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Page 11

by Unknown Author

  He sat up, his bottom heavy on her lap, hind legs straddling her knees, and pushed himself upright until he could easily rest his front paws on her shoulders. He heard her hastily smothered gasp, but ignored it and pushed his nose onto hers. He grinned as she shuddered—there was something truly awful about having a cold, wet nose jammed in your face— and leant back slightly so she could see his doggy smile for herself. Tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, jaw relaxed, he hoped she was seeing him as nothing other than a big gangly dog with a rotten sense of humor.

  She rewarded him with a crinkle at the side of her mouth. It was tiny, but unmistakable, and she'd even relaxed a little. He pressed the advantage, pushing lightly against her shoulders until she was forced to lean back against the sofa, trapped between it and him. He waited, half expecting her to panic at her even more vulnerable position.

  "Get out of here, you rotten great beast!" She surprised him, freeing one of her hands and swatting ineffectually. When that didn't work, she tried pushing his chin away instead. "You're slobbering all over me."

  Nate leant closer and licked her face, a long sloppy swipe of his tongue that reached from her chin to her eyebrows. Then he sat up again, watching her reaction.

  It was all he could do not to laugh at her horrified expression as his saliva dribbled down her chin and ran down the front of her shirt to pool between her breasts.

  "Yugh!" She swatted some more, laughing this time. "Naughty wolf!"

  Naughty wolf?

  He hadn't expected to feel such relief at her acceptance of a wolf in a playful mood and considered teasing her some more but decided she'd had enough shocks for the day. Instead, he stretched upright, fluidly transforming from wolf to man.

  Within seconds the wolf had been replaced, and he laughed aloud at the comical shock on her face. Her jaw had dropped, her mouth was open and her eyes were impossibly wide.


  "Who'd you expect?" He stroked his fingers down her cheek, smiling broadly.

  "Well, I…" She pushed against his shoulders. "You're squashing me!"

  "Am not." He smiled complacently, but shifted anyway so his weight fell on his knees rather than her thighs.

  "And you're naked!"

  "Yep." He watched a blush spread upwards from the neck of her T-shirt, and grinned. "You're embarrassed."

  Her blush deepened. "Yes."

  "You've seen me naked before," he pointed out reasonably, enjoying her mild discomfort.

  "And Sebastian and Rafe and Rob too," she muttered mutinously under her breath.

  Nate held a hand up to his ear, his grin widening. "What was that? Didn't quite hear you."

  Gina wriggled but couldn't escape him without making a scene. Even though he'd shifted a little, he was still straddling her, trapping her effectively between himself and the high-backed sofa.


  "Hmmm" He pretended to consider her answer for a minute, before relenting, still chuckling. "Do you know who you were cuddled up to before?" he asked innocently.

  "No." She attempted to pout.

  "Sebastian. He was very happy to be there with his head buried between your thighs." Shamelessly, he projected his own thoughts onto Sebastian. It wasn't like it would have been too far from the truth anyway. "Bet he wished you were naked, then he could have pushed his nose right into your—"

  Gina swatted him indignantly. "Don't be rude!"

  He put on his best mortally wounded expression. "I'm not. He appreciates you just as much as I do. Only thing is," he added seriously, "I saw you first, and that makes you mine."

  "Yours? Huh!"

  "Yep, mine." He nodded decisively. "Unless I choose to share you, of course."

  "Share me?" Her voice was faint.

  "Oh yeah. You did mention that fantasy about being used by all of us—probably shouldn't have said anything in front of Sebastian though…"

  Gina spluttered. "Used? Use me?"

  Nate nodded. "Of course."


  He moved off her, rearranging himself so he was sitting on the sofa beside her, his legs spread wide to allow for his jutting erection. Just talking about having her was making him hard, and it was taking every bit of self-control he'd ever possessed to not turn her around, pull down her jeans, and sink himself deep into her wet, swollen cunt from behind. She was already so aroused, waves of her scent were pulsing around him with every beat of her heart, and he was hanging on by a fast-unraveling thread.

  "Did you like being tongue-fucked by a werewolf?" he enquired mildly.

  Her blush was answer enough.

  "Well, imagine all of us, all of our tongues, licking and suckling on every tiniest part of your body. We have clever tongues, babe."

  His voice had deepened, and he watched a shiver course through her. The shirt wasn't doing enough to hide her breasts and, without thinking about it, he bent down and latched on to a hard nipple, suckling through the fabric.

  She wriggled, gasping as he pulled more strongly.

  "Where do you think we got our reputation?" His teeth fastened on the nipple and he tugged. As she moaned, he let go, replacing his mouth with his hands and kneading the soft flesh as he reached across to purr in her ear. "You want it, don't you?" He nuzzled then speared his tongue deep into her ear canal.

