The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty
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al-Shanti, Ibrahim: founder of Al-Difaa, 332
Sharett, Moshe: family of, 124; Israeli Prime Minister, 124; representative of Jewish Agency, 350
al-Sharif, Haram: 252
Shaw, Sir Walter: chair of Shaw Commission, 256
Shaw Commission: members of, 256; reports of, 257–8; testimonies submitted to, 248
al-Shawa, Izz al-Din: 261, 315
Shehadeh, Bullus: 181; editor of Mirat al-Shiraq, 237; head of Catholic community of Jerusalem, 215
al-Shuqayri, Ahmad: family of, 161, 352; head of PLO, 161; role in founding of PLO, 360
al-Shuqayri, Sheikh As’ad: family of, 161, 352; mufti of Acre, 352
Simpson, Sir John Hope: vice chairman of League of Nations Refugee Settlement Commission, 260
Six-Day War (1967): outbreak of, 364
Sokolov, Nahum: 187
Soviet Union (USSR): 335, 360
Spire, André: 187
St James Conference: failure of, 314–15; participants at, 311
Stalker, Henry: lawyer for al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni, 257
Storrs, Ronald: 173–4 199, 201, 209, 226; Governor of Jerusalem, 172, 179, 186, 190, 194, 200, 222; staff of, 200, 225
Sufism: 26, 247; Kheloti order, 27; Wafa’i, 30
Suleiman I, Sultan: 24, 50; reign of, 37; taxation policies of, 49
al-Sulh, Riad: 229
Sunna: 107
Supreme Muslim Council: 238–9, 246, 249, 255, 267, 271, 275, 281, 298; creation of, 230–1, 244; disbanded (1937), 293, 295; financial support of, 292–3; members of, 208, 256, 262, 266, 279, 296
al-Su‘ud, Abu: 56
Switzerland: government of, 330
Syndic of the Descendants of the Prophet: members of, 13
Syria: 19, 41, 47, 149, 188, 274, 352; Bludan, 292; elites of, 52, 142; French Mandate, 195, 210, 229; government of, 348; Hauran, 115; Ministry of Interior, 300; National Bloc, 293; Palestinian exiles in, 312; Pools of Solomon, 57; population of, 178
Syrian Congress: Palestine committee, 211
al-Tal, Abdullah: commander of Arab Legion, 358; opposition to King Abdullah, 359
Tantura: 36
Tanus, Izzat: education of, 152–3
Tanzimat: 11, 18–19, 79, 81, 83, 92–3, 152; Land Law (1858), 18
Transjordan: 73, 188, 210, 218, 290, 321, 325, 346, 348, 354; Irbid, 115; presence of Hijazi tribes in, 291
Tuqwa, Fudan: family of, 239
Tuqwa, Hafiz: family of, 239
Tuqan, Musa: family of, 54, 101; Governor of Nablus, 54
Tuqan family: 56, 74, 99, 274; members of, 54; presence in Nablus, 66, 73, 274
Turkey: 141, 300, 319, 323
Ulama: members of, 15, 223; origins of, 13
al-Umar, Dahir: 38–9, 45, 48; influence of, 35; ‘King of Galilee’, 35; routing of army of Pasha Othman (1771), 38; territory seized by (1773), 38
United Kingdom (UK): 313; Colonial Office, 184, 261, 312 Foreign Office, 312, 314, 318; London, 258, 266, 292–3, 310, 346; Parliament, 184, 210, 218, 227, 248; War Office, 312; Westminster, 238
United Nations (UN): 335, 343, 346; Committee of Inquiry (1947), 287–8; Partition Resolution, 338, 344, 347–8, 351, 357; Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) 362; Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), 343–4, 351
United States of America (USA): 199, 291, 360; American National Archives, 192; Congress, 184, 192; isolationist foreign policy, 229–30; Jewish population of, 320; Justice Department, 331; Republican Party, 184; Washington DC, 207, 215;
Ussishkin, Menahem: 187; head of Zionist Commission, 212; leader of Zionist Congress delegation (1918), 179
Victoria, Queen Augusta: 115
al-Wafa’i, al-Husayni: revolt led by, 62
al-Wafa’i, ibn-Mustafa al-Husayni: escape from Jerusalem (1705), 23; naqib al-ashraf of Jerusalem, 23
Wafd Party: creation of (1919), 184–5; members of, 316
Waqf: rise of, 17-18
Wauchope, Sir Arthur: 264, 286; British High Commissioner, 267, 271, 276
Webb, Sidney: British Colonial Secretary, 251, 261
Weber, Max: theories of, 13, 30
Weizmann, Chaim: 183, 185, 208, 213, 224, 233, 243–4, 250, 283; influence of, 188, 246, 261; writings of, 260
Welfare Organization of the Women of Jerusalem: established (1919), 198
Whittingham, George Napier: 206; observations of Nabi Musa procession, 202–3
Wilhelm II, Kaiser: accession of (1898), 100; imperial aspirations of, 113; visit to Jerusalem (1898), 112
Wilsceny, Dieter: deputy of Adolf Eichmann, 331
Wilson, Woodrow: 188; foreign policy of, 184, 186, 188
Wolf, Dr Heinrich: German Consul General, 273–4
Women’s Palestine Defense Committee: formation of, 306
Woodhead, Sir John: head of commission of inquiry, 310
Woodhead Commission: 310; withdrawal of, 310
World Zionist Federation: 245
Yasin, Yusuf: 181
Young, William Tanner: first British consul in Jerusalem, 86
Young Turk Revolution (1908): 132–3, 168; achievements of, 149, 180; ideology of, 135
Young Turks: 95–6, 100, 124, 134, 136, 139, 145, 154, 158–9; members of, 135, 141; new constitution (1908), 143; origins of, 127; support for Abd al-Hamid II, 95
Yunis, Muhammad: arrest of (1938), 305; director of Agricultural Bank, 288, 305
Yunis, Sawfat: director of Higher Arab Committee, 305
Zimbabwe: formerly Rhodesia, 323
Zionism: 8–9, 21, 66, 82, 112, 118, 122, 124, 138, 143, 148, 175, 179, 182, 189, 193, 199, 219, 226, 234, 238, 249, 259, 272, 364; colonization/immigration activity, 11, 120, 125, 145–6, 149, 177; criticisms of, 125-6, 130, 146–7, 154, 177, 179, 187, 194, 196, 200, 211, 216, 302, 309, 361, 366; ‘Hatikvah’, 197; ideology of, 119, 123; relationship with nationalism, 20; rise of, 62; supporters of, 155
Zionist Commission: members of, 212
Zionist Congress: 251; members of, 179; recommendations regarding Jewish land acquisition, 122
Zionist Federation: 237, 240; Arab Department, 233; members of, 151
Zuaytar, Akram: head of Damascus branch of Palestinian Information Office, 301