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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

Page 14

by H. M. McQueen

“Hector, come and meet Tonia. She’s Fallon’s wife.” Tonia bristled at the label, as far as she was concerned, they were not married.

  The butler smiled, his warmth almost moved her to tears. After Fallon’s coldness, she felt vulnerable. “Hello Ms. Tonia, Lord Trent would like to see you.”

  “Who?” she sputtered, and then glanced at Wendy who giggled.

  “Fallon is a Lord,” Wendy explained. “I guess he didn’t tell you.”

  “I guess not,” she replied, not bothering to get up. He could wait. She noticed that Hector waited for her reply. “Tell the Lord, I’ll be there when I finish eating.”

  Hector nodded and left.

  Fallon sat behind his desk and glanced up when she walked in, but didn’t speak. He continued typing into his laptop for a few moments, while she watched him. Dressed casually in a long sleeve T-shirt and jeans, he was barefoot. She’d never seen him dressed so casual before. She could see a light shadow on his jaw line. He hadn’t shaved either. Now she knew for sure something was terribly wrong.

  “I must go to England for two or three days.” he told her not bothering to make eye contact. “Can you accompany me?” His flat eyes met hers.

  “I am not sure I can take time off,” Tonia replied. “Besides, us being apart doesn’t seem to be as bad lately.” She was mortified to find she blushed at the words.

  His gaze lifted for only a moment then returned to the screen. “No not as bad, three days should be bearable. As long as we are intimate the night before I leave.”

  “Intimate? Is that what you call it now?” Tonia glared at him. “Why don’t you just say ‘fuck’, since you’re being such a jerk?” She got up and stormed from the room.

  Fallon watched Tonia leave the library. She was mad at him. He frowned, not sure what caused her consternation. He’d not attempted to read her thoughts, didn’t find the will to do so.

  He glanced back down to his laptop, an email from his cousin Morton’s grandson open on the screen. He requested Fallon return immediately to deal with an urgent issue regarding the transfer of two of his properties, it seemed he’d forgotten to change his identity in that township and the sale could not go through without his physical presence. He opened a desk drawer and pulled out his latest passport and birth certificate, both proving his identity as Fallon Trent, the first’s great-grandson. He was now his own grandson, immortality could be a trial.

  His hands shook, not much, but enough to make it difficult to type. The sooner he returned to England the better. Perhaps the distance would alleviate the emptiness that engulfed him. Apathy was not a trait he’d ever understood or tolerated, yet more and more each day, he felt a distance, a separation within himself.

  Yet, at times it didn’t bother him much, he didn’t really care, but that was the problem. If he didn’t feel, he was of little use to the Protectors, or to his mate.

  As the now familiar darkness threatened to envelope him he stood and went to the window. He peered at the colorful display of Crepe Myrtles’ leaves that were changing into bright rust and gold, signaling the arrival of fall. Movement below caught his attention. Albert was frantically digging up around Hector’s newly planted Azaleas. He watched the butler round the corner, a water hose in hand to spray at the dog that barked and wagged his tail, thinking it all a game.

  Damn dog, by the time Kieran and Wendy moved out, his garden would be a mess and Hector would have an ulcer. He chuckled upon seeing Hector stumble tripping over the water hose.

  “So you do have some emotions,” Kieran said, walking into the library. “I’m about to crash, but I wanted to give you a heads up on our progress with tracking Gerard.”

  “Your damn dog is ruining the garden. Hector hates him.” Fallon told his partner, not turning away from the window.

  “Oh shit,” Kieran came to stand beside him to look. Hector was down on his knees with a small shovel filling the hole that Albert dug, while Albert sat next to him and watched. “They look fine right now,” Kieran told him, frowning.

  Fallon rolled his eyes. “That is because your dog is too dumb to realize Hector is mad at him.”

  “Riiight,” Kieran replied. He gave Fallon a droll look. “Anyway, Sebastian found out that Gerard has moved to a new place. He and Carlo parted ways, Carlo keeping the larger portion of the group.”

