Pulling him by the tie, I dragged him to the bathroom. “Start the shower, Paul. I’m just going to find a hair tie.”
My butt sank into the bed. I sucked in air and courage with each breath. This was so far out of my comfort zone. I reminded myself to find my inner muse before I found the hair tie and returned to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the tub fully clothed. The steam billowed above the glass, fogging the mirror in front of me. Thankfully, I wouldn’t have to watch him take me.
“Can I undress you?” the slight voice just above a whisper asked. I thought about his boost of confidence in the bar and wondered if he struggled to take charge. My fear seemed to excite him. The rush was similar to the rush of arousal. How would it feel for him to lead?
“This is your night, Paul. Do you want to lead or follow?”
His head sank into his hands. After a brief face rubbing, he raised his eyes and slowly surveyed my body, from my heels to my hair. His uncertainty disappeared, and for a brief moment, my fear resurfaced. With his body at my back, the zipper was slowly lowered. One shoulder fell before the other. Once the zipper cleared my hips, the dress sank to the floor. His labored breath tickled my neck. It didn’t send shivers, it merely tickled, but I turned the sensation into part of my act. Apparently, both Paul and I were faking it until we could master our dance.
“You’re so pretty.”
I turned to look at him. Standing in a bra, underwear, and heels, I slowly undressed the timid man in front of me. I left him in his briefs. It only seemed fair he should do that little reveal himself.
In a single motion, I unhooked my bra and let my breasts fall free. He dove to catch one in each hand as if they might hit the floor. Heavy in his palms, he rubbed across the center to stimulate my soft nipples. Thankfully, they perked right up. I tossed my head back and closed my eyes. I pictured someone else, someone who made my body tingle with a touch—Jonathan.
The moan came unsolicited. The moisture built between my legs. In my mind, amber-flecked eyes undressed me. Strong hands pulled my panties. With a flutter, I opened my eyes and saw the glazed baby blues take in my body. His fingers ran the length of my slit. Satisfaction showed in all of his features, from the glint in his eyes to the grin on his face. I would never tell him it was another man who made me wet. He could keep this victory as his own.
In the shower, we soaped each other’s bodies. I hadn’t glanced at his package, as I was afraid to react in any way. Did I ignore it? Make a comment? Act impressed? What was the protocol for a situation like this? Soap in hand, I skimmed down his chest until I met the tangle of his pubes. Why did I have to have my hair ripped from my body, and he could sport a bush? At least Jonathan trimmed. Buried deep inside the tuft, I found his button. It more closely resembled a clitoris than a penis. Soft, I rolled it between my fingers and felt it rise. By the time it was at its peak, it was no bigger than my thumb.
One sympathy lay coming up.
“I’m sorry.” He turned the water off and exited the shower.
“You’re sorry? For what? Lots of men have…” Not liking where that sentence was taking me, I began again. “Men come in all shapes and sizes. Men of smaller stature often compensate with good oral skills.” Happy to redirect the conversation, I led him to the bed. Glancing at the clock, I noticed I was into my second hour.
“How do you get good at that skill when you can’t get past the first deficit?” He lay on the bed, turned to his side and waited.
“Can we talk candidly?” So, it looked like our roles were going to change. Paul would be the student, and I would be the mentor.
“You are my second experience, so this is all new to me. I certainly wasn’t a virgin when I signed on, but I wasn’t a whore.” There was a bit of irony to that statement. “Anyway, I like sex, but honestly, as a woman, rarely will I come from intercourse. It takes external stimulation. You may not have a large…anyway, but you have everything else you need to be an incredible lover.” His eyes flashed with surprise.
“Are you going to teach me?” His pleading eyes and earnest voice tipped the scales in his favor. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice. I belonged to him for the time being. And so, we dove right into role reversal.
On my back, I opened myself for him. In order to see where we had to go, I needed to know what we were working with. “Show me what you’ve got” might have been the wrong verbal pistol to fire, but it did get him off the starting block and sprinting toward the finish line.
