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Releasing Hannah

Page 11

by Tl Reeve

  She hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep until he walked in, which startled her more than hearing the door open. The sparse walls greeted them as they walked down the long hall to her room. She hadn’t decided yet what she’d do with them. Art probably, or pictures would be good, but in the grand scheme of things it didn’t matter. For now, the house appeared lived in, enticing a certain someone to try and break in. Glancing out her bare bedroom windows as they stepped into the space, the shadows had gotten longer since she’d been home. I guess I was more tired than I thought. He put her down on the bed before joining her. “Sorry, Jonas. You just scared the shit out of me.”

  He pulled off her shirt. “Get changed. There is a demonstration I want you to see at the club tonight.” He ran his thumb over her nipple. “Hurry. Or else I might punish you for being too tempting.” Humor laced his tone, settling her.

  Hannah dressed as quickly as she could. “What kind of demonstration?” She pulled one of her skirts out of the closet before tugging her jeans off. She then grabbed her corset. With Jonas’s help she adjusted herself into it, then turned to face him.

  “Master Caelan loves Shibari, so does his submissive Nisey. Tonight they are going to show some of the new submissives how it is done and how erotic it can be for their Masters. A different variation from the first night we met.” Wrapping his arm around his waist, he ushered her from the room and out toward the living room.

  “Sounds like fun,” she said, glancing up at him. “Maybe we’ll learn something this time.”

  “Maybe,” he replied. “I guess we’ll find out.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  At least this time when they tried to walk through the steel security door, Carlos didn’t have a problem buzzing them through. Stepping over the threshold, she took a deep breath and looked around. A couple of Dominants stood near the bar with their subs, having drinks and socializing. In the open demonstration area, a Dommé showed the proper way to bind a sub’s hands and feet without causing pain or discomfort.

  “Do you like what you see?” Jonas’s hot breath sent a delicious shiver down her spine.

  “Yes, Dominare,” she answered, shifting from foot to foot. An air of nervousness filtered around her and collided with the excitement she felt at his announcement.

  “Master Caelan’s demonstration will begin in an about forty mins, if you’d like to watch….” His words trailed off as he pulled her toward the small crowd observing the Dommé’s work.

  “Thank you.” Taking a seat away from the others, she felt Jonas’ presence behind her, comforting her. She watched with rapt awe as the Dommé continued to wrap her submissive’s arms and hands.

  For the next thirty minutes, the Dommé showed different patterns a Dominant could use as a restraint.

  “Learning anything new, Hannah?” Jackson’s voice startled her as he knelt beside her.

  “Lots of things, Jackson. Like how to tie your ass up so you don’t scare the shit out of me again,” she whispered to him.

  “Whenever you feel froggy enough, leap,” he chuckled softly.

  “You’re on. Just as soon as we’re done here tonight, meet me at my place. I’ll show you how froggy I really am.”

  “We’ll see, Hannah.” He patted her shoulder and stood, “By the way, thank you for taking Rena with you this morning. She had a good time and actually, can you believe it, she likes you.”

  Shaking her head, she looked up at him, “All it took was feeding her. Who knew?” she joked, shouldering his leg.

  “Yeah, yeah. Caelan sent me to fetch you and Jonas. The demonstration is starting soon and you still need to change.” Hannah expected to find her small leather thong in her locker as always, but instead found a tank and small shorts. She wasn’t sure why the change, but she sighed in relief. After pulling off her clothes, she changed and headed for the large playroom. Once inside she knelt next to Jonas and waited.

  A metal circle hung in the middle of room. She’d seen it before, but never knew what its purpose was. Caelan and an almost-naked Nisey walked into the room a few minutes after. Wrapped around her upper body was an infinity symbol that held her breasts in place. A diamond pattern lay across her stomach and made its way around her back. The ropes didn’t stop there. As she turned around so everyone could see her back, the nylon material ran between her legs and showcased the curve of her ass.

  “Settle down everyone, class is about to begin.” The mindless chatter settled.

  “Hannah, are you listening to me?” The deep timbre of her very pissed off Jonas, left her blinking at him.

  “I…I’m sorry Dominare, what did you say?” She cleared her throat.

  “I said, since you seem to be lost in your own thoughts and not paying attention, your punishment will be thirty swats later. Now, climb up onto my lap and watch Master Caelan suspend Nisey.” He held out his hand to help her up.

  Taking his proffered hand, she paid attention to her surroundings. Jude had Olivia tucked into his lap while Micah sat beside them his hand resting on the upper part of her thigh. Rena also sat on Jackson’s lap and there were a few other couples there who she’d never had the chance to meet while she’d been away. “Sorry, Dominare,” she said, as she sat down on his lap.

  “This is the harness Nisey and I prefer when practicing Shibari. It gives me more control of how she moves and how she is balanced once her feet leave the floor. Pulling out more rope, Caelan set to work on wrapping it around Nisey. Hannah watched as he used the figure eight style binding on her chest to anchor the ropes that were for her arms.

  With the box knot set, he whispered to Nisey and she nodded. He then went to her mid-section and then her feet repeating each step, always stopping to ask Nisey a question before continuing. Hannah watched as all the loose ends where gathered up, fed through the through the metal circle hanging in the middle of the room and then attached back to her body.