  “Who went with Gerard?”

  “From what we gather only his two guards, a few low-levels and some humans.

  “That’s not much protection, it may prove easy to get to him. We should try today.”

  “You’re quarantined remember?” Kieran told him, his eyebrows raised waiting for him to explode.

  “That’s right,” Fallon replied recalling Julian’s orders.

  “That’s right? That’s all you have to say?” Kieran leaned closer, his eyes narrowed. “Aren’t you cross?”

  Fallon took a breath and glanced back outside. “Julian is here. I thought he left.”

  “So did I. Can’t be good news.”

  When Julian crossed the threshold into the house, he went straight into the library. Only Fallon remained in the room. The door slammed behind Julian.

  “We must speak,” Julian told him, his gaze penetrating.

  “You will return to Rome with me.”


  “Tomorrow. Do you want to know why?” Julian asked, studying him.

  Fallon considered the options. “I have to travel to England anyway,” he shrugged, “It works well for me.”

  Julian clenched his jaw. “Fallon, if the demon is not killed, your condition won’t change. I cannot risk you remaining here within the Master demon’s reach. You will have to stay in Rome indefinitely. I’m sorry, but you cannot continue to be part of the Protector force in Atlanta.”

  Fallon went to his chair and sat down. He felt a tug. Disappointment maybe?

  “As you wish, can I still go to England? I have business to tend to.”

  Julian nodded, “You are not a prisoner Fallon, it’s safer to keep you away from here. You will train new Protectors until you are ready to return to an assignment as a Protector.” Didn’t he mean ‘if’?

  Julian continued speaking. “You must understand that I have to keep you away from the demon. If you were to be possessed, you will be a strong weapon, not only with your powers, but also with the memories of our resources. And before you suggest it, killing you is not an option.”

  “What about my mate?” Fallon found he could not bring himself to leave Tonia behind.

  “She’ll come with you.” Julian replied. “Do you wish me to talk to her?”

  Fallon stood. “No, I’ll speak to her.”

  “Meet me at the airport tomorrow night then.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tonia waited her turn in line to congratulate Douglas. When her partner spotted her, she straightened her shoulders and forced a smile making her way toward him. “Well Marshal Douglas, it looks like you’re finally rid of me.”

  Douglas shook his head. “Took me long enough to get this promotion.” He offered her a piece of cake. “Teresa made it, it’s my favorite, carrot cake.”

  “You deserve the promotion,” she replied patting his arm before reaching for the cake. “So many changes, a new partner and a new Captain too.” She told him referring to their current Captain’s retirement.

  A sudden quiet caught their attention, everyone turned to catch a glimpse of the new Captain as the tall man made his way into the room. When Tonia finally caught a glimpse of him, the room swayed and she grabbed the nearest chair to steady herself. The new captain had a deep blue tint to his skin. He was a high-level demon.

  That scent, that familiar smell enveloped her. Everything faded and she was in that dark alley, clinging to Alex begging him not to die. All the while the smell of the demon that had killed him in the air. She’d never forget the smell.

  The people murmured and Tonia broke out in a cold sweat. Heart banging in her chest, she rushed to the nearest doo
rway to get fresh air.

  Gulping oxygen into her lungs, she fought not to go back inside to kill the newcomer.

  Her gut clenched as she bent over, taking deep breaths to keep from throwing up. She’d finally found him, Alex’s killer. Her heart hammered against her ribs at the knowledge.

  The urge to kill made her shake. Fully aware that if she followed her instincts and struck the new captain down, she’d not only put the others in the room into a tailspin, which wasn’t fair to them, but she’d probably be imprisoned. Tonia gripped the railing and closed her eyes. The vibration of her cell phone startled her.

  “Tonia?” Fallon’s voice came across urgently. “Can you come home?”

  “What’s wrong?” she stuttered, her heart pounding. “Are you all right?”

  “I have to speak to you, Julian was here. We have to go to Rome, you and I.”

