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Double Dare You: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance

Page 12

by Ruby Dixon

  She stiffens and flashes me a hurt look before turning to Locke. Her hands draw back and she edges away from me. “What? Why?”

  “Because of a lot of reasons,” he says, voice gruff.

  “Is it because of me?” Becka sounds so wounded. “You’re not attracted to me?”

  “Fuck, that’s not it,” I tell her, sitting up. I grab her hand and put it back over the hard ridge of my cock. “You think that’s happening because I’m not interested?”

  “You might just be interested in Locke,” she says, a little more mollified. “You get hard for him. Don’t even deny it.” She even gives my cock another playful squeeze.

  I look over at Locke, who’s staring at us with such intensity that it makes my dick even harder. Feels like a critical moment. I could say no and it’d probably be the end of it. Or I could say yes and see where it leads. And…I’m not one to turn down a dare. “I’m not denying it.”

  “So how do I know where I stand?” Becka looks over at Locke and then back to me. “You guys suddenly don’t talk to me, so how should I know?”

  Locke’s hard expression softens. “You’re still recovering from your ordeal—”

  Becka rolls her eyes and flops backward on the bed. “Seriously? You’re holding that against me?”

  “They kidnapped and branded you,” he points out.

  “Well, let’s just lock me in a nice safe box and throw away the key,” she says sarcastically. “Did you ever think that maybe I’d want a sexual experience with a few someones I trust? So all of my experiences aren’t bad ones?”

  Locke inclines his head. “Thought about it, yeah.”

  “Also thought you might be trying to ditch the virginity,” I point out, and they both glare at me. “What, are we not supposed to talk about that?”

  Becka crosses her arms over her chest, and it highlights her gorgeous tits and those tight little nipples. “Why can’t it be both? Why can’t I want to have sex with you guys because I like you? And because I’m tired of waiting? Why can’t it be a lot of things?”

  “Because there’re two of us and you might want your first time to be with just one guy?” I say.

  “And because we’re supposed to be guarding you, not taking you for ourselves.”

  She wiggles on the bed. “But maybe I want to be taken.”

  I groan at that. My dick is convinced. Hell, not just my dick. All of me is ready and willing to believe that Becka wants to be with us…and I am so down for that. I look over at Locke hopefully.

  The look on his face is steel. “We promised your brother we’d keep you safe, and that’s what we’re going to do. You’re going back to him just as you arrived—a virgin.”

  Instead of getting angry, a smile curves her mouth. “All right, so we have a limit. Doesn’t mean we can’t play, does it?”

  “I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” Locke says.

  “Then you don’t have to play,” Becka replies quickly, sitting up again. She gives me an impish look. “Truth or dare, Epic?”


  Epic sits up in the bed, ruffling his bleached hair with a hand as he frowns at me.

  “Truth or dare?” I repeat, determined to be bold in this, even though my insides are quivering like Jell-O. I want this—want them—so much, and I hate that they’re turning away because they feel the need to preserve my virginity so they can return me to my brother in one piece. Like I’m some sort of trophy that they’re afraid of denting. I’m a person with my own thoughts and opinions, and it’s none of my brother Jim’s business who I sleep with. Clearly I’m going to have to go on the offensive again.

  And because Epic’s easier to break down than Locke, I go after him. I give him my most encouraging smile.

  He rubs his mouth, lust in his gaze as he stares at me. He wants what I want, it’s obvious. Locke and his sense of duty are holding us back from being together. I admire Locke’s strength, even though it’s frustrating to me, but I can also be very, very persuasive…and I suspect that if I start persuading Epic, Locke might crumble after all.

  “You said you never turn down a dare,” I remind Epic since he still hasn’t responded.

  “That is true.” His gaze flicks to Locke again, then slides admiringly over my body. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I dare you…to kiss me.”

  To my surprise, he shakes his head. “Not without Locke involved.”

  I give him a pout, but I’m only momentarily thwarted. Okay, if that’s pushing too much too soon, I need to think of something that involves just him. “Then I want you to pull your cock out and show it to me.”

  Epic rubs a hand over his mouth again. “You’re not playing around today, are you?”

