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Foul Play

Page 4

by B M Queen




  I heard someone call out my name but I was too busy trying to sleep.

  "Angel." The voice called out again, causing me to cover my face and ears with a pillow.


  I yelped frightened and jumped off the bed. Elsa entered with a mocking smile. I just stood there like a zombie with my long brown hair all over my face.

  "I wanted to tell you that breakfast is in the kitchen. I'm also leaving with my mom for work so you're going to be alone till we return."

  I nodded throwing myself back on the bed. "Don't be a lazy bitch Angel. Oh and do something to your face, I don't want our neighbors getting scared." She chuckled and turned to leave.

  "Elsa wait." I called.

  "Yes? Hurry up the kids need me at the shelter you know."

  "How are the kids, I miss them so much."

  "They're fine, they constantly bother me of your whereabouts." She said, causing me to just stare at her quietly.

  "I love you Elsa, you're like the sister I never had."

  "Aww." She said, coming to engulf me in a long hug. "Now if you're done sister-zoning me can I go now."

  "Yes, how bout' a movie tonight?" I suggested.

  "I'd love that, see you later."

  The house became totally silent after they left.

  I was a little scared to be alone in the house with people trying to kill me. I hope Jon's men were actually doing their job and keeping their eyes on me.

  I brushed my teeth and showered, deciding not to put any kind of cosmetic product on my face. I quickly threw on a white crop top and some dark blue denim shorts.

  Standing in the mirror, I pulled my brown hair in a loose bun as always and walked downstairs barefooted for breakfast.

  The smell of hot eggs and bacon engulfed my nostrils and my stomach growled.

  "Calm down baby," I whispered with a smile, massaging my stomach. I served myself and sat on the couch to watch tv.

  Hours later, I felt myself dozing off until a loud click woke me up. I started panicking and rushed to the kitchen to pick up the next thing to a good weapon which turned out to be a large frying pan.

  I slowly made my way to the door and opened it ready to strike but there was no one there. That's weird, I thought, locking the main door after me.

  "I'd love to see you use that." A voice said inside the house, causing me to drop the pan in horror.

  "Jon, what are you doing here? Elsa and her mom could've been in the house." I said, secretly happy to see him. Being alone in the house was killing me.

  "Let's go, I'm waiting in my car for you." He said.

  "Where are we going?"

  "Hurry up and don't ask questions, the neighbors will start suspecting something." He said

  I quickly went upstairs to wear a pair of sneakers with my previous outfit and hurried back down the stairs.

  He was waiting in his car so I locked the doors and kept the keys in my pocket.

  I jumped in the back seat and we drove off.

  "Why are you sitting at the back?" He asked. "I thought you didn't want me sitting in front beside you." He kept quiet and continued driving. About an hour later, we parked and got down.

  It was a small white sand beach with a very serene environment. How come no one was here? Didn't they know about this place?

  I sat down in the sand, bringing my knees to my chest to properly appreciate the scenery.

  "I brought you here because I thought you needed some time to cool off." Jon said. That coming from a person like him was very thoughtful and unusual.

  "I usually come here when I get too angry or stressed."

  "Then you must come here a lot then." I replied smiling. "But thanks, I really appreciate it."

  He nodded, turning to stare at the crystal clear water.

  "To be honest, I thought I would really love to see you suffer which I still do but I'm sorry to be the cause of the fight between you and Luke." He turned to stare at me.

  "Whoever said Angels had their wicked schemes was telling the truth." He said grinning.

  "Do you think I'm ever going to be happy Jon?"

  "Happiness is a trap. Most people end up doing things because they want to be happy and regret it later. Just live life, relax and go with it."

  A long stretch of comfortable silence ensued between us.

  "Now that you've brought me to your secret hideaway, can I take you to mine?" I said, giddy with excitement.

  "Sure, whatever you fucking want right?"

  "I think someone swapped Jon with a nicer person."

  "Don't worry, I think old Jon will be back soon at training so don't get your hopes up." He warned as we got in the car.

  After giving him countless loads of directions, I reached my best place in the world.

  "Your secret hideaway is a coffee shop?" I nodded in excitement at his question.

  "I don't know about this Angel, people might suspect things. Or even worse when we spot one of the men trying to kill you."

