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Skye: an enemies-to-lovers, marriage of convenience, and fake relationship stand alone romance (Signature Sweethearts)

Page 19

by Kelsie Rae

  “Yup. I’m getting divorced.”

  “But, you love him.”


  “And he proposed.”

  A big, dopey grin stretches across my face, and I look down at my hand resting against the kitchen counter. “Yup.”

  “And you said, ‘Yes.’”

  “Sure did.”

  “And you’re moving out?” she probes.

  Nodding, I tug my gaze away from my left hand that’s sporting the ring of my dreams and back at my sister. “Right again, my friend.”

  “Are you moving back into his parents’ house?”

  “Nope. We’re going to go look at apartments for now. I think it’ll end up being our home base, then the rest of the time, we’ll travel the world and help those who are less fortunate than us.”

  Gah! It sounds so awesome when I say it like that!

  “You’re serious,” she replies, inspecting me like I’ve been captured by a body snatcher, and I’m not her real sister anymore.

  “Yup. Dead serious.”

  “And you’re okay with this?”

  Laughing, I walk around the counter and pull her into a hug. “I’ve never been happier, Say. It’s like every single piece fell into place. He’s even giving me a divorce so we can have a real wedding. The one that I wanted. With the dress. And the church. And the man of my dreams that I’m marrying for the right reason…because I love him.”

  Her arms wrap around my waist as she returns the hug and murmurs, “I’m happy for you, Skye.”

  “Me too.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “So, how’d it go?”

  “It went well, Dad.” The sentiment still feels foreign on my tongue, but I try to hide it with a tight smile. Thankfully, my dad doesn’t comment on it. We’re on the golf course with beers in hand, shooting the shit as if it’s just another Sunday morning. I never would’ve guessed that my dad and I would be here, and I have no doubt that it’s all because of Skye. Without her, we’d still be at odds. I’d be holding onto the past, judging my father just as harshly as he’d been judging me for every single mistake we’d made. But if I learned anything from screwing up with Skye, I learned that sometimes, I don’t have the full story. And more often than not, a person’s reasoning isn’t malicious. They’re just…human. We all are.

  “I’m glad it went well. What did she say about the Haiti suggestion?”

  “She’s good with it,” I reply, still shocked that she actually agreed to it.

  “Which means she’s going to pass on nannying,” he concludes.

  “I think so, but I’d wait to see what she officially says.”

  With a brisk nod, he brings the beer bottle to his lips and takes a quick drink before looking out at the lush, green grass rolling throughout the golf course. It’s starting to get cooler here since fall is in full swing. I just hope Skye will be okay with an almost winter wedding.

  “How did she react to the church?”

  “Good,” I answer, still shocked that she actually said yes and agreed to marry my lucky ass. “Thanks for pulling those strings, by the way.”

  “Anytime. I’m glad we were able to squeeze in your reservation on such short notice. Are you sure you’ll have enough time to get everything in order? What about the divorce paperwork?”

  I shrug before setting down my bottle on the golf cart and reaching for my driver. Getting ready to tee off, I set my feet and shift my weight from side to side. “I have no idea if it’ll be enough time to go through or not. If it isn’t, then we’ll just keep the original marriage certificate in place and renew our vows. Regardless, I want to get married as soon as possible, and I think she does too.”

  I take my swing with the club, and the golf ball slices through the air like a hot knife through butter. Satisfied, I watch it plunk onto the green then roll a few more yards.

  “Not bad, son,” he notes, nodding his approval with his gaze on the green. “And if you need anything else from me, let me know.”

  “I will.”

  I head to the golf cart to put my driver away when my dad steps in front of me. Curiously, I wait for him to say whatever’s bothering him.

  Clearing his throat, he starts, “I want to apologize for being so hard on you growing up. You were going through a hard time when your mom left, and I was…less than patient. Then I brought a new woman into the mix who was pregnant, and I can only imagine how it made you feel. I’m sorry I didn’t bother to take the time to build a relationship with you, Liam. That was my responsibility to you as a father, and I failed, just like how your mother failed both of us by leaving and never looking back. I want you to know how proud I am of you. You’ve turned into a great man, and I couldn’t be more impressed with your choices.”

  My eyes widen in shock, but I try to hide it with a mechanical nod. Clearing my throat, I offer my hand because, honestly? I don’t know what else to do.

  Taking it, he pulls me into a manly hug and pats my back a few times before letting me go.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I mumble.

  “Anytime, son. Let’s uh…let’s see if your old man can beat you, shall we?”

  With a deep laugh, I reach for my beer and lift my chin. “Let’s see whatcha got.”

  As we walk into the house after golf, my dad disappears upstairs, and I head to the kitchen for a quick glass of water. The sight of a brown head of curly hair peeking a few inches above the couch makes me pause.

  Changing my direction, I vigorously rub my hand on top of it as though I’m rubbing a genie’s lamp, and the head slinks under the pressure.

  “Hey, bud. What’s up?” I ask.

  Jumping in surprise, Brody nearly drops his Nintendo Switch as he turns around to see who’s bugging him.