  I shake my head slowly. I want this, and I’m going after it. They want me too, but they’re just not convinced it’s the right thing. I need to tempt them beyond their hesitations. And Locke, I suspect, will be tempted by forbidden fruit—and not just mine. “Take it out, unless you want to walk away from your dare.”

  His mouth crooks in a little smile. “What’s my penalty if I do?”

  Oh. “Another dare?”

  Epic chuckles. “Not that I’d walk. Just asking.” He leaps up from the bed, and his hands go to the zipper on his jeans.

  “You don’t have to play,” Locke says, his voice curiously tight. He hasn’t moved from his protective spot by the door of the cabin. He’s practically vibrating tension.

  At that, Epic pauses. “I’d almost think you don’t want to see what I’ve got under here.” He unzips his jeans and pushes them down around his hips, revealing tight black boxer briefs that outline an impressive package. It’s bigger than usual, so long and thick that it curves down against his thigh. Wow.

  And he’s not looking at me. He’s giving Locke a defiant stare, as if daring him.

  “He’s your ride partner,” I prompt. “He’s seen what you’ve got before, hasn’t he?” That’s how Butchers roll, or so I’ve been told over and over again—always with a partner.

  “We just recently paired up. Hasn’t been time to tap any honeys.”

  Oh. For some reason that depresses me. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of ‘honeys’ to hit up when you get home.” And I won’t be jealous a bit, nope.

  “Not interested in sweetbutt anymore. Not after meeting you.”

  “Thanks,” I say softly. I think. I’m not entirely sure what a sweetbutt is, but there’s no time to ask because he’s shucking his pants and now sending his underwear after them. I remember the glimpse I had of his cock the other day, but seeing it fully erect and inches from my eyes is something else. He’s massive, the head a darker ruby shade than the rest of his skin, and veins trace up the length of his cock. His dick’s so heavy it seems like it’s curving under its own weight.

  Wow again. As I stare, a bead of pre-cum appears on the tip and begins to slide down the crown, and it makes my mouth water. I’m so curious what that tastes like. I glance up at Epic to see how he’s reacting to my gawking at his nakedness.

  He puts his hands on his hips and waits, a smug grin on his face. His gaze flicks between me and Locke both.

  He wants to see both of our reactions.

  And that makes me squirm deliciously, heat pooling between my thighs. I press them together tightly, but it doesn’t help. There’s an ache building inside me, a craving for more. “Thank you,” I murmur.

  Epic laughs. “Why are you thanking me for showing you my dick? You asked.”

  I did, didn’t I? “Well, now it’s your turn, since Locke’s not playing.” Yet.

  “All right, then. Truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” I whisper. Because I’m all-in tonight. No wimping out for me.

  He makes a big show of rubbing his chin, as if considering what to have me do. The entire time, Locke is silent across the room, but I can feel his presence, heavy in the air. It makes me feel both tense and excited at once, because I suspect he wants to stop our game and can�
�t bring himself to do it. Which means he’s just as fascinated and aroused by the sight of Epic naked as I am. “Dare you to get naked, Becka,” Epic says after a moment’s consideration. “Just like me.”

  Somewhere behind us, Locke growls.

  I get to my feet, shaky. This is my moment. This is where it all changes, I think. Once I strip naked in front of them, there’s no turning back. I feel a little…shy. It’s weird, considering that a few weeks ago, I was being hosed down by those assholes in the stable. But that was different. To them, I was less than human, just a product to be moved. To Epic and Locke, I’m Becka, forbidden and (hopefully) sexy.

  I put my hands on the hem of my T-shirt and take a deep breath before slowly dragging it over my head. Here we go.

  Then it’s off. I toss my shirt on the floor without looking at either man, because I don’t want to lose my nerve. I can feel their gazes, and it seems like the room has gotten ten times smaller and stuffier, all the air disappearing and leaving nothing but tension behind. I slip out of my shorts, sending them down my legs along with my panties, and then toss my hair back.

  “Goddamn,” Epic breathes.

  My nipples prick at the sound of his voice, and I’m tempted to rub my arms over my body, but I want to look confident. If I seem like the shy, scared virgin they keep trying to peg me as, we’ll never get further than a few dares. I want more than that. So I give a slow little twirl. “Like?”