He dipped his head between my legs. Rather than keep his pace slow and steady or his stride constant, he was all over the place. A sprint here, a hurdle there, once I thought he bent over to tie his figurative shoes. I stopped him mid-stride and began lesson one.
Floating in his condom, I asked him to analyze how everything I did to him felt. I flicked, sucked, stroked, pulled, and kneaded. Every time he was ready to blow, I stopped and changed direction. I felt the tension in his body. He grabbed my hair and tried to hold me in one place. The lesson was learned.
“See how one technique feels amazing, and another just so-so? When you go from place to place too quickly, your lover never gets an opportunity to enjoy where she’s been. Start slow and gentle, like this.” I pulled his penis into my mouth and gently stroked the underside with my tongue. I took the whole thing into my mouth and sucked gently. It was like sucking my thumb. He moaned. “I’m listening to your cues, and that moan indicates you’re enjoying the experience. My hands on your body are another gauge. When you tense, I know you’re probably close.” I continued to work him into a frenzy. When his body stiffened, I changed the pace and rhythm.
“Fuuuuuck,” he yelled. I pulled away.
“You want a woman to brag about how you made love to her for hours? That’s how.” I focused my attention on him again, and this time I took him to the moon and back. I felt his release pulse against the end of the condom, but instead of pulling away, I languidly drew every shudder possible from his body. I had the impression no one had gifted him with their time. I imagined he was a means to an end for most, but I felt differently. Paul had something more important to offer a woman than the size of his button. He seemed like a good man.
I climbed up his body and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and held me tight. Convinced this night was going to be awful, I was pleasantly surprised at the turn of events. I didn’t feel anything for Paul but sadness. I empathized with his feelings of inadequacy. No one wanted to be a disappointment.
He wasn’t a powerhouse in the sack, but as his firm’s Chief Risk Officer, he was the last word when it came to recommendations. A reference from him could be my golden ticket.
“Thank you, River. I didn’t expect our night to go like this.”
My fingers mindlessly played with his chest hair.
“How do they usually go?” I needed to stop asking those types of questions. It was none of my business.
“Usually, I toss back a few drinks to get enough courage to enter the bedroom. I’ve been more of a connoisseur going from girl to girl, embarrassed to invite the same girl back for follow-on encounters. This relationship has to go both ways. Until tonight, I’ve never felt like any of the girls were looking after my interests, so I wasn’t concerned with theirs.”
“Do you want to see me again, Paul?” Lord, I could do worse than Paul. I could teach him how to perform oral sex like a champion—the way I liked it. In exchange, he could provide the connections I needed to excel.
“Yes, I do.” There was no hesitation.
“I’ll look forward to your call, Paul. In the meantime, I want you to buy a bunch of ripe peaches. Cut a slit from end to end and practice getting the tender flesh from the pit without destroying the fruit.” I read that in Cosmo once. I had no idea if it would work, but it would keep him focused on a skill he could master.
Fifteen minutes later, I was in a cab with my self-esteem intact and a hefty tip in my pocket. Although I was
with Paul for slightly over two hours, I rounded down and entered my time into the system. Paul Yoder was a man I could respect. He may be lacking below the belt, but he had business savvy and a big heart.
I texted Jade to let her know I was alive and well. There would be no crying tonight.
Chapter 14
Anthony Baldwin sat outside in the crisp September air, sipping an espresso. I knew it was him because he had the look of money. He was also wearing jeans and a lavender polo, just like he said he would. He deserved a closer inspection.
“Anthony?” Dressed in black slacks, a black and white geometric blouse and black flats, I offered my hand. Mr. Smooth stood, took my hand and kissed it, all the while checking me out from beneath his wasted-on-a-guy eyelashes.
“River, you’re prettier in person.”
I was going to have to talk to Sandra if people kept telling me I was prettier than my pictures.
“Thank you.”