  "Just think how it'd be, babe. You're naked, your legs spread wide, held open so every little bit of you is exposed. Do you like to feel vulnerable?" he whispered, and was rewarded with an almost inaudible whimper of agreement. "Someone's tongue deep in your cunt, licking up your cream; two mouths on your breasts. Maybe even someone's cock in your mouth. Mustn't forget your ass, either," he murmured.

  She squirmed urgently, and coils of dark pleasure rippled through him as he continued, already planning what they'd do.

  "And four sets of hands stroking you, fondling you, teasing you. You think you've had it good before; wait until you see what it's like when we're all fucking you."

  He watched her force her eyes open, saw the effort it took for her to look up at him from under heavy lids. Her eyes were slightly glazed, her lips wet where she'd been running her tongue over them to moisten them while he spoke.

  "Babe," he promised huskily, "you won't want to move for a week."

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rafe padded through the forest, his paws near silent on the fragrant leaf-mold. It had rained a few hours before and the scent of moist earth was strong. His fur glistened where he'd pushed through a thicket, dislodging a shower of raindrops from the overhanging bushes, but he barely noticed. His concentration was firmly focused on a house that perched on the very edge of the forest. The house Alan West had purchased when he first arrived in town.

  He stopped, still on a rise slightly above the house, and inhaled deeply. A curl of smoke wisped from the chimney, scattering in the breeze. Washing flapped on the clothesline out back. Despite the smoke, he picked up the scents of both Alan and Cain. One wore cheap deodorant; the other's scent was a sour combination of stale cigarette smoke and sweat. They were both at home.

  Rafe settled himself to the ground, blending into the foliage without conscious thought. His eyes remained fixed on the house, his senses alert while he considered his options. He'd come out here with a vague idea of revenge circling in his mind. Unlike the others, he wasn't quite so sanguine about Gina's near


  With access to the FBI computers, it hadn't taken him long to work out that Gina would be safe enough within a day. As soon as she gained control of her section of the trust fund, there was no way either her stepfather or stepbrother could profit by her death. Leaving her out for the wolves had been a last-ditch effort on their part.

  His lips pulled back in a snarl. His fangs bared. He was caught between wanting to rip the guy's throat out and wanting to laugh. Considering that he was the town's sheriff, Alan was terribly amateurish when it came to attempted murder. Surely even he should have worked out that their trail could easily be followed by
the very same wolves he was hoping to tempt with his stepdaughter's unconscious body.

  And a very nice body she had, too…

  He shrugged and sniffed again, drawing the fresh scent of pine needles deep into his head in an effort to blot out the unwanted image. Overhead, clouds were starting to swirl and the air was damp. It wouldn't be long before the rain returned. Not that it would bother him—his fur coat was more-or-less waterproof. Rafe forced his mind back to the problem at hand.

  Nate was obviously head-over-heels for Gina. How long would it be before she joined the family, he wondered, grinning to himself at the idea of Nate happily married. He'd always been the most carefree of the old gang, and now it looked like he was going to be the first to get himself leg-shackled. And she wasn't even a ware…

  So, simply protecting her from the sheriff and his son for the next couple of days was too tame. Even if Nate hadn't quite accepted the fact, Gina was family. She was as close to becoming a Moore as made no difference.

  It wasn't like Rafe could do anything legally, but he was a werewolf. Sometimes, he thought, the others tended to forget that fact. And werewolves had quite a few skills. Ripping the enemy's throat out may not have been socially acceptable, but that didn't mean he couldn't scare him senseless. With luck, the jerk might even leave town afterwards.

  Inwardly grinning, he stood up and stretched languidly. The movement made every muscle clearly visible, even through the thick fur of his coat. He may not have had Sebastian's height and natural strength, but he was fitter—and life had taught him how to play dirty.

  Rafe was positively looking forward to a rumble with the two men in the house below. And there was absolutely no need for the others to know he'd taken matters into his own hands. His lips twitched in amusement. He knew Sebastian wouldn't approve.

  The wolf padded silently down the hill, a natural predator blending effortlessly into his environment. For an instant, he wondered what the others were doing then dismissed the thought. He very much doubted they'd be having anywhere near as much fun as he was about to have.

  * * * *

  "When– " Gina was quite breathless, Nate's massaging fingers having suddenly latched on a

  nipple right as she started to speak.

  "When what?"

  Unresisting, she followed his gentle urging, slumping down the sofa cushions until she was lying on her back, her legs dangling over the edge of the seat. "When can we… oh!"

  His hands shifted, one thumb stroking her bottom lip, the other delving between her legs, pressing them apart and running a fingernail repeatedly up and down the crotch seam of her jeans. The light pressure vibrated right through her clit, and she thrust her hips helplessly up into his hand.

  Deliberately, Nate grinned down on her. "When can we what?"

  "I want…" she breathed, "I think I want…"


  "All of you!" she blurted out.

  My God! She was fully aware of the fact that he hadn't even had to ask her. She'd been the one to beg him to let her take part in a ménage.