  "Just trust me on this Jon, why do think I call it a hideaway. It's perfectly safe." I convinced. He got out of the car and we both headed inside.

  It felt cozy in the small shop. No one even glanced in our direction as we sat down to order.

  "I'm going for an iced coffee, what about you?" I asked. His eyes finally settled on me after observing the place.

  "A cold brew, no sweetener."

  We got our order later and sipped the coffee in peace. "Don't you think it's a nice place to be?" I said, waiting for his opinion.

  "I like it, not bad." He responded.

  We paid and got out of the coffee shop later, walking to where Jon parked his car.

  On the way, a large man pushed me causing me to nearly fall on the floor. "Fuck, watch where you're going." I whispered beneath my breath.

  Due to Jon's long strides, he was a few feet in front of me and didn't see what occurred.

  "What did you say?" The burly man questioned, frowning. He was very scary—both face and personality wise.

  "Watch where you're moving, damn it!" I said, walking off. He grabbed my arm to restrict my movement.

  "What's going on here?"

  Jon interrupted, giving the man one of his deadly looks. "It's ok Jon, let's leave." I said causing the man to let go of my hand.

  "Are you sure it's ok?" He asked as I tried pulled him away from the guy.

  "Yes." I replied and continued to drag him away. The last thing I needed was to cause a scene here.

  "Aww, word of advice slut, after he's had his fill of you, he'll move on to other girls. Am I right boy?" The man said with a creepy grin, showing his yellow teeth.

  Jon nodded slowly, before delivering one deadly blow in his face.

  "That'll teach him." He muttered.

  The man lay unconscious on the floor with blood streaming out his nostrils.


  I pointed at some men running towards us. I think they saw Jon hit him. "Don't worry, I can take them." He said.

  "No! We'll cause a scene. Let's run." Jon smiled thinking I was joking but there was still a serious look on my face. I started running and he followed behind me. After running for minutes, he quickly pulled me in an alleyway as the angry mob passed by us.

  "That was fun, but I think should be home by now." I forced out, trying to catch my breath.

  "Yeah, let me take you home." He agreed, smiling genuinely at me for the first time since I met him.


  Blackhearts, HQ.


  "Focus." Jon said lowly behind me and I aimed my gun at the metal object.


  My shot fired into the air missing the target. I heard him sigh behind me.

  "Look, this is really easy." Jon said, coming behind me. Both of his arms spread out around mine, engulfing me as he helped me position the gun in place.

  "Now shoot." He ordered. "Wait um, do I—"

  "I said shoot, now."


  This time the bullet went right through the target leaving my mouth open.

  "Oh spicy." The blonde female agent I saw here the other day came in wiggling her eyebrows at the position Jon and I were in. "Agent Roberts." Jon acknowledged, pulling away from me.

  "Well, I just came to deliver a message. Few of the agents are getting drinks tonight at a club downtown and we wanted both of you to join us."

  "No. I'm not going to a club with her accompanied by a bunch of other agents." Jon interjected.

  "I don't mind." I said.

  "Great!" Roberts said with a smile noticing the disagreement.

  "Don't worry, I'm sure I can whip up a nice dress for you" Agent Roberts added.

  " I thought I made myself clear, she's not going and neither am I. You can leave now."

  "Wait, you don't decide what I get to do or not do." I shot back with a frown.

  "Don't worry Agent Roberts, I'll be there."

  "Sure, meet me when you're done." She said, leaving the training area.

  "You're very stubborn." Jon chastised.

  "I'm well aware of that but thank you, it's one of my many virtues."

  "Shoot me."

  I looked at him as if he had three heads. "Jon is everything alright, should I get the nurse?" I asked, looking at him in surprise.

  "Just do it, who's the teacher here."

  "If you say so." I added, pointing the gun at him to play along. My hand wobbled at the trigger not knowing what to do next.

  He slapped the gun from my hand causing it to slide across the floor.

  "Tell me, would you decide for that long if you had to kill an enemy?" He questioned and I just stood there.

  "Answer my question!"

  I didn't even have the emotional strength to kill a fly, talk about a human being. "I don't know Jon, I can't do it."

  "Or maybe I'm just not giving you enough motivation. Pick up the gun and let's try again."

  I slowly grabbed the gun from the floor. Before I knew it, Jon dashed towards me at full speed, aiming a gun at my head. When did he take the gun out? Thinking he was just trying to scare me, I smiled until I felt a bullet zoom past my left ear.

