the orphanage.”

  “This is like looking for a needle in a hay stack,” Jude said scrubbing his face.

  “Anything you want, you get. Especially if you find her family.”

  “You better hope to God that if we find Hannah’s family they don’t want to take her away from all of us,” Jude muttered.

  “She needs closure. Until she gets that, she will never be whole again. I might not want to lose her, but damn it, she deserves to know.” He would easily give her up if she had her family. He loved her enough to know she wouldn’t leave him.

  “All right, I’ll get started and keep you posted. I can’t guarantee I’ll find anything, but you never know.” Jude sighed.

  “Thanks,” he said shaking his hand.

  “Don’t go thanking me just yet. Thank me when we still have Hannah here with us.”

  “Let go of me, white girl!” Rena’s screams filled the office as both men heard Jackson curse and run out the door.

  Jonas was out the door just as quick, with Jude on his heels. Things were tense this morning when he drove through the gate. Rena stared a hole through Hannah as he signed the log to check them in. The woman had it bad for her. He thought the girls had worked it out. Five years of holding a grudge seemed a little too obsessive considering Jackson and Rena had married. Obviously, someone didn’t think so.


  How in the world had this happened? Not five minutes ago, Hannah had walked out of the office.

  Rena had put her hand on Hannah’s elbow to get her attention, and out of instinct, Hannah jerked away. Her elbow caught Rena under her chin and sent the other woman reeling. “Shit, Rena. I’m sorry,” Hannah said moving toward her.

  “You fucking hit me!” Rena screamed, indignation filling her voice as she rubbed her chin.

  “I didn’t mean to. You caught me off guard.” Hannah felt horrible for hitting Rena. Yes, the other woman got under her skin, but Hannah would never hurt her intentionally or out of anger.

  “Yeah right Hannah, like I believe what you say. You fucking did it on purpose.” Rena advanced on her. “Well guess what, the guys aren’t here to help you now. I own your ass.”

  Hannah threw her hands up in the air. “Fine, Rena. I did it on purpose. I’ve got it out for you after all these years and after you married Jackson. Fucking idiot, bring it. Let’s finish this. After this little fucking fight, all the shit between us ends.” Hannah set herself, taking a deep breath. How their relationship ended up in an office brawl she’d never understand.

  Rena came at her with a right hand cross. Hannah dodged it. Grabbing Rena’s arm and pinning it behind her, Hannah bounced the other woman’s head off the office wall. “You’ll have to try better than that, Rena,” she snarled in the other woman’s ear.

  “Fuck you, white girl,” Rena screamed, as she broke Hannah’s hold and kicked her in the stomach.

  She grunted from the force and took a knee. “No thanks, Rena. You’re not my type,” she wheezed.

  The anger in Rena’s eyes shocked Hannah momentarily. There was real palpable hate there. How many times did the woman need to hear there was nothing between her and Jackson? Taking her attention away from the situation, Rena stepped toward her and backhanded her.

  “Only a little bitch hits that way,” Hannah said, licking the blood from her lip.

  The women circled each other until Hannah faked a jab and connected with a cross elbow. The blow sent Rena staggering, and her hand shot up to cover where the hit connected. Hannah felt horrible about the whole situation. They should have been friends this whole time.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Jackson’s voice, rumbled with anger.

  Hannah’s whole body sagged. She’d royally fucked up. Fuck. “It’s my fault. Rena grabbed my arm and I jerked it out of her grasp. When I did, I hit her. This is what followed.”

  Rena stared at the ground, her hand rubbing her jaw.

  “Is that true?” Jackson asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Rena nodded. “I grabbed her to ask a question, and I guess I deserved what I got. White girl’s got a mean ass fucking cross I can tell you that much.”

  Hannah couldn’t help but smile. “I need to get out of here, clear my head. I’ll call you guys later.”

  “You’re in no shape to go anywhere by yourself. I’m coming with you.” Jonas inclined his head toward the guys, then took her by the arm and led her to his car.

  “I need to be by myself.” She blew out a breath of frustration, and refused to get in. “I just got into a fight with a woman I should be friends with. I need a moment.” Hannah glared at him, willing him to leave her.

  “What you need to do is get over it, Hannah.” He opened the door for her, and pointed to the seat. “Get in.”

  “Fuck you, Jonas,” she spat. “I haven’t done shit to that crazy ass woman.”

