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Immortal Lord (Immortal Protectors Book 4)

Page 15

by H. M. McQueen

  Rolling to his side to relieve her of his weight, he kept her against him, their mouths still exploring one another. Finally she pulled away, the searching look she gave him made him wish, he could give her more than his body. The closeness he felt between them fled.

  Fallon smiled, a forced gesture as he slipped from the bed. “I have something for you. Don’t move.” He got up, picked up the jewelers bag and held it to her. “Actually it’s for both of us.”

  Tonia sat and peered inside, taking out the small green box, she opened it to show the matching set of wedding bands. Two-toned gold with an inset diamond that sparkled under the overhead recessed lighting, the bands were intricately carved with a vine design. She looked at him, and he sensed the reminder the bands brought. She’d been married before, in the traditional manner.

  “They’re beautiful.” She looked at them for a bit longer. “I appreciate what you’re doing with these, assuring me of your commitment. I’m sorry, but this mating thing doesn’t cut it for me. If we are going to spend the rest of our lives together, I’d like to get married. I have to be married to you, in a way that is legal and makes more sense to me than whatever it is Julian did,” she explained.

  Fallon didn’t care either way, he’d accepted they would be joined to one another forever, so a marriage ceremony was not a big deal and it didn’t change anything in his view. Nonetheless, he reassured her. “I understand. We can get married. I’d like to do that if it will make you feel better about us. Besides, it’s good to have the paper that makes it legal in human’s eyes.” He watched as she took one of the rings out of the box and then his hand. She slipped the ring onto his finger and studied it.

  “It looks good.”

  He picked up the other ring and slid it onto her finger, kissing her hand afterwards. Then he leaned over and kissed her again. Regardless of his lack of emotions, he found that he could not be ambivalent about being physical with his wife. Her hand traveled down his chest to his stomach, her fingers swirling over his skin, until she took his shaft in her hand. He hardened again and pushed her back onto the bed, her legs hanging over the side. Standing, he took himself in hand and guided into her.

  Later they drank mimosas at the table in the bedroom, while he explained his having to relocate to Rome and why. She listened patiently, not revealing her reason for wanting to remain in Atlanta for the time being.

  However, he heard her thoughts and he knew he could not leave her behind. It was too dangerous.

  “What is so important that you wish to remain here?” he asked after she told him she’d quit her job.

  “I need to take care of selling my condo and other things, I can’t afford to keep it, especially now that I’m unemployed.”

  “I’ll have it sold, or pay it off and you can keep it,” he answered noting her raised eyebrows.

  “I can’t let you do that,” she replied.

  “Of course you can,” he gave her a droll look. “You can’t return to live in it, the demons are aware it’s your property and besides we’ll be married and live together.” He sensed her inner battle. “And you cannot remain here in the States without me, we can’t be far apart for long.”

  “It seems easier since your emotions are so contained. You are so distant,” she replied, her face solemn. “I really have to take care of something.”

  “Something or someone? In either case, I can’t let you do anything that will put the Protectors in danger of exposure or allow you to kill a demon just because of what he is.” Her eyes flashed to his face, but she remained silent.

  “Get out of my head,” she snapped.

  “No.” He locked gazes with her. “There is something you don’t seem to understand. Not all demons are killers, like other beings, most of them live amongst humans and lead productive lives.”

  She stood at his last word. “I don’t want to hear it. I don’t agree with that, as far as I’m concerned, they are all spawns of Satan. Everything that comes from Satan is evil.”

  He took her arm. “Sit down and listen. Please.”

  “I won’t change my mind,” she replied wrapping the towel around herself. “You’re wasting your breath if you’re going to try to paint them in a different light.”

  Fallon was determined to tell her everything, hopefully she’d not take the news too hard, because once she learned the truth, he had no doubt the guilt would come.

  “Those that we call demons are a different species, not too much unlike us.” He began locking gazes with her. “You see, the beings we refer to as demons are actually a type of Fae. The Fae are an ancient people who’ve been on earth longer than humans, most immortals even. A few thousand years ago, the Fae species suffered a great division in their ranks. The classic Fae, those like Wendy, expelled those that began to show blue skin undertones. Because they were addicted to human blood, the blue skinned Fae developed fangs and their behavior grew more aggressive over time. The normally peaceful species could not abide their lack of morality and depravity so they were banished from ancient Ireland.” Fallon paused. Tonia remained entranced, her eyes locked to his face. So he continued.

  “With the inbreeding between the blue Fae, some of them became even more destructive, with a tendency toward violence and killing. Also they developed a need to ingest blood to live. Those whose blood hunger grew are the violent ones.

