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Ruin Me Please

Page 12

by Nichole Matthews

  Dismounting and allowing Lucifer to roam, Declan reached up, grabbing Poppy by her tiny waist and lowered her to the ground, his fingers flexing into her flesh.

  Glancing up, Poppy grinned at him, her eyes traveling over his chiseled features and strong bone structure. Lord, he was gorgeous.

  “I would not wish any companion in the world but you,” he said.

  “Shakespeare?” Poppy inquired with a tilt of her head.

  “Yes.” His burning gaze scorched her.

  Breaking the spell, Declan leaned towards her and lowered his voice. “Now, did I hear you say we have food to break our fast?” His stomach chose that moment to growl. “I can tell you that I am near to starving.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Hastings always packs me a hamper, she’s afraid I will starve if I become distracted and lose track of time. There is also a blanket to spread on the ground to keep the dew off.”

  Declan grabbed the items requested, handing the blue and green plaid blanket to Poppy. “Did you choose this because it matched your charming riding habit?”

  “Why of course, silly.”

  Declan threw back his head and laughed heartily.

  Taking a moment to spread out the cloth, Poppy then sat down and began arranging her skirt about her legs. Glancing up, she caught Declan’s eye and coyly patted the ground near her.

  Dropping to the ground, Declan sprawled out on the blanket. With his hands behind his head and his feet crossed at the ankles, he looked into the sky. He pointed and said, “See that cloud, it looks like a lion.”

  Holding her hat and tilting her head, Poppy searched the sky. “I don’t see a lion?” She squinted. “Ahhh--- but look over there.” She pointed overhead. “I see a unicorn.”

  “There is no such thing as a unicorn.” Declan turned to Poppy. “Have you never been to the Royal Menagerie at the Tower?”

  “Well, of course, I’ve been to the Royal Menagerie. What does that have to do with anything?” She rolled her eyes in mock frustration. “That does not mean I cannot see a unicorn in the clouds.” She crossed her arms. “You are sorely lacking in imagination, Your Grace.” Looking haughtily down her nose at him, she bit back a grin. “I am completely and utterly disappointed in your lack of imagination if you refuse to concede that that cloud looks like a unicorn.” She once again pointed towards the sky.

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I give in, I concede.” He turned his head this way and that. “I guess it could sort of look like a unicorn but only if I hold my head like this.” He held his head at an awkward angle. “I practically must be standing on my head, perfectly ridiculous. I will most definitely get a crick.” He rubbed his neck. “Especially if I continue to look at the clouds with my held tilted this way.”

  She snorted in a most unladylike fashion.

  “I can assure you that there are no unicorns in the Royal Menagerie. The pompous aristocrats who feel they must prove their power and wealth by trapping those poor animals in the Tower would definitely have caged a unicorn if they were real.”

  “Well, it is certainly not my fault that you have so little imagination that you must try so hard.” She smiled sweetly. “Some of us are just more creative than others.” She smirked, shrugging. “I would not feel too bad.”

  “I’ll try not to,” he drolly replied.

  Her lips quivered with laughter.

  “Would you please pass me a Bath Bun? I’m starved and they are simply too delicious to pass on. You must try one.” Taking the bun, she slowly pulled it apart, closing her eyes as she savored each sugary bite that melted on her tongue.

  Declan snatched a bun from the hamper and proceeded to take a large bite. “You do realize that we need to head back soon or Parker is going to draw my cork.”

  Poppy could not help her sputter of laughter, trying to picture Parker and Declan participating in bout of fisticuffs.

  Leaning back on her elbows she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s so peaceful though, I could stay here all day.”

  Declan watched as the bodice of her dress strained across her breasts. He wanted her. Rational or irrational, he wanted her. His manhood grew rock hard as he watched Poppy’s breast rise and fall. He grimaced due to his suddenly snug breeches. He was an ass. He obviously had no control over his desires. Declan rose up to his knees crawling slowly towards her.

