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Ruin Me Please

Page 11

by Nichole Matthews

  “Quite right,” A deep, rumbling voice agreed. “It’s how one keeps all their money.”

  Poppy felt him behind her. Heart racing, she sucked in a breath and slowly turned to face him, looking up with a brilliant smile.

  The men had made the rounds about town while waiting for the woman to shop. Now it seemed each of them slowly made their way into Quinton’s to gather the woman for tea.

  Declan caught sight of the jonquil ribbon clutched in Poppy’s hand and inquired, “Have you accomplished all that you desired for the day or were you planning on adding that particularly lovely ribbon to your acquisitions?”

  She gazed down at the jonquil ribbon that now dangled from her finger and sighed before hanging it back on the hook. She said, “Yes. I’ve already spent a fortune today.” A grimace curled down her delightfully pink lips. “I should be ashamed. I would feel horrible if I purchased one more unnecessary item for myself.”

  “Why should you feel horrible?”

  “Because I’m debating whether I should purchase some ribbons for the girls at the school,” Poppy said. “The girls would love to have some new hair ribbons.”

  “What school?” he asked fingering the ribbons dangling from their hooks.

  “The Ashford Lane School for Girls,” Poppy advised. “I believe my aunt commissioned the school to fulfill a hole in her heart.” She glanced up from underneath her lashes. “I know she regrets never having children of her own.” She smiled. “You should see her with the infants, she’s marvelous.”

  “Do you also assist your aunt at the school?”

  “My Aunt Adele and I are actually two of the patronesses,” she replied matter-of-fact.

  A surprised look flittered across his face. “You are actually a patroness?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Piper and I were left a tidy sum of money from our mother.” She shrugged. “I knew what it was like to lose my father and I still had a comfortable home. I cannot imagine what it would be like to live an uncomfortable life on top of losing my mother or father. So I help support the home financially and I teach the girls frivolous activities to hopefully ease their spirits once a week.” She grinned.

  He was curious. “What frivolous activity are you teaching the girls right now?” Declan couldn’t help but smile.

  “This year I am teaching reverse glass painting.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “How—interesting.” His fingers brushed over the ends of the hanging ribbons, he watched as the swayed.

  “I can see your eyes glazing over; you needn’t feign interest for my account.”

  Declan looked at her thoughtfully. “Do you mind if I see this school?”

  “Aunt Adele and I will visit the school on Wednesday; you are more than welcome to accompany us.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “We are planning a festival for the girls and I was going to see if everyone wanted to participate. Perhaps you would be willing to rally the men?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” He smiled at Poppy as he pulled the jonquil ribbon from the hook. “In regards to the frivolous addition of one more ribbon, think of it as supporting Quinton.” He bowed, then walked towards the counter, he leaned his hip against the edge. Poppy watched as he spoke for a few minutes, which caused a broad smile to appear on Quinton’s face.

  Her eyes followed him as he made his way back to her side, bowing gallantly, he handed her the ribbon. “A favor, my lady.” He winked at her, giving her his best smile.

  She curtsied, her dimple peeping out. “Thank you, Your Grace. It wasn’t necessary for you to purchase the ribbon for me.” She stared down at the ribbon lying across her gloved palm. “I am perfectly able to purchase the ribbon for myself.”

  “It pleases me to take advantage of the opportunity.” He grinned.

  Adele watched the exchange between Poppy and Hawksley from across the room. A strange light appearing in her eyes as she smiled.

  Peyton took that moment to saunter towards the women. “I’m famished.” He rubbed his stomach. “Ain’t it time for tea?”

  Piper corrected, “Isn’t”

  Peyton rolled his eyes.

  Parker laughed along with the rest of the men.

  Over the general melee, Chloe’s voice rose, “I’m not purchasing a puce ribbon, Seymour.” A look of frustration crossed her face.

  “It’s a very popular color,” Seymour replied with a smirk.

  “If you like it so much, you purchase it.” She thrust the offending ribbon into his hand, then she turned to settle her purchases with Quinton.

  After purchasing her ribbons, Chloe took Peyton’s arm. “Come along.” She shot an antagonistic glance back at Seymour and asked, “Are you coming?”