  However, over the years, not all of those banished succumbed to bloodlust. Most of them pulled away from the violent Fae and continued living the normal Fae life, a peaceful existence. Many of them have maintained a benign life. It may surprise you to know that many descendants of the blue Fae are married to humans and have no idea of their true nature. Wendy, for instance, was not aware of her Fae blood until we found her.”

  Tonia took a deep breath. “So I’ve killed some that may have been harmless?”

  “Yes,” Fallon noted her sudden pallor and yet he had to finish. “Uninformed slayers, like you, have left wives without a husband and children without a father and vice versa when females are killed.” Her eyes widened. “That is why we don’t advocate human slayers, most of the factions are brainwashed into the theory that the Fae or ‘demons’ are evil satanic beings. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of them are aggressive and deadly. Especially the ones that prey on humans, but most are not.”

  “The new captain killed my husband,” she told him—glaring. “I refuse to believe he’s benign.”

  “Tell me Tonia, how many times have slayers attacked who you perceive as demons without provocation? How often have your friends killed unarmed demons that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and they had to defend themselves to keep from dying? Have you considered whether the captain attacked Alex or whether he acted in self-defense?”

  Tonia sank back down into the chair. “No, I have not.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Gerard stormed into the bedroom and found his guards in his bed—together. Fucking. The males were entwined and so engrossed in each other that they didn’t hear him enter.

  He’d lost control of everything. When the guards finally noticed him, neither looked the slightest bit remorseful. Being tied to him and forced to remain in his quarters, they could not seek others for sexual release. He should have expected it, yet it still angered him.

  “Why are you two idiots in my bed?” he asked the duo who were back to taking care of each other.

  One of them, a large blond, glared at him. “You told us we could not leave the room for any reason while you took from the humans. We’ve been in here for almost three days.”

  The other guard, too preoccupied to look up grunted and pulled the male’s face down to his. He stopped kissing the male and shot Gerard a glance. “You can join us if you wish.”

  “Get the hell out of my bed.” Not caring to indulge at the moment, Gerard stalked from the room and went to the large living space to pace and think.

  The walls constricted around him, like an anaconda, choking the life from hi
m. Between the dreadful luck at not being able to possess the Protector, to the betrayal of the demon he’d sired, his life spiraled out of control.

  He had to find a way to regain his powers. It would not be long before Carlo found him. Without a large guard force, he remained vulnerable. The fools in his bedroom were not going to be much help. First he’d recruit some high level demons to join him against Carlo. Lastly, he needed to find another host body to possess, even if temporarily, as he grew weaker by the hour.

  He thought back to the blond male in his bed. The young demon was well built, strong and virile. Perhaps, he should consider taking his body. Although his powers were still low, the young demon did not need to feed as often as he did. It might prove useful for a few years. Then again, the demon was too young and he could lose too much, his powers would be drained.

  Possessing another demon was tricky, the subject would have to be submissive and allow it. He’d have to use every trick in his arsenal to set it up.

  Sebastian, however, was strong, His powers, although well hidden, he suspected almost matched his. At least the ones he’d possessed prior to the great weakening. In order to possess Sebastian, he’d have to set the incubus up.

  He motioned two human women over to him. Both came over, their doe eyed gazes taking him. “Go to my bedroom, service those two idiots and tell them to meet me at Inferno.” He watched the women head to his bedroom. A third female remained in the room.

  Human followers could always be counted on for feeding. He went to her, his fangs dropping in anticipation.

  Sebastian sat back and blew out a breath. “What part of your brain did you lose along with your emotions Fallon? Of all the stupid things to do, coming here at nightfall. Are you insane?” He stood and moved around the desk to where Fallon stood, watching the monitors on his wall that showed every angle inside Inferno and the parking lot.

  “I have to find him. I need to get to Gerard before I go to Rome. Unless he dies I will remain this way,” Fallon replied, his flat eyes scanning the monitors watching the activity on the dance floor.

  Sebastian laid a hand on his shoulder. “I understand you, but you can’t beat a Master demon, not alone. Does Julian know you’re here?”

  “He’s returning to Italy tonight.” The Protector replied, tensing. His eyes locked on a monitor. “Gerard’s here.”

  Sebastian stood in front of him, blocking his view of the monitor. “I’ll call the others to help. You can’t do this alone. When he gets closer, he’ll sense you. Leave and come back with the others.” Sebastian pulled his cell and dialed Kieran’s number.

  Fallon seemed to struggle inwardly. Finally he shook his head. “No this ends here, tonight. Either help me or leave.”

  “Fuck.” Sebastian went to his desk and pulled his sword from its scabbard, he stood between Fallon and the doorway, shielding him. “This is not how I envisioned spending the evening.”

