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Foul Play

Page 7

by B M Queen

  "Angel!" She exclaimed at my doorstep her face red with anger and from chasing me.


  "Oh so we're going down that lane now? I catch you outside trying to eat a really attractive guy's face and you pretend that it didn't happen? Also, where were you last night?"

  She was fuming. I really didn't expect her to react like this but I understood her perfectly. After the demise of my father, she was now like the big sister.

  I sighed.

  "Chill out, he's just a new guy who just sparked my interest."

  "When did this start?" She questioned, starting to believe me. "We met at a cafe weeks ago and the rest was history."

  "And let me guess you spent the night at his place yesterday right?"

  I nodded, trying not to let my conscience ruin me because it was all half true. She came to sit on my bed trying to pry my hair from my face so she could look in my eyes. Elsa always did that to find out if I was telling the truth because she said it was very obvious in my eyes.

  Weird if you ask me though.

  "Okay Angel, but tell me when something like this happens next time."

  "Sure. You don't need to worry Elsa." Her face slowly lit up in a smile before engulfing me in a massive hug.

  "It is fine, you can release me now." I said. She let go of me seconds later.

  "Talking about history, Matt came to look for you at the kid’s shelter yesterday."

  "He did? What did he want?" Matt was another huge topic I didn't want to touch on. I know we'll eventually see each other but until then I'm not letting any thoughts out.

  "He just wanted to see how you were fairing after what happened." She said. I just stared down at the wooden floor in thought.

  "I made homemade cookies, do you want to grab some downstairs?"

  I grinned. She was perfect at taking my mind off things. "Wait a minute, let me change."

  I took off my dress throwing it aside and dashed to the closet in my undergarments. I felt Elsa's footsteps beside me when I went to open a drawer. "Damn, he really ravished you didn't he?"

  I didn't understand what she was saying until I saw her eyes trained on the now purple love marks littered across my neck and chest. My cheeks heated up and I quickly threw on an over-sized tee.

  I came downstairs to meet the most beautiful homemade chocolate chip cookies in the glass jar with a warm cup of milk sitting right beside it. I didn't waste any more time and greedily dived my hand in the jar grabbing a fistful of cookies.

  Later in the evening, we were both watching reality TV with a half-eaten box of pizza laying in front of us. "Ew Elsa, what is your foot doing on my ass." I asked.

  "Well no one told you to wear those booty shorts, I want to stretch my legs."

  I sighed, shifting so she could stretch her spider legs. Knocks rang on the door and I paused stiffly. It was silent for about five seconds before the knocks came again.

  "Angel, get the door."

  If it wasn't for the fact that I was scared of the person that might be behind the door I would've rolled my eyes at her.

  I swiped a knife from the kitchen island and opened the door ready to strike but I dropped it.

  "Hey! Matt, what are you doing here?" I laughed nervously trying to ease the awkwardness. His warm familiar eyes stared back at me for a split second before clearing his throat.

  "Elsa invited some friends and I over for a game night."

  I was so focused on him alone that I didn't see the other three people behind him. I recognized them from the shelter I previously worked at.

  I was going to skin Elsa alive and drop her in hot water for inviting my ex-boyfriend with a couple of weirdos over. "Guys, come in!" Elsa yelled behind me as I held the door open for the four of them to enter.

  I stood mortified in the doorway for about a minute until I snapped back to reality.

  When I returned to the living room, they were making themselves comfortable on the couch. I noticed a huge bottle of alcohol on the table along with some snacks. Matt stole secret glances at me before he also sat in the corner of the sofa. A girl of Asian descent with short brown hair sat by him pulling his hands on her lap.

  I turned my attention from them and settled beside a nerdy looking guy. Elsa opened the alcohol, taking a couple of swigs.

  "Guys, you already know Angel." She said, trying to make an introduction. "Angel this is Frankie, Michael, Matt and..." She paused.

  "My name is Juliet, I'm Matt's girlfriend. I hope it’s okay that I tagged along." The brunette sitting next to Matt introduced with a warm smile.

  What did he want right now? Was he trying to taunt me or make me jealous now?

  Elsa replied with a fake smile trying to make her feel welcome. I'm sure she was also confused about why Matt decided to bring his girlfriend here.

  "Alright, let the games start."

  She put an empty glass bottle on the center table. "Two truths and a dare. Angel you're starting."

  "Did I say I wanted—"

  "Just do it!"

  I rolled my eyes and knelt beside the table. I spun the bottle with little force and its head landed on Matt's girlfriend.

