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Ruin Me Please

Page 21

by Nichole Matthews

  “Parker, I have known you my whole life. I can certainly tell when you are doing it much too brown.”

  “They are just enjoying themselves. You went to the school by yourself today.” He smiled. “Surely you expected our guests to entertain themselves while you were gone? Or did you expect them to mope?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “The men have secreted themselves away for the past three days. They are gone every morning for hours and not returning until it is time for dinner too exhausted to even hold up their end of the conversation.”

  Parker stood, taking Poppy by the hand and pulled her from her chair. With an affectionate hug, he said, “Quit being so paranoid.” He kissed her on the top of the head and gently pushed her from his study. “Why don’t you just ask them?”


  “Ask them,” he repeated as he nudged her towards the door. “I have work to do.” He smiled, gently closing the door in her face.

  There was one person she knew she could find comfort from so she trudged back up the stairs and knocked on her aunt’s sitting room door, entering when she heard her aunt’s voice finding her reclining on her chaise as usual with a beguiling smile. Sitting up, she adjusted the pillows behind her and tapped the cushion next to her, beckoning Poppy to sit.

  “Would you like me to ring for some tea, darling?”

  “No thanks, Auntie.” She sighed.

  Adele’s shrewd gaze traveled over her face. “What is the matter?”

  “Why is everyone suddenly being so secretive?”

  “What are you worried about?”

  “It’s frustrating me.”

  “He loves you dear. Don’t worry,” she said as she patted Poppy’s hand.

  She blinked, stilled, and then widened her eyes. “How do you know?”

  “I’m wise beyond my years, darling.” Her aunt’s smile deepened. She held out her hand and squeezed Poppy’s fingers. “Besides, I walked with him in the garden this morning and asked.” Poppy felt the smile that was on her aunt’s face overly smug.

  She chuckled, mollified by her aunt’s statement, she lay her head on her aunt’s shoulder and smiled, then jerked up suddenly, looking into her aunt’s eyes. “I cannot believe you asked him about his tan.”

  Adele raised her brows. “I cannot believe he spoke of it to you, so we’re even.”


  A little later, curled up in one of the large leather chairs in the library, Poppy dozed with an open book lying on her chest. Her feet curled up under her looking like a child.

  Sitting opposite her, slouched in one of the other large leather chairs Declan stared at her in wonderment. He sat there absorbing her spirit. He grinned as a light snore escaped her slightly parted lips. He was half reading and half watching her sleep.

  He chuckled because he had no idea how long he sat there just holding his book, not turning a page, not reading a word.

  Knowing her as he already did. He was aware that she had questions. He had tried his best to avoid them as often as possible. Surreptitiously preparing for a new mistress at Allingham Park proved to take time and organization and he wanted to surprise her.

  He returned his eyes to her when she stretched like a cat, her heavy-lidded eyes taking a moment to focus, still cloudy with sleep, her cheeks rosy from her nap.

  She was breathtaking. She was so full of passion. He was completely amazed that she would one day be his beloved wife. He felt stupidly young and gauche when his groin tightened. He was unable to control the slightest hint of desire that pulsed through him whenever she was around.

  A slow easy smile covered her face when she saw him. “Hello.” Her voice was still husky with sleep. Poppy looked around, noticing the deep shadows that covered the library walls.

  “Hello, yourself,” Declan responded with a smile.

  “Hmmm…what time is it?” She pushed herself up and looked towards the grandfather clock in the corner.

  “It’s actually getting close to dinner time,” he said softly. “But we still have plenty of time to talk before we need to dress for dinner. If you would like, that is?” He smiled endearingly at her.

  “That smile will do nothing to appease my irritation.” Poppy frowned. “I am annoyed with you right now Declan,” Poppy said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Believe me I am fully aware of your irritation,” he said with a quirked brow.

  “You have practically ignored me for three whole days,” she said with a note of self-pity in her voice as well as a hint of jealousy.

