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Page 5

by Lee Heaven

  It was around eleven o’clock when I heard a car pull in across the street. Looking out the window I watched as a short woman climbed out of the car. She was wearing what looked like nurse’s scrubs. I watched as she walked up the sidewalk and notice the front door open before she reached it. There was Jon standing there, no shirt and very low hung pajama pants. He looked at her briefly and as she stood on her tip toes to kiss him on the cheek he stared at my house.

  He stood there for a few minutes after she walked past him, just staring at my house. I wanted to move but I was frozen to where I stood. He rubbed at his cock a few times and then adjusted himself before turning and closing the door.

  I watched as his shadow moved into the living room. I still stood frozen to the spot I stood. My cell phone beeped and I was afraid to answer, even more so as the curtain across the street moved and I saw his shadow staring at my house again.

  When my phone beeped three more times I couldn’t help but look at it. I sighed a breath of release when I saw it was my friend Janice, I worked with her in Vegas, she moved here shortly after I did. However I was completely surprised at the same time.

  She had sent me a few pictures in a text messages. Her pictures were of Sarah and Decker. They were at some dance club. Her first picture was of them sitting on the couch and Janice had typed the caption ‘Isn’t this your friend I met that one day?’ Picture after picture she sent me of the two of them dancing. When I got to the last picture I dropped the phone.

  Holy shit! How did he get her to loosen up so much? That’s fucking hot!

  There was a picture of Decker licking her stomach as she was bent backwards. She was smiling and looked like she was glowing.

  I had to text her back. That picture cannot get out. I need to make sure of that.

  *Yeah that’s her. Where did you get those pics?*

  *I’m taking them. How the fuck does she know Decker Jensen? Do you know him to?*

  *Long story explain later*

  *I’m gonna sell the pics to tabloid*

  Fuck she can’t do that. If Shawn was to see that last picture she would be in so much trouble. I have to get Janice to delete that picture.

  *Sell all but the 1 of him licking her stomach. She has abusive BF & will beat shit out of her if he sees. Pls delete it off ur phone to. I beg u for her safety*

  *Never would have guessed she had a BF, they left as soon as he had her upright & it was hot! I deleted that photo rest are being sold.*

  *Thanks, let me know when you go clubbing next I’ll go with*

  I can’t believe Decker got her to loosen up that much. I wonder what he did. I hope this leads to something and she can finally walk away from that shit head of a boyfriend.

  At this moment I am too tired to worry about that. I need to get to bed. I walked around making sure all the doors are locked still and turned off the lights. I headed upstairs to my room, flip the switch off and walked to the window to close the shades. Jon was still standing in his window. I quickly shut the blinds and crawled into bed.

  I had a fitful night of sleep constantly waking to dreams of awesome wall banging sex and tattooed arms.

  Chapter 4

  It was Wednesday Morning and I had managed to avoid Landon, Jon and Jacob. Landon reluctantly, but thankfully, went back to Vegas after a few days of me dodging him. My parent’s house was packed up. A truck just dropped off one of those storage box things and a truck from The Salvation Army should be arriving soon to pick up all my donated items.

  Plugging the earphones into my iPod I cranked up Carrie Underwood as she sung Last Name and got to work on finding an apartment in the city. The realtor would be out Saturday to get the listing on the house. The sooner this place was sold and I was out of here the happier I would be.

  Decker had made way with his plan to win Sarah over. However she was still going home to that hell hole she lived in. Shawn was even more of an ass after all the pictures of them over the weekend were published. I haven’t expressed my fear to either Decker or Sarah yet but I’m afraid he’s going to hurt her bad any day now, their fighting has gotten worse.

  She went from fighting with him once or twice a week on the phone to me walking in the door the past three days to hearing her yelling and dishes breaking. If it didn’t stop soon Decker would need to replace all his dishes.