  Her attention had been on them the whole time, and she barely registered Jonas’s hard length pressing against her hip or the fact her breathing had picked up. Licking her lips, she turned to her Dominare.

  Not good.

  His eyes had darkened from their natural amber shade to a deep brown and were filled with desire. She turned back to watch as Nisey was slowly lifted in the air.

  Gorgeous. Nisey’s body completely relaxed against the bonds. Her eyes were closed as if in a trance. Caelan, on the other hand, had been covered in a sheen of sweat. His breath was ragged, and his eyes were narrowed on his submissive.

  “This is called the Hogtie. It is easy and recommended for most beginners of Shibari.” Caelan’s voice was hoarse with need as he talked. “You can keep better control with this configuration, plus your partner will feel more secure.”

  He went through several different positions, each one growing more complicated as he went. She could see the strain on Calaen. The way his muscles tensed as he manipulated the ropes. By the final position, Hannah felt as though she was crawling out of her skin. The arousal racing through the room, had been overwhelming to her. She needed to get out of there, beg Jonas to help her find her release, then cuddle in his arms until morning.

  “You are more than welcome to use any of the playrooms here to try out this particular suspension. Class dismissed,” Cal stated.

  Hannah didn’t even try to ask any questions. She knew what was about to happen and she didn’t want to watch. She knew some got off on being voyeurs, but not her. They deserved their privacy after sharing so much with the class.

  “Come, Hannah, we have a date.” The thick current of need in Jonas’s voice turned aroused her to the point of pain.

  “Yes, Dominare.” Hannah bowed her head and followed Jonas to the nearest room. Once inside he removed his shirt. The fine hairs caught the light just right and she saw the dampening of perspiration.

  “Undress, and do not question me. I am already hanging by a thread.” Hannah slowly removed the small tank top and boy shorts she had changed into ear
lier. Her hands ran up the sides of her breasts and then glided over her taut nipples as the leather covering fell to the ground. Her fingers danced around the edge of the skirt, then dipped below to remove them. His eyes darkened even more as her fingers speared her folds and drew lazy circles over the hidden nub. She drew in a harsh breath as he stepped toward her. The need to take a step back rode her hard as he advanced.

  “Do not move, Hannah, or your punishment will be greater.” She watched as he slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out a rectangular box.

  “Well that’s too big to be a ring,” she chuckled nervously. “What’s in the box, goose?” She knew as soon as the words left her mouth, she’d be in trouble. “Goose?” He was standing but an inch from her, his head low and in her face. His warm breath washed over her, exciting her even more.

  “Yes.” She grimaced as she answered him.

  “Did you forget who you were talking too, Hannah?” He asked, opening the box away from her prying eyes.

  “No, Sir,” she said breathlessly. She wanted to touch him, kiss and caress him until she consumed him.

  “That’s right, and who are you, Hannah?” He opened her hands and placed the two weighted objects into them.

  “I am yours.” She looked down at the silver balls. With the memories of her being in his bed, the clinking they made as he used a crop on her ass, she grew wetter as she gazed into his eyes.

  “Yes Hannah, I want you to insert the balls into your wet pussy and hold them there as I lay you over my lap and punish you for your early disobedience.”

  “I don’t, I can’t…”

  “You can and you will,” Jonas said, cutting her off.

  His mouth crushed hers in an earth shattering kiss. He growled nipping at her lips demanding to be let in. Hannah sighed, parting her lips for him. Their tongues dueled and fought for dominance as they swiped and twined. Her heart crashed against her chest with every beat. Her blood swooshed through her veins pouring adrenaline into her already over heated body. Her clit throbbed and ached. “I am going to have so much fun with you tonight, tesoro.”

  The house was dark. They’d forgotten to leave a light on. In his haste to get to Olivia’s, he missed even the porch light. Taking the small pen light out of his pocket, he put the key in the door and reached for the switch before stepping in. After his conversation with Kapinsky, he’d hate for the man to get the jump on him.

  “Are you going to explain to me what all the super-secret spy shit you just pulled was about?” Hannah asked, arching her brow.

  “I told Kapinsky about your place today. The trap has been set. All we have to do is wait.” He led her down the hall to her bedroom and sat her down on the bed. He watched her lip lift into a snarl and fall back as her body sagged into the mattress.

  “What did he say when you told him?” Her words were slurred with need of sleep.

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning when you’ve had your coffee and breakfast, now I just want you to sleep.” He took her pants off, leaving her in her shirt and then tucked her into bed.

  “He better stay away…” A small snore passed her lips as her head hit the pillow.

  Jonas climbed in behind her and wrapped himself around her, cocooning her from the world. “I wish I could say the same, but I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”


  Hannah crunched on her last piece of bacon then washed it down with a swallow of coffee. “You’re pretty smart, Jonas. You sexed me up then gave me the barest of tidbits where our case is concerned before I drifted off to sleep.”

  “How do you know I didn’t tell you all about it and you fell asleep out of boredom?” he teased with the same ease she’d exhibited on many occasions.