  They gathered up their packages and the large group made their way to the pavement in front of the shop, stopping to take a moment to enjoy the bit of a breeze stirring the air.

  Adele glided over. “You may give me your arm young man,” she declared, lifting her twinkling blue eyes.

  “Your wish is my command.” Declan swept her an elegant bow. Straightening, he slanted a charmingly rakish smile her way.

  Adele placed her hand on Declan’s arm, then the group paraded the rest of the way through town until they reached their destination, Minnie’s public house for tea.

  “I knew your father, young man,” Adele said, testing the muscle that flexed beneath her hand. “He was a handsome devil. Such a fine, fine man.”

  Declan’s brows rose. “Really?”

  “He was a friend to my betrothed,” she remembered. “Captain Roger Banks. They grew up together.”

  “I know a Banks family,” Declan confirmed. “They live about five miles from Allingham Park.”

  “Clara Donovan tells me you will be supplying the wool for our girls from now on.”

  He glanced around surreptitiously before whispering, “Don’t tell everyone, I don’t believe I have enough sheep.” He laughed.

  “A farmer,” Adele said running her finger over his tanned hand she leaned closer and whispered, “So.” She waved her hand in an all-encompassing manner. “I’ve always found tanned men quite attractive?”

  He winked, shaking his head at her charming audacity.

  She hit him with her fan, blurting, “You are wicked, Hawksley.” She grinned. “You will do nicely indeed.”

  Declan inclined his head noncommittally.

  Minnie’s hadn’t seen this large of a crowd for tea in a long time and the proprietor herself rushed forward with her hands outstretched and bobbed a curtsy. “Lord Ashford, how good of you to stop in.”

  Gesturing towards the group following behind him, he warned, “As you can see I brought a crowd.” He grinned. “Do be good enough to bring us plenty of tea and sandwiches?”

  “Of course, my lord,” Minnie fawned.

  Durham called, “Minnie, make mine ale.”

  “Mine too,” Seymour replied.

  Shaking his head he spoke up, “Bring a round of ale for all of the gentlemen.” Parker smiled.

  The pub filled with cheery laughter and loud talking which stopped abruptly when their long awaited luncheon arrived.

  Sitting directly in the middle of the long bench, Poppy held out a platter of piled high with sandwiches to her brother Peyton before he expired from hunger.

  The remainder of the luncheon was a cacophony of loud arguments and debates sprinkled with moments of quiet for bites of the hearty food.


  I humbly do beseech you of your pardon.

  For too much loving you.


  *William Shakespeare

  When Declan reached the stables the next morning, Poppy was already there standing next to her spirited mare, Bluebell, and he watched a she softly rubbed the horse’s nose and murmured sweetly in her ear. Declan could see the horses eyes half closed in pleasure at the attention she was receiving.

  Poppy was a vision in her navy riding habit, the perfect color to enhance her spar
kling blue eyes. Declan no longer had questions about the magnificence of Poppy’s figure. All mysteries quickly dispelled when he glimpsed her in the tightly fitting confection. The perfection of her blue kid gloves and matching kid half boots designed to complement the epaulettes and braiding decorating her attire. A frothing lace cravat covered her linen shirt, lace standing collar and matching lace at her wrist. The sun glinted off her crowning glory of blonde ringlets topped by the tall cap set at a jaunty angle, covered with a sheer scarf and a perfectly died blue curled ostrich feather.

  Poppy glanced over her shoulder at the sound of gravel crunching and sighed appreciatively, her face lighting with pleasure when she noticed whom the tall figure was that approached from the rear entrance of the house. Her charming appearance only distracted for a moment with the flurry of activity upon her head, her feather greeting him with a happy wave, but it was nothing compared to her brilliant smile. It startled him to realize how much he had come to look forward to her smile after such a brief acquaintance. “I believed I would be the only one awake at this time.” Poppy blushed as his flashing green eyes skated down to her hem and back. “I’m happy to see that I will not have to ride along.”

