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Releasing Hannah

Page 9

by Tl Reeve

  “Yes, you will be punished tonight, but you will also be rewarded.” He pressed his hand against the small of her back, ushering her out of the gym. Locking the door, they headed back to his car.

  “Rewarded? For what?” she asked climbing in.

  “You’ll see, little one.” He kissed her temple and smiled softly. “For right now though, I have a house I want to show you. Jackson forwarded the information to my phone.”

  He pulled out of the driveway, and followed the directions Jackson sent him. Jonas got a perverse little thrill. He’d wanted to share Hannah in a scene with another couple since the first time he’d seen her play in public. The trip ended quicker than he thought. His mind raced through the scenario for the following night. How Hannah would react to the cross or even his favorite, the pillory. He pulled the car to a stop in front of the tiny house and shut it off, Jonas undid his seat belt and got out.

  “Jackson said there are three bedrooms, a huge back yard and a basement. What do you think?”

  Hannah laced her fingers with his when she met him on the sidewalk, “It looks perfect. Can we get inside?”

  Nodding, he guided her toward the front door. “The realty officer gave Jackson the combo for the lock box.” Stopping at the door, Jonas punched in the code and pulled out the key. “Would you like to do the honors?”

  Hannah grinned. “If you’d have found me at sixteen and told me this might be my life; I’d have laughed in your face. I can’t believe I’m buying my first home.” She slipped the key into the lock and opened the door.

  The house had a perfect layout. A great room greeted them as they stepped over the threshold. The walls were painted in a rich buttery yellow, while the trim was a brilliant white. The cabinets in the kitchen were glass front, and a little potbellied stove sat to the side as decoration. To the right was the only hallway leading to the rest of the house. Two rooms faced east, and the master bedroom and bath faced west. For Hannah, the house would be perfect.

  “Well what do you think?” he asked, standing in the middle of what would be her bedroom.

  “It’s perfect. Do we know how much they want for it?” she asked bouncing with excitement.

  “A little over four hundred thousand, I believe is what it is listed for,” he said, not sure if she could afford the place.

  “Not bad. I can cover it.” She moved around the house effortlessly.

  “You can cover it?” Jonas asked trailing behind her.

  “Yep. When I came back to the states, there was a trust fund account for me. When I worked with Jude and Jackson, half the money went into the trust account and the other half of my cut went into a checking account. I have enough money to live on the rest of my life if that’s what I wanted to do.”

  Jonas blinked a couple of times. “Well, I guess all you have to do is put in a bid.”

  If Hannah put in a cash bid, he thought the owner would jump at it, and she’d be able to move in by the weekend.

  Once they’d arrived at the realty agency, the woman had been efficient and polite. In less than twenty minutes, Hannah walked out of the office the owner of her first home. The people had agreed to her terms in an instant. There’s something about saying I have cash which made people sit up and take notice.

  “I have to buy you lunch to celebrate,” she chirped, sliding into the car next to him. “Maybe we can talk about sleeping arrangements too.” Her voice, so light and happy. The prospect of her wanting him to be there with her made his heart soar.

  Chapter Ten

  Walking through the door of Olivia’s, Hannah laughed as Carlos shook his head. No matter how much Jude and Jackson worked on the security door, it wouldn’t open properly. After the third try, the door finally gave way. Hannah walked into the club first, Jonas hot on her heels. His hand pressed against the small of her back as they made their way toward one of the play rooms.

  The club was full for a change. The sound of slapping flesh mingled with the crack of whips and floggers. Hannah’s heart began to race, and she took a steadying breath. Why her punishment had to be at Olivia’s, when Jonas had a perfectly good house with every piece of equipment known to man, confounded her.

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” Jonas purred against her ear as he nipped at the lobe. Hannah gasped as he slapped her ass and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Taking a moment to gather herself, she removed her clothes and waited for Jonas to return. Unsure if she should kneel or stand while waiting, she shifted from foot to foot before going to her knees. She knew what a proper submissive should do, but was she a proper submissive now? Ugh, why do I always over think things? I should just do what I know, and Jonas will correct me.