  Feeling the coolness of his shadow cross her face, Poppy shaded her eyes, looking straight into his emerald depths. She caught the glint in his eyes beneath his hooded lids. Slowly she smiled. “Just what are you up to, Declan?” Poppy’s brow rose inquiringly.

  The unmistakable look in his eyes assailed her senses.

  His voice changed to a dangerous purr. “Rescuing a damsel in distress?”

  Poppy barely had time to take a breath before he captured her lips.

  He gently held her chin as he softly nibbled on her lips, the taste of the Bath Bun still lingering on their pillowy softness.

  Delicious warmth emanated from her when he swirled his tongue in her mouth desperate to taste all of her sweetness.

  His fingers trailed down her neck impatiently unknotting the frothy cravat that covered her throat. Gliding his mouth down the curve of her jaw he trailed kisses of fire that caused Poppy to tremble uncontrollably. He slowly lowered his hands so as not to frighten her, filling his hands with the softness of her breasts he groaned in rapture.

  Arching into his hands, a fire raged low in Poppy’s belly. A whimper escaped when she took a ragged breath raising her hands to his chest slowly wrapping her arms around his neck holding on for dear life. A wicked thrill shot through her as he continued to feast at her mouth.

  Declan knew his limits.

  He knew that he was close to the edge.

  With obvious reluctance, he released her lips and raised his head searching her eyes. His long, lean fingers stroked down her side. His other hand adoringly brushed at the curls on her nape. He kissed her deeply one last time before he stood and held out his hand. “Take that, dragons.”

  With a dreamy half-smile, Poppy placed her small hand in his and stood to prepare for the return trip home.

  Without saying more, they gathered their belongings and swung into their saddles, Poppy looked at Declan. “Race ya back,” she called digging her heals into Bluebells sides. Her laughter captured by the wind as she galloped across the meadow.


  When I saw you I fell in love,

  And you smiled because you knew.

  Romeo and Juliet

  *William Shakespeare

  By the time they saw to their horses and exited the stable, it was already late afternoon. Laughing too loudly as they walked inside the house, Dobbins was forced to interrupt with a discreet cough. “Your Grace, Lord Ashford has requested that you join him in his study upon your return.”

  Poppy glanced at Dobbins, her brow lifted in a questioning manner.

  Dobbins informed Poppy, “He has also requested to meet with you once you have removed the dust from your ride.”

  Poppy frowned when she looked at Declan.

  Dobbins pursed his lips and led Declan to the study leaving Poppy to stand alone for a moment before she made her way upstairs to wash and change.

  Sinking into the copper tub filled with her favorite vanilla and honey scented Pears soap, a dear gift from Piper on their last birthday she leaned her head back against the rim, lifting her fingers and allowing them to glide softly over her lips. Her entire body tingling with the memory of the kisses they had shared at the ruins. She really shouldn’t allow him to kiss her, but she couldn’t seem to control herself.

  Unfortunately, Poppy’s intimate reflections were crowded with Parker’s ominous summons. “Pooh,” she muttered aloud.


  After a quick knock, Declan poked his head in the door.

  “Come in.” Parker rose from the chair behind the desk and waved Declan to a seat in front of the desk.

  He closed
the door and walked to Parker’s desk, sitting down in one of the matching leather chairs.

  Parker turned an assessing look at Declan. “Would you like some brandy?” He held up the decanter.

  Declan nodded thinking he was going to need to fortification before this conversation was over.

  Parker filled two glasses and walked around the desk leaning his hip on edge.

  “Thank you.” Declan took the tumbler then crossed his legs, sitting back comfortably.

  “How was your ride this morning?”

  Declan noted Parker’s raised eyebrows. “We had a good time.”

  “Did you take a chaperone?”

  “No,” Declan drawled. “We were both going for a ride and just happened to meet at the same time.” He shrugged. “Nothing was planned.”

  “How convenient for you.” Parker looked him evenly in the eye. “We’ve already had a discussion about your reputation.”

