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Missing Mate (O'Neil Pack Series)

Page 7

by Roxanne Witherell

  “How long will it be before Michael changes back to my little boy?” It was a question that had been bothering her since he shifted.

  “Seeing as how he has already shifted during the moon phase, he can now shift whenever he wants to.” Alexander explained. “He is only a wolf right now because he wants to be.”

  “So, will he have to shift again no matter what?”

  “When the phase of the full moon comes around his wolf will automatically shift. He won’t have a choice. Other than that, it’s whenever he wants.”

  “What do you mean phase of the full moon?” Jessica is relieved she is finally getting some answers on all this shifter stuff.

  “The phase of the full moon is where the moon is at its fullest. It consists of three nights. The night before, the night of, and the night after the full moon. Our wolves are at their strongest. It’s our wolves’ time to come out and play. It’s not as bad as humans make it out to be. It’s not like the second the moon rises we all shift into rabid animals.” Alexander laughs. “We normally shift at midnight. Although there are times when we shift ourselves and get an early start.”

  Jessica nods in understanding as she soaks up the information. She already knew they don’t shift into rabid animals, although she had thought that before her son shifted. Still, she doesn’t know that much. She only has a few days and that’s not going to be enough time.

  The cabin they pulled up to is high up on the mountain. Getting out of the car, Jessica takes notice to an opening in the trees, and how close they were to the edge. She won’t be letting the twins out of her sight while they are here. It would be easy to lose your footing out here. She has always been protective over her children, and that’s not going to change.

  “Michael, do not run off!” Jessica told him. Thinking about putting him down, she decided better of it. “Here you take Michael and I will get Madison out.”

  She handed Michael over to Alexander before he got out of the driver seat. Madison is still sound asleep. It worries Jessica that Madison was able to sleep the whole way up here. If she isn’t sick then she’s sleeping. Michael wasn’t exactly quiet on the ride up.

  Alexander opened the car door so she could get Madison out. Jessica is half in the car when she hears the front door open and close. Madison woke up the second Jessica lifted her out of the car seat. She looked around briefly then buried her face in Jessica’s neck.

  “You okay, sweetie?” Jessica whispered to her.

  Madison nodded slightly in response as Jessica turned to follow Alexander up to the porch. Two people stood side by side holding hands; the woman is beaming bright with a smile. Jessica immediately felt welcomed. The man stepped forward and introduced them. This is the Sebastian and Makenna that Alexander spoke so highly of. The ones that will help Madison.

  “Beautiful children.” Makenna remarked after introductions.

  Madison was being quite shy, more than normal. She wouldn’t even look up. Maybe she isn’t feeling well at all and that’s why she is acting like this.

  “Sorry, Madison’s a little shy,” Jessica began, “and Michael just wants to run wide open.”

  Michael has been trying to get down ever since Alexander got out of the car with him.

  “It’s okay, she will come around. Let’s go inside so y’all can put the children down.” Makenna offered as Sebastian opened the front door.

  “That’s a great idea.” Alexander said placing his hand on the small of Jessica’s back.

  Jessica didn’t mind of course. Walking into the cabin Jessica noticed another couple was sitting at the bar in the Kitchen cutting vegetables. Jessica didn’t mean to interrupt a dinner party. Now she is feeling a little nervous about the whole situation. She doesn’t know these people, and there’s just too many here. It’s going from only her knowing about the twins to what seems like everyone. Jessica stopped dead in her tracks. This is a bad idea she thought and turned around only to come face to face with Alexander.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked in a whisper.

  “I don’t want all these people to know.” She looked up at him and hoped he would understand. “I want to go back to my cabin now.”

  “Its fine Jessica. No one here will tell his secret.” He assures her. “They all keep the same secret.”

  Jessica looked around again. Makenna is standing in the kitchen speaking softly to the other couple and Sebastian is standing next to her looking right at Jessica. Suddenly she felt as if he is also in their conversation. She is in a cabin full of shifters. Suddenly the welcoming feeling is easing away and being replaced with awareness. She isn’t scared, but being around this many shifters is a little unsettling.