  The cold flooring chilled her hypersensitive flesh as the anticipation of playing with Jonas filled her. She knew she was being impatient but she couldn’t help herself. Excitement rolled through her at the idea of playing with Jonas again at the club. The door opened and, for long moments, silence reined. The heel to toe cadence of boots called to her. Her heart pounded. Her hands shook with nervous energy. He stopped before her and ran his fingers through her hair. Hannah leaned into him, sighing softly as she relaxed. Her mind quieted.

  “Stand.” She stood before him, her head bowed as she waited for him to tell her what to do. “Before we go anywhere, I have something for you.”

  Before she could voice her questions, his hands came around her neck. The cool, rough feel of leather sent chills down her back as he buckled the collar into place. Eyes wide, Hannah looked up at Jonas, “You collared me?” Total and complete disbelief filled her voice.

  The gruff rumble of his laugh had her shivering. “I told you, Hannah, you are mine. Did you actually doubt what I was saying?”

  “No—not really?” Hannah sighed, trying to gather her thoughts. She was collared. Fingering the round strip of leather, she felt the eight squared studs across the front and smiled. “You’re the only one who gets my style. You rock, Jonas!” She jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.

  As she pressed herself against him, he grabbed her ass to lift her. “Wait. Slow down. You have to understand what this means for us.” He tried to put her down, but she clung to him, loving the feel of them connected.

  When he sat down, she felt the hard press of his cock against the apex of her thighs. A soft moan parted her lips as she adjusted herself on his lap. “Sit still.” Hannah instantly settled. “You have to understand what this collar means.” He tugged lightly on it.

  “All right Jonas. What does it mean?” Excitement filled her.

  “What did you call me?” He pinched her nipple and tugged it gently.

  “I’m sorry, Dominare. I got so excited.” Sinful pleasure skirted along her flesh.

  “I can tell,” he chuckled, releasing her nipple. “So here’s the deal. By accepting my collar, you accept me. You’ll trust me to know how far to push you. To explore your submissive side. Respecting our roles as Dominare and submissive is of utmost importance. You will do as I say and not question why you are doing it, unless it is unsafe. Then I expect you to give me one of your patented tongue lashings. Plus, I will love you for the rest of my life. Even though the collar is the establishment of a BDSM couple, we are also in a committed relationship away from the club. Can you accept those terms?”

  Hannah nodded. “Yes, Dominare, I can accept our relationship. All of it.”

  “Good, because we’re going to put your acceptance to the test right now.” Jonas stood with Hannah. Pulling a black scarf from his back pocket, Jonas smirked, “Tonight, you’ll be blindfolded for your punishment.”

  Hannah’s heart raced. Blindfolded? Her world went dark. Behind her she felt the press of Jonas’s body as he tied it into place. The spicy smell of his cologne relaxed her as he led her out of the room. “Dominare, where are we going? I thought I was being punished.”

  Jonas chuckled. “This is your punishment Hannah. We’re just moving to the bigger playroom.


  Rena sat firmly in Jackson’s lap, her instructions, as Jonas had heard them before leaving Jackson were no touching, no talking and no begging. Jackson could be a right asshole when he wanted to be, but he was proving a point. Hannah didn’t want him. She’d made her choice. So, as much as this was Hannah’s test, so too was it Rena’s test. Jonas led Hannah farther into the room. Rena stiffened immediately. This would take more out of her than his little sub. Hannah knew her place now, and he’d have thought that after being married to Jackson, Rena would have learned her place as well. You can lead a horse to water…. Yeah, he knew. Didn’t mean he liked having to go through this any more than Jackson did. Jonas positioned Hannah against the wooden pillory, smirking when she sucked in a breath. “Easy, tesoro.” You are safe.” Bending her forward gave him a perfect view of her lush ass. She laid her head to the side, allowing her dark hair to fall over her shoulder which revealed the thin purple collar he’d bestowed upon her. With Hannah completely secured to the equipment, Jonas then walked over to the small cabinet and pull out Hannah’s favorite toy. The paddle.

