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Page 6

by Lee Heaven

  *Thank god*

  I rushed into the kitchen and set up a tray of tea. I wasn’t sure if the guys were staying so I put out extra cups just in case. I stood at the window watching the street. The front of the building was lined with reporters, news vans and camera’s waiting for a view of them. Police had blocked off the garage and front door. I’m suspecting so they could get in the building with no issues.

  I stood there waiting and watching. My heart was racing. Decker didn’t say how bad Sarah was hurt. I was hoping for the best but bracing for the worst. I saw the black Escalade drive down the street and the press started going nuts. I knew it was them. I watched as it pulled into the driveway and disappeared into the garage while police held back the crowds of people.

  I was at the door holding it open waiting for them. Tyler was the first off the elevator looking up and down the small hallway like he was expecting someone with a camera to jump out. He was carrying a suitcase. Tobias was the second one to step off, he was holding a little bundle of blankets with a mess of blonde hair, and I could only assume it was Josie. Roman stepped out next with a second suitcase and then motioned for Decker and Sarah to step out.

  Tears sprung to my eyes as Sarah stepped off the elevator in Decker’s arms. Her face was badly bruised and cut up. She was limping and looked so tired. I took her in my arms and hugged her. She gasped and I dropped my arms.

  “She’s bruised badly. He hit and kicked her good,” Decker said as he stood behind her.

  “I’ll be fine, let me go help Tobias put Josie in bed,” she said as she hurried off toward the back bedroom.

  I stood there for a minute tears streaming down my face. I wanted to yell at Decker for letting this happen, even though I knew it wasn’t his fault. I wanted to cry in pain for Sarah.

  I heard the kettle screaming and hurried into the kitchen. Placing the kettle on the tray and bringing it into the dining room I placed everything on the table. Roman, Tyler and Decker were already in there and Tobias walked in a few minutes later.

  He draped his arm over my shoulder and squeezed me. I let out a shaky breath and he said, “She’s fine now. We’ll all protect her from now on.”


  It was close to three in the morning when I awoke to screaming. I thought I was dreaming and it took me a minute to realize it was Sarah I heard yelling. She was definitely closer then the back bedroom and something was wrong. I was quickly on my feet and scrambling to the door.

  By the time I got the door open I could hear Decker yelling her name and telling her to wake up. She was in his room? Why was she in his room? Why was I even asking that? I could have guessed she would have ended up there.

  As I reached his door I heard her tell him to kiss her. I immediately turned on my heels and was back in my bedroom. As I was half way to the bed I could hear her moaning through the wall. I wasn’t sure if I should be embarrassed or happy for her.

  I was in my purse searching for my iPod when I heard her climax and scream as an orgasm hit her. I chuckled to myself and thought what a day for the orgasm gods. Between the many I had this afternoon with Jon and the one Decker just gave her, they were singing their praise.

  It was the sound of pounding on the wall when I realized that her first orgasm wasn’t even brought on by sex. But now, now they were having sex and by god the sounds coming through the wall from both of them, it was some good sex they were having.

  Slipping the iPod in my ears I turned up the volume on Pitbull singing International Love. Even at the ear piercing levels of the music I could hear the bed slamming against the wall. Then with a loud grunt from both of them, clearly over the loud music all sounds from the other side of the wall stopped.

  Sarah had told me once that in the fourteen years that she and Shawn were together, never once did he give her an orgasm. Sex was all about his release and what he wanted to feel, nothing about her. She even told me that she hated sex and if it wasn’t for the fact that Shawn would get pissed off and start punching things she wouldn’t have sex at all.

  Somehow with what I just heard, I had a feeling she was no longer going to hate sex. Somehow come morning, I knew there was going to be a smile on her face that was never there before.

  Placing the ear buds back on the night stand. I turned over and went back to sleep. It was a restless sleep as thoughts of a beaten Sarah kept being replaced by thoughts of Jon’s strong arms holding me against the wall as he plowed into me, to finally thoughts of Tobias with his arm around my shoulder and lips pressed to my temple telling me everything would be alright.