  When my doorbell rang around twelve-thirty I hesitated answering it, but when I saw the big truck backed up in the driveway I was relieved to see it was only the donation truck. I answered the door and told the driver I would meet him at the garage.

  I showed them which pile was theirs and as they worked I started loading the storage box.

  As I stacked boxes a pair of arms circled around me and lips locked onto my neck. I gasp and froze afraid of who it was. Then his cologne stung my nose. I wanted nothing more than to back out and run away but I was blocked between the wall and his hard body.

  “Don’t fight me. You know you want it to,” he whispered as his hand slid under my sweatshirt and rubbed his fingers across my nipple. The freaking thing hardened under his soft touch.

  Damn it I don’t want to want him. I don’t want him!!

  “Don’t. This is wrong. You’re wrong,” I whispered as his other hand slipped under the waist of my pants and a finger entered me.

  “Wrong or not, look how wet you are for me. Feel how hard I am for you,” he ground his hips into my ass pressing his hard cock in between my ass cheeks.

  “No, you’re married. You can’t touch me like this. It’s…it’s…” I lost my train of thought as he slipped a second finger inside me. My eyes closed and my head dropped back on his shoulder.

  Jon’s tongue traced my ear and the fingers of his one hand plucked at my nipple in sync with his fingers sliding in and out of me spreading my wetness around. Everything I wanted to object was lost to me. Goose bumps broke out all over my skin.

  He abruptly pulled both his hands out and spun me around to face him. His lips latched onto mine and his tongue pushed its way into my mouth.

  My arms went around his neck and I found my legs wrapping around his waist. We were out of the box, through the garage and he had me bent over the kitchen table before I even took a breath. I wasn’t even sure when he had gotten either of our pants down.

  His hips slammed into my ass over and over again as he buried his cock so deep in my cunt. I couldn’t help but moan as he slid in over and over again. My blood was boiling and a rush went up my spine.

  His one hand slid from its grip on my waist and started to fondle my clit. I felt the rush of my arousal flow out of me and over his cock as it continued to slide in and out.

  He suddenly pulled out of me and I whimpered at the loss of the feeling of him filling me. He flipped me over and had me splayed across the table. He slipped my ankles still bounded by my pants around his neck and he dipped his head, licking at my swollen sex. His teeth slid across my clit and I screamed out his name as he slid two fingers into me.

  I was flying somewhere over the moon when I felt him slid into me again. It was so wrong but it felt so good. I don’t remember coming back down from my first orgasm when a second one hit and Jon followed with his own release.

  “We can’t do this again,” I said as my breath came back to me. We were both lying on the kitchen floor panting.

  His hand slid up my thigh causing a shiver to run through my body. As he slid a finger into me he said, “You feel even better when you are wet with my cum,” he slid a second finger in and his thumb rubbed circles on my clit.

  “Jon,” I tried to protest against his movements.

  “One more time Maggie. Just give me one more time,” he whispered as his tongue replaced his thumb. I was lost in his movement and no longer had the will to fight.

  Four more times and I was finally able to get Jon to go home so I could get ready for work. As I headed into the city I couldn’t help but regret the day. I knew what I did was wrong. He was married, but there was some sexual pull
to him that I needed to find away to ignore from now on.

  “Hey Deck…” I stopped half way through talking as I walked into Decker’s apartment, my steps faltered and I almost fell over my own two feet. There on the couch with him were three of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen.

  The one with a deep tan like he had just gotten back from some tropical vacation, whistles and says “Geez Jensen, did you hire any women who don’t knock your socks off. This one’s just as good as Sarah.”

  I lost my breath as I just stood there and stared. I wasn’t sure how to respond and I could feel a blush racing across my skin starting at my toes and heading north. I wasn’t sure if I had any coherent thoughts. I’m sure if any one of them would have asked me a question nothing but baby babble would have come out.

  Sarah laughingly calls me from the kitchen “Maggie, I’m in the kitchen. Hurry up before one of these animals attack you.”