  “All right, I’ll be there in an hour or so, I have something to finish. Why do we have to go to Rome?”

  “I’ll explain when you get here.”

  She got Douglas’s attention and he came outside. “Why are you out here?” He frowned at her.

  “My…er Fallon is not feeling well, I have to go.” She told him. “I have to go check on him. Can you cover for me?”

  He nodded, a baffled expression on his face. “Sure, go.” Douglas chuckled making her turn back to face him. “I’m happy you care so much for the man, it’s about time.”

  Tonia couldn’t say anything to her partner. What did she feel for Fallon? Especially now that he’d changed so much. Hell, she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to admit to herself.

  She didn’t bother going back inside, but made her way toward her car, only to come to a stop at spotting the new Captain standing by her car, a cigarette in his mouth.

  “Marshal Mohr right?” His black eyes met hers and she somehow knew he was aware of her ability to see him for what he was.

  “Sir,” Tonia glanced around, they were alone. “I’m sorry I have to go home, my husband is not feeling well.”

  His eyebrows rose. “I wasn’t aware you were married.”

  “Just recently,” she told him forcing a smile. “Very recent.”

  “Are you returning?” The question’s true meaning came through loud and clear. She took her badge out of her pocket and held it out to him. “No I am not. I cannot work for you.” He took it.

  Without speaking, he watched her get in her car, his gaze never wavering from hers.

  With one last glance at the demon, she peeled off. I’ll see you soon and when I do I will kill you.

  Blinded with rage, Tonia drove without a destination in mind. Rain drizzled, making the streets reflect the city lights as she continued down a familiar road.

  The winding narrow lane gave barely enough room for one car to maneuver through and she pulled over to park. Hands on the steering wheel, she looked toward where her husband lay.

  The bastard who’d killed him was the new captain. How could that be?

  She climbed out of the car and made her way past several grave markers until reaching his.

  “I’m so sorry.” Tonia didn’t care that the ground was wet from a recent drizzle as she sank onto her knees in front of Alex’s grave. Her face in her hands, she sobbed, “Oh God Alex, I’m so sorry. I was face to face with your killer and didn’t do anything. I couldn’t.” She lay down on the moist earth, her fingers digging into the grass as a second wave of pain hit her.

  She had nothing now. Everything was lost. Her job, Fallon, and even her freedom—she had to remain with whoever Fallon was now. In an effort to hold on to a semblance of control, she’d turned in her badge. An impulsive move that she wasn’t sure served her plans.

  Fallon, her life mate. A man without emotions. Regret began to form and she wondered what good being bound to him did, especially if he never regained his emotions. Too exhausted to move, she rolled onto her back and stared up at the sky. “I miss you so much Alex. Why did you leave me?”

  Sadness won the battle, as she sat up. Cross-legged, her face in her hands, she continued to sob.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Fallon walked into the kitchen, Wendy was bent over a cookbook, a cup of tea in her hand. She looked up at him a wide smile on her lips. “Hello sunshine,” she called as he made his way to the teapot. “Fresh tea.”

  “Hello Wendy,” he replied, then after pouring a cup, he went to the table and sat—ignoring her surprised look.

  “What should I get Tonia for a gift?” he asked without preamble and waited for her reply. Her instant thought, Emotions.

  Wendy tapped her fingernails on the table top in thought. “Flowers for starters would be nice. Jewelry is always good, women love bling.” She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. “Do you feel anything at all? Do you have feelings for her?”

  Fallon gave it some thought. “I am ambivalent about everything right now. I can’t make myself care about anything. I do recall that I cared very much for her.”

  “Well I hope Julian is able to fix you,” Wendy told him patting his hand. Then she jumped in her seat and clapped. “You’re going to Italy, that’s the most romantic place. Why don’t you take Tonia for an overnight stay in a winery in Tuscany or something? That would be awesome!”

  Wendy smiled triumphantly at him. Her eyes twinkled and Fallon had to admit, he understood why Kieran loved his wife so much, she was so full of life.