  By the time the alarm went off in the morning I couldn’t tell if I was more tired, pissed off or horny. But I dragged my ass out of bed and got ready for the day. I had a thought that Sarah would be sleeping in. Kinda suspected Decker would make her. So I needed to get breakfast ready.

  As I walked into the kitchen I found a mess of blonde hair sitting on the floor in front of the fridge eating strawberries. She looked lost and so content at the same time.

  “Where’s my mommy?” She asked between bites.

  “She’s still sleeping. Would you like me to help you cut some up so we can put it on a plate?”

  “Sure,” she said as she handed me the carton of strawberries. “I’m Josie. What’s your name?”

  You think this little girl would be afraid of something. Waking up in a strange place, finding a stranger instead of her mommy, but no she was just going on like it was a normal day.

  “I’m Maggie,” I said as I took the carton from her and moved to the sink. “Did you want something else to eat with these?”

  “Do you have pancakes?” She asked as she climbed off the floor.

  “We sure do,” Decker said as he burst into the kitchen. “Wanna help me make some?”

  She didn’t even say anything just started dragging a chair over to the counter where he was standing. They set in making pancakes. I couldn’t help but laugh as the two of them made a mess. They were covered in mix and egg shells. Syrup lay all over the counter making it a sticky mess. I wasn’t even sure any of it had made it onto their pancakes.

  After they finished making a mess and eating Decker and Josie went to get dressed. He said he had a surprise for her.

  As Decker waited for Josie to get ready he came back into the kitchen as I cleaned up after their mess. “I’m going to let her sleep in,” he said.

  “Good she needs it. You guy had a late night,” I said with a smirk.

  “I hope we didn’t wake you,” he said with a smug look on his face not even embarrassed one bit.

  “No her screaming before woke me up. Was she ok?” I asked concerned.

  “Just a nightmare. She’s fine. I do have a question for you though.”

  “Shoot,” I said as I stopped wiping off the counter full of pancake mix and egg shells to look at him. His tone had become serious. I wasn’t worried about me; the feeling was something to do with Sarah.

  “I’m hoping the judge will allow Sarah and Josie to come back here for good. If that happens, would there be any chance you would come on full time with us. I know you wanted to sell your parents place so you could do that and then move in with us.”

  “You want me to come full time to help Sarah and Josie? And live here with you guys?” I think that came out sounding a little more excited then I wanted, but this would solve all my apartment problems. It would get me away from Jacob and Jon. Landon would even have a hard time finding me now.

  Decker nodded his head and all I could do was scream yes.

  “I’m not going to tell Sarah until I know what the judge says she can do, so keep it a secret. I’m going to take Josie across the street to see the horses. I’ll be back in a little while. Let her sleep.”

  With Sarah sleeping and Decker and Josie gone I was left to myself. I finished cleaning the kitchen and then set about making it a mess again myself by making lunch. I knew I could make a broccoli cheddar soup that could rival Panera Bread’s so I set about mak
ing it.

  An hour later my soup was on the stove simmering for the next couple of hours and Decker and Josie had come back from seeing the horses and were now on the floor in the living room playing with her Barbie’s.


  It was sometime after one in the afternoon when the doorbell rang. I was beginning to wonder who had made it into the building without being rung up. Sarah and Decker had left for Jersey to go to her court appearance. I secretly had my fingers crossed hoping everything would work out for the best.

  Josie was sitting on the floor playing with her Barbie’s. The second she had heard the doorbell ring she was on her two little feet racing for the door screaming, “Toby’s here!” Her little feet were moving so fast that she skidded across the front foyer and crashed into the door laughing so hard.

  Crap I forgot Tobias was coming by. Oh god I hope I don’t melt all over the floor with him here.

  She had the door open and jumping into Tobias’s arms before I even hit the foyer. I could hear his contagious laughter. A smile hit my face and I was giggling before I even knew it.