  Who the hell did he think it was?

  “Yeah. Hey! What game are you playing?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

  He looks down at the screen in his lap then back up at me. “Minecraft.”

  “Wanna put it on the big screen and play together?”

  Brody had introduced me to the game when I babysat for Skye all those months ago, and I’m surprised when the suggestion slips past my lips. Before her, I never would’ve proposed that Brody and I spend time together. I’d always looked at him like an annoying little kid who was more trouble than he was worth. But now that I’m here, I realize I’ve missed the little dude.

  Mouth open wide, Brody freezes, and I laugh in response.

  “Or…not?” I add, confused by his odd behavior.

  Is he too cool for his big brother now?

  “When did you get back?” he asks, Minecraft completely forgotten.

  “Uh…a few days ago? Sorry I haven’t seen you. I’ve been getting a bunch of shi”––I correct myself––“stuff together, so I haven’t really been home. But it’s good to see you. How have you been?”

  I’m still getting used to talking to a six-year-old, and I can tell my questions seem forced when he cocks his head to one side.

  “Why are you back?” There’s an accusatory tone that makes me flinch.

  “You okay, bud? You seem upset.”

  His arm drops down to his side, and I watch as his little hands toy with the hem of his shirt.

  “You left.” His response is so quiet that I have to lean forward, my ears straining to hear him.

  Unsure what to say, I rest my hands on the back of the couch and reply, “Well…yeah. But I’ve left a bunch of times since you were born.” I’m not trying to justify my shitty behavior. I just don’t understand why he’s pissed at me right now when he’s never really been upset in the past.

  “Yeah, but we weren’t friends those other times,” Brody argues, answering my unsaid question.


  Grabbing the back of my neck, I give it a firm squeeze before rounding the couch and taking a seat beside him.

  “I’m sorry, bud. I didn’t really know you’d be upset
at me for disappearing, but I should’ve been more considerate and given you an explanation.”

  “Is it because I was friends with Skye?” Brody asks, peering up at me with the same colored eyes that stare back at me in the mirror every morning. The question nearly guts me, and a fresh wave of guilt hits me square in the chest.

  Wrapping my arm around his little neck, I pull him in for a side hug. “Not at all, Brody. I’m so sorry you thought I ditched you.”

  “You both ditched me,” he points out, his voice sharp. “You both left without saying goodbye. I thought you were mad at me.”

  “Duuude,” I drag out the word, squeezing him a little tighter before letting him sit up. “I could never be mad at you.”

  “Yes, you could,” he argues, still hurting. “You’re always mad at me. Well, you were before you and Skye got married, anyway.” His nose scrunches up in disgust, making me smile.

  “I was a di––,” I cough. “Jerk. I was a jerk. And I’m sorry. But I promise that you’ve never done anything wrong. All of those times that I wasn’t very nice to you or I ignored you? Those are on me. It was my fault. My mistake. My problem.” I emphasize my point by digging my forefinger into my chest. “Not yours. Understand?”

  Letting my apology sink in, he stays silent, chewing on his lower lip until I’m sure it’ll bleed.

  “Look,” I continue. “You’re my brother. We’re blood. Nothing and I mean nothing, will ever get between us again, okay? You need something? You call me. You feel like I’ve hurt your feelings or was a jerk? You call me. I’m here, Brody. And I’m sorry that I made you think it was your fault. Skye and I…we had a bit of a falling out, but I took care of it.”

  “Did you buy her bubblegum?” Brody probes with a knowing grin.

  I can’t help the deep laugh that bursts out of me. “Sure did. Thanks for the tip, by the way. Now, I might have to go away again sometimes, but I’ll only be a phone call––or sometimes an email––away. And when I do have to go, I promise to tell you beforehand and let you know what I’m doing and when I’ll be back so we can build another castle in Minecraft. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds awesome.”

  “So am I forgiven?”

  “Yeah.” He rolls his eyes, but I can see the relief written across his face. “You’re forgiven.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get our gaming on.”

  A grin nearly splits his face in two. “Deal.”


  A little while later…


  “Damn, you look beautiful.”

  With a light laugh, I peek over my shoulder at my real husband. My dad walked me down the aisle a few hours ago, and it was amazing how different the entire day went. There wasn’t any anxiety. There wasn’t any doubt. And there wasn’t a single thing that I would change for the world. Liam made sure that I had the perfect wedding down to the tiniest detail. The only things that stayed the same were the swarm of butterflies that attacked me anytime Liam would look my way and the panty-melting kiss that made the world disappear around us after we exchanged our vows and said, “I do.”

  And now, we’re spending the night on the top floor of a fancy hotel that I never in a million years would’ve dreamed I’d ever sleep in. Although, with the way Liam’s looking at me, there might not be much sleeping.

  “Pretty sure that’s the thousandth time you’ve said that tonight,” I quip.

  Striding toward me, he brushes my soft, wavy curls over one shoulder then presses his front to my back as we stare out at the gorgeous view in front of us. “Better get used to it, Nanny. ‘Cause I don’t plan on stopping.”