  "Stop it, Jon!" I screamed, highly alarmed.

  "Make me."

  He pointed the gun at my skull and another bullet swooshed over my head. I let out another involuntary yelp.

  "Jon, you're going to kill me!" I yelled, my grip on the gun tightening.

  "I will if you don't stop me." He pointed his gun at me again and like a reflex, my hand pulled on the trigger even before he got to shoot.

  I felt Jon grab my hand, directing it upwards as the bullet fired into the metal ceiling of the room.

  "Nice." He commented. I collapsed on the floor taking deep breaths.

  "Aren't you going to come to the club tonight, I don't really know anyone there except for Luke." I said when my breathing calmed.

  "I'm not coming and that's it, we're done training for today, go freshen up."

  I stopped trying to convince him and went to take a quick shower. I later changed into a tank top and a pair of denim stone-washed jeans. I got out and found Roberts in the hallway.

  "Angel, come with me."

  She turned on her heel as I followed, admiring her glossy blonde hair.

  We entered where I assumed was her suite and she pulled me into her closet.

  "Hold these." She said and handed me couple of dresses. After fishing for more clothing, she looked at the dresses in my hand.

  "Choose what you'd like to wear."

  "Why can't I go home and just change?" I questioned. "We're leaving soon Angel."

  "Now tell me, what would you like to wear?" I carefully inspected the clothes, grabbing a red lace dress that caught my eye. She snatched it from me taking a look at it. I realized it was very short and had a low cut back.

  "Woah! I change my mind, let me search for a new dress."

  "No this is fine, show Jon what he's missing for not coming." Roberts said.

  "I don't think he cares." I admitted truthfully.

  "If Jon has a dick he must care when he sees you in this dress. Oh and trust me when I say his is a massive one." She said and winked at me.

  "Wait you two had sex?"

  Call me intrusive but what other way will she know his dick size if he hasn't slept with her.

  "Oh no! We're both not each other's type anyway. He somehow goes for women with big and shapely arses and look at mine."

  Roberts turned around with a pout, showing her cute (little) butt. I laughed, quickly covering it with a fit of fake coughs.

  "So Agent, why isn't Jon also not your type?"

  "I like to go for more sweet and innocent guys." I nodded gently at her words with a smile.

  "What are you standing there for, start getting dressed." She said. I entered her bathroom to change again for the second time that day.

  I quickly put on minimal makeup and wore the dress. I saw that Roberts was also in a short black dress with a very sinfully slit at the side. She went for the dark dramatic makeup look and her blonde hair was put up in a neat ponytail.

  "Let's go."

  I noticed a black van was parked outside with a few agents in it. I also spotted Jon talking to Luke beside the car and as if sensing my presence, he turned to stare at me.



  It was twilight when we arrived at the club and immediately, loud booming music welcomed us. We found a nearly empty table at a corner and sat down to order some drinks. This was clearly not my thing, I thought glaring weirdly at the sweaty men who were busy grinding the girls on the dance floor.

  Bright neon lights flashed around in the dark club illuminating the faces around me.

  "Angel, what are you ordering?" Agent Roberts shouted over the loud music, flashing me her million dollar smile.


  To be honest I didn't know the name of any good alcoholic brand but I wanted to seem cool and mature so I quickly tried to bring up something.

  "Let me just go for coke, I'm not in the mood of getting drunk." I said, trying to look honest.

  Loud laughter erupted from our table and every agent was looking at me now. "Don't worry, sex on the beach coming right up." Roberts said, leaving our table.

  "Sex on the what?"

  "Chill out it's just a drink, no one is shagging you on a beach okay." Luke replied, grinning wildly.

  My insides warmed at the hospitality Luke was showing today. What I hadn't noticed in a long time was how handsome he was. He had dark-blonde hair that matched his ocean eyes and a well-built form making any woman want to open their legs 180 degrees for him.

  Roberts returned with the drinks, handing me a glass tumbler filled with a cold liquid. She then sat beside me and gave me a keen look.

  "What?" I questioned grinning.

  "Aren't you going to drink up already, I'm waiting Holy Mary."

  I laughed and emptied the contents of the tumbler into my mouth. I quickly started spluttering as the strong liquid rushed down my throat.


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