  Then I saw him and my breath was knocked out of me. He was on his knees and had her pinned to the floor as he tickled her and she squirmed like a worm.

  “If she pee’s from laughing so hard you’re going to clean it up,” I laughed.

  “She’ll be fine. Right little one?” He laughed as he tickled her some more.

  She responded by giggling some more and then trying to tickle him back only to fail and started kicking her legs in a mercy beg.

  He picked her up and flung her over his shoulder so she was upside down. She squealed with delight.

  I sat back down on the couch and watched from the corner of my eye as he entered the apartment. Draping his coat across the back of the couch, his muscles pushed against the grey t-shirt he wore, pushing the fabric to the limit, even though they weren’t flexed.

  He placed Josie on the floor and sat against the couch only inches from my legs. I could feel his heat and smell the same spicy cologne he wore yesterday. Thoughts of his hands rubbing up and down my arm last night morphed into thoughts of what it would feel like as his hands roamed over my breasts, across my ass and as his fingers touched my clit.

  Stop it!

  Shaking my head I picked up my tablet and went back to reading my raunchy book. Trying to ignore him wasn’t working and the sex scene I was in the middle of reading was getting me even more worked up.

  He draped his arm over the edge of the couch, his fingers mere millimeters from my legs. He brushed his fingers casually across the bottom of my knee. I shivered at his touch. His smirk told me he knew it affected me.

  He waited a few minutes and then ran his fingers across the middle of me knee. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. As I opened my eyes he dragged his finger across the top of my knee. I had to bite my lip to keep a little moan from escaping.

  He leaned forward and whispered something in Josie’s ear. She looked up at me giggled and then nodded her head. I knew he was plotting something but before I could get up from the couch he had grabbed my ankles and pulled me from the couch trapping me under his strong arms.

  Then at the same time I felt both of their hands on my feet tickling me. Squirming I tried to get away. Their laughter drowned out my pleas to stop.

  Then Josie’s hands were gone, up and running while saying she had to go potty. Still pinned under Tobias’s arms I gasped to catch my breath. Then he was over top of me. His arms caged me to the floor. His hips pressed into mine, my legs parting on their own to allow him to settle between them.

  I looked up into his blue eyes and sighed. Holy Fuck! I am a goner; I am so totally in love with this man. I would give anything to keep him like this forever.

  Almost to the point of not feeling him he ran his lips across my jaw line and then down my neck. With a slight press to the dip at the base of my neck his lips leaving fire on my skin. Then he was gone and strolling toward the kitchen.

  What the fuck was that? Holy fuck! Shit! God damn it where the fuck did he go?

  Sarah’s Jersey trucker mouth was starting to rub off in my thoughts.

  I was on my feet and stumbling toward my room. I needed to get away from whatever that was with Tobias.

  I didn’t have much here in my room but I started packing it up. If Sarah was staying I would give her this room and take the room off the kitchen. Not only would it give them privacy but I wouldn’t have to worry about a bed breaking through the wall.

  As I arranged my new room I heard Josie scream mommy, heading into the living room I could tell by the look on Decker’s face everything went as planned. Sarah and Josie were staying. This was where they belonged from now on.

  Chapter 5

  It had been four days since I had been home. Now I was even more nervous than before. Yesterday we had all helped Sarah go to Jersey and pack her stuff up, but today I had to meet the realtor and couldn’t go help her again. Tobias offered to come help me load the rest of the storage stuff and pack my stuff in the Durango, while Sarah and Decker took Tyler and Roman to Jersey with them.

  Now I sit in the passenger seat of my Durango as Tobias follows my directions to my house. Something about him driving my car was absolutely hot. I couldn’t help but stare at him with a slight smile on my face. Every time he would catch me staring he would just chuckle at me.

  I was nervous about running into Jacob. I was afraid of what he knew and if he would use it against me. But even worst, I was afraid of seeing Jon. What is he going to think when he saw Tobias? What would his reaction be? Would he say anything?