  Jonas leaned over and placed a chaste kiss against Hannah’s temple. After, taking a few steps behind Hannah, he dipped his thick fingers between her feminine folds. Hannah moaned and stiffened when his finger retreated. Her cream glistened in the soft light of the room. Jonas groaned and licked his fingers, before his gravelly voice filled the room. “Count.”

  The paddle came down twice in quick succession. Hannah cried out, squirming against the pillory. “Two, Dominare.”

  “No moving,” Jonas croaked, before spanking her again.

  Hannah moaned when he caressed her ass. She sagged against the contraption, her body trembling with need. He glanced across the room and saw both Rena and Jackson sitting forward in the chair they shared. The rapture etched in their features spurred him on. He wished Hannah could see the way they reacted to her pliant body, however he worried about her response to it. They’d come so far in a short amount of time, and he didn’t want her retreating from him.

  Jonas lowered the zipper of his pants. The stimulation of being there with his sub, coupled with being watched, pushed at his control incessantly. He had to have Hannah. After rolling the condom onto his cock, he rubbed his tip through her soaked labia and bumped her clit. She went to her tip toes. She shuddered while he continued to tease her. The way she gave over to him soothed a part of his soul that was still darkened by his past. It pushed at the remaining recrimination he held there. The forgiveness he sought lay with the woman before him. He knew it. She’d always be the one to heal him.

  A guttural cry passed Hannah’s lips when Jonas fill her. Fuck me. Beside them, Jackson’s soft curse encouraged him. He fucked Hannah in long hard strokes. Her body shook against the pillory. Her soft cries were music to his ears, and when he opened his eyes to peer over at Rena and Jackson, he knew the guy took his pleasure with his own willing sub.

  “Watch Master Jonas fuck Hannah.” He smirked when Jackson commanded Rena to watch them.

  His pace never changed. Hannah tightened around him, squeezing him to the point of pain, but he enjoyed keeping her on edge. Pushing her past those restrictions she placed on herself. “You should see them, girl,” he whispered against her ear. “Jackson is going to blow his load.”

  Hannah sucked in a breath. “Please,” she whined.

  “You can take more,” he growled, before nipping her neck. His hand came around her front. His fingers bumped her distended clit. “Poor tesoro.” He worked the hard bundled of nerves, until she rolled her hips counter to his thrusts. Her cries and pleas turned him on, making it harder for him to keep going.

  “I need….”

  “Yes, I know,” he grunted. “Come for me, Hannah. Get my dick wet.”

  She stiffened seconds before she went wild beneath him. She shook from head to toe while she screamed through her release. Shit, shit, shit. He gripped her hips and pounded into her. His release raced through him. Fire shot down his spine and settled in his balls. Jonas roared as he filled her once more and came hard.

  Her once sarcastic mouth now formed a silent “oh” of bliss as Jonas’s hips rocked against hers. His guttural grunts and groans filled the room with each slap of flesh.

  Hannah was briefly aware of the other voices in the room when she’d walked in. All curiosity had left her when the paddle struck her flesh. The pleasure consumed her body, and the subspace she found in Jonas’s arms came easy. When Jonas released her bound hands, she stirred momentarily but fell back into the trance like state.

  Shuddering in her master’s arms, she clung to him. The voices she’d vaguely recognized from earlier filled the room. Holy shit, Jackson and Rena were in here. She opened her eyes finally. At some point Jonas had wrapped a blanket around her and was sitting comfortably on the couch. What in the world?

  “Welcome back,” Jonas whispered nuzzling her neck.

  “What did I do, pass out?” she asked pressing herself closer to him. “Is that why Jackson and Rena are here?”

  She felt the rumble of laughter in Jonas’s chest before hearing him. “No Hannah, you didn’t pass out. You entered subspace. Rena’s punishment was to watch you—us. Maybe now she will leave you alone.” His fingers skimmed her neck, tracing the collar still wrapped around it.

  “Do I need to take it off, Dominare?” Hannah swallowed roughly. She didn’t want to take it off. She loved how it contoured her flesh and cooled her over heated skin.

