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Page 12

by Unknown Author

  A wave of red rode over her cheeks at the thought, and she answered somewhat faintly. "I think I would. But…" She hesitated, more embarrassed by her sudden doubts than the erotic images of entwined limbs—strong, possessive arms, and muscular legs— that her brain kept replaying in front of her eyes.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  "You'll be here the whole time, won't you?" It came out in a rush.

  She looked up, inspecting his face for any sign of what he was thinking, only to find herself enveloped in a hug, her face crushed against his chest.

  "God, I'm glad you feel that way," he murmured into her hair. "I'll never leave you alone."


  Any lingering worry was swept away in the rush of emotion that single word had evoked. Never was a long time, and maybe—just maybe—it meant she wasn't the only one who was getting lust confused with love. Gina stretched her arms around his waist, shrugging off the ferocity of his hold to free them, and

  squeezed back. She was starting to look forward to more than just some fantastic sex.

  * * * *

  After what felt like an eternity, Nate finally released her, enfolding her fingers in his and leading her over to stand near the fire. Both Rob and Sebastian were standing upright now, obviously alert, and she realised with a start that they'd heard every word of the quiet conversation.

  Seemingly reading her mind, Sebastian reached out and ran his fingers through her hair, twirling a strand around his fingers and tugging gently. "Don't worry about it. We all learnt discretion very early."

  Rob chuckled, and she could feel the silent shaking of Nate's laughter rumbling through her, touching something deep inside. A shared joke, something they all picked up on without the need to exchange words. That was something she'd never had, and she suddenly understood the difference between the supporting closeness of the Moore family, and her own. It was something she would have liked to experience.

  She looked shyly up to Nate, a tentative smile on her lips. "What happens now?"

  "Well," he stepped back and looked her up and down, a scowl on his face as he pretended to consider what she was wearing. "I think that the first thing we need to do is get rid of some of your clothes."

  Behind him, Sebastian and Rob straightened, their attention fixing on her. She could see the same fire flaring in Sebastian's eyes as that which already burned in Nate's, and Rob's lips were slowly parting, his tongue darting out to moisten them as he stared.

  "Take your clothes off," Nate ordered.


  "Now." His voice was flat, the sort of no-nonsense tone a parent would use on a recalcitrant child.

  None of them made any move to help her, but just stood there, ranged in a semi-circle between herself and the fire, the hunger in their expressions warming her more than the flames behind them.

  She licked her lips nervously. "I don't…"

  "Close your eyes." It was Rob this time, issuing the terse command.

  She did, and it helped. The darkness was voluntary, and she could still feel the heat of their combined gaze on her flesh, but it was easier now she couldn't see the way they were looking at her, like well-trained dogs waiting impatiently for a reward they knew was coming.

  Quite an apt simile, she thought, the touch of humor giving her the nerve to fumble with the knotted T-shirt, untying it and lifting it slowly over her head.

  There'd been no bra provided, and the cooler air on her breasts instantly reminded her there was now nothing between their ravenous eyes and her. Goose bumps prickled over her bare skin. She really was going to have to stop thinking of them in terms of 'hungry', and herself in terms of a feast… Gina almost grinned, then she dropped the shirt on the floor, her eyes still tightly closed, and reached for the button fly of her jeans.

  It was unnaturally quiet. She'd heard the swoosh of the shirt crumpling on the ground, the soft crackling of the fire, and even the hiss of air as someone inhaled sharply. Her nipples hardened, and she felt moisture building up between her thighs. Just the thought of what her actions were doing to these men was turning her on. She paused, her fingers twiddling with the second button, listening avidly.

  A sharp tweak on her nipple made her jump. She hadn't heard even a hint of the stealthy approach. "Tease." Sebastian's voice was husky. He tweaked again. "Hurry up."



  His fingers were still wrapped around her pebbled nipple, his breath hot and sweet in her face. Cinnamon? Whatever, it was proof that she was really doing this. She was really giving herself to three men. For them to play with. She shuddered, the tiny movement making his fingers pull deliciously on her nipple.

  "I'll rip them off you myself," he threatened silkily as she continued to hesitate.

  Apparently she didn't move fast enough, because he was suddenly pressed hard up against her, her shoulders caught in his massive hands. He spun her around, dragged her bottom close against his erection, brushed her hands away from the buttons as nonchalantly as he would a fly, then his fingers were pushing through them, entwining themselves in her pubic hair and gliding roughly over her clit until she buckled against him, breathless.

  Before she could think about it, he'd dipped his head, his mouth had taken possession of her lips, and his tongue was ravaging her mouth. She was vaguely aware of the denim sliding away and pooling at her feet but was concentrating more on the feeling of his tongue dueling with hers, tasting and thrusting, than on the fact that she was now totally naked and he was still fully dressed.