  I tangle my fingers with his and lay my head back to rest against his strong chest. “You can’t keep calling me Nanny, Liam. I got fired, remember?”

  “Hey, my dad offered to give you the job back, and you refused. But fine…,” he relents. “How about…wife?” His lips run along my bare shoulder. “Or Mrs. Davis?” A gentle kiss follows his suggestion. “Or maybe my better half?” Another kiss.

  “My better half sounds like a mouthful. And Mrs. Davis reminds me of your stepmom.”

  He shudders. “Wife it is.”

  “Or you could go with Skye,” I offer teasingly.

  “No deal, Wife. Besides, I don’t want you to ever forget that you’re mine. Especially after the way I lost you the first time.”

  “You didn’t lose me,” I correct.

  “I did. But I promise I’ll never let you slip through my fingers again. Thanks for letting the first honeymoon count, though. That definitely relieves the pressure of our second one. Let’s be honest. I’m not sure I’d be able to top Italy.”

  “We’ve already discussed this, and the answer is no. You definitely wouldn’t be able to top Italy, but I still think we can create a close second. Besides, that trip was….”

  “Perfect,” he breathes, placing a gentle kiss on my temple.

  I smile as memories of our first honeymoon rise to the surface.

  “It really was,” I agree. “And if we weren’t spending our second honeymoon traveling to Haiti to build some homes for the less fortunate, I’d enjoy watching you try to top it.”

  “You’re pushing your luck,” Liam notes, ignoring my challenge.

  “Am I now?”

  “You sure are. And so is this dress.”

  His hands brush along my bare arms before the heat from his chest vanishes, and I instantly miss it.

  “What about this dress?” I whisper, craning my neck to look up and over my shoulder at him.

  “It’s perfect. I didn’t think you could look any more beautiful than the first time we got married. But this?” His gaze nearly brands me with its heat. “As soon as I saw you, I made a vow to myself.”

  “And what vow is that?”

  “That I’d take my time removing it from you.”

  The zipper on the back of my dress buzzes quietly as Liam gently tugs it down until my entire back is on full display, ending a few inches above my ass. Then he stops.

  “What is it?” I ask, glancing back at him.

  “Damn,” he mutters to himself.

  I’m pretty sure I wasn’t meant to hear his curse, so I push, “What’s wrong?”

  “I promised I’d never lie again, but…I don’t think I’m going to be able to control myself.”

  Keeping the front of my dress up, I turn around and face him.

  “Hmm…so, I think the real question is, am I going to let that slide or not?”

  With a crooked grin, a sexy as hell Liam growls, “You tell me.”

  “I guess I can let it slide this time.” My hands drop to my sides, and the silky dress slips down my shoulders, revealing a white, lacy bra and matching underwear. Liam’s Adam’s apple bobs in response, his eyes heating until I’m sure I’ll burn up on the spot.

  “Good,” he rumbles. “Because if I’d known you looked this good underneath, there’s no way I’d have been able to keep my end of the deal.”

  His calloused palms press into my waist, and I find myself feeling like the luckiest girl in the world as he raises me into the air. Wrapping my legs around him is instinctual, but it’s easy to see there’s way too much clothing between us. My fingers waste no time unbuttoning his white dress shirt that looked delectable on him earlier today. Once his heated, tan skin is fully uncovered, I run my hands around his neck and slide my tongue into his mouth. Groaning, he lays me onto the gorgeous four-poster bed before caging me in on both sides.

  “I love you, Wife.”

  I laugh. “I love you too, Husband.”

  Nodding his approval, he peppers a few open-mouthed kisses along the column of my throat before whispering in my ear, “I like the sound of that.”

  “Oh, you do?”

  “Yeah. Let’s see what other sounds I can get to slip past this pouty mouth, shall we?”

  “Just know that you’re going to have to work for it,” I challenge, though he knows I’m teasing. “I’m done
being fake, remember?”

  I feel him grin against my throat. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve already learned the hard way that all you want is something real. Haven’t I proven that’s all I want too?”

  “Maybe…. ” My response fades into a moan as he rolls his hips. Satisfied with my reaction, Liam presses onto his elbows and showcases his mouth-watering dimple.

  “Duh.” With a wink, he slides down my body. “Now, let’s see how quickly I can make you scream.”

  “For real?”

  He rolls his eyes, but I don’t miss the joy that radiates from him. “Obviously.”

  The End

  Interested in reading more by Kelsie Rae?

  Signature Sweethearts Series

  (Contemporary Romance Stand alones)











  Advantage Play Series

  (Romantic Suspense/Mafia Series)

  Wild Card

  Dark King

  Little Bird

  Stand Alones


  Hired Hottie- Cocky Hero World

  Bartered Souls Duet (Urban Fantasy Series)

  Gambled Soul

  Wager Won

  Sign up for Kelsie’s newsletter to receive exclusive content, including the first two chapters of every new book two weeks before its release date!

  Interested in reading a sneak peek of Saylor’s story??

  Here it is!



  “Don’t,” I plead, my voice cracking at the same time my heart threatens to.


  “Don’t,” I repeat, cutting him off. “Don’t do this.”


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