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Releasing Hannah

Page 12

by Tl Reeve

  Sometimes everything came back to the simplest of ideals, greed. You see someone who has a sports car and you want one. They have a nice house and you want the same. Someone flashes enough money in your face, you become their bitch for life.

  Turning the corner, she saw Jonas standing by the gate. His head down, his feet crossed over each other as he waited. When his head came up, her body heated. With one stare from his demanding gaze, she became mush. He knew it too. “You look a little lost. Can I help you?”

  “Hmm, I don’t know. I can be a little stubborn sometimes and don’t readily ask for help.” She tilted her head up at him, squinting.

  “I know someone just like you.” He took her hand. “Did you find yourself on your little walk about?” he asked, pulling her into his arms before kissing her gently.

  “Yes and no. I now understand why it’s so easy for me to do this stuff. I know why I am the person I am today, but the only thing I can’t figure out still is why we were in Scotland. Jonas, you need to know. I will kill Gregory if I find out he was behind my parents’ death.”

  Jonas nodded. “I figured as much.”

  “My saying it out loud doesn’t bother you?” she asked, a bit shocked at his nonchalant acceptance of her statement.

  “Hannah, if I found out, or if Jude or Jackson found out he was responsible for their deaths before you did, we’d kill him for you. Plain and simple.” He wrapped his arm around her waist, “He stole your life from you. He made you this shell of a person, who only feels so much because she doesn’t know herself. Baby, you are treading through life, with your head barely sticking out of the water. Each setback has you underwater clamoring for the surface. Gregory is the key to pulling you out of the water and bringing you back to life.”

  “Is that how all of you see me, Jonas? Treading water?”

  He nodded and opened the door for her. “Yes, we all see it. We didn’t know how to help you. Maybe Gregory is the key.” He shrugged pulling her into one of the empty offices. Sitting down he lowered her onto his lap and stroked her hair. “Are you going to be able to keep your cool when all this goes down?”

  Hannah pressed her head against his chest. “I have to keep my cool, it’s part of the job description. What I feel for anyone doesn’t matter in those moments leading up to a takedown.”

  “How do you close yourself off to feeling?” There wasn’t a hint of contempt in his voice.

  “I don’t know. I block out everyone around me and focus on my target. If I worry about anyone, then I might fail and failure isn’t an option.” She lifted the seam of his shirt and played with it. How did she say she couldn’t stand to see someone she cared about hurt?

  “To care about your fellow soldier or man is not failure, Hannah.” He tipped her chin up. “You understand that, right baby?”

  “It also means they can be used against you. Used as leverage to get out of a situation, or be tortured right in front of you while you watch. There are too many variables when you care.”

  “But you love me. So tell me what the difference is?” He ran his fingers through her hair trying to sooth her.

  “The difference is, you were there for me when I had no one. You gave a kind word, instead of a smack across the face. You became the family I never had.” She leaned up and kissed him. “Thank you.”

  Jonas sat at his desk long after Hannah drifted off to sleep. She wanted to stay with him for the night, how could he say no? She’d made a huge discovery about herself in front of everyone. Staring down at the man who could have killed her parents, the need for justice filled him.

  He remembered being a rookie cop back in Los Angeles. A simple purse snatching had turned into a full investigation. He’d spent many hours of his own time trying to find the perp who’d taken the woman’s purse. You got my purse back. What does it matter what the guy looked like? Her voice had been high pitched, made only worse by the excitement. I have to make a thorough report or I could get into trouble. He told the truth, but he also wanted the information for himself.

  A month and several dead ends later, he’d found the man who’d swiped her purse. He also found one of the biggest meth labs in L.A. The net take had been over six million and put three distributors, plus countless sellers out of business. It set him on his path to make detective in no time. It’d take those skills he learned early on to help piece Hannah’s life back together.

  Staring down at the man’s aqua eyes and ruddy face, he knew this was the key to everything. Whatever happened in Scotland could be explained by him. Jonas put the picture down and looked over at Hannah. She seemed so peaceful. No crease between her brows. He hated it for her and wished he could take the pain and whatever else she hid from him, away.