  She opened her mouth willingly, a very feminine satisfaction at his impatience sweeping through her. She lifted her arms as far as she was able—his arms were wrapped firmly around her waist to hold her hard up against him—and attempted to stroke his cheek. Before she could touch him, her arms were pulled back down, someone else's hands anchoring them lightly to her sides. She thrust her breasts forward, annoyed at being deprived the right to touch, and found her nipples simultaneously sucked into two warm, wet mouths. Two tongues circled them, drew them out, suckled. Two sets of teeth scraped the aureoles, two tongues licked, and two mouths puffed cool air on their rigid tips.

  Overwhelmed by the sensation, she struggled against the restraining hands, writhing against Sebastian and feeling his cock growing harder and larger. Impossibly larger. Her eyes stayed screwed closed—she doubted she could force herself to open them if she tried—and she kept on squirming as the three mouths continued to attack her. All the while, Sebastian's fingers were rubbing up and down her fold, spreading the moisture that was flowing freely from her pussy and massaging it into her clit.

  Her hips bucked helplessly. Once…twice… She was so close she could see the stars circling just out of reach, could feel the earthquake that was about to flatten her, but they held it just out of her reach.

  "Do you know how wet your cunt is?" Sebastian whispered in her mouth as his fingers continued their sensual gliding. She felt the vibrations of his speech echo through her, a tremble rocking deep within her.

  "Do you want to come?" he continued. "We haven't even started yet."

  He thrust one long finger deep into her cunt, then swiftly withdrew it. She moaned her protest into his mouth, unable to think, unable to feel anything other than the mouths on her breasts and the fingers that were pushing her so close to the edge.

  "Perhaps you're impatient?" he mused, spearing her with two fingers this time. She moaned again, trying to roll her fingers to hold his hand in place.

  He chuckled at her predicament; held upright against him by three large men, she had no way to influence what they were doing to her. "Definitely impatient."

  His fingers probed, rubbing against her inner walls, then he started a slow glide. In, out, in, out. And each time he went a little deeper, a little faster. His tongue lashed out, delving deep into her throat, his fingers pushed deep into her cunt, the mouths on her breasts nipped, and his thumb came down hard on her clit.

  She screamed and slumped bone
lessly against him, her body quivering as three mouths continued with a more gentle torture. For a few seconds the world was black, the lights behind her eyes had given up, and Nate's words burned themselves vividly across her mind. So much for not wanting to move for a week. She couldn't imagine moving ever again, and they

  hadn't even made it anywhere near the sofa yet.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Almost before she had her feet securely under her, Sebastian was holding her upright again. He stepped back, released his grip, and she found herself standing alone.

  After grappling with the consequences for a few seconds, Gina made the effort to open her eyes, blinking dazedly in the muted light. She was by herself, the other three having retreated nearer to the fire. Their eyes were all trained unerringly on her, and she glanced down at herself, unsurprised to find her entire body flushed pink. Her own distinctive scent washed over her and she looked down again, mortified to see a glistening trail of her cum wending its way down the inside of one thigh. The thought caused another gush of moisture and an embarrassed blush heated her cheeks.

  She forced herself to look up, only to find all three sets of eyes now focused on her face. They were all still fully dressed, and she was very aware of her utter nudity.

  Very aware.

  Another wave of heat rushed up her breast and over her cheeks as she realised they'd probably left her standing alone out here on purpose.


  On display.

  "I wonder if her ass goes the same pretty red when she's spanked?" Rob stepped forward, circling her in a few easy paces, his thoughtful gaze raking over her entire body then returning to linger on her butt.

  She lifted her arms helplessly, a silent appeal no one seemed too inclined to answer. Her nipples pebbled, and another gush of that telltale fluid trickled down her leg. Awful as it was to admit, she liked the way they were looking at her, almost like they really were considering which was the best way to go about consuming a wonderful three-course meal. She smiled inwardly. There she went with those food analogies again…

  Though, maybe it wasn't such a bad comparison after all. If she was a three-course meal, well, they'd only just had the starter—which left mains and dessert still to be sampled.

  And the way Nate's eyes were heating up again, those flames swelling to drown the chocolate brown in fathomless black, it looked like he was ready for the next installment. Actually, so was she. Standing here naked in front of them, she was feeling very, well…naked.

  She wanted more. Nate had been right—she was a much more sexual being than she'd ever given herself credit for. Now she was standing here with three men who all looked liked they'd happily fuck her until her brains scrambled and, surprisingly, that was what she wanted. She wanted to feel them inside her, filling her and stretching her. Sebastian's thick fingers had been nice, but 'nice' wasn't what she wanted. She wanted hot and dirty. She wanted Nate to the power of three.

  She let her lips curve upwards in an inviting smile and crooked her knee—just slightly—in her best attempt at a come-hither pose. Or maybe that was a come-fuck-me pose? It was a fight to stop the smile broadening to a grin at the direction her thoughts were taking. Really, either would do.