  “Poppy, I have not ignored you for three days,” he attempted to placate her. “We were together this morning in your secluded garden, if you remember,” he stated as he cocked one of his black eyebrows. “You are certainly aware of how much time we have been spending together. I was trying to stem any hints of impropriety. I do not want you to be forced into anything that you may not want.”

  “Really?” she asked with a note of surprise in her voice. “That is all?”

  His gaze met and held hers. A long moment passed before he gave an encouraging smile. “What else would you have me do? You declined my offer of marriage.”

  “I can see how that would place you in a precarious position.” Her mouth curved into a smile. She relaxed as they sat and talked making easy conversation. They spoke as if they had known each other their whole lives and the time flew past. They talked about everything under the sun. Laughing at silly items of no consequence and trying to outdo each other’s childhood pranks. If anything, this time together cemented in Declan’s mind how right he and Poppy were for each other. Bringing out the best each had to offer.

  He glanced towards the grandfather clock, just as it started chiming the quarter hour. “Well, I believe it is now time for us to ready ourselves for dinner.” Standing, he held out his hand.

  Placing her hand firmly in his, Poppy stood. Laughing as she once again had to search for her slippers.

  With an enigmatic smile, he reached down and pulled her slippers out from beneath the chair she had just vacated. Kneeling, almost reverently, he placed her slippers on her dainty feet. Running his hand softly up her leg, he massaged her calf then lowered his hand to circle her slender ankle with his long fingers. The silkiness of her stocking covered legs was a sharp sensual contrast to his rough, calloused hands. Breathing deeply, he lowered her skirt and stood.

  Then he tucked her hand firmly through his arm and walked her up to her room.

  “I did have something I wanted to ask you,” Poppy said quietly, her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

  “Of course, you can ask me anything,” he reminded her, intrigued at the timidity of her inquiry.

  “Well,” she hesitated. “It is actually about Parker.” With a worried look she asked, “Do you know anything about the rumors that I heard while in London?”

  His brows drew together for a moment before he answered. “Yes, I believe I have an inkling of what you are referring.” Declan’s mouth firmed as he decided how much to reveal. “I think it would be best if you asked your brother for the details.”

  “I don’t want you to reveal any promised confidences.” Her brow puckered as she blew out a frustrated breath. “I guess you are right. I’ll need to discuss this with him then.”

  Reaching out Declan gently rubbed the wrinkle between her brows. With his head cocked at an angle, a tender smile curved his lips. In a hushed voice he said, “Don’t worry my little angel. Parker is fine.” Leaning in, he placed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Smiling widely he raised her hand to his lips. Flipping her hand and kissing the inside of her wrist. She closed her eyes rapturously and gave a happy sigh.

  With a captivating smile, Poppy raised her other hand and lightly skimmed his masculine jaw, loving the rasping of his whiskers on the palm of her hand.

  Declan unconsciously leaned into her palm, almost purring. Unable to resist, with deliberate slowness, he captured her lips in a tender kiss. She felt it all
the way to her toes. Like a bolt of lightning zinging across the sky. Her cheeks glowed with delight. In that moment, everything was right with the world. He slowly drew a deep steadying breath and released her. “I will see you at dinner, love.” Bowing, he placed one last moist kiss on the inside of her wrist. Turning from Poppy, he walked towards his suite of rooms.

  Leaning back against her door, Poppy touched her lips. Once again, finding herself dazed by his kiss. She stepped into her room, closed the door, and made her way through her dressing room and the adjoining bathing room to knock on Piper’s door. Not waiting for a response, she opened her twin’s door.

  Piper was laying on her bed reading and rose to her elbows when Poppy entered. “How are you doing, Poppy?”

  “I’m fine.” Hopping up on the bed, she plopped down on her stomach propping her chin up with her hands, kicking her feet back and forth. “I love him.” Looking troubled she inquired, “You like Declan, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I actually like him quite a bit,” she said with a little smile. “The last few days I have spent some extra time with him. He is a wonderful man.”

