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Ruin Me Please

Page 22

by Nichole Matthews

  “Have we looked at this one before?” Declan frowned spinning in a circle, looking about until he spotted the same flower near the entrance to her garden, pointing to the far right corner. “Ah, there it is.” He shook his head in astonishment.

  She smirked. “More than likely, you have been sneaking off with me here quite often over the past few days, you should have memorized the layout of the garden by now.” She laughed aloud.

  “I’ve been too busy staring at you to memorize the locations of each of your beloved flowers.”

  She tapped him playfully on the arm. “And, since there is no rhyme or reason to the planting of my garden we might actually pass by the same flower again. I just threw a jumble of seeds in the ground and waited. The masterpiece before you is what was created.” Poppy spun around with her arms outstretched.

  “Pure genius,” His eyes held a twinkle when he looked down at her. “Absolutely breathtaking,” His mouth curved in an amused smile. “You do have a knack for making an astonishing garden. I need to introduce you to my gardener. Maybe he can learn a few things from you.” His eyes narrowed as he looked around the garden one last time. “Who would have thought that spreading seeds haphazardly in the ground could have such an overwhelmingly dramatic effect on the senses?” He mused aloud breathing in the overpoweringly heady fragrance. “Such a stark contrast to the parterre garden a few steps away. Disciplined and contained.”

  “I could learn a few things from your gardener. I haven’t a clue how to cultivate roses and from what you’ve told me, your gardener is an expert.”

  His hand reached up and cupped her chin. “Your skin feels like a rose petal, velvety soft.” She leaned into his caress, letting him stroke her jaw, then her throat.

  A genuinely happy smile covered his lips. “I have come to a rather startling conclusion this past week.” He let his hand drop, backing away from her.

  “What conclusion have you reached?”

  “I have never spent a great deal of time examining my taste, but over the last few days I have realized I actually enjoy the wildness of your intimate garden over the stringent planting of the formal ones. I realized as well that I have never thought on what my favorite flower might be.” He shook his head in wonder. “Shameful on my part, so after a time of in-depth study, deep reflection and self-discovery over the last few days, I have finally chosen my favorite flower.”

  Turning towards him, her eyebrow arched. “Is that so? In-depth study? I had no idea you were seriously contemplating flowers this whole time.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Which one is your favorite?” She asked, looking around her garden. “Let me guess, the cherry blossom?”

  “No,” he responded succinctly.

  “Hmmm…the sunflower?” She guessed again, turning to search out other choices.

  “No,” he shook his head.

  Wrinkling her nose, she pondered the remaining flowers. “Bluebells?” She asked puzzled.

  “Not even close.” He chuckled, letting her continue with her guessing game.

  She turned back to him and waited. After a moment without a response, she started talking again. “Is it one that I have in my garden?” She looked innocently around. “Or one you discovered by reading a book in the library?”

  “Do you want me to tell you, or do you want to continue with your interminable guessing?” His lips twitched.

  “Oh, so sorry,” she said, blinking in surprise. “Please, tell me.”

  On impulse, he raised his hand twining one of her loose curls around his finger slowly pulling her closer.

  Poppy took a sure step closer bringing them toe to toe, drawing in a deep breath exhaling with a shudder as sparks ignited the moment the tips of her breasts met the thickly muscled wall of his chest. She reached out and touched him, her palms splayed over his wildly beating heart. His harsh groan filled her ears when she ran her hand over his chest, her touch like a brand. With a catch in her throat, she asked once more, “What is your favorite flower?” Easing her hands as far as she could reach over his shoulders until her soft hands curled around his neck, pressing their bodies together from knee to chest.

  His eyes darkened. “Do you truly care what my favorite flower is?” He gazed into her eyes for a long moment his eyes flashing with a mixture of humor and desire, slowly leaning forward. The evidence of his desire pressed firmly against her belly.

  “Yes I do,” she said encouragingly, her voice husky.