  I think I skipped all the way to the kitchen with a huge smile on my face. I’m not really sure as I can’t really remember much over the fog in my brain at the moment.

  “Don’t let those boys make you all swoony or anything Maggie,” she chuckled.

  “Wow Sarah, those boys are just as good looking as Decker. Which ones are single?”

  “Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Keep it together or you won’t make it through the night,” she shook her head at me.

  “I know. What’s left to cook?”

  Sarah explained what was left to do and told me she’d see me in the morning and then headed for Decker and the boys to say goodbye.

  I stuck my head out the kitchen door a few minutes later and asked “Decker you guys want to eat at the table or on the couch?”

  “On the couch Maggie. Bring a plate for you too,” he yelled back.

  After handing the guys their plates I went back to the kitchen to grab my plate and a basket of fresh baked bread Sarah had made. Being in the city she could have gotten fresh baked breads, cookies or cakes or just about anything she made from a bakery or store, but she never did, she always made everything fresh herself.

  I knew Decker loved whatever she made. He never had a complaint about dinner and always asked me to get him seconds and sometimes even thirds. She made sure he was well cared for and that is what he was. I was envious I wanted what they had. I wanted to care for someone the way she cared for him, loved him –even if she didn’t realize it yet.

  As we ate Decker made introductions. The tan one was Tyler Ellis, he played third base. First baseman Roman Emmerson was seated next to him and despite being married was the biggest flirt I ever met. I had never been a giggly teenager, but when he flirted I couldn’t help but giggle and blush.

  I was seated next to Tobias Charles, he played centerfield. Sitting next to him just about made me go jelly like. He was an easy six foot five at least and the width of his shoulders was at least twice of me. The spicy scent of his expensive cologne made me want to run my tongue up and down his body. Which I’m sure was rock hard and full of all those delicious muscles most athletes have. Despite already doing it five times this afternoon with Jon, I was ready for Tobias to throw me to the floor and have his wicked way with me.

  “So, Maggie tell us about yourself,” Tyler said with a mouth full of food. No gentlemen here I thought to myself.

  “Not much to tell,” I shrugged. “I grew up on Long Island. I left two days after my eighteenth birthday and went to school and lived in Vegas till about six months ago when I left.”

  “What made you move back home?” Roman asked.

  I smiled sheepishly and a blush spread across my face. Then in a verbal up-chuck my last few days in Vegas came out before I could stop it, “My grandmother died and I came home to bury her. My mother was an alcoholic and her drinking was out of control at that point. I left to go back to Vegas two days earlier then I had planned. Upon walking into my apartment, I found my fiancé in the middle of an orgy with three other girls. A week later I had my car packed and moved back to my parent’s house.”

  I hadn’t noticed that all four of them had stopped eating after I had said orgy. All their hands were in a state of hovering over their plates with food on their forks or hanging out of their mouths. All four were staring at me like I had just confessed to murder or something horrible.

  As I looked around the room at the guys I turned beat red and I wanted to cry but held it back. All of them sat there gapping at me, I just looked at my plate and pushed the food around with my fork.

  “You never told me that Maggie,” Decker finally said after a few minutes.

  I just shrugged at him. “I mean what was I suppose to say, ‘my fiancé didn’t think I was slutty enough so he slept with three other girls’. Who cares he’s a douche bag any ways. I’m better off now.”

  “Did he actually tell you that? That you weren’t slutty enough?” Tobias asked.

  I bit my bottom lip then nodded my head at him and went back to eating. His hand came up and rubbed my back. The warmth of it erased the chill I had given myself talking about Landon. Despite how I spent my morning I was ready to crawl on Tobias’s lap and ride him.

  He was freaking hot and his warmth was covering my body in delicious ways. As we ate dinner his leg slowly inched closer and closer to mine until our legs were pressed together. I had to concentrate hard to make sure I didn’t push any of my food off my plate and onto the floor.