  “I would have remembered this conversation even if I was asleep. So spill.” She took another bite of her scrambled egg.

  She was right. She had a way of knowing everything without even trying to figure it out. “So yesterday after the security system was set up, I went back to work. I found Kapinsky eating in the chow hall and talked to him.”

  “Uh huh. I gathered as much. What did he say?” she asked, putting her fork down and dabbing at her plump luscious lips with a napkin. His dick leapt to life behind his jeans.

  “He said he would take care of you. Make patrols. Normal BS. You know how it goes,” he said biting back the need to have her under the table, sucking his cock.

  She nodded. “I’m sure he’s just itching to get into my place, the fucker.” She quirked a brow. “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’m a piece a meat you can’t wait to get your hands on,” she whispered leaning across the diner’s table.

  “Because you are. Damn Hannah, you still don’t realize the things you do to my body. You make me hard with just a glance.”

  She sat back, giving him a speculative glance. “Every guy says those exact words to every woman they are with. Try harder.”

  “You just can’t let go, can you? You spend all your time protecting yourself, you miss a compliment when given.”

  “I can take a compliment,” she said, with a lift of her chin.

  “We have to meet with Jude this morning. We’ll ask him if you accept praise readily.”

  “You’re on.”

  The trip back to Larson Security was silent, even the walk toward Jude’s office. Every time he thought maybe he could see her true self, she slapped up another façade and hid. She only showed who she wanted people to see, not the scared vulnerable girl. Hell he couldn’t blame her. Her parents were killed. She had amnesia and couldn’t remember her life before the orphanage. Hell she is stronger than she gives herself credit for. A lesser person would have given up by now. He placed his hand against the small of her back and guided her to the open chair.

  Jonas took his normal place right behind her as everyone else filtered in. They were going to discuss how they’d trap Kapinsky, now that the idea of Hannah’s place being ripe for the taking had been planted.

  “Let’s get this meeting started, shall we?” Jude sat behind his desk and opened the file Jonas had given him. “We know Kapinsky and his mother are working together but there has to be someone else, someone who would know the coding system here. I did a background check on all of my employees, including you guys. Three names popped in IAFIS,” Jude pulled three pictures out of the folder and laid them on the table. “Juan Marcello, Gregory Dent and Mordecai Tanner. Each one has been with me for more than ten years. They know my systems inside and out and together made the program I carry on my laptop.” Pointing to Juan’s picture first, he tapped it. “He spent five years in juvenile detention. Got busted hacking into the NSA, and I figured when I hired him, he could be my internal hacker. Since someone” —he glanced at Hannah— “didn’t want to stay with us.”

  “Anyway, I thought he could check for bugs and back door break downs in my systems.” He sighed and lifted the second picture, “Gregory Dent. He had ties to the IRA for the longest time. He knows how to rig explosives and how to cut a security system without anyone knowing. Some of the bloodiest and deadliest explosions in London were due to his handy work. Finally, Mordecai Tanner. He’s my tech person. He can make a program fully functional within hours. He took all the information the other two gave him, plus my specs and had me rolling by five the same day. He is the most dangerous of the three also. He could take down my company with one key stroke.”

  The words Jude spoke sucked the breath out of everyone in the room. Two of the men had been at Hannah’s house the day before hooking up everything. Jonas hadn’t been expecting Jude to hire convicts let alone professional hackers. He’d unknowingly brought this whole mess down on himself. For all they knew right now, all three men were working together and setting him up for a takeover while allowing Kapinsky to take the fucking fall. “Shit, Jude.” How did you tell your friend and boss that he’d just fucked himself over and could have potentially put Hannah in danger

  “Yeah, you don’t have to tell me. I figured they were reformed. They’d never tried this shit before.” Jude sat back and scrubbed his face, “But now we know. We watch and wait, and whoever comes after Hannah, we take them down—send their asses away for life.”

  “I know him.” Hannah pointed to Gregory’s picture. “I don’t know how, but I know him.”

  She picked up the photo and traced the features of his face. Jonas could see the recognition in her eyes.

  Flickers of images passed through Hannah’s mind. She could hear a young girl giggling and then the man handing her something. A lollipop. He’d tousled her hair then headed into the house behind her. She gripped Jonas’s hand. “My parents.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  An hour later she walked out of the office alone. She needed fresh air, she needed to clear her mind. Her parents had worked with the IRA and were mercenaries. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

  After her little announcement, Jonas had explained to her that Jude had found her family in Montana, living in a militia camp just outside Butte. There was little information on them due to their denouncement of the government. They had no jobs, but found ways to take care of themselves. Jonas promised her, when she was ready, he’d accompany her to meet them. Her mind swam with the knowledge that she had family. The only missing part now was why they’d been in Scotland? The particular question still had not been answered, but she began to suspect it had something to do with this Gregory guy.

  If she ever met him, she’d question him, then kill him. An eye for an eye. Only one of the men had more to gain by giving up the info on the program. Mordecai. On the other hand, you’d need someone who could replicate your program, clone it so the alarm would sound five to twenty minutes after the break in. The only person who fit that bill; Juan. But why? What was their reason for screwing Jude over?


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