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Foul Play

Page 6

by B M Queen

He nodded and got up from the couch, entering one of the many rooms in the apartment. Seconds later, he returned with some fuzzy blankets.

  "Here, it's getting cold." He said, throwing a blanket over me. Jon then dropped on the sofa making me sit up straight.

  "What are you watching?" Jon asked.

  "Reality TV." He groaned about to get up but I held his hand firmly to stop him.

  "What the heck, it's really interesting. The girl caught his boyfriend cheating in this episode and it just got hotter."

  "Really?" He muttered sarcastically showing no interest. "Come on!"

  "What do people see in these shows anyway, even my smile is more real." He said.

  "You smile? Oh wait, can you even smile, you always have this serious face like you want to kill somebody! Ok you do kill people—" I cut myself mid sentence when I noticed he was getting up to leave.

  I think I also have a talking problem.

  I just shut up and continued watching the show. I couldn't let his sour mood always ruin the moment. Several minutes later, the episode came to an end.

  "Let me show you your room for tonight." Jon said, coming into view beside me.

  "I'm bored, do you always sleep this early or is it because I'm here?" I got up slowly with a yawn and approached him till I stood in his face.

  "Well I have a hot tub on the other side of the balcony so you can go there, I have something to do." He announced, about to retreat to his room.

  "Alone? No Jon you're coming with me!" I screamed in excitement and grabbed his hand to pull him along. This guy hated being around me and I didn't know why.

  "Woah, take your time."

  I thank God that Jon was allowing me to pull him because he was like a brick. I slid the glass door open and stepped out. It was now twilight and the rain had now turned into dew. The city lights were lit as cars whizzed past each other on the road.

  This view is spectacular.

  I noticed Jon was distracted and a thought came in mind. With a sinister smile, I locked the glass door behind me and hid the keys. He couldn't leave now, who's the smartest? Me!

  He was quietly staring into the dark sky and didn't notice what I just did behind him. He turned and caught unto the suspicious smile I was trying to hide. His eyes narrowed into slits and he gave me an intense look.

  "Angel, open that door."

  Wow, this guy was good. "What in the world are you talking about?" I lied, trying to play it cool.

  "Where are the keys, they were just there when we entered." I just smiled.

  I started to slowly take my dress off, his eyes refusing to leave my body. I dumped the dress on the floor and I was soon left in my tiny black shorts and bra. Tightening the bun on top of my head, I proceeded to heat the water in the hot tub.

  "Jon, when life gives you lemons, you squeeze it into people's eyes and laugh at them."

  "How is that quote related to this situation." He muttered, looking annoyed.

  Okay that was totally random.

  "I don't know but you're locked in a very luxurious place with a very cute girl in a hot tub. Jon, why don't you just jump in." I said, getting in the tub. I quickly moaned when the hot water engulfed my body.

  "No Angel, where are the keys?"

  "Well, your choice, stand there for the next two hours." I closed my eyes wallowing in the water as its warm vapor fanned my body.

  I felt splashes in the water and opened my eyes to see Jon's shirtless body in the tub.

  It was a sudden surprise and I started feeling claustrophobic when he pushed near me. I was dying to see what he wore under the water but I was too shy to look down. I exhaled through my mouth looking at the cracks of perfect ab lines etched on his stomach.

  "I-I can see that you're finally in." I stuttered adding a nervous laugh. Damn girl! I put a hand over my face trying to calm myself and also cover up the redness.

  I opened my eyes to see him right in front of me. I paused thinking of something to say. The air was filled with this strong sexual tension. He gazed into my eyes with this indecipherable look causing me to become ten times nervous.


  "Hm." He seemed puzzled as he stared deeply in my eyes. What was he thinking about?

  "Which girl were you planning to you see tonight Jon?" That was the first thing that came to my mind and I thank God that seemed to knock him back to reality. His demeanor changed really quickly.

  He groaned moving away. "Okay, I'm sorry, I'll never ask that question again." I whisper yelled, arguing with myself if what I was doing was right.

  He sighed and turned back to me. I hugged him tightly thinking that he would leave if I let him go. His hard muscled chest felt heavy against my soft one. My nipples instantly hardened against the fabric as they brushed against his well-built chest.

  The sexual attraction between us was undeniable but to be honest I didn't know what his feelings for me were.

  He released himself from my grasp.

  I started tracing his lip with the tip of my finger. It pouts slightly, and I have such an urge to kiss it. I kept on touching his face, leaning in again.

  He snaked his hands around my waist resting them on my butt cheeks. I smiled inside knowing my butt was super soft and also slightly big for a person of my size. Jon's hands seemed to waver a bit unsure of his decision like I was.

  All he needed was reassurance, this thing between us felt right. I grabbed his hand, positioning them on my behind and holding it firmly there.