  Nate sat up straight, pulling her briskly upright. She just sat where he propped her, head spinning slightly at the abrupt loss of contact.

  "Alright. When?"

  When? He actually expected her to set the time and place? She was having enough difficulty believing she'd actually just thrown her good-girl image out the window, and all because she wanted… What did she want?

  She stared up at him, struck dumb.

  "How about right now?" Gina whirled to look behind her. Sebastian was standing there, framed by the doorway, with one of the others behind him. Rob,

  she thought. She couldn't tell which one had spoken.

  "Now?" she repeated.

  "Sounds good to me." Nate spoke up beside her. He was grinning again, and she belatedly realised that Sebastian and Rob had probably heard every gasping nuance. She had to start remembering about that sharp werewolf hearing… Whatever, she'd as good as broadcast her wishes to them all.

  "Rafe's going to be sorry he went out," Sebastian offered easily as he sauntered into the room, waiting for Rob and closing the door behind them. "He's gone to confirm the identities of the men who kidnapped you."


  "So," Sebastian directed himself to Nate. "Shall we get started?"

  Nate glanced towards her, his eyes focusing on her with that dreadful intensity. His lips quirked, and she shivered, wondering what he was thinking when he looked at her like that. "I think so."

  Sebastian and Rob moved to the other end of the room, and she followed their progress idly. It was a shame they'd both dressed before coming in, she thought. Having a great butt was apparently mandatory for Moores. She glanced back towards Nate as he stood up.

  "Wait here. I'll be back in a sec."

  He disappeared out into the corridor, reappearing only a few minutes later fully dressed in casual track pants and sweat shirt. That confused her, and was a bit of a disappointment really. She'd been practically salivating over the erection he'd been sporting and had been giving serious consideration to exactly what he was planning on doing with it. Her mouth, her pussy—her ass? Now there was a possibility she'd never yet dared to explore…

  She shrugged, bringing her attention back to what was going on around her. What were they all doing dressed anyway? Surely it would have been more sensible for them all to be getting naked, than for Nate to be getting dressed?

  In the meantime, the others had pulled a fulllength, backless, chaise lounge closer to the fire, pushing the other chairs out of their way. Her attention grabbed, she watched as they shifted it, angling it lengthwise to the fire—for warmth, she guessed—then stood back and looked enquiringly towards Nate.

  He returned to her, almost gliding across the room to sink into the chair beside her. He reached for her face, cupped her chin, and tugged gently until she was looking deep into his eyes. There was a flame in their depths, and she felt that if she'd leaned too far forward she would have spilled over the rim, tumbling into the heart of a volcano.

  A shiver of anticipation ran through her—what those eyes promised! But at the same time it was one of fear. She wasn't afraid of Nate; that wasn't the issue. It was more that she was afraid of herself, afraid of the uninhibited side of her he'd so effortlessly dragged out of hiding. She was afraid of the fact that this was something she actually wanted to experience. More to the point, she wanted to experience it with Nate.

  His finger trailed gentle fire down her cheek, then traced the line of her lips, and all the time he held her

  eyes captive in his. "Are you sure, babe?"

  Suddenly hesitant, she nodded slowly, his hand on her chin restricting her movement. He made no attempt to loosen his hold, but his thumb swirled reassuringly over her skin.

  "I want to give you this," he said, " I want you to see what you're capable of. But only if it's what you want too."

  What she was capable of? The confusion must have shown in her eyes, because he smiled his understanding even as he turned her head towards where Sebastian and Rob were waiting near the fireplace. Sebastian was leaning against the mantle, his elbow propped and his foot resting negligently on the fender. Rob had propped his back against the wall, his arms loosely crossed over his stomach.

  They both looked infinitely relaxed, calmly waiting for whatever was going to happen next. She tried to swing her head back to Nate, wondering what he was showing her, but he held her firm. She looked more closely, slowly becoming aware of the tension in Sebastian's muscled forearm, and the odd alertness in Rob's gaze. Neither of them was anywhere near as relaxed as they appeared at first glance.

  "Oh." Understanding dawned.

  "There are three full-grown men in this room," he explained, "and they're all in your thrall. Even if you've never realised it, you," he turned her back to face him, "are a supremely sexy woman."

  Gina had been starting to get that idea; it was hard not to be aware of the fact her body was sending out dem
ands that were entirely different to what she'd always programmed herself to expect. But to hear someone with a reputation like Nate Moore's, say that to her, his eyes bright with sincerity, was still a huge shock.

  "I would give you anything," he continued with a self-mocking smile she didn't quite understand. "I'll even manage to put aside my jealousy and let my family play. Somehow." She almost missed the last word, it was uttered so softly.

  "Play? What do you mean?"

  He grinned. "Oh, yeah. We love to play. Don't you want to know what it's like to be the preferred plaything, the favored toy? With us?"


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