  “If you didn’t want me to meet your family, Ash, why did you invite me to Rosebriar?”

  “It never occurred to me that you were going to take up with my sister the minute you stabled your horse.”

  Leaning back, Declan crossed his arms over his chest. “I didn’t know you had such delightful sisters,” he replied, his brow mischievously quirked.

  Parker made an odd snorting sound that was almost a laugh. “Don’t forget my warning.” He walked around to sit in his chair. “I will kill you.”

  “I have no doubt, my friend.” Declan smiled smugly before he swallowed the rest of his brandy.


  Parker looked up as Poppy entered the room. “Oh good, I wanted to talk to you. Please sit down for a minute.”

  Slowly she perched herself on the edge of the leather chair, waiting as Parker completed some paperwork. “Was there something in particular that you were in need of?” Poppy asked uncertainly.

  His piercing eyes silently regarded her.

  Squirming in her seat, Poppy gripped the arms of her chair to still herself. The irritated tapping of Parker’s fingers on his desk starting to rattle in her head, she sat silently.

  “Poppy, have you any idea what you are doing?” His brows rose in inquiry. “I know where you were this morning. Do you think this is at all wise to be alone with Hawksley without a chaperone?”

  Startled, she attempted to school her features into an innocent mask. “I am not quite sure what you mean?” She questioned as anxiousness knotted her stomach.

  Giving her a long, level look, Parker leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Poppy, I’m not blind. I can see that there is an attraction on both your parts.”

  She wriggled under his scrutiny, sitting up straight trying to maintain her emotional defenses. She looked around nervously, hugging her shawl more closely around her shoulders. She was distracted when she peered out the window and noticed Freya and Durham standing alone in the garden.

  “Poppy?” He broke the silence with a harrumph sound and with a hint of humor in his voice but a very serious expression on his face. Parker stated, “Declan thinks he might be in love with you.” He sat back in his chair studying Poppy’s reaction.

  Taken aback, Poppy sat motionless. A fluttery feminine thrill shot through her. She whispered, “Did he tell you that?” She held her breath, waiting for his reply, wanting to glean every bit of information from him that she could.

  “He did not have to say anything Poppy,” Parker responded gently. “It is clear as day on his face.”

  Moments passed and then a slow smile began to spread across her face. She felt a glimmer of hope, “Truly?”

  Shifting uncomfortably, his brow furrowed. “Poppy you do realize that he has gone through a lot over the past few years.” His concern for her was quite clear. “And he quite a few years older than you.”

  “What does age have to do with it?” She questioned. “Susanna Tomlinson’s parents forced her to marry an aging viscount this past year. He was sixty if he was a day.” Poppy shrugged. “Declan is your age, Parker. Do you think of yourself as old?” she asked with a syrupy smile.

  “Poppy, you are very young,” Parker grumbled rubbing his eyes in weariness. “He is not perfect, he does have flaws. His hurt is deep. The deaths of his father and brother were almost too much for him to bear. What if he cannot love you back the way you need to be loved?”

  “I’ve been out for three seasons. I’m not exactly a child.” She cocked her head struggling for words. “He is the first man that I have been remotely attracted to. I have not entirely romanticized my feelings for Declan.” She strained to put her thoughts into words. “Not yet, at least. No one is perfect, Parker, not even you.” She arched an eyebrow. “What if I’m in love with him too?” She paused for the briefest moment. “Are you trying to warn me from him?” Poppy knew she had hit a nerve. The look on Parker’s face said it all.

  Standing up, Parker walked to Poppy. “No I am not warning you to stay away from him and I never said I was perfect. Believe me I would be the last person to say that.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead. “All I am saying is that you barely know him.” He swallowed thickly. “Declan is my dearest friend; practically another brother and I love him as such, but I fear for your heart, Poppy.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “I do not want you to rush into anything,” he stressed. “Please use care.”