  "Jon, don't hesitate when trying anything with me, I'm not going to regret it tomorrow you know."

  "Angel" He said huskily, his grey eyes glazed with lust. "I think you might have a little crush on me." He said before his soft red lips came colliding into mine.



  "Jon!" I yelped as he forcefully ripped the locked door wide open with me on his shoulder. The things that previously transpired in the tub were very hot which lead to him destroying his glass door just to get me in bed.

  He carried me to his room and threw me on the large bed, resuming his feast on my lips. He hovered over me with his elbow on each side as support.

  He was like a large mountain over me but made up of muscles and flesh instead. Our tongue locked in a fierce tango and I couldn't get enough. My inner greedy bitch wanted more.

  I instinctively reached out to grab his large member through his shorts and a satisfied groan erupted from his lips. Woah, my ex wasn't even half the size of Jon's.

  "Angelina." Jon's low husky voice came out and I looked at him. I swear he was the most handsome man I've encountered. The way he called my name, the way his grey orbs were clouded with lust, damn!

  I added more fuel to the fire when I started pumping my hand up and down on his dick through the light wet shorts. He grabbed my hands retrieving them from his sensitive hard-on.

  "Angel." He growled, warning me.

  His attention returned to my swollen lips kissing and nibbling on them. Jon retreated from my lips, biting and licking along the nape of my neck. I'm sure his bites would leave marks on my skin tomorrow.

  He pulled the straps of my bra from my shoulder exposing my full breasts. I shivered as a cold breeze hit my sensitive nipples. Jon left a trail of kisses on my shoulder before capturing one of my pink nipples in his mouth.

  A blissful sigh left my lips. His hot tongue swirled around it making me go insane.

  "Oh Jon." I moaned involuntarily, my hands kneading a fistful of his hair to pull him closer. He came back up, stealing my lips in a fierce kiss. In the kiss, I felt his finger massage my clit against the sheer material of my thong. He let my lips go and moved his attention to my red thong. I quickly wiggled it off and it landed on the floor beside our bed.

  He moved his head in between my legs, slowly tracing my inner thighs with sensuous kisses. This was the point of no return, I was too lost in realms of desire to care. I didn't know what he did to me to make me give myself to him this way but it was working
. What happened to the naive girl? I realized I was moving too fast, I didn't know what his plans for me were. Was I just another one night stand?


  I stifled a moan when his lips met my aching center. "What?" He snapped in annoyance when I interrupted his feast. His neck craned to look at me, eyebrows arched together.

  "I think we should stop, I'm being reckless. Sorry for stopping you this way but it’s too soon."

  He sighed and stood up, giving me one last punishing kiss before he headed to the bathroom. Minutes later I heard the sound of the shower and drifted to sleep.

  I woke up with a blanket draped over me the next morning. My light brown locks were spread out all over the bed.

  Where was Jon?

  I got up from the bed and quickly put on my shorts to cover my nakedness. I entered his bathroom with my hand on my boobs. He had mouthwash and a couple of toiletries there which I thanked God for. Contemplating what to wear, I dashed into his closet and grab one of his shirts.

  After checking my appearance in the mirror and cringing at my red blotchy face, I headed out of his bedroom.

  The sun had set and streets were busy again. The view from here never failed to amaze me. I heard a grunt in the apartment and hurried to see no other man than Jon doing intense push-ups as sweat glistened on his shirtless body.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Did he have to always make my core moisten with desire? The large tattoo of the cobra on his back still looked scary despite it being the second time I saw it. He collapsed on the floor after few repetitions.

  "You're up." He said, detecting my presence. Jon rose from the floor walking over to me. He grabbed my ass and pulled me close to kiss my lips. He was about to pull away when I deepened the kiss, snaking both hands around my neck to lock him in.

  "Angel--- you can release me now." He said through the kiss and I let go off him.

  "You look so much better in that shirt, have it." His eyes were busy feasting on my cleavage and outline of my butt through the sheer top.

  I smiled shyly, turning away so I could hide my blush. "Whoever replaced the old Jon with this beautiful one is my new god."

  He gave me his custom lopsided grin.

  "Go get ready so I can take you home." He said.

  "Wait, no breakfast?"

  "No, I'll be leaving in five minutes. If you're not here by then, you can hail a cab home."

  He left to go get ready, leaving me alone. I quickly freshened up and went to change into yesterday's clothes. I returned to see him leaving the apartment. Wow, this guy wasn't joking when he said he'll leave me here.

  "Hey wait up!"

  I raced after him and found him outside the door making a call. When wasn't this guy on the phone.

  Moments later we were in his car ready to leave. Jon kept his hands on the steering wheel but didn't start the car.

  "Why aren't you moving?"