  Thankfully as we pulled in the driveway I didn’t see any cars in Jon’s driveway or Jacob wondering around the neighborhood. If I was lucky enough I could get through the next couple of hours before either one got home.

  Tobias got to work on loading the final boxes and bins into the storage box as I walked around with the realtor, Jannie. I was out in the front yard talking to Jannie when I noticed Jacob walking toward the house, smiling at me.

  Crap! Crap on a stick. I was hoping to not have to run into anyone while here. Do these freaking guys stalk me? UUUGGGGGGGGG!!

  “Hey Mags! Where you been I haven’t seen you in days?” He questioned as he walked up to me.

  Janie saw him coming and walked over to the garage. I moved back toward the garage a few steps, “I moved out Jacob. I told you I was going to. Today’s my last day here.”

  Jacob just stared at me. It was like he didn’t believe my words about moving before. Like he thought it was never really going to happen. Then I noticed a bruise on his jaw line.

  “What happened?” I asked pointing to it.

  Jacob didn’t say anything, just glared across the street toward Jon’s house.

  “Oh Jacob what did you do?” I asked in a tone that sounded a little madder then what I wanted it to be.

  He blinked a few times then looked down at the ground. When he looked back up he was seething with anger. “He’s fucking married and I’m not. But you chose him.”

  “Jacob I didn’t choose either of you,” I bite back, now becoming as pissed off as I sounded. “So you thought for some dickhead reason you would go pick a fight?”

  His fist clenched “I went over to tell him to leave you alone. To remind him he had a wife, to tell him that if you needed anything I would be the one to give it to you not him.”

  “If anyone’s giving Maggie anything, it will be me,” Tobias said behind me.

  The sound of his voice made me jump. Fuck! How much did he hear? What was he going to think of me now? Did he over hear that I slept with a married man?

  Jacob opened and closed his eyes a few times, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Maggie, Tobias Charles is behind you!” He whispered in a disbelief tone.

  Take that Jacob, the big, bad, sexy baseball player is claiming me as his and he just told you.

  Tobias came up behind me and placed his hands on my sho
ulders and pressing his hard body into mine. I relaxed into him, I never wanted him to move and I wanted him to stay pressed against me forever. “I know Jacob. He’s helping me with the last of my stuff.”

  “How do you know him?” He stuttered still blinking like the man standing behind me was a mirage.

  “I work for a friend of his,” I simply said. “Listen Jacob I have to go finish with the realtor and then I’m leaving. It’s been nice talking to you again after all these years. I hope you find some happiness and a good woman soon. But I’m sorry I’m not her.”

  I turned and placed a swift kiss on Tobias’s cheek then walked back into the garage where Jannie was pretending to take measurements. Tobias just stood there staring at Jacob till he turned and walked away.

  “Tell me you’re sleeping with at least one of those men,” Jannie said.

  I didn’t know if I should be embarrassed or mad. I just laughed instead. “Neither one of them,” I finally was able to get out.

  “Damn shame,” She shook her head.

  An hour later Jannie was gone, Tobias was dragging the boxes down the stairs from my bedroom and I was rearranging boxes in the storage box so we could get my bed frame and dresser in there since I wasn’t going to need them for now.

  An arm snaked around me from behind and I jumped at the unexpected touch. I didn’t need more than a second to smell his cologne and realize who is it was. I stiffened and tried to get free. “Please don’t Jon. Please let me go,” I begged and squirmed trying to get free.

  “Don’t fight me. Let me feel you again,” he whispered into my ear as his lips grazed the outer edge.

  “No!” I pushed at his arms trying to get him to loosen his grip on me so I could try and escape.

  “Maggie you don’t mean that.”

  “I do. Please stop.”

  Jon didn’t listen to my pleas to stop and continued to run his lips over my ear and neck. His one hand roamed over my breast and the other fondled my clit from over my pants. I tried thinking of other things to not become aroused, my grandmother in a bathing suit, Sarah’s beaten face, someone’s giant oozing pimple…


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