  “They won’t hurt you. They are my family, my packmates, and my friends.” Alexander spoke as if he knew what she is feeling.

  After staring into his eyes for a moment she decided to stay. She went over to the couch and tried to put Madison down, but Madison wouldn’t let go of Jessica’s neck. The only way to get her down is to let her do it herself. Jessica sat down on the couch adjusting Madison onto her lap. Madison still clung to Jessica. Alexander sat down beside her and placed Michael next to her.

  “No,” Madison said looking at Michael then buried her head again.

  “What is it?” Jessica asked, she didn’t know why Madison was talking like that.

  “Michael wants me to chase him.” She looks up at Jessica. “I don’t want to mommy.”

  “You don’t have to, sweetie. You’re fine where you are.” She assured Madison.

  “I know!” Madison pointed at Michael who was wagging his tail, ready to run. “Tell him.”

  “She doesn’t want to play right now, Michael. Remember she doesn’t feel good.” Jessica reminded him. Michael whined then jumped down running into the kitchen to smell everyone’s legs.

  “He will be fine.” Alexander whispered to Jessica.

  “Will you get something in case she gets sick? She won’t know where to go here. She may not even try to go anywhere right now.”

  “Sure,” Alexander got up and came back with a small trash can and a blanket.

  The moment Madison felt the blanket around her shoulders, she relaxed. In no time at all, she fell asleep again. Jessica eased out from under her and let Madison curl up in a ball on the couch. Jessica covered her up and stood up.

  “I wish I could go to sleep that easily.” Alexander commented. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.

  When Jessica walked into the kitchen with Alexander, she suddenly felt insecure. Everyone is beautiful. Jessica has gained some weight over the years since the twins were born. She isn’t the small little thing that Alexander lusted for years ago. She may not even be his type anymore. He hasn’t flirted with her at all. Under the circumstances, she can understand. Although it would be nice to know if he is still attracted to her. Everyone here is magazine perfect. Chloe, down at the office, is just as beautiful. Alexander fits right in with them, as far as looks go.

  Jessica pulled at her shirt trying to hide her insecurity. Alexander caught her in the act and took her hand in his. He pulled her beside him and introduced her to Caleb and Bri. They had only been married a couple of days, since they married on the night of the full moon. Jessica quickly realized the phase of the full moon is an important time for shifters.

  “How did the two of you meet?” Bri asks sitting up a little straighter on her stool.

  “I came to the resort on Spring Break for a friend’s bachelorette getaway. Alexander was working at the zip-lines when I met him. My friends and I left the next day so we could make it to classes the following morning.” Jessica explains hoping no one would ask any more questions on it.

  “Now look at us. We have twins!” Alexander stated the obvious.

  Michael chose that time to jump up on Jessica’s leg. She didn’t hesitate, she bent down, and pick him up.

  “You are so adorable.” Bri told Michael while rubbing his head.

  Michael is l
oving all the attention. All eyes were on him. Everyone took turns holding him and petting on him. After Makenna handed Michael to Sebastian, Jessica took the opportunity to talk to her.

  “Makenna, I was wondering if there is anything you can do for Madison? Has Alexander told you anything about her condition?” Jessica asks.

  “He told us when he called earlier.” Makenna came around Sebastian and stood beside Jessica. “I can help, but you will have to trust that I will not cause your child any harm.”

  “If I thought for a second you would, then we wouldn’t be here.” Jessica isn’t sure where Makenna is going with this. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Okay then come help me make some cookies.” She said turning towards the cabinets and opening a few up.

  “Cookies?” Jessica stood there confused.

  “It will help the medicine go down. You will understand in a few minutes.” Makenna pulled ingredients out of the cabinet.

  Jessica shrugged, and asked what she could do. They set out grabbing all the normal ingredients used for cookies. Jessica isn’t sure exactly how cookies will help, but at this moment she will try anything to help. Makenna pulled out a small bottle with some type of oil in it. Jessica isn’t sure what it is; it looks like olive oil but greener.