  “You will probably think me sappy.” Their playful exchange exhilarated him.

  “Just tell me,” she pleaded playfully.

  “Poppies,” he stated matter-of-fact tracing his finger down the curve of her smooth cheek.

  “Poppies,” she repeated, pulling her eyebrow raised in disbelief.

  “Yes.” He grinned. “I have decided that poppies are my all-time favorite flower.”

  “You’re a tease, Your Grace.” She chuckled, tucking her head against the curve of his arm and shoulder. “No one in their right mind would choose a poppy as their favorite flower.”

  “Do you believe in coincidences, Poppy?” His hot breath wafted in her ear causing a shiver of anticipation to skate down her spine, he bit playfully on her earlobe.

  Her eyes closed at the velvety timbre of his voice.

  “Do you believe in destiny?” he asked, trailing warm, moist kisses down her jaw line. “Or possibly fate?” he asked, nuzzling and licking her neck.

  Poppy’s hands gripped his lapel as a lifeline afraid she would puddle at his feet if she were not holding on to something, considering the hungry, possessive look in his eyes.

  “I find it highly ironic that my favorite flower would be named after you.” He inhaled her sweet fragrance. “I’ve read their scent is intoxicating, but surely it does not rival your scent.” He peppered moist kisses along the curve of her jaw again. “They can be prickly.” Declan chuckled as she stiffened in his arms. “But of course you are not prickly,” he argued with humor lacing his voice. Nuzzling her again, running his tongue along the fragrant curve of her neck. He felt the tension slowly melt away. “They can also be addictive. I am definitely finding that I cannot live without you,” he murmured right before he captured her lips in a searing kiss demonstrating how addictive she was to him. He deepened the kiss as she moaned into his mouth. His tongue explored the depth of her heat.

  Her lips parted farther as she touched her tongue to his igniting a fire that burned hotter and hotter with every flick of her tongue.

  The warm delicious taste of her plump lips called to him like the sirens of old. Just like the power of opium. He could not stop now that he had a taste. He could not get enough of her. Wrapping his arms around her, he traced the softness of her curves. He lowered his hands until they cupped the curve of her bottom.

  A tiny breathless sound caught in her throat as her tongue tangled with his, the kiss long and lingering.

  He held her tightly insinuating his knee between her legs slowly rubbing against the damp heat between her thighs.

  Unable to remain still for long, Poppy’s hips moved of their own accord pressing her mound firmly against his leg.

  Mindless to anything else, time and place meant nothing. His arousal strengthened. His willpower stretched to the limit, kissing her with a desperate hunger. Groaning harshly, he pushed her from him.

  Her breathing was shallow and rapid, her knees weak.

  He held on to her arms to steady her. Waiting until her shaky limbs could hold her up. Closing his eyes, he counted to ten slowly. They had to stop before it went too far. Taking deep breaths and waiting for the beating of his heart to taper off. “Poppy,” he said in a husky rasp. “We have to control ourselves.”

  Her vision still cloudy with passion, Poppy trembled. Her lips throbbed from their heated kiss. “I think that is a very, very wise decision,” she said breathlessly. She paused taking another deep breath. “Probably the wisest decision I have heard in a long time.”

  His lips twit
ched. “I have never wanted anything as much as I want you. You are magnificent. Since I obviously have no control around you, we have to go somewhere less private.” He turned her around, grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the garden.


  Strolling to the chaise, Poppy plopped down next to her aunt and sighed rather dramatically. “How am I supposed to behave rationally when he makes me feel so muddled?” Poppy grimaced. She was acquainted with plenty of men, but none had never made her want to throw caution to the wind as Declan did.

  This is the first time she thought more of the future.

  The first time she had actually pictured her future with one particular man. Declan wanted her, she did not doubt that. What she doubted was whether it was purely physical or if his feelings ran more deeply.

  Adele looked steadily back with a benign smile on her face. “I must say, I would much prefer a man full of passion than not.”