  It was sometime around eight-thirty, I was in the kitchen getting some tea and coffee ready when I heard Decker in the dining room. I knew he would be calling Sarah soon to go over tomorrow’s schedule, it was the same thing he did every night. I was almost wondering when he was going to offer her a personal assistant job. I knew there was no way he was going to be able to handle his schedule without her.

  She had become more than just someone to take care of him when he had his cast on. She took care of his schedule. Made sure he was where he needed to be on time. Knew when to turn down interviews and accept them. She was practically running his life and he told me one night that it was so much easier on him once she did this.

  I heard his fist slam on the table hard. “Maybe if you weren’t such a fucking shithead you’d realize she’s finally doing something for herself instead of bending to your fucking abuse,” he screamed. I froze mid-step, Decker never swore and for him to say something like what he just did, it must be bad.

  As I walked through the kitchen door the other boys also walked into the dining room. We could hear Shawn yelling through the phone. I knew this was going to be bad. He was going to snap tonight. He never answered Sarah’s phone.

  My hand came up to my throat and I gasped, “This is bad, very bad. I have a bad feeling.”

  Tobias stepped over and draped his arm over my shoulder, pulling me into him. His fingers were running up and down my arm trying to sooth me.

  “We need to go get her,” Roman said. With Tyler and Tobias agreeing with him they were motioning to Decker to follow them as Roman pulled out his car keys.

  “Maggie, stay here please. If we come back with her she might need you,” Tobias said.

  “Don’t leave without Josie,” I told them as I held onto Tobias’s warm arm. “I’ll get the back room ready for them. Let me know when your almost home, I’ll have tea waiting.”

  It was almost an hour drive out to where Sarah lived in Jersey –and yes it was Jersey, if you called it New Jersey she got mad, she said no one called it that especially if you grew up there. I was so nervous that I had rescrubbed the kitchen, dining room and vacuumed the living room twice. Now I was pacing in front of the pool table and if I didn’t stop soon I was probably going to wear the floor with a path.

  As soon as they left I had called over to Zane Summers. Zane was busy but said he would call his partner Jason something-or-other. I was too worked up to really pay attention to what he was saying.

  It was around ten-thirty when my phone chirped with a text message. I had checked my phone thirty times in the last hour w
aiting for a message. I tripped over the corner of the table landing hard on the couch as I grabbed my phone. It was a message from Decker:

  *It’s bad. He got to her good.*

  Fuck! Not good, not good at all. Please let it not be too bad. Please let her be ok. Please let Josie be ok.

  *What’s going on? R U bringing her back? Is Josie ok?*

  *Josie is fine with Tobias. Working on bringing her home.*

  Home! Yes because hell or high water not only Decker, but me as well, would make sure she never went back there and this became her home.

  As I waited for them to return I made sure the bedroom down the second hallway was ready. I made sure the bed was made, the room was clean and the bathroom was stocked with towels.

  I continued to pace the apartment after I was done with the room. My phone chirped around eleven and I raced over to it. I groaned when I saw it was Jacob.

  *What was Jon doing at your house today?*

  Fuck! Really! Crap what did he see? Please tell me he didn’t see us doing anything? Or hear? Crap! Crap! Crap on a stick!

  *He was helping me pack the rest of the house*

  *Call me next time I’ll help you pack*

  *Won’t be a next time. I’m almost done packing and then I’m gone.*

  *Maggie don’t leave*

  *I have to go I’m at work. Bye Jacob*

  *He’s married, I’m not*

  Fuck he knew. I didn’t even respond I just put the phone back down.

  When my phone dinged some time later, I didn’t want to look at it. But I didn’t want to miss Decker’s call. I cautiously walked over to the phone and picked it up like I was going to break it. I sighed a breath of relief when I saw it was Decker.

  *Just about to hit the tunnel, be home shortly have Sarah and Josie*


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