  "Oh, I have to ask you something?" She clapped in delight. This bitch is stupid as she is dumb. "Yes dear, ask her a spicy question." Matt answered, kissing her temple. I've never had the urge to roll my eyes so much. Elsa sneaked me an apologetic look which I returned with a glare.

  "Well, Angel here it comes. When was the last time you had sex and with who?"

  Matt looked like he saw a ghost and drops of sweat started gathering on his forehead. "Sweetie, I think this is highly appropriate."

  "Nonsense. You said I should ask something spicy after all." She was so clueless. Matt looked at me in desperation for help but I was done giving it.

  "A year ago, my ex.” I answered with all eyes on me. I stared at Matt who looked like he could use the bathroom right now. The room suddenly became quiet and everybody looked around nervously.

  His girlfriend saw my eyes trained on him and her face contorted in confusion.

  "Why is every so quiet? Matt is something wrong? Why is she glaring at you like that?"

  "Oh shit" Elsa murmured, looking away with a Popsicle in her mouth. "Baby let me explain, um, Angel here was my — I used to date her."

  His girlfriend had confusion and anger written all over her face. She shook her head slowly in disbelief looking at me. "And you think that was not important enough to tell me? You made me look like a fool coming here."

  I hardened my expression not trying to let my smile out. "I'm out of here." She uttered, racing out with Matt hot on her trail.

  I shook my head with fake remorse standing up to leave. “Elsa, I'm retiring for bed. Lock the door when they leave."



  Blackhearts Inc, HQ.

  "Five seconds more, you can't quit now Angel!" Jon yelled.

  I huffed and puffed trying to endure the burning of my abdominal muscles. I know fitness experts say planks help with your core and blah blah blah, but take it from me when I say they suck.


  I collapsed on the floor earning a sigh from him. "You had only five seconds to go."

  "It was--"

  "I don't care what it was, you're slacking so get whatever that's on your mind out and focus." I rolled further on the wooden floor landing on my back.

  I gripped his outstretched hand and lifted myself off the floor. "It's such a shame." Jon muttered.


  "I said it's such a shame. I was planning to treat you to a lunch date at your favorite cafe after you passed your training today."

  My head swiveled free in his direction. "Are you serious? You will get coffee at the cafe with me?"

  "The word is was, I'm no longer taking you. I'm going to get my own coffee." He said grabbing his jacket and heading out the door.

  I quickly grabbed my duffel bag and followed him with my whole body drenched swea


  I shouted when I saw his muscular back in the giant hallway. Other agents passing by just shot me a nasty glare.

  "Jon." I called again once I reached his side. "I thought I said I was going alone."

  I didn't say anything because I was busy huffing and puffing like a wolf.

  "You never listen, do you?" He asked in slight annoyance. I answered his question with a nod, earning a long sigh from his lips.

  "Okay come with me but I'm pushing you to the limits for the next training."

  I did a small victory dance before hurrying off to shower and change out of my training gear. We later arrived at my favorite cafe.

  The sun was strongly shining outside and it was in no position to move anytime soon. I grabbed the menu from the table and scoured through it knowing I would always go for the same order -- a cup of iced coffee and a cinnamon bun.

  I stole a glance at Jon who seemed to be looking around him with a keen eye. This guy was never off his guard.

  "Hey, relax." I said, placing a hand over his on the table. "This is one of the safest places that I know."

  "Tell me that when I'm carrying your body to the morgue." I was about to retort when his phone started ringing.

  "Luke." He replied stiffly, picking up the call. He had his grey orbs trained on me while on the call.

  "I'm at a cafe downtown, few blocks off the meridian. Is everything alright?"

  "Sure, I'll see you soon." He replied after a few seconds, ending the call.


  "Luke wanted to talk to me, he'll be here soon." My mood immediately turned sour. So much for wanting us to enjoy this coffee alone and in peace.

  "Luke is like a brother to you, that's why he hates me. He probably thinks I'm planning something against you because you killed my dad." I said. A waitress placed the coffee we previously ordered and the pastries on our table.

  "Don't worry, he'll warm up to you once he finds out that you're no harm."

  I moaned out a reply when I bit into the warm crusts of my pastry. For the next five minutes, I was focused on my coffee and pastry until I heard a familiar voice.

  "Jon, what is she doing here? You didn't tell me that you were with her." Luke said, grabbing a chair beside me to sit on.

  "Why are you here Luke?" Jon asked, ignoring his previous statements.

  "Someone wants to tell you something very important, she can't be here." He said, eyeing me.

  "The way you feel about her has blinded you, I'm sure you can tell me anything with Angel here."

  Luke's glare for me intensified and I visibly shifted in my chair. "Quit scaring her and get straight to why you came here. Who wants to talk to me?"

  "If you wish. Anastasia!" He called out.