  Poppy turned to her and blinked. Detecting amusement in Adele’s tone Poppy’s frown grew.

  “Taming a man like Hawksley is a triumph, my dear.” Adele smiled. “One to be savored not feared.”


  Poppy wandered into the library after leaving her aunt and came to a screeching halt at the frantic whispers coming from the high alcove.

  A collective gasp greeted her ascent.

  “Expecting someone else?” Poppy’s brows arched, daring them to fabricate a lie.


  If it proves so, love goes by haps:

  some Cupid kills with arrows,

  some with traps.

  Much Ado About Nothing.

  *William Shakespeare

  Restless and unable to sleep, Poppy slipped out of her bed and paced before the window. She couldn’t get her mind off of Declan. The quiet of the house allowed for the mindless wanderings of her thoughts. His kisses provoked odd sensations in her belly, feelings she had never felt before. Unable to clear her mind, she finally sat in her window seat, a woolen shawl wrapped about her shoulders. The perfume of the honeysuckle that wafted through her open window did little to soothe her soul tonight. There was an odd agonizing feeling that she was not used to bubbling up inside of her. Her usual sanguine personality swamped in sadness.

  He loved her---she knew it with every fiber of her being. She had never been in love before. She had never experienced physical pleasure before.

  What man would go to so much trouble if he weren’t truly in love?

  So deep in thought, Poppy did not hear her chamber door open and close.

  Walking quietly towards the tiny figure bundled on the window seat, Declan placed his arms around her and lifted her against his chest, gently rubbing her back. “Sweeting.” He carried her towards the deep cushioned leather chair in front of the fire and sat with her in his lap.

  “I missed you tonight,” she murmured sleepily against his chest.

  “I missed you too.” He kissed the top of her head tenderly, sliding his hand up and down her arm in long relaxing strokes.

  “I tried to follow you this afternoon, but you were too sneaky for me.” She chuckled. “Are you sure you aren’t a spy for the crown? You would be very good at it.”

  A laugh escaped him as he thought of all the planning that had taken place this week. Please with his friends selfless assistance, concerned at their utter exhaustion, but witnessing the shudder that slithered down Seymour’s spine as he stared at the dirt beneath his nails was without price.

  He knew himself well enough, but he hoped he hadn’t taken this cloak-and-dagger planning way too far. For that reason, he sat and held her for what seemed like hours stroking her back. Watching as her breathing evened out. He spoke gently, whispering words of love even though he knew she was sleeping peacefully and could not hear him.

  With awe in his voice he whispered, “I have fallen in love with you, my dearest, Poppy.” Grinning as he voiced the words aloud. He let his head fall against the back of the chair. “I am in love with you.” A peculiar peace surrounded him.

  His breathing began to slow as he drowsily thought of the gift he had for her in his room. It had arrived earlier that afternoon making his purpose seem even more real. He placed a kiss on her sleep-flushed cheek, stood with her still cradled in his arms, and carried her to bed. Tucking her coverlet tightly around her, he paused as she mumbled in her sleep. Turning onto her side she finally relaxed into the softness of her mattress.

  He almost smiled as he thought of his task for tomorrow.

  He kissed her lips softly and whispered huskily, “I promise I will love you forever.” Drawing in a deep, slow, steadying breath as he quietly closed her chamber door.


  One half of me is yours, the other half yours-

  Mine own, I would say; but if mine,

  Then yours and so all yours!

  The Merchant of Venice

  *Williams Shakespeare

  Life can change like the seasons. A few weeks ago, he was an empty shell filling his days with backbreaking work to keep the ghosts away. Now to be sitting here with his heart so full of love that he felt ready to burst, it was unfathomable.

  He looked forward to being leg-shackled, as Poppy put it, that is if she agreed. That particular thought elicited a quiet chuckle.