  “Hardly.” Poppy’s dimple flashed, unaware of his admiring gaze as she turned back towards Bluebell. “We enjoy country hours. Early to bed, early to rise,” she said cheerfully. “Well, perhaps I shouldn’t lump Peyton in with the rest. He seems to take twice as long to adjust.”

  “He is young,” he said by way of explanation.

  Poppy rolled her eyes. “I trust you slept well, Your Grace?”

  “Declan.” His brow cocked at her slip back into formality. “I suppose I slept well enough,” he said, the skin around his eyes crinkling with his lazy, masculine smile.

  “Declan,” she repeated. “Was the room not to your liking?” she questioned, her brow furrowed with concern.

  He ignored her question and with a lopsided grin he complimented, “How very becoming that fetching riding habit is on you.” He lifted his hand and tweaked the fluttering feather, sending it swaying wildly.

  With the train of her navy blue-velvet riding habit over her arm, she returned with a bright smile, “Thank you.”

  He turned when he heard the wicker of his Arabian, Lucifer. Sleek and elegant like his rider with the same black as sin coloring. Poppy had to admit that horse and rider complimented each other perfectly.

  Declan assisted Poppy, by lifting her and placing her on her saddle while the groomsman brought Lucifer from his stall. He was mounted and waiting by the time Poppy settled firmly in her stirrups.

  As they set out towards the woods, Poppy flicked her gaze to Declan. He cut such a fine figure on horseback as if he had been born in a saddle, perfectly at ease, his black stallion as elegant as he was.

  They rode silently for a moment enjoying the warmth of the sun against their backs and the gentle breeze that swirled about them, until the quiet rushed in and made Poppy realize that her mind had wandered so she set out to search for a pleasant topic of conversation.

  Feeling Declan’s eyes, Poppy looked up and grinned. With a slow smile curving his lips, Declan leaned over and stole a quick kiss.

  The firm press of his lips stole her wits for a moment, so she decided to sit in silence for a little while longer.

  They set the horses galloping. His eyes met hers. “Where are we headed?” He gazed at the raw beauty of the wooded countryside all around them. “I can see why you love this place. It is spectacular.”

  Pleased with his reaction to her home, Poppy smiled mysteriously. Whispering covertly behind her hand, “I believe that I will grant you access to my secret hide-away.”

  “You have a secret hide-away?” Declan slowed his mount, an easy smile lighting his face.

  Turning in her saddle, Poppy met his gaze. “Yes.” She searched his face, before asking, “Would you like to see it?”

  “Indeed. You’ve intrigued me.” He stretched out his arm in surrender. “Lead the way, my lady. I can scarcely wait.” Devilment was dancing in his eyes as he grinned.

  “Normally a blindfold is necessary for those who are permitted to view this sacred place, but I believe that I can trust you with this most valuable secret,” she said in a hushed voice as she slanted him a glance. “Now I hope you do not make me regret my openness in showing you my hide-away without your eyes covered.” Her brow lightly arched upward.

  “I would never betray your trust, my lady,” he responded in hushed tones. Attempting to hide his smile, he played along with her contrived intrigue. Leaning towards her in order to speak softly, “Well done, my lady,” he whispered. A smile that had surely charmed many women spread across his mouth showing his even white teeth and a wicked gleam in his eyes. “You have me sufficiently in suspense. I am intrigued beyond all imaginings.”

  Their mounts ambled along side by side at a relaxed pace, neither feeling the need to fill the easy silence.

  Declan gazed across the horizon quietly admiring the beauty of Poppy’s home. His thoughts turned to his own home in the Berkshires wondering what she would think of his home.

  Out of practice in the art of light conversation, the flirtatious banter that he normally used as armor in the past seemed somehow inappropriate at this time. Declan was not sure what to talk about. Looking out over the green park, reminded him of his childhood and with a thoughtful glance towards Poppy, he started speaking softly, “When I was a little boy, my brother and I would ride for hours upon hours. We would race and jump over anything that got in our way.” He shot her a quick glance. “It’s a wonder that we did not break our necks.” He chuckled. “We would oftentimes stay out until it was dark skipping all of our lessons for that day to the horror of our tutor.”