A chair slid out beside me, giving me a start. I didn’t see the waiter approach. I ordered a latte and sat back to let the meeting unfold. It seemed like a lifetime since I had my first meet-and-greet, but in fact, it had been about a week. Grey hair and eyes stared back at me. Were we playing chicken? Who would break the silence first? I folded and began a discussion about the recent crash in Temtech stock.
“What do you think is causing the disruption in Temtech?”
My latte was delivered, and my order of eggs Benedict placed. Anthony pushed back in his chair. With one ankle resting on his knee, he leaned back comfortably and visibly relaxed. I never considered the men could be as nervous as me. Until last night, their feelings about rejection had never crossed my mind. I figured they would just move on to the next available girl.
“Losing half of your stock’s value isn’t a disruption; it’s a crash. They were banking on their new app to pull its weight, but with all the glitches and Semtech producing a clone that works, I imagine they are going to be feeling the pain for some time.”
“Isn’t Semtech a family rival? That seems cruel to produce a clone and wait for your family to fail.” Or maybe that was normal family dynamics. I had no siblings, so failure sat squarely on my shoulders, and so far, I was exceeding expectations.
“They are the modern Hatfields and McCoys, except they are brothers. Rumor has it, one sabotaged the other.”
“No way. That’s the stuff of movies.”
He rolled his eyes and said, “Way,” mocking me.
I scowled.
He smiled.
I sipped.
He stared.
“So, River, you’re a business major with an emphasis in finance. I own a brokerage firm and shuffle people’s money.”
He didn’t just own a brokerage firm; he owned a chain of them, with offices in every major city around the country. He was fifty-eight, twice divorced, and lived in Manhattan. I loved Google. We spent the rest of the hour eating breakfast and in deep conversation about investments. All in all, the meeting was…pleasant.
My phone began to ring as Anthony and I said goodbye. He kissed me on the cheek, and we went our separate ways. These meetings were always so weird: you met, ate, and marked your sheet. I reached for my phone and snarled. It was my mom.
“Hi, Mom. What’s up?”
“Daddy and I are coming to the city tomorrow afternoon. There’s a visiting pastor, and since we were free, we thought we’d come to see our girl.” Inside, I was screaming NO, but I would never have uttered the word out loud.
“That’s great, Mom. Tips have been pretty good this week, so how about I take you guys to lunch or dinner?” If I could meet them somewhere and get the interrogation over with, I could resume my normal parent-free life. Thankfully, my day was free. What would I have done if my Sunday had been booked?
“That sounds lovely. You know your dad and I are on a fixed income.” Duh, I was well aware of how their finances stood.
“How about I meet you at Dim Sumptuous for a late lunch? Let’s say one o’clock.” I crossed my fingers, hoping the plan was acceptable.
“That sounds sumptuous,” she said, like she was the cleverest person in the world. Like no one had said that before.
“Gotta go, Mom.” I hung up before she could say another word. Better to leave her happy with herself than disappointed with me.
I rushed into the corner store to pick up a little joke for Jonathan. He said he needed a distraction. I bought him a Rubik’s Cube keychain.
The rest of the afternoon was spent primping and packing.
Rather than wear garters and hose, I wore nothing. He asked me—no, told me—to never wear underwear with him again. I picked out a beautiful bra, a simple white lace with a silver satin ribbon that ran along the edge. Last time, I wore bottoms and no top—today would be the opposite. Between the two days, I’d worn a complete set of lingerie. I twisted my hair into a simple up-do, securing it with rhinestone-ended bobby pins. The one-shouldered dress screamed for an elegant hairstyle. I slipped my bare feet into jeweled, silver sling-backs and slid the gown’s silky fabric carefully over my head.
At precisely seven o’clock, the intercom buzzed and Howard announced his arrival. I felt silly carrying a small university duffle bag while wearing a designer gown, but it was all I had. Tucked in the side was a small, white box containing the little gift I’d purchased for Jonathan. It was a silly little thing, but I hoped he accepted it with the humor intended. We were blocks away before I realized I had forgotten my wrap.