  “I know you are only trying to protect me, Parker,” Poppy said appreciatively. “I believe that there is something going on with my heart. Something I have never felt before. He is a good and honorable man, Parker. You needn’t worry,” she stated without hesitation. “Trust me to know my own heart, brother. I just need a little time to make sure that what I feel is reciprocated,” Poppy said stubbornly. “Please give me a chance,” she pleaded.

  Somewhat to Poppy’s surprise, Parker acquiesced. “I will allow you to indulge this infatuation because I know that there is nothing I can do to dissuade you. Heaven help me.” He regarded her carefully. “I do not want to forbid you, Poppy. In addition, I definitely do not want to lock you in your room. But believe me when I say this, I will step in if I feel it is necessary.”

  “Thank you, Parker, I’ll be careful.” She took her brother’s hand. “I am the only one who can truly know my own heart. I will definitely be vigilant before I give my heart away, even if he is a duke.” She smiled. “You know I am a woman of sense, Parker. Although many think I am capricious, you of all people know that I do not jump into most things carelessly.”

  “I know.” Parker grimaced. “I just want to protect you.”

  Hugging him to her, Poppy chuckled. “If I am going to live, I will experience pain, you know that. Now if you will excuse me, I see Freya out on the lawn with Durham and I positively must see what they are up to.” Poppy trotted out of the study.

  Parker flopped back into his chair, crossed his arms over his chest, closed his eyes, and let out a long breath.


  Such is my love, to thee I so belong,

  That for thy right, myself will bear all wrong.

  Sonnet 88

  *William Shakespeare

  Durham grabbed Freya’s arm, pulling her out of view of the house.

  “Why must I continually feel the need to dodge your undesirable attentions, Durham?” Freya asked annoyance palpable in her voice as she worked diligently at shaking off his hand.

  “I just need a moment of your time. Please?” Durham implored, taking her elbow, he tried to guide her further from the house.

  “Please do hurry, Durham.” Freya begrudgingly conceded, her jaw tightening. “I’m growing weary of these little games you keep playing.” Her eyes were sparking in anger.

  “Freya, how can you torture me so?” Durham gave her an apologetic look. “I did nothing wrong.” He looked affronted.

  “Durham, I have plans for my life and they do not include placating a spoiled little boy.” She threw him a wary glance. “Men continually make a muddle of life,” she murmured. “Wh
y can’t you just admit that you made a mistake?” Freya shook her head stubbornly with her eyebrow raised. “I have to meet Chloe and Poppy in a moment. Do hurry up.” She said quietly.

  “I am such a ridiculous fool around you, Freya,” Durham whispered.

  She met his gaze steadily. She was furious with Durham. Furious that she had gotten her hopes up and furious that she still loved him.

  As he advanced, Freya blinked.

  Smiling broadly he groaned, “I am a fool for you, Freya.” Freya stiffened when he whisked her into his arms and crushing his mouth to hers in a bruising kiss. A whimper escaped her. Running his tongue along her crease, he coaxed her lips open. His chest heaved, as their kiss grew more feverish, he ravaged her mouth.

  Spreading her hands across his chest, Durham prayed she wasn’t going to push him away instead she finally melted into the heat of his body at the same time a surge of heat invaded his loins. Spearing his fingers into her hair, it tumbled in wild disarray down her back, pins scattering along the gravel path.

  “Freya, please forgive me,” he begged against her lips. “I beg you to overlook my stupidity. I am just a ridiculous man.” Durham straightened, his eyes searching hers greedily looking for any sign of forgiveness. “I cannot survive without your forgiveness. Take pity on me. I am weak with regret. I cannot survive without you. I implore you to forgive me.”

  Freya was fascinated by Durham’s groveling; she reached up to gently touch his face. “I have exhausted myself from running from you,” she admitted looking directly in his eyes. “You hurt me deeply.”

  “I know I hurt you,” he said expressing deep regret. “You have bewitched me,” he said with a slight frown. “I don’t want anyone else but you.”


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