  “Jonas,” she murmured, sleep addled. “Why are you watching?”

  “I was thinking how peaceful you were asleep in my bed and how lucky I am to have you,” he said standing. Making his way over to the bed, he climbed in next to her.

  “I bet you say the same to all the pretty girls,” she muttered as he pulled her to him.

  “Only the ones who mean something to me.” He kissed her neck. “Go back to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow,” he whispered. When her breathing evened out, he drifted off as well.

  Setting the alarm, Hannah jumped into the truck to head back to Jonas’s place. She’d seen the black sedan sitting at the end of the road when she drove up. Now as she started to drive off, it pulled away from the curb and headed toward her place. She smiled slyly, and hit speed dial, calling Jonas. “The rooster is in the hen house,” she said. We got you now mother fucker. Turning left, she made her way around the block to pull in behind Kapinsky.

  “Police and Jude are on their way. Do not engage the suspect until Jude calls you. He worked all night trying to back door his own system. If it works, Jude will trap him in your house.” The thought of the overweight pig being stuck in her house pissed her off. She didn’t want the limp dick greasy bastard anywhere near her stuff.

  “Ten-four,” she replied, making the last turn back toward her place. There his car sat, empty, the door to her house closed. Parking away from prying eyes, she watched and waited. If someone didn’t do something soon, she would take matters into her own hands. It wasn’t like she had a ton of valuables in there. It was the principal of the matter.

  “Stay with me Hannah. I know you too well. You’ll go off half-cocked because they aren’t getting there fast enough, but this time, you have to keep your calm.” Fucker knows me better than I do.

  “Okay, Jonas. I’ll be a good girl and wait, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “Good girl, Hannah.” She heard muffled voices and tried to pick up what they were saying, “It’s a go. Jude has him trapped in the house and the PD should be pulling up in just a moment. They’re coming in silent. No lights, no siren. ETA, three minutes. We got him, baby.”

  Hannah could hear the excitement and relief in Jonas’s voice as she checked her rear view mirror every few seconds. She wasn’t sure which way they would be coming, but she wanted to move as soon as they got there. “The asshat isn’t going to know what hit him,” she whispered.

  Out of the corner of her eye she watched a figure dart across her yard and head for the back of her house. “Mother fucker. Jonas he’s got help. I’m going in.” She didn’t wait for him to tell her to stay. She hopped out of her truck. Ducking low, she made her way toward the back. Three minutes was a life time when you consider the fact these guys could hack any system in less than five. For all she knew, they’d killed the alarm and were sending new instructions to the police giving them the all clear.

  Palming the hunting knife, she had strapped to her hip, she crept along the wall and peered around the corner. Hunched down near the power box of the alarm she found Juan. His hands worked quickly as his tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth.

  Hannah tip-toed around the corner. Her movements were graceful and silent as she advanced on Juan. Luckily the
bushes were still overgrown from lack of care, making it easier to use them as cover. His back to her, his hands working furiously, she could see the sweat gathering at his nape then slide slowly down his spine.

  Raising the twelve-inch blade Jude had given her for her eighteenth birthday, she put it to Juan’s neck. The lightweight composite steel made for easy cutting in her hands. “Drop the wire cutter and step away from the box,” she snarled, her focus totally on him. Juan complied with her directions, dropping the tool. He raised his hands where she could see them. “Good boy. On the count of three we’re going to stand. One…two…” Before she could say three she heard the click of a gun and then felt the cold metal press against the back of her neck.

  “It’s good to see you again, Hannah. How about you throw the knife down and let my friend up?” A deep male’s voice had her cursing under her breath. She’d been too focused again and left herself open.

  “I’d say it was nice to see you again, Gregory, but I can’t remember the last time we met.” She had to stall him. The police would be showing up any minute now, so would Jonas.