/>   Turning slowly so he faced her, a menacing growl passed his lips, “Leap, frog, if you think you can kick my ass. Just remember who will be tied up later.” His voice calm. His words cold, deadly, and Hannah had the briefest thought of pushing him, just to see how far his control went.

  “I am so fucking scared over here,” she bit back, finally relenting and getting in. He stomped around the front of the car and got in beside her, before started the car, and put it into gear so they could leave. “You know the snarling, growling bit is fucking hot in the bedroom but in real life, you need to lose it.” She was walking a thin line between being her smartass self and a royal bitch. “I am capable of taking care of myself, and I don’t need a guy to protect me. If you can’t get that through your thick cranium, then I’m out of here.”

  “Tread lightly, little one. You don’t want to push me right about now.” Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Hannah watched as he tightened his hand around the steering wheel.

  “Fuck that. I’m going to stomp my way through this. I am tired of being careful. Aren’t you?”

  He pulled off the main road onto a side street.

  “Where are we going Jonas?” she asked, as they drove farther away from the city.

  “My gym,” he told her through clenched teeth.

  A gym? “Am I missing something here?” She figured he would have said home, so he could punish her. She actually found herself wanting that.

  He pulled into a small parking lot, then parked in spot near the door.

  Hannah jumped out when he shut off the engine. “So are you going to explain why we’re here?” He passed her up, pulling out a set of keys and opening the door.

  “There are some shorts in the locker room, I’m sure you can find a set in there that fits you, I want you to meet me in the ring when you’re done changing. No more questions.”

  Swallowing the retort that threatened to spill from her, she cleared her throat. “Whatever. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Hannah made her way through the small building to the locker room. The place was empty except for the two of them. Stepping inside the locker room, she noticed there was only enough room for three lockers, and a rack of towels and clothes. Pulling out a small tank and shorts, she changed and placed her clothes in one of the lockers.

  Jonas stood shirtless near the ropes, wearing only a pair of shorts, gym sandals, and sparring gloves. Hannah was slack jawed at his appearance. Climbing into the ring, she stood opposite of him and waited. Is he really going to fight me? He slipped his gym sandals off and strolled to the middle of the ring.

  Chapter Nine

  His patience for her hard headed ways was at an end. He’d be damned if Hannah pushed him any longer. Jonas figured that after what they experienced the night before, she wouldn’t fight him. Obviously she had other plans.

  Standing in the middle of the ring, he watched her. Her eyes were wide in what he figured was amazement. He chuckled to himself, knowing he’d caught her off guard. Hannah kicked off her shoes before peeling off her socks. Shoulders back and head held high, she met him in the middle of the ring. Her fists were clenched tightly, waiting for him to make a move.

  Jonas towered over Hannah and had over a hundred-pound advantage on her, but she showed no fear. The confidence Hannah exuded impressed him. She was a born fighter. “I will not tolerate you pushing me away any longer, Hannah. If this is how we have to settle your hissy fits, then so be it.” Jonas smacked his fists together. He walked passed her and picked up the smaller pair of gloves and strapped them to her hands. He placed the mouth guard into her hand and took his position in the center of the ring.

  “Hissy fits? Is that what you think this is?” She rolled her shoulders and loosened her neck while bouncing on the balls of her feet. “This is so not a hissy fit. This is me pissed, and you’re fucking on.” After putting the mouth guard in, she circled around him, shifting lightly almost as though she walked on air. Her arms swung freely, relaxed.

  Jonas slipped the mouth guard into his mouth and smiled. “Like you say, let’s do this.”

  She mesmerized him as she moved. Her motions were fluid, easy. Stepping toward her, he jabbed. Hannah blocked it effortlessly, and using his arm as leverage, she kneed him in the stomach. Jonas gasped for air as she jumped back and began to circle him once again. A small smile passed her lips as he righted himself.

  Hannah stepped back toward him, throwing a right, then a left. He blocked both easily as he swiped her feet out from under her. She fell to the mat with an oomph. Jonas held his hand out to help her up, but she knocked it out of the way. Rolling away from him, she stood back up and took her stance. Determination filled her eyes as she studied him.

  Coming at her again, he landed two well placed punches and backed Hannah up against the ropes. She pushed him back by kicking him in the thigh and side. For every punch he landed, she came back with two more of her own.

