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Page 24

by S. M. West

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking.” I smooth the front of long wool my coat for something to do with my hands while his eyes take in my every move. “Julian, I need to get home.”

  “Oh, yeah.” He turns and puts the car into drive. With one hand on the wheel, he slips out of the parking spot. “So, how’s school?”

  “It’s school.” I shrug.

  I have a hundred questions for him like why are you really here? Are you doing my grandfather’s bidding? But I dare not ask. I’m not ready for the answers.

  “Yeah, true. We should get together some time.”

  My neck snaps in his direction. His eyes are on the road, his profile giving nothing away.

  “What? You mean like coffee or something?” My voice is shaky, and I can’t decide if it’s excitement or panic.

  I’ve never feared Julian. In fact, he’s made me feel safe, or as safe as possible with one of the most powerful men in the city wishing I’d never been born. But right now, safe is the last thing I feel. I can’t put my finger on it, but I’m missing something that’s staring me right in the face.

  “Yeah, like coffee or something.” He glances at me, smiling again.

  The car turns onto a side street, and he slows in front of Evan’s brownstone. My stomach drops. How the hell does he know where I live? It isn’t a stretch for him to find out. He certainly has the means to. But why?

  I unbuckle my seatbelt before the car comes to a full stop, and open the door. My foot hits the asphalt, and as I push up to leave, Julian’s large hand encircles my wrist.

  “Hey, Anna.” His tone is deep and smooth.

  “Yes.” I glance back at him, our brown eyes colliding.

  “It was great to see you, let’s do this again sometime. Real soon.”

  “Sure, text me.” My response is calm and even, nothing like the storm brewing within me. “Bye, thanks for the ride.”

  Slamming the door on his goodbye, I twirl on my heel and sprint up the steps into the safety of my home. It may all be in my head, but I can’t shake the feeling that Julian Cavallo will be a problem.

  Releasing Winter 2018 - Add to your TBR

  To those readers who fell in love with the wildflower and rock star in my short story, Hitch, and asked for more – thank you!! It means a lot to know Pansy and Silas touched you. I hope you enjoyed their story, and love them as much as I do!

  To my awesome beta readers, Julia, Stéphanie, Maida, and Layla, your honesty and support is invaluable. Each of you helped make this story what it is. Thank you! I love your beautiful faces!

  A special thanks to my dearest friend, Kim. For two people who love to write, we don’t need a lot of words to understand each other. You get me. Thank you for your unwavering support in me.

  To my tribe of author friends, Kristen, Kate, Claudia, Bella, and Saffron, thank you for your friendship. You make this writing gig not so lonely! To the lovelies of the Suite and my ARC Review Team, thank you for your love, your reviews and helping to spread the word. I’m forever grateful to you for taking a chance on me. Thank you!

  To Leanne, my editor, for your attention to detail, and somehow making the process enjoyable. To Melinda for always helping me in a pinch, and giving me your best, and to Bex for your ninja skills, and flexibility. To Letitia Hasser of RBA Designs, I don’t know how you do it, but thank you for your brilliance! To Jules from Jersey Girl Design for making the words prettier. And to Regina Wamba for your pictures that screamed Pansy Dobson. Talk about serendipity!

  Finally, to my family, you make each day brighter, better, and always encourage me to pursue my dreams. Love you.

  Suzanne xo

  S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, erotica and whatever her heart desires. She spends most of her time juggling a day job, being a mom, wife, and writing. She’s a self-professed junkie of many things, including a voracious fan of music, a born wanderer, a wine aficionado and chocolate connoisseur.

  For new releases, exclusive excerpts, giveaways and more, sign up for her newsletter.

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  Facebook: Author S.M. West

  Facebook Group: S.M. West’s Suite

  Instagram: @smwestwrites

  Twitter: @SMWestAuthor

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Other titles by S.M. West





  1. Stupid

  2. Crazy

  3. Unique

  4. Brave

  5. Sorry

  6. Dirt

  7. Ride

  8. Goosebumps

  9. Tease

  10. Cartwheels

  11. Centered

  12. Nasty

  13. Promise

  14. Tension

  15. Right

  16. Longing

  17. Connection

  18. Smitten

  19. Balls

  20. Flush

  21. Somersault

  22. Miss

  23. Disappointment

  24. History

  25. Twists

  26. Addicted

  27. Fear

  28. Worthless

  29. Disdain

  30. Lust

  31. Bloom

  32. Smartass

  33. Apprehension

  34. Ballistic

  35. Venom

  36. Killing

  37. Greedy

  38. Inevitable

  39. Together

  40. Priceless

  41. Detour




  About the Author




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