  "Did you regret last night?" He asked. To be honest, I did not expect that question but I enjoyed every second of it and wanted more.

  "No, I don't. You?"

  He kept a neutral face and started the engine, speeding out of the parking area. Silence ensued between us as soon as he started driving and it was unbearable.

  "Don't you ever listen to music, the car is awfully quiet."

  "I do, but I don't think you'll like it."

  "Oh come on I don't mind, what do you like to listen to?"

  "Jazz." He replied with his eyes on the road. I tried to hide my distaste but it was still evident on my face.

  "Well okay, that's nice too."

  I cringed internally at how high-pitched my voice was when I was lying. "I can see you don't like jazz, lying isn't one of your best attributes Angel."

  I giggled lightly, my eyes lingering on his muscular arms. “Can we get coffee?" I asked. "Sure, I'll stop at the next cafe."

  Sticking true to his word, he stopped at a cafe five minutes later. I stepped out of the car and a grumpy Jon slowly trailed behind me.

  "Woah." I said not expecting the cold weather that hit me. I think winter was about to start. I hugged myself and started rubbing my hands up and down my bare shoulders. My eyes turned to Jon and noticed that he was in his black jacket.

  "I'm not giving you my jacket today, don't you keep an eye on weather updates?" He chided, dragging me inside the coffee shop. The cafe was very busy and the number of people waiting in line just for coffee was mad.

  A sigh left my lips. Why did we have to follow that long queue just for coffee? Unexpectedly, Jon removed his sweater and handed it to me. He was now left in a black turtleneck and his full muscled arms were on show.

  Realizing that every girl's eyes were on him, I regretted asking for coffee. We waited for about fifteen minutes until our order number got called to come get the coffee.

  "That'll be 15.99, here's your receipt." The smiling cashier said as Jon gave her a couple of notes. I was getting ticked off by the way she smiled and flicked her blonde hair in front of him. Jon passed me my coffee with the pastries I ordered.

  I thought everything was cool and settled but what I saw made my sight bloody. That busty bitch quickly doodled her number on the back of the receipt trying to hand it over to a clueless Jon.

  I snatched the piece of paper from him once he received it and walked to the counter, shooting her a glare. "You dropped this." I said, tearing it up into pieces and throwing them in her direction. I stormed past Jon into the car.

  I was just livid.

  He came into the car with a frown refusing to say anything. "Jon." I called to him softly as the engine revved to life. "What?" He snapped in a low tone.

  Yes, he was angry.

  "I know that you're mad, I'm sorry for making a scene but I was mad at her." I was actually feeling very bad for acting on impulse and putting him in the spotlight.

  "Please forgive me." I stretched a hand to stroke his light stubble repeatedly from my seat. "By the way you need a clean shave." I added.

  He didn't say anything and maneuvered the steering wheel of the car getting us on the road. One thing I strongly disliked about Jon was his tendency to shut me up.

  When we got to the house, it sounded very quiet. Had Elsa and her mom left this early for work? I got down, shutting the door after me. To my surprise, Jon didn't drive off like he always did after dropping me.

  He got down and casually walked over to my side. "I'll see you tomorrow for training right? Don't be late."

  I nodded my head, my attention focused solely on his lips. He groaned, placing both palms on either side of my face.

  "Don't give me look Angel, you know I can't kiss—"

  I silenced him by placing my lips on his soft ones. Being the possessive person he is, he quickly took over the kiss grabbing a fist full of my hair.

  If he didn't break the kiss, I didn't know what was going to because I was losing control with every passing moment.

  "Angelina, what in the world are you doing?"

  Elsa exclaimed, coming out of the house.



  Jon stiffened.

  I turned around to face my friend who had a look of shock on her face.

  "Hi." I breathed nervously.

  "Who is that?"

  "Him?" I asked, pushing Jon behind me. Elsa stormed over, literally dragging me out of the way to take a clear look at Jon.

  "Wow Angel, where did you find this."

  I face palmed myself.

  "Jon this Elsa and Elsa, Jon." I introduced.

  "Nice to meet you, Angel here mentioned you a couple of times." He said, shaking her hand.

  "Really? I wonder what she said."

  "That's just none of your business."

  "Well, I should be on my way, I'm running late. Nice to meet you, Elsa."

  "The pleasure is all mine um,"

  "Jon." He added. "See you later Angel."

  "Bye." I waved. Jon shortly got in his car and sped off. Her eyes lingered
on the back of his car till it was lost in the distance. She turned and gave me the 'what just happened' look. I sighed and walked ahead into the house.

  "Wait! You don't get to walk away, who is that man?"

  I ignored her, racing up the stairs to my room. Once I was inside, I kicked off my shoes and collapsed face-first on the bed.


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