  “Do you think he loves me?”

  “I know he loves you quite a bit. You will know everything soon enough.”

  With a harrumph, “This is so frustrating,” she groaned. Flopping over to her back, she stared at the ceiling. Then she laughed as she glanced at her sister out of the corner of her eye. “I am learning that I am not a very patient person.”

  Piper chuckled. “You’re just now realizing that?”


  Feeling the need to make known Poppy’s concerns, instead of heading to his room, he turned around and walked to Parker’s study. Declan lightly knocked on the study door and walked into the room.

  He found Parker sitting near the black and white marble fireplace staring blindly at the wall with a decanter of brandy on the table near him and a glass in his hand.

  Declan closed the door, crossing to the deep leather chair opposite him. “Mind if I join you?” Declan gave a small smile.

  “Sure, take a seat,” he said, gesturing towards the other chair. “You’ll want to grab a glass over at the liquor cabinet if you want to have a drink.” Parker gave a slight nod toward the cabinet.

  Making his way to the cabinet, Declan poured himself some whiskey then sat down. Watching as Parker poured another splash of brandy.

  “Poppy mentioned concerned for you today. She mentioned the rumor.” He took a swallow of the smooth whiskey. Leaning his head back, monitoring Parker from beneath his lowered lashes.

  Giving him a flat look, Parker blew out a long breath. “That old rumor surfaced again this year.” He shook his head attempting to mask his dismay. “Why do all those nasty busybodies drag up old nonsense for their bitter amusements?” He slammed his fist on the arm of his chair. “It is just like those dried up old harridans to sit in their chairs watching for someone they make squirm. They derive some kind of sadistic pleasure from other’s pain and embarrassment. If I could throttle them I would,” he roared.

  Declan waited quietly for him to finish.

  “What I was accused of was horrendous,” he said almost too quietly, too dispassionately. “Thank God my father trusted me. I was almost hanged for murder.” With a wry grimace he continued. “If I wasn’t titled and rich as Croesus, I would be on the continent right now.” His chest heaved in anger. “Peyton knows everything, but I have worked doubly hard to shield Poppy and Piper from these horrid tales. Now it seems that I will have to explain everything.” He looked at Declan with dismay. “I don’t want them to be hurt by those old rumors.”

  Declan snorted. “Those who are your real friends know the truth and your family loves you. They would never believe you were capable of anything this horrific. Anyone who believes those lies is an imbecile.” He swirled the contents of his whiskey around in his crystal tumbler.

  “Besides,” Declan said with a hint of a smile. “Poppy will have my protection soon enough, a definite perk to being a duke. You can check her off your list of people that you will need to protect.” With a slight growl in his voice, “If anyone attempts to harm her with these terrible lies, I will knock their teeth down their throat.” He took a swallow from his glass. “As for Piper, she loves you and trusts you implicitly. I imagine she has much bigger concerns on her mind right now. Poppy told me that she was carrying a torch for Rockwell and is completely distraught by Seymour’s news during the picnic.”

  Closing his eyes with consternation, Parker groaned. “Oh, swell. Well, at least you’re taking Poppy off my hands.” He looked at Declan out of a half-opened eye with a sardonic grin on his face. “I thought this little skirmish with Napoleon was rough. This next season looks like it’s going to be a doozy.” Pouring some more brandy Parker groaned. “Rockwell? God help me, I need another drink.”

  Declan chuckled raising his glass in a salute. “To wars and women!” He swallowed the drink in one gulp. “May God have mercy on our souls.”


  Love is like a child,

  that longs for everything he

  can come by.

  Two Gentlemen of Verona

  *William Shakespeare

  “I hope she does not become too angry with us,” Freya worried, chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Why would she be angry?” Piper questioned. “Every little thing down to the minutest of details she had picked out herself.” She smiled wistfully. “We used to sit up here and dream about the day we would marry.” Gazing around the library loft in thoughtful reflection, with shimmering eyes she sighed. “I cannot believe Poppy is about to marry.”