The city lights blended into a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. My head shuffled between the evening ahead and lunch tomorrow. Both affected my stomach. One gave me the flutter of a butterfly or two. The other gave me an ulcer. The butterflies won the battle when they multiplied and raced through my veins at the sight of Jonathan standing by the curb.
One word, and I melted at his leather shoes. I knew exactly why he’d selected this dress, as it was split nearly to the top of my thigh. All it would take was a gust of air to show everyone my lack of panties. He took my hand and pulled me from the car. His tongue ran the length of his lips. Having been pleasured by those lips, I felt the heat begin where the butterflies left my stomach and descended to the area between my thighs. My girly parts were already beginning to dampen and throb.
“You are incredibly handsome in your tux, Mr. Ferris.” I reached up to touch his silver bowtie. It was the perfect match to my dress. He was a details man. I turned my head and glanced at my bag.
“Leave it there. Howard will be with the car all night. I’m glad you remembered. That pleases me.”
And pleasing him pleased me. I leaned into the car and pulled the small white box from the bag. “This is for you. It’s a small distraction.”
“A gift for me?”
“Don’t get all excited, it’s a silly thing.”
He opened the box and began to laugh. “Are you trying to keep me occupied for hours? And I thought you liked me.” He held the keychain by the ring and dangled it in front of my eyes. I grabbed it from his hand and attempted to toss it in a nearby trash can. He stopped me. “You can’t throw my gift away. It’s mine.”
“It was silly.” Standing in front of him, I felt ridiculous giving him a stupid keychain. I should have given the gesture more thought.
“It was considerate.” He pulled it from my hand and placed it in his pocket. “I brought you something, too.” From his jacket pocket, he pulled out a long, thin box.
The blood rushed from my face to my rapidly beating heart. I held the box gingerly in my hand. I didn’t know why I was so nervous, as it could be a Rubik’s Cube on a keychain.
Tired of waiting, Jonathan pulled the lid free to reveal a silver bracelet with a sun charm. Emotion threatened to choke me. When he placed it on my wrist, I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. Instead, I rose up on my tiptoes and thanked him with a kiss. We stayed outside on the steps of the Opera House, connected by our lips for mi
nutes. When we separated, I could tell he knew how pleased I was.
I whispered in his ear, “You please me.”
The joy he appeared to be feeling reached his eyes first—the tiny crinkles lifted with his grin. The light twinkled off the amber chips embedded in his dark brown irises. On his arm, we entered the chaos of the evening. Once again, I was unprepared. I had no idea what I was supposed to be to him. He was obviously going to be with some of his peers, maybe people he knew socially. I should have asked him some questions. He noticed the moment I stiffened. All I heard were his words in my head telling me, I know what you need. And from that moment, I trusted that he did.
Several people approached him. His hand wrapped protectively around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. With my thoughts focused on the feelings shooting through my body, I barely caught the name of the woman in front of me.
“Grace, this is River.” Grace eyed me. Her lips moved, but her eyes and forehead were paralyzed by vanity. I offered her a friendly shake. The charm sparkled under the venue lights.
“How sweet,” she said, looking at the bracelet. Her hands were encrusted with diamonds. The weight of them must have accounted for a tenth of her body weight.
“Thank you.” I pulled my hand back, letting it fall safely next to Jonathan.
“I found it at Tiffany’s today. It’s perfect for River. She’s a ray of sunshine on an otherwise gloomy day.” He firmed his hand around my waist. He must have known my knees were going to buckle at the mention of Tiffany’s. Tiffany’s? I should have recognized the blue box, but I was so surprised by the gift, it didn’t register. I gave him a three-dollar keychain, and he gave me Tiffany’s. Now I was even more embarrassed by the trinket I brought him. Mortified even.
We mingled with the other patrons and looked at the art for sale. Most of it looked like an angry child had thrown paint on a canvas, but there was one that resembled flowers in a meadow. Abstract in every way, it was the only one with warmth and beauty. The rest were cold and lifeless.
The Dean’s List Page 13