  A young beautiful redhead stepped inside and walked over to us. As she continued to walk closer, I noticed the pained expression on her face. What was wrong? Did Jon hurt her?

  "I bet you recognize her." Jon had an unreadable visage as he stared at her.

  "I'm going, I'll be outside if y'all need me." I cut in realizing things were getting heated.

  "No need Angel, sit." I meekly sat back down as he turned his attention back to Luke.

  "What does she want?" He shot back coldly.

  "Remember the day I had to finish the deal for the owner of that night club? We had a lot of drinks---"

  "Cut to the chase Luke. Does she want money? I'm sure you can give that to her."

  "She's pregnant. Her boss called me today. He said that you slept with the club's top escort and got her pregnant."

  That seemed to knock the air out of my lungs. Pregnant? I knew Jon was the number one playboy but this, it was an unexpected blow to my spine.

  Nothing came out of Jon's lips. He furrowed his eyebrows together, looking at her intensely.

  She looked down at her feet nervously.

  "Get her out of my sight Luke." He growled lowly.


  The redhead started sobbing strongly. You could see that is all she had been doing for the past few days because her eyes were puffy and red.

  "Luke." He warned again, his hands turning to fists on the table

  "Her boss kicked her out because of you, no one wants to fuck a pregnant escort. Both of you did this, why does she have to be the only one that suffers from this." Jon was trying to keep his anger and confusion at bay, I hope Luke won't push him to the edge.

  "Jon we're like brothers for fucks sake, I strongly believe this child is yours. Why the fuck would I lie?"

  "Please, believe him." Her soft voice came out. "You were too drunk that night to use protection. I swear on my life that this baby is—"

  "Let's go Angel." Jon said, getting up to leave. "Luke, you know me very well, make sure I don't ever see her again or else she'll be giving birth to that bastard in a grave."

  "You can't just leave." He shot up, grabbing Jon's shoulder. "Get. Your. Hands. Off."

  Luke slowly released his grip on him seeing Jon was a thin line away from his breaking point.

  We stormed out of the cafe and drove away in a flash. I was terrified to even say a word to him in the car. He was in denial. The possibility that the child could be his was driving him crazy.

  "Slow down." I said, out of the blue when I noticed he was speeding. That seemed to fuel him because his speed increased even more.

  "Jon, you're scaring me! Stop it!" I shouted at him, holding the sides of my seat. The fact that I was in the front seat beside him was not helping.

  This seemed to knock him out of his haze and he sharply hit the brakes as the car skidded to a stop.

  "Sorry." He said, resting his head on the steering wheel.

  I placed a hand on his back. "Everything will be fine, try to relax."

  "Fine? I always have to look out for myself and the fact that I survive every day is a fucking miracle. Now I'm going to complicate things further and bring a kid into this?"

  "Jon, we don't even know if this child is yours, let's just wait and—"

  "Twiddle our thumbs? No, I'm ending this tonight."

  "No Jon, what are you planning to do? Normal people don't kill their problems, they solve them." I said.

  He ignored me and started the engine. No matter how I wanted this situation to be over I was not going to let him do this. He dropped me off at my house in silence and I watched his car drive away.



  I nervously sat in my couch waiting for him to come. As if reading my thoughts, the doorbell rang. I hurried over and opened the door to find a frowning Luke.

  "Why did you call? You said it was urgent."

  "Come in."

  He started to look around the house expecting to find someone there. "No one's here. Jon dropped me off , Elsa and her mom are also at work."

  He reluctantly stepped in and I closed the door ushering him inside the house. He turned to look at me. "Now what is it?"

  "Jon is planning to kill her! He thinks killing her is going to resolve his problems because he wouldn't have to deal with the burden of the mother and baby if the pregnancy turns out to be his!"

  "Whoa slow down, Anastasia?"

  I nodded.

  "I have to go." He said, rushing out without another word.

  "Wait, I want to come with you!" I shouted following him out the door. I jumped inside his car and he drove off.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.


  "If it wasn't for me that girl would be a bag of bones don't you think?"

  No answer.

  Wow, Jon was very friendly compared to this guy.

  "What will it take for you to be nice to me?" I sighed. He wasn't going to answer any of my questions.

  "How did you find out Jon was planning to kill her?" He asked out of nowhere. "Hold on, you answer none of my questions and expect me to answer yours?"

  "We are going to the headquarters to see the boss. I'll also be nicer to you if I see that you'
re not a threat to Jon."

  “Trust me, I don’t want to hurt Jon.”

  “Oh drop that bullshit. He killed your father, do you want to give him a noble prize for that? Now tell me how did you find out about this?”


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