  Chloe sniffled. “It is going to be like a fairy tale.”

  Piper grinned. “You are exactly right. I cannot believe most of this was his idea. How many men do you know would think of something like this?” She blew out a relieving breath as she pulled on her right earlobe. “It is truly the most romantic thing I could have ever imagined.”

  Freya glanced over the wrought iron railing. “Poppy is still in her garden, right?” she asked nervously.

  “Don’t worry, Freya,” Piper said with a wry look. “She stays out there for hours sometimes.” Her glance encompassed all of the women. “I have it on good authority that Hawksley is doing his best to distract her.” She giggled behind her hand.

  “Wicked.” Chloe giggled.

  “Indeed, so Holly gave you the sample we needed and you sent it to the seamstress with all the particulars right?” Piper glanced at Chloe.

  “Yes ma’am.” She saluted. “Along with the pictures from La Belle Assemblée,” Chloe giggled. “It will be delivered on Thursday. It is going to be magnificent! It will sparkle in the sun just like we want.” She clasped her hands in front of her chest in anticipation. “I mean just like Poppy wants.” She giggled.

  “We chose the correct option right?” Piper worriedly chewed on her bottom lip and pulled on her right earlobe again.

  “Yes,” they whispered loudly.

  Georgie started barking again so Freya glanced over the railing. “You’re quite certain Poppy’s in her garden?”

  “Yes,” Chloe replied. “I watched her walk in there myself.”

  Piper scratched her head in concentration. “And the flowers Freya?” She looked up as Georgie started barking again rubbing her forehead in frustration, “Someone please keep Georgie quiet before we are discovered.”

  Chloe leaned over and picked Georgie up to place him in her lap.

  “Who carried Georgie up here anyway?” Piper asked.

  Chloe lightly rubbed her nose to Georgie’s fur. “Who’s a good doggie? Who’s a good doggie?” She murmured repeatedly, scratching behind his ear. “Georgie brought them together the very first time, so it is only fitting that he is a part of the planning. Right, Georgie?” She asked drolly, rubbing his little belly.

  “Of course,” Piper responded edgily. “Freya, the flowers?” she inquired again as she pushed he
r glassed up and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

  “Yes Piper,” Freya answered. “All the flowers have been taken care of.”

  Piper glanced at the gold watch pinned to her bodice. “Mrs. Hastings will be here any moment to go over the menu with us.” She glanced back down at her list of things to do.

  “Oh, this is so exciting,” Chloe gushed.


  Holding Poppy’s hand tightly against him, he could feel the swell of her breast against his arm as they strolled leisurely through her garden.

  Poppy was unable to concentrate for long, enthralled with the tiny lines that fanned out near his eyes when he smiled. Distracted by the feel of him pressed close to her, she inhaled his spicy intoxicating scent, which at this moment was making her feel more than a little dizzy.

  She gently squeezed the hard swell of muscle that bulged in his arm amazed at the differences of their bodies, her softness against his hardness. It was enough to make her swoon.

  Growing warmer by the moment, she began to ply her fan swiftly in order to cool her heated cheeks.

  Glancing furtively down at her, he could see that their closeness affected her equally as much. Her breath came in rapid bursts, causing her bosom to press precariously against the edge of her bodice, her shawl doing little to hide her glorious figure from his gaze. Stifling a moan, he shifted slightly in order to ease the uncomfortable tightness of his increasingly snug breeches.

  Poppy came up short, when he stopped once again, leaning forward to sniff the flower in front of him. “This one looks familiar. What is it called?” Leaning down he sniffed again. “It smells sweet and musky at the same time.” He glanced up at her, “Very nice indeed.”

  “That is the common musk thistle,” she said patiently as she once again gave him the name of the purple flower. “I find its simplicity somehow amazingly beautiful, don’t you?”


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