  “Ah, yes. T’was a pity you had to be in the car with your parents when they were run off the road,” he sighed, a mocked sorrow filled his voice. “Truly horrific the accident was.” The soft Irish lilt to his voice thickened.

  Hannah swallowed roughly. The knife still pressed against the jugular of Juan’s throat, “You killed them, didn’t you, Gregory?” she asked licking her parched lips. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his black loafers and tailored pant leg. If she could keep him talking, she could push Juan out of the way, stab him in the foot and roll away.

  “Sheep truck stalled in the middle of the road, and they had nowhere to go but down the embankment,” he replied. “Of course, they had a little help from yours truly.”

  Hannah ground her teeth, trying to keep her temper in check. She didn’t care why they were hacking Jude’s system. She had her parents’ killer right behind her, and she wanted revenge. “Of course they did,” she snapped. Her grip tightening on the blade, gouging it into Juan’s soft flesh. Her timing had to be perfect. She just needed to keep him talking.

  “Now, Hannah, don’t sound so angry. It’s a means to an end is all,” he chortled.

  Now! She hollered at herself. Bringing the blade around quickly, she pushed Juan over with her left arm and stabbed with her right. Off balance, Hannah rolled away from the house, pulling the knife from Gregory’s foot. He was momentarily stunned, but she’d been too slow herself.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jonas saw Hannah’s truck door ajar moments before he heard the first shot. His heart sunk, his knees buckled. Hannah. Digging deep, he took off toward the area where he suspected the gunfire came from. His gun drawn and cocked, he made his way around the corner of the house.

  “Stupid bitch. You fucking stabbed me!” The man bellowed. Hannah lay on the ground her face pale, her shoulder bleeding as she weakly held up her knife. “So we’re even, sue me,” Hannah snapped.

  “How about you just die already?” He leveled the gun at her head, while Hannah flipped the knife in her hand to throw it. The situation would leave one or both of them dead. Jonas couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Chicago PD, drop your weapon and get on the ground, now!” he yelled as four other officers surrounded them. His body went tight. Ready to take the shot, he waited for Gregory to make a move. A moment’s hesitation could cost him everything. Gregory’s death would halt that knowledge until she could get to her family in Butte.

  Hannah’s eyes flicked over to him, a steel resolve filled them. Fucking idiot, I will not let you die on my watch. Jonas watched as she ever-so-slightly pulled her arm back. She knew something they didn’t or was beyond caring at this point. Hell, he didn’t know.

  “Gun!” One of the officers hollered as Hannah flung the blade hitting Juan in the middle of his chest. His body crumbled. The gun fell to the ground from his hand as blood flowed from his mouth. The knife protruded from the fatal wound to his chest as he fell forward.

  It had been enough of a distraction for two of the officers to take Gregory down. His gun tumbled from his hand as Hannah lay curled in ball. Her body shuddered as she whimpered in obvious pain. Holstering his weapon, Jonas ran over to her. “Hannah, baby, you’ve got to roll over so I can look at your shoulder.” She grimaced, rolling back toward him, “Someone call for an ambulance,” he shouted, checking the wound.

  Hannah cried out as he ripped open her shirt to inspect her shoulder more closely. The bullet had gone clean through, but could have chipped or broken her collar bone. “Rotten bastard thought he was going to kill me,” Hannah snorted. “Does he not realize death is afraid of me?” Her eyes rolled backwards and she passed out in his arms.

  A few hours after Hannah had been settled in her hospital bed, Jonas was alerted all three men were in holding. He took the lead, and would get first crack at questioning them. Brushing the hair from her forehead, Jonas kissed her lightly and left Jackson as her guard. The bullet had broken her collar bone, but thankfully had done minimal internal damage. With her arm immobilized, she looked so young, so vulnerable. The doctor explained she’d have to stay overnight for observation due to her blood loss. As long as her vitals stayed stable, she’d be released first thing in the morning.