  He looked forward to spending his life with such a remarkable woman and filling his nursery with golden haired freckle-faced babies. It was more than he thought he deserved. He was amazed. He knew God was smiling down on him, proud of him. Why else would he have given such a magnificent gift to such an unworthy man?

  He leaned back on his elbows lifting his face to the sun and inhaled deeply. He imagined the sweet smell of Poppy’s scent. A smile on his lips, he smiled a smile full of peace and forgiveness, and most of all love.

  When he heard the crunch of footsteps on the rocky ground, he slowly stood and faced her. He stood staring at her, overwhelmed by the powerful emotions that churned deep in his gut. Nervously he had anticipated this encounter because he had something he wanted to say. For the first time in his life, he already knew what the answer needed to be.

  The crumbling turrets of the ruins pointed portentously towards the sky in the background. To some this could be a dismal backdrop, but for Poppy it was a solid reminder of happy times in her life.

  “I looked everywhere for you,” Poppy said with a faintly questioning note in her voice. She walked up to him, captured his hand and twined their fingers. She studied his eyes. “Parker told me he thought you might have come here.”

  Declan lifted her hands to his lips and gently kissed the tips of each of her fingers. “I was just remembering,” he gently spoke.

  “We both know what a fickle mistress life can be.” Poppy squeezed Declan’s hands close to her heart. “It changes like the seasons.”

  Declan smiled at her choice of words.

  With a smile on her face she continued, “We don’t know what tomorrow may bring. All we have is here and now and I have decided that I would like to wait out that time with you by my side.” Her eyes shimmered. “I am not afraid,” she told him matter of fact. “I am chomping at the bit, actually. I am more than willing to leave my heart in your hands. I know you will guard it unreservedly forever.” The words spoken with a slight hitch in her voice. “I can’t lie. It is yours to do with what you will for better or for worse.” She looked intently up at him. “I just need to know that I am safe with you, that you will not hold anything back. I need to know that you are giving me everything. Nothing less will do. I am giving you all that I have. Are you willing to do the same?” she asked holding her breath.

  Declan pressed her hands firmly to his lips. “My heart has been securely in your hands since the first time that I saw you.” His eyes held a smile.

  A serene smile spread across her face.

  With a look of wonder on his face he said, “I remember the love that I buried deep inside my heart. I missed it. I did not say goodbye to eith
er of them and I could not forgive myself for living a life apart from them.”

  “I know it must have been painful for you.” Her vision blurred with tears.

  “I have missed so much. I allowed time to fly by without anything to show for it except calloused hands.”

  “I love your calloused hands.” She raised his hands to her lips and kissed each one tenderly. “They show your strength and determination.”

  A smile of remembrance curled his lips. “I remember my father telling me to find my way.” He looked deeply into her eyes. “He had already given me permission to be my own man, but I have always regretted the need to search. I believed that I should have been content where I was. I don’t want to shut the world out any longer. I dreamed of you. I know because when I walked into your garden that day, I felt whole again.”

  Poppy wrapped her arms tightly around his waist in comfort. Holding him for several minutes before she finally looked up and said, “Amor Vincit omnia.”

  Declan threw back his head and laughed. “I think Seymour was right when he said that I have met my match.”

  “I very well could not be outdone with all this quoting business that you are so fond of.” She smiled brilliantly. “If gentlemen need an arsenal of quotes for wooing women, I thought maybe I would need an arsenal of quotes for wooing a man.” She giggled into his chest. “It is true you know.” She ran her hands gently over his chest.

  The sunny breezy day was a perfect backdrop for the feelings in his heart. “I will never doubt again.” The darkness replaced by her light. Smiling, he leaned down and with a finger lifted her chin, kissing her delectable nose. “Love does conquer all.”

  “Splendid, I hoped I would remember how to say it properly.” She grinned from ear to ear her dimple peeking out. “I fear I am hopeless when it comes to foreign tongues. Ask Miss Harris or Auntie Adele.”


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