  “No, Hannah. It is yours now.” Jonas kissed her temple. “It shows you belong to your Dominare.”

  Finally, she sighed smiling to herself.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Hannah made her way through Chicago. Her apartment back home had been fully furnished when she moved in. All she had to worry about were the clothes she brought with her. Now, with a new house that was also serving as a decoy, she needed to make it presentable. With Jonas working, and the guys stuck in the office, she had only one other person she could call, Rena.

  Picking up her phone, she sat back against the booth in the dinner just down the road from Jonas’s home. Her eggs were half eaten, along with her hash browns and bacon as she hit speed dial and held her breath. If Rena didn’t answer, she could tell Jonas she tried. The phone rang four times, and hope bloomed in her heart. Maybe she’d get away with not seeing her. “Well aren’t you a surprise wake-up call. What can I do for you this morning, white girl?”

  “Morning Rena, I was wondering if you’d like to help me decorate my new house.” She tried to make her tone light and cheerful.

  On the other end, Rena chuckled softly. “White girl, I know you didn’t come up with this idea on your own. Who told you to call me?”

  “No one, I just thought after last night….”

  “That we bonded? Better yet, we’re best friends who have sleepovers and squeal about our Masters?” She blew out a breath of frustration.

  “Why do you have to make this so much harder than it has to be? Why can’t you say, hey Hannah, it’s good to hear from you. Wild night we had, wasn’t it? Sure, I’d love to go shopping with you!” Hannah had a death grip on her phone. Several times in the last few moments she’d envisioned throwing it across the diner, smashing it into a million pieces.

  “Because it’s so much fun pushing you around, white girl,” she snapped. “So when do you want to go on this little shopping trip?”

  Hannah sputtered. Rena had just admitted to purposely causing all the problems. And in the same breath, asked when I wanted to go shopping. Blowing out an aggravated breath, Hannah answered. “Can you meet me at the office in about twenty?”

  “Always have to hide behind them don’t you, Hannah?”

  “What?” Hannah asked, unsure of what Rena was getting at.

  “You could meet me anywhere right now. Hell, I’d even let you come to my and Jackson’s apartment. Yet you chose to meet me at the office, where you’re saf
e. Why, Hannah? Answer that, and I’ll go with you.”

  Why? She wasn’t sure. She’d never sat down and examined why she felt more secure around them. She was sure if she actually delved into the problems of her past, she’d figure it out. Come on Hannah, your past is your past. You don’t need to explain it to anyone. Maybe that was the problem.

  Taking a deep breath, Hannah steadied herself. “They are all I know.”

  “I’ll see you at the office in twenty, and then you and I are going to talk.” Before Hannah could say “see you there,” the line went dead.

  With one last swallow of her soda, she threw the money for her meal plus a tip on the table and walked out. She had the nagging suspicion Rena wasn’t going to let anything go until she spilled her guts to her. Fuck, why should I have to do it with her? The answer hit her right between the eyes as soon as she climbed up into the truck Jude let her use. Closure. She needed to let it all go. She needed to let go of her past to have a future. Fucking Dr. Rena, to the mother fucking rescue.

  * * * * *

  Jonas, sat in his unmarked car and watched as Kapinsky’s mother cased another house in a quiet affluent neighborhood. The house, though not elaborate by any means nor run down either, stood proudly on a block filled with houses already refurbished or on their way to being so. A child’s bike and a red wagon sat abandoned in the front yard. In the driveway, miscellaneous buckets, car supplies and trash cans stood guard by the door. He watched as Mrs. Kapinsky peeked in the side window. The house, like the one Hannah had entered, used Jude’s security company. Although he wasn’t there for Jude, he was there for the family and Chicago PD.

  Mrs. Kapinsky pulled a small digital recorder out of her pocket and began speaking into it. He couldn’t be certain what she said, but he was more than sure she relayed the specs of the house along with its contents. Stepping out of the car, he waited momentarily before making his way up toward her. She’d been so consumed with her task; she hadn’t heard him until his hand was on her shoulder. Jonas turned her around.


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