  Poppy smiled, soothed by the deeply masculine timbre of his voice.

  “Our tutor, Mr. Beasley, would rail at us for what seemed like hours,” he drawled dramatically rolling his eyes heavenward. “He was amazed that we did not want to spend our time improving our minds.” He sighed wistfully. “We were such a trial to him. I remember once when Gabriel said, ‘I will be the duke someday, as if he would be the only one in all of England.” Declan snorted. “If I say we ride, we ride. There will be time for books tomorrow.” Declan’s eyes crinkled in amusement and a hint of sadness at the memory.

  Side by side, they rode on. Entranced by his affectionate tone Poppy replied, “I daresay you had some fantastic adventures.”

  “We most certainly did indeed.” He smiled. “Mr. Beasley was appalled, to say the least. He thought we were deliberately being disobedient, but in truth, we would just lose track of time. Regrettably, Mr. Beasley felt it was his place to report our misdeeds to our father believing that he would soundly punish us. He had the audacity to stalk into our father’s study unannounced and proceeded to tell him how we were constantly playing hooky. How we refused to take our studies seriously. He even attempted to quote Gabriel. I remember that our father stood up and walked from behind his desk stretching to his full height of over six foot, which was rather impressive considering our tutor was a smallish man of maybe a few inches over five feet tall.” Turning to Poppy, raising his eyebrows as high as he could, he attempted to mimic him. “Gabriel and I practiced that move in front of our mirrors for weeks.” He wiggled his eyebrows comically.

  His eyes smiled as he continued, “Our father roared.” He glanced at Poppy again. “That was the first and only time we had heard him raise his voice, Who are you to question the heir to the Duke of Hawksley? Somehow our father knew we were hiding in the room. He turned around and strutted back to his desk like a king ruling over his kingdom and gave us a wink.”

  “Mr. Beasley turned the brightest shade of red I have ever seen and apologized profusely as he backed out of the room. Gabriel and I busted out laughing until our sides hurt.” The memory clear in his eyes as he gazed forward.

  “What a great memory to have of your father,”

  An easy silence
surrounded them. “I know Gabriel would have liked you,” he said. The sincerity in his words almost brought tears to her eyes.

  She looked deeply into his eyes. “I have no doubt that I would have liked him as well.” Poppy smiled at him.

  They left the path and crested a rise where finally Poppy’s secret hide-away rose eerily into view. Over the rise, the castle ruins sprawled almost dejectedly on the broken ground. The decaying structure, destroyed by fire and time, was a forlorn jumble of ivy-covered towers. It appeared as if pieces of the fortress were strewn haphazardly around as if thrown in anger.

  “Behold, my secret hide-away.” Poppy threw out her arms and giggled.

  “A castle ruin?” Declan questioned with one of his dark brows arched incredulously. “I have heard it is all the rage to have one of these hidden on every country estate.” He sighed noticeably. “Alas, Allingham Park by contrast is sadly lacking.” He sighed deeply once again, hiding his grin. “Sculpted gardens and fountains we have aplenty, of course. Even rolling parks with hills scattered about, most definitely, but castle ruins, no,” he said with a forlorn shake of his head.

  “Well, I have been told that I am always in the first stare of fashion. I would want that to also include my secret hide-away of course,” Poppy pointed out. “There are only a few lucky ones, such as myself, that have the privilege of starting the latest trends.” A laugh sprung into her eyes. “I pride myself on being all the crack,” a hint of humor touched her reply.

  “I would have no idea of the talent required to start trends. However, I am able to give out exceptional compliments. A mighty fortress indeed, my lady.” Declan bowed from his eat atop Lucifer, grinning.

  “The castle was destroyed by fire in the late sixteenth century. When I was a little girl my father would bring me here to play.” She pointed to the fallen tower. “We would bring our wicker basket filled with all sorts of delectable treats and I would pretend that I was a princess being held captive in that tower waiting to be rescued. My papa would play the white knight to my princess. He would pull out his magical wooden sword and wave it around slaying all the fierce fire-breathing dragons.” Poppy glanced around nostalgically. “Some of my fondest memories with my father are at these castle ruins.”


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