  "Eager for more, darling?" Sebastian purred. "Better close your eyes again, then."

  She chewed gently on her bottom lip, purposely letting them get a glimpse of her tongue as she moistened her lips. She didn't actually think it was terribly fair that they got to look at her, and she didn't get to see at all, but she didn't seem to have much choice if she wanted them to get started again. Nate may have looked like he was ready to pounce, but he made no movement towards her. Neither did the others.

  With a tiny sigh, she let her eyelids fall.

  "Good girl." Nate's voice was at her ear, his breath tickling, as he trailed his fingers lightly up and down her side. When she went to raise her arms, he held them gently at her side, an obvious request, before going back to those soothing strokes over her waist and hips.

  She could hear movement near the fireplace but Nate's fingers were distracting her and it wasn't long before she was breathing rapidly, her heart racing as his fingers drew ever closer to her breasts and clit. They never quite touched however, and she caught her breath in shock when she found herself scooped into his arms without warning and carried towards the fire.

  There was no question of which direction they were headed—the difference in heat was marked— and she was hardly surprised to find herself lowered over what she assumed was the chaise lounge. What was unexpected, was to find a naked man sprawled underneath her.

  Before she could open her eyes, a hand was lowered over them, and Rob's voice queried the room at large of whether they should just be done with it and blindfold her? "I don't trust her," he added.

  How could nothing other than a few words make her body jump to attention even more than it already was? Her tummy curled at the very wickedness of the idea—it was one thing to voluntarily close her eyes, another altogether to have that choice taken away.

  Though, there was nothing stopping her removing a blindfold whenever she pleased, she mused. Unless, of course, they tied her down. Her breath hitched and she felt the blood draining from her face. She barely remembered the feeling of helplessness as she'd been tied to the tree, but it was enough of a memory to send fear coursing through her. It wasn't an option.

  "No." Her voice was a mere squeak, and she tried again. "No."

  Instantly, Nate spoke up. "We won't do anything you don't want, babe."

  Rob's hand remained firm over her eyes, however, and when she attempted to push it away, she found her wrists caught and held together in a single large hand. She tensed. It was a scary feeling, a reminder of her total vulnerability with these men…

  … werewolves.

  And it was kind of…erotic, too.

  "Keep your eyes closed," Rob crooned into her ear, releasing her wrist. "I mean it, hon'." His thumb brushed her closed lids, little butterflies of feeling skittering around under her skin. His hand dropped away, leaving her again feeling somehow bereft.

  What it did leave her with was plenty of time to assimilate the sensations of bare skin under her butt, the crinkly hairs of someone's thighs tickling the back of her legs, and the unmistakable feeling of an erect cock pressed against her. She gave an experimental wriggle. His hips thrust sharply forward until she could feel his cock against her back. Then it settled firmly into her butt crack.

  So much for experimentation—he was obviously going to be quick to retaliate. She squirmed, suddenly uncomfortable. That cock was darned close to slipping up her ass, and she didn't even know just whose lap she was sitting on.

  Blindly, she reached her arms out behind her, suddenly desperate to know. A low chuckle rumbled through his chest, the vibration spreading through her own body. She could even feel it in the way his cock rubbed more enticingly. Her hands were caught, lightly manacled between long fingers, and forced downwards until they rested by her sides.

  "Leave them there." A whispered command from behind. She sagged slightly, somehow stronger for the knowledge. It was Sebastian.

  She tugged against the restraint, and he immediately released her, but as soon as she lifted her arms, he again anchored them firmly back on the smooth, cold leather of the chaise.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk." She could feel his head shaking, his nose ruffling her hair. "Naughty girl." Again her hands were released.

  There was movement beside her. Another set of fingers grasped her nipple and tugged. She gasped, the tiny pain flooding her. "Naughty girls get disciplined," Rob's voice informed her smoothly, tugging again.




  Seemed like she'd thought that particular thought not so very long ago… Unfortunately, words were failing her. What on earth had she agreed to? She so wasn't into bondage and discipline—uh-uh. She shook her head. No way.

  Yet her skin was tingling all over, she
was breathing shallowly, and they'd hardly even touched her since dropping her on Sebastian's lap. It was the idea, she decided, that she could be made to do things she wasn't comfortable with that was so… thrilling. There was no other possible description for the way her entire body was thrumming in anticipation.

  "No?" Nate's voice sounded amused. "Are you sure?"

  Then she felt his hands grasping her ankles, slowly drawing them apart, until they hung to either side of the chaise longue. His skin was warm, his fingers gentle yet intractable, and she doubted that he'd let her go if she struggled.

  And it was that doubt that was making her wet. She could feel the moisture between her legs, could feel the way it dripped down the inside of her thigh.


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