  Jonas signed in at the dispatch desk after he arrived back at the station, then made his way back to the interrogation rooms. Mordecai had been found sitting in the driver’s seat, crouching down, shaking like a leaf. A nerd through and through, there’d hadn’t been a tough bone in his body. He heard the snickers of officers as he passed, the word Depends murmured everywhere. He pissed himself, classic. Opening the door to the room where Kapinsky sat, he shook his head. “Well, look at what the cat dragged in,” he said throwing the file on the table.

  “I don’t got nothing to say. I want my lawyer.”.

  “Sure, we can get your lawyer in here. But just so you know, Mordecai already talked. He told us everything.” Jonas scratched his chin. “After he pissed himself.”

  “I don’t care. He could have sung he was a modern major general, ten times really fast, while clapping and doing a jig. I still want my lawyer, Raphael.” Not only did he try Jonas’s patience, but the other man was also disrespecting him.

  “Fine, have it your way. Just remember, you’re going to central lock up with all of your friends.” He stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, leaving Kapinsky to his thoughts.

  Making the short trek to the other interrogation room, he took a minute to gather himself. Behind the door sat Gregory Dent. Instinct told him to kill the bastard, to put him out of his misery, but he suspected Gregory would want to die that way. Stepping into the room, Jonas said nothing at first. The man sat with his head down, and his hands cuffed behind him.

  “Hello, Gregory.” Jonas took a seat across from him, “I thought I’d let you know Hannah, is resting comfortably at Northwestern Medical Center.”

  “The bitch should be dead. She should have died the day I pushed her parents off the road,” he mumbled, never looking up.


  Gregory sighed and hunched his shoulders. “They never left that brat at home, always had to have her with them. They were on assignment for me. I’d given them a specific target with times and dates of where he would be. Hannah, who was no more than a kid at the time, pitched a fit. She told her parents she was tired of their life. She wanted them out. They listened to her. They brought all the information back to me. Told me they were done and going home.” He sat back and leveled his gaze at Jonas. “I followed them down the small two lane road leading to the airport. We both didn’t see the sheep truck until we were on it. Her father locked the brakes up, and they began to slide. Seeing my opportunity, I took it. I knocked them down the embankment and kept going.”

  Anger welled up and boiled just below the surface. He’d killed her parents because they loved Hannah enough to want
to change. Grinding his teeth and clenching his fists, Jonas swallowed every curse. “Since you’re being so talkative, why did you go after Jude’s security systems?”

  “Why not? We built that company, yet the three of us got no recognition. We didn’t get a thanks or a way to go. It had been almost ten years and the man was making hand over fist in money.”

  Jonas had hit a sensitive spot. “So, because Jude didn’t slap you on the back every five minutes, or give you a raise when you wanted one, you tried to destroy him?”

  “Yes, you fool!” Gregory sputtered. His face turned a darker shade of red as the vein in the middle of his forehead protruded. “We made his system virtually impossible to break down. We made him who he is!”

  “I can see how it would piss you off,” Jonas said coolly.

  “You’re damn right it does. Do you know how many hours Juan and I spent coming up with different variations of attacks that could take down his systems? No, you don’t. You don’t know what it was like having him as a boss.”

  “So whose idea was it to take him out and ruin him?”

  “All of us. We all decided it was time to bring Jude down a peg or two.” Gregory bit out.

  “How is Kapinsky involved?” Jonas couldn’t believe Gregory was giving up the information so readily. He thought the man would lawyer up.

  “He’s a mark too. Fucker’s too stupid not to do what we asked. He’s getting five percent of the take.” He shook his head. “Mordecai always sat in the car and released the system so he could get in. Juan and I waited in the bushes or away from prying eyes to make sure he wouldn’t fuck anything up.”

  It still didn’t explain his mother. “What about Kapinsky’s mother?”

  “The old coot’s a nosey bitch and wouldn’t leave him alone. So she cased the houses for us. It’s the only way we could get anything accomplished.”

  “Is there anything else you’d like to say right now, Mr. Dent?” Jonas folded his hands on the table.


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