  “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Epic says as I turn back to him. His hand strays down to his cock and strokes it quickly, and then steals away again, as if he doesn’t want to be caught touching himself. I’m fascinated by that quick movement, but I also want to know what Locke thinks. I slowly turn and look over at him.

  Lust blazes in his eyes, pure and hot, and I feel scorched just from the sight of it. A shiver moves over my body, and I realize that just because he doesn’t want to play along doesn’t mean he’s not affected by us.

  “Your turn?” I ask softly, watching him.

  Locke shakes his head, regret evident. “Can’t.”

  And I’m disappointed. I look back to Epic. “Then I guess it’s your turn again. Dare?”

  “Of course.” He’s regarding me with avid, eager eyes, and I know anything I throw his way, he’ll be game for. That’s just how he is. Epic isn’t shy, he isn’t reticent, and he doesn’t think twice. He’ll plow in headfirst and think about the consequences later.

  Which makes him a really fun dare partner.

  I bite my lip, considering, and sweep my gaze over him. His cock seems to harden even as I watch, and it takes my breath away. I know what I want him to do. “Epic, I dare you to stroke yourself until you come…right here. Right now. With us watching.”



  I expect him to hesitate, to be surprised at my lewd request, but I should have known better. Epic just puts his hand on his cock and immediately starts to stroke it. I’m fascinated by his actions. To think that he’s ballsy and shameless enough to stroke himself off with us watching? His curled hand sweeps up and down his length with practiced ease, his wrist torquing at the end when he strokes the crown. I feel his gaze on me as he works himself, and I wet my lips, the urge to put my hand between my thighs increasing with every stroke of his cock.

  “You like watching?” Epic asks, voice all sexy and husky.

  I nod, riveted. I really, really do.

  He glances over at Locke and repeats the question. “You like watching?”

  “Fuck you,” Locke replies, but he sounds as breathless as the two of us. As caught up in the moment.

  “You want me to come, Becka? Right here, right now?” Epic’s voice has a bit of strain to it now, his hand speeding up. His gaze is on Locke, and it looks as if he’s enjoying showing off for him.

  I bite back a moan and nod, because I want to see him come…and I want to see how Locke reacts.

  “Our little virgin’s got a wicked side to her, don’t you think?” Epic’s laugh hisses out between his teeth as he strokes faster.

  That ‘little virgin’ crack annoys me. Time to bite back. “If I was really wicked, I’d dare you to let Locke finish the job,” I taunt.

  To my surprise, Epic closes his eyes and a moan escapes him. Oh my gosh, the thought of that really turns him on.

  I drop to the edge of the bed, my knees weak. My hand goes between my thighs, and I cup my pussy. It feels wet and aching, and right now that’s somehow not half as important as seeing Locke and Epic together.

  I look over at Locke. His eyes are glittering slits, but he’s breathing hard and the bulge at the front of his jeans is unmistakable. “You going to play?” I ask.

  “I don’t think he’s interested in commitment,” Epic breathes, and I see his hand slowing down. He’s pacing himself, waiting to see what Locke does. “He’s too scared of breaking the rules. He’s not willing to live a little.”

  “You think jabbing at me is going to get you somewhere?” Locke retorts. He pushes himself off the wall and moves toward us, all tense energy.

  “Just want you to take a stand is all,” Epic shoots back. He continues to stroke his cock.

  “You want me in this?” Locke’s voice is gruff with need. He clenches his fists at his sides, but I don’t sense anger in him, only intense need.


  He nods in my direction. “You make her come, and I’ll make you come.”

  I suck in a breath. “Wait, what?”

  Both men turn to me. I see Epic’s defiant, challenging expression falter for the first time. “You not into this, Becka?”

  “That’s not it,” I say quickly. Not into this? Are they crazy? “I just…how are we going to do this?”

  Locke strips off his shirt, revealing his tanned, hard chest. “He’s going to get between your thighs, and I’m going to get between his.”