  “What’s that?” Jessica asked pointing to the oil bottle.

  “Remember I said to trust me?” Makenna looks over to Jessica, who nodded in response.

  “This is cannaoil.” Makenna informed her.

  “Like cannabis, as in marijuana?” Jessica waited for Makenna to respond, and she did with a slight nod then continued to mix ingredients.

  “You’re planning on getting my three-year-old high? Absolutely not!” Jessica raised her voice.

  Is this woman crazy! You don’t give marijuana to a three-year-old. She doesn’t need or want her daughter high on any type of drug. What in the world was Alexander thinking bringing her and the twins here. Did he know this is what she would offer? There is no way in hell Jessica will let these people drug her daughter.

  “Jessica, calm down.” Alexander said.

  “I will not calm down. She’s planning on drugging my daughter and you’re just going to stand there and watch? What kind of father are you?” Jessica shouted at him. She immediately regretted it when she saw the look of disappointment on his face.

  “Makenna will not harm Madison in any way. She is only trying to help.” He offered.

  “I think it’s time for the twins and me to leave.” Jessica commented and walked out of the kitchen.

  Alexander started to walk after her, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Makenna stop him. Michael jumped out of Sebastian’s arms and followed Jessica to the couch where Madison is still sleeping.

  “Come on, sweetie, it’s time to go.” Jessica scoops Madison. When she walked out the front door Michael followed.

  Before Jessica could make it to the car, Madison became sick again. Jessica could feel tears stinging her eyes. She didn’t know what to do anymore. Opening the car door Jessica sat in the driver seat and cradled Madison. Michael jumped into the car, and started bouncing around. Looking for her keys, Jessica realized she had put them in the bag. The bag, however, is still inside on the couch. She will still have to go back inside for it. Jessica sat there for a moment and let the tears fall. She thought to herself ‘what else could go wrong’, but dared not ask out loud. If she did surely something else would screw up.

  Hearing the front door open, Jessica glanced up to see Makenna walking out, and closing the door behind her. She is alone which is good because Jessica didn’t want anyone seeing her like this. Jessica wiped her face on her sleeve hoping to hide her tears. Makenna is walking slowly to the driver side where Jessica is sitting. She had the look of caution as if she came too fast she thought Jessica would take off.

  “Jessica, I understand how difficult this is for you. You’re being forced into a new world, you don’t know anything about.” She came closer, standing just a few feet from Jessica. “Maybe I went about this the wrong way. I was kind of hoping you wouldn’t ask questions and just go with it.”

  “When it comes to your children, how can you not?”

  “Will you at least keep an open mind?” Makenna asks.

  “Not when it comes to drugging my child.” Jessica replies, still thinking Makenna is crazy.

  “Let me explain it to you first. Then you can make a decision.” Makenna suggested. She can at least hear Makenna out, so she nodded.

  “The oil I have inside is made from a high CBD strain.” Makenna started. “THC is what makes someone high. CBD however isn’t a psychedelic, it reacts more with nerves. If someone was to get too high on THC, CBD can balance it out. CBD is good for a lot of medical problems. Why don’t we take the children back inside? Get you two cleaned up, then I can explain it more.”

  There’s no harm in listening to what Makenna has to say. Maybe she reacted too quickly. Jessica kissed Madison’s head and stood up. Makenna reached out for Michael, and he happily jumped into her arms. Looks like Michael is glad we are staying. He licked Makenna’s face, and Makenna giggled. Michael settled into Makenna’s arms as Jessica followed up to the front porch. At least someone’s at peace, Jessica thought.

  “I’m glad I get to hold him. It’s been a long time since I held one this small. Our twins were much older when we adopted them.” Makenna stated. “We missed this stage altogether. They just grow so fast.”

  “I didn’t know you had twins. Alexander and I haven’t had much time to catch up before we came up here. Your place is beautiful by the way.”

  “Thanks, the guys built it a few years ago. We used to live down at the resort,”

  “How old are your twins?” Jessica wondered if they were here.