  He pushed her into the corner of the ring again, this time pressing his body against hers and pinning her in place. A muffled moan passed her lips as he nuzzled her neck. “Why do you have so much anger in you, Hannah?” he purred, placing a chaste kiss on the sensitive flesh between her neck and ear.

  Hannah pushed him off her. “My anger keeps me going. Without it, I am nothing.” She gave no warning as she stepped forward with a right cross, connecting with his jaw.

  Jonas stumbled back and shook his head, rolling his jaw. Not considering the consequences, he ran at her and pinned Hannah to the mat. His muscular thighs straddled her waist, holding her in place. Gritting her teeth, Hannah kneed him in the kidneys and back several times before he finally punched her in the ribs.

  Hannah grunted, and her drifted eyes closed. Her body relaxed against his. Jonas panicked. He wasn’t trying to hurt her. He wanted her to stop moving. Pulling the gloves from his hands, he wiped her sweat coated hair from her face. “Hannah? Are you okay?”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she nodded. “Why’d you have to hit me so hard?” she muttered, wincing as she tried to move.

  “I didn’t mean too. You were kicking me, and I just reacted. I’m sorry.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Are you done fighting now?”

  Hannah ran her fingers through his hair and sighed. “Why can’t I just be happy?”

  Jonas turned his face into her hand. “You can be. You have to allow yourself the happiness you’ve been pushing away.” He groaned as she tugged his hair, pulling him back down to her.

  “I know,” she sighed, kissing him.

  Jonas’s body tightened in expectancy. his cock tented the front of his shorts. “You are something else, Hannah.”

  “Yeah, I hear that all the time.”

  He pulled her tank off and kissed a trail down her chest. His hand cupped her breast before pushing the cotton sports bra out of way. Her pink nipples tightened under his touch. His mouth watered in anticipation as he lowered his head to suck on the tiny pearl. Hannah gasped, shivering as his other hand pushed past the band of her shorts.

  Jonas growled as his thumb slid over her clit. Her folds were wet with desire. While his thumb traced lazy circles, his teeth grazed the soft supple flesh of her breasts. His mouth moved effortlessly from one breast to the other, as his finger delved into her slick, hot pussy. Hannah cried out, rocking her hips in time with his movements. She trembled under his touch as he tried desperately to take his time.

  “Make love to me, Jonas. Not as submissive and Master, but as a couple.” She shuddered.

  Jonas nodded. “Yes.” He pulled his shorts from his body and removed the rest of her clothes. Hovering over her, he positioned his cock at her entrance and entered her with one stroke. Heaven and hell. The feel of her searing heat surrounded him, and he trembled. The idea of losing something this precious tore him up. He’d never let her go. Never.

  Hannah moaned as he moved against her and filled her at a leisurely pace. Her body gripped his as he kissed her again. Wrapping her legs around his wa
ist, he lifted her hips, penetrating her deeper. Pressed together, their bodies moved as one. Her pert tits bounced against his chest as he slammed into her. So fucking good. So fucking tight.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, nipping at her neck. She felt so good under him.

  Hannah arched to him as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her up to him. The friction caused by the change of position had him gritting his teeth. Lowering his hands, Jonas cupped her ass, pushing her down and over him. Hannah’s legs locked around his waist holding them together as she rolled her hips. Feeling his release building, his control wavered. Jonas increased the speed of their movements, and their combined moans of satisfaction filled the tiny space.

  She kissed his chest, clinging to him as she whimpered against his shoulder. “I love you, Jonas,” she cried as she jerked and bucked against him. He could feel her cream cover his shaft.

  The need to bury himself as far as he could inside of her consumed him. She loved him. She accepted him. Pulling back slightly, he cupped her cheek as he continued to thrust into her. “I love you too, Hannah.” Jonas squeezed his eyes shut laying his head against her shoulder and grunting through his release. His body trembled holding her, as they rode out their waves of pleasure together.

  Jonas picked up his phone as it buzzed. After making love to Hannah in the ring, he’d made love to her again in the shower at the gym. Sated, they’d finally bonded.

  Walking over to where Hannah stood by the door, he then wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her. “We have been requested to join Jackson and Rena at Olivia’s tomorrow night.”

  Hannah nodded. “I figured as much. I knew when the fight began I would be punished for my actions. I’m prepared for whatever you have in store for me, Dominare.” The ease with which she could fall right into her submissiveness made Jonas proud.


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