  He stood and headed back to the garage door. “If Tonia arrives before I do, tell her I’ll be back shortly. And please ask her not to leave.”

  “Okay. Where are you going?”

  “Florist. Jewelers.”

  An hour later, he returned, a bouquet of roses in a vase in one hand, a small jeweler’s bag in the other. Upon hearing guitar music, he put the flowers and bag down on the kitchen table and walked out to the screened in porch. Logan looked up, but didn’t stop playing. “Hey Fallon.”

  “I’m going to Rome for an indefinite period of time. Hector will remain behind. If Kieran’s house is completed and they move out, will you please remain here? I’d like you to consider living here permanently. Even after I return.”

  Logan shrugged. “Sure. Anything I need to take care of while you’re gone?”

  “No, just stay alive and keep my partner alive.”

  Logan gave him a thumbs up. “Got that covered.”

  Fallon turned and went back to pick up the flowers, heading for the stairway.

  In the bedroom, he heard the shower running. She must have gone straight into the bathroom to shower by the trail of dirty clothes she left from the bedroom doorway to the bathroom.

  He placed the flowers on a table, the jewelry bag beside it and went to the closet and pulled out his suitcase.

  A few moments later, Tonia walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her, she stopped in her tracks at seeing him. She eyed the flowers, and then her gaze flickered to the suitcase.

  “This soon?” she asked.

  “Julian wants me to meet him at the airport tonight,” he replied putting the clothes on the bed next to the suitcase. “You are coming with me.”

  “I have something very important to do right now, I can’t go anywhere.” She went to the closet, he followed.

  The scent of her washed hair reminded him of their time together in the shower. Aroused, he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. His mouth crushed hers. She kissed him back, her arms wrapping around his waist. When he cupped her butt and pulled her into his hardness, she moaned.

  The need to feel her skin against his tore through him and he released her to remove his clothes. Her darkened green eyes watched as he yanked his pants and briefs down, kicking them away.

  She dropped the towel and came to him, pulling him against her. “I need to be with you Fallon.” The breathless request washed over him like a warm cascade and he guided her to the bed. Going to the side away from the suitcase, he fell onto the bed with her. Tonia swept the hair away fr
om his brow, and looked at him, her eyes were swollen, she’d been crying. He started to ask, but she spoke cutting him off.

  “Come back to me. I need you to come back, be who you were before.”

  A tingle of regret flickered through him, and he did want to grant her wish, but then as quickly, it was gone, apathy taking its place.

  “I’ll do what I can to grant your wish,” he replied, kissing a trail down her creamy throat to her breast. When he took her nipple in his mouth, she lifted her pelvis up and he cupped her sex, his finger circling her wetness.

  He moved down between her legs and spread her thighs. Fully exposed, her eyes widened when he looked up at her face. “You’re beautiful.”

  Flicking her with his tongue, he drove her to lose all control, she bucked and flayed under him as he held her in place. Knowing she was about to climax, he suckled her swollen nub as she screamed in release. He enjoyed the taste of her as she convulsed under his touch. He moved back up to capture her mouth.

  Fallon pushed into her, entering her pliant wetness, he became lost in the sensations of her heat surrounding his hardness.

  Not able to control his movements for long, he began to thrust into her, his body taking control. Tonia wrapped her legs around his hips pulling him deeper into her heat.

  “It feels so good,” Fallon told her in between pants. “So damn good.” He picked up the already frantic pace as he flew over the crest. His release hit him hard as he continued to move in and out of her, not able to stop. Feeling a second wave coming, he grabbed her hips to keep her in place and began to drive anew.

  Their lovemaking continued until both crested together, Tonia’s mewls intertwined with his groans. Fallon was finally able to slow and push into her one last time as he came. Totally spent, he crumpled over her.

  A sensation, a current of sorts traveled through him and he felt closeness to her, much keener than he’d felt in as many days. Lifting his head, he met her gaze and took her mouth once again. Their tongues played the lazy game of after-sex contentment.


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