  I stare at Locke, shocked at this newest revelation. Epic’s breathing hard, too. I think this is new territory for more than just me, but it also makes me crazy-aroused. So we’re going to do this? Epic’s going to have sex with me? And Locke is going to touch him and not me? How does that make it the three of us?

  “Fuck yeah,” Epic says in a low, growling voice. He drops to his knees, and before I can say anything, he’s pushing mine apart.

  I squeak, falling back to my elbows in surprise. That wasn’t what I was expecting…and yet I want it. I’ve never had a guy go down on me, and the way he’s kissing my belly with such hunger makes me quiver all over. I look up and Locke is watching both of us, shedding his pants and baring his cock.

  And then I don’t know where to look. At Epic, who’s face down in my lap and moving closer and closer to the endzone, or at Locke, who’s pulling out a cock that’s darker and thicker than Epic’s, but just as gorgeous. There’s so much to see and I don’t want to miss a moment—

  But then Epic’s tongue strokes along the folds of my pussy, and my brain nearly explodes. My head goes back, and I close my eyes. My thighs tighten and threaten to pull together against the invasion of his mouth, but he keeps a strong hand spread over one, keeping it in place. And then he licks me again, his tongue sweeping up and down.

  “Taste her for me,” Locke murmurs. “Get her flavor in your mouth.”

  I gasp at his words. There’s no air left in the room, no muscles left in my body—the only thing is the stroke of his tongue over my folds, slow and rhythmic. I wasn’t sure what this would feel like, but when Epic presses a kiss to my folds and the tip of his tongue slips between them? Masturbating suddenly feels like I’ve been fooling myself for all these years. And with Locke murmuring encouragement, the wickedly dirty act takes on an even naughtier edge.

  “Lick her clean,” Locke’s saying now. “Get every drop of her juice and drink it down.”

  Epic groans against my pussy, his tongue dragging along the folds, and then he hesitates for a brief moment before another groan escapes him.

  I open m
y eyes, and there’s Locke, kneeling next to Epic. He’s got one arm slung over Epic’s shoulders, and his hand is between Epic’s thighs. As I watch, he drags his hand up and down on Epic’s cock, working it as Epic is bent over me. There’s a sultry smile on Locke’s face, and his gaze meets mine, and it feels like we’re sharing this moment. We’re all connected, and I whimper because it makes me all wet again.

  “You hitting her clit yet?” Locke asks Epic. “She looks too calm to me. You need to make her crazy, brother.”

  Epic nuzzles against my pussy, and I feel his tongue flick against my clit. A bolt of lightning moves through my entire body, and I choke at the sensation, my hands fisting in the blankets.

  “That’s better,” Locke says, gaze on mine. “Keep doing that. Now, Becka, you want me to move my hand nice and slow or hard and fast?”

  Epic groans between my thighs again, and I feel his hand tighten on my skin.

  I’m having a hard time concentrating, because Epic’s found my clit and he’s sucking at it, then swirling his tongue over the spot when it seems to hit peak sensitivity. My thighs are trembling, and I’m gasping for air.

  “Becka?” Locke murmurs again.

  “S-slow,” I manage to choke out.

  Epic makes a sound that’s a bit like dismay, but I feel him shudder against me as Locke’s hand moves. From the angle we’re at, I can’t see Epic’s cock, just the flexing of Locke’s arm. It’s enough to make me needy, though, and I try to concentrate on Locke bending over Epic instead of what Epic is doing to my aching pussy with his tongue.

  And Locke just gives me a smile.

  “Slower,” I tell him.

  Epic sits up, his head tilting back. His Adam’s apple bobs and he gasps for breath like a drowning man, as if he can’t take another moment of this torture. His lips are gleaming wet, his mouth dark pink. He looks incredibly sexy….and it just gets better when Locke nods at me. “Come here, Becka. Take over for me.”

  Oooh. I love the idea, and I move forward, my hands eager to touch Epic’s cock. Locke takes my hand in his and guides me, showing me how to circle my fingers around his length. His hand covers mine, and he shows me how to stroke, tightening my fingers more than I thought was pleasant. “Use your wrist,” he instructs, and Epic pants and swears as Locke shows me how to use my hand just like he did.


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