  “Twenty-three, I believe you met Chloe at the resort office. Logan has to finish up at work then they’ll come by.”

  “I remember her. She’s very pretty.” Jessica compliments as Alexander opens the door for them.

  “Yes, she is. You will get to meet everyone in the next day or so. Once the word gets out to everyone about the twins, I’m sure they will come running.” Makenna said as she put Michael down so he can run around.

  “I don’t want everyone knowing about them being shifters.” Jessica began to worry again.

  “You can trust them. We have our own pack here. It may be small but we are family first.” Makenna grabs the bag Jessica had packed, and starts down the hall.

  “How many are in your pack?” Jessica asks following Makenna to a rather large bathroom.

  “There’s ten now since the double wedding.” Makenna responds. “You can get cleaned up in here. I will see you back in the kitchen.”

  Makenna put some wash rags on the sink and closed the door as she left. Jessica put Madison down, so she can get some things out of the bag. This also gives her the opportunity to compose herself before going out there, and facing Alexander again.

  Once she had Madison cleaned up, and in fresh clothes Jessica changed her shirt. Final touch is pulling their hair back into ponytails. She looked at herself in the mirror before opening the bathroom door. Madison isn’t moving anywhere.

  “Madison, come on sweetie. Let’s go meet everyone.” Jessica held the door open for her.

  “They won’t like me.” Madison said sadly.

  Jessica shut the door and went over to Madison. How could she think people won’t like her? She is the sweetest little girl. Madison looked at her with a sad look.

  “Sweetie, they are going to love you. Why would you think they won’t?”

  “Cause I sick,” she answered sadly.

  “Oh sweetie,” Jessica pulled Madison into her arms for a hug. “Mrs. Makenna may have some medicine that will make you better. Mommy needs to talk to her about it first, though. Okay?”

  Madison slowly nodded and wrapped her arms around Jessica’s neck. Jessica decided just to carry Madison back into the living room. She scooped Madiso
n up and headed out of the bathroom. Alexander is coming down the hall. Jessica slowed her pace a little as he came closer.

  “Is she okay?” Alexander asks rubbing Madison’s back. Madison gave him a small smile before burying her face back in Jessica’s neck.

  “Yes, she just needed to get cleaned up.”

  “My hair pretty.” Madison told Alexander, reaching her hand up to her hair.

  “Yes, your hair is pretty. You’re prettier though.” Alexander said moving around to face Madison.

  Madison giggled and put her head back down accidently head butting Jessica on the jaw in the process. Hurt like hell, but she wasn’t going to let Madison see. She will only get upset with herself. Madison is finally in a good mood, and if Jessica can help it she will keep it that way. Alexander led them to the living room. He adjusted the pillows so she can lay Madison down.

  “Thanks,” Madison whispered, still smiling at Alexander.

  Alexander kissed Madison’s forehead, and covered her with a blanket. Michael jumps onto the couch, and lays down beside Madison. Jessica had hoped to introduce the twins to everyone. It can wait until later. Right now, Jessica needs more information from Makenna. Alexander joined Sebastian and Caleb out on the front porch.

  “Okay, give me the rundown here.” Jessica says coming into the kitchen where Makenna and Bri were leaning against the counter talking.

  “Like I already said CBD isn’t the stuff that gets a person high. CBD will interact with Madison’s nerves. It will block the nerves that are telling her body to shift.” Makenna began to explain. “Madison’s brain is telling her body to shift when her body isn’t ready to. With her being only half shifter there is a possibility that she may never shift. Either her body is rejecting the shift or she just isn’t able to yet.”

  “How do you know all of this?” Jessica asks. She sits down on one of the stools knowing that this discussion is going to take a while.

  “My sister, Melonie, who’s Bri’s mom, was only half shifter. She was never able to shift. Melonie went through the same stuff Madison is going through now. She would get so sick during the full moon, she thought she would die. My mother turned to a medicine women and found out the benefits of marijuana.”


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