  Kieran answered. “Inferno now, Fallon is here. So is Gerard.” He heard a string of curses before the call ended.

  Gerard stepped through the door, his guards right behind him. The Master demon’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open at seeing Fallon standing close behind him. Then he smiled. “Well this is a pleasant surprise. You are not dead, and here waiting for me. The night has become exponentially better.”

  He eyed the protective stance and sword in Sebastian’s hand. “Please don’t tell me you two are lovers. I’ve had enough men fucking each other for one day.” He turned to look at his guards.

  Sebastian grimaced. “What?”

  Fallon frowned “I’m not here to talk demon, and what difference do sexual preferences make right now?”

  Gerard shrugged and spoke to Fallon. “If I’m to take your body, I need to know what I’m getting into. Full disclosure.” He cocked an eyebrow at Sebastian. “Although, the thought of you being attracted to the body I’m about to take, does have merit.”

  Sebastian gave him a bland look. “What is the reason for you being here?”

  The Master flashed behind him, but both anticipated the move and leaped away. Gerard pursed his lips and exhaled, as if bored. “You can’t beat me, neither of you stand a chance against me and you know it. The Roman pulled a good stunt faking your death Protector.” He swept his gaze over Fallon. “So I planned to come here to discuss something about taking your body Sebastian. Now, why I didn’t think of it sooner?”

  Gerard went around them and sat at Sebastian’s desk and steepled his fingers, his black eyes flickering from him to Fallon. “However, now that I have my initial choice available, you don’t have anything to worry about incubus.”

  Sebastian had to give the Master credit, he looked better, and seemed stronger, but beneath the veneer he sensed a weakness. “You’re about to be disappointed Gerard. You’re not leaving Inferno alive tonight.”

  “Please incubus, do yourself a favor and go out to your little playground and get your fix. I won’t be needing you for this.” He waved his fingers at Fallon, the Protector seemed to freeze, but an instant later, he jumped toward Gerard, his sword slicing through the air.

  Gerard shoved the chair back in obvious surprise. His obscure gaze narrowed at the Brit. “So the Roman has kept you strong? That’s why my hold on you is weaker in some aspects. What did Julian do to you? What did you lose Fallon? You had to have lost something.”

  The demon stood and walked in a wide circle around Fallon, who stood at the ready, his sword held in front of him as he followed Gerard’s movements. The Master stared at Fallon for a moment and cocked his head to the side. “Ah, you have no emotions.”

  “I’ll manage to feel satisfaction at killing you,” Fallon replied.

  “That I don’t doubt, but it’s not going to happen. You can’t kill me without surrounding me, how do you plan to accomplish that? Even if you get the demon-slut here to help you, which I doubt he will, there are only two of you.”

  He glanced to his guards. “Take the incubus.” Both rushed at Sebastian and he blocked the first one’s downward cut of sword, and then shifted, avoiding the second’s thrust at his side.

  Fallon had come prepared to search for Gerard but didn’t expect the search to end without him having to go further than Inferno. The downside, however, was the fact that he wasn’t prepared to fight, not alone. He knew the chances of winning against a Master demon were slim, even with Sebastian’s help, whom he wasn’t sure about anyway.

  Gerard neared. “I don’t want to be forced to hurt you, so come closer. Remain still so I can touch you.”

  A tight force began to wrap around his body and Fallon shook it off again and thrust his sword at Gerard. The blade nicked the Master, who wasn’t prepared for him to break his hold.

  Gerard growled and splayed his hand toward him. Fallon flew through the air slamming into the wall full of monitors. Glass and sparks exploded around him as he crashed into them.

  Before he could slam onto the floor, another blast hit him and he flew to the opposite wall. He smashed into it so hard, his teeth rattled. This time he did collapse on the floor.

  Fallon rolled away, jumped up and dashed for the door, barely making it through before it slammed shut. He rushed toward the club only to have his path blocked by Gerard who’d flashed in front of him. He changed direction and exited the club through a side door to the empty employee parking lot. A couple of young demons looked up from taking a smoke break and left at a sprint at spotting the Master demon and his drawn sword.

  “Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” Gerard told him—advancing. Again, the invisible vice held him in place. This time he could not move at all. Sweat broke out when he struggled against it. He fought at the slackness of his hand, only to be rewarded by the thud of his sword hitting the ground.

  He was screwed.

  Gerard neared, his face a mere couple inches away. “I could be nice, but I think not. After all, you need to be taught a lesson. This is going to hurt you more than it will hurt me.” The
Master demon’s fist sunk into his stomach taking the breath from his body. Fallon sputtered and tried to catch his breath only to be hit again.

  The strength of the blows felt like being hit by a hammer, the demon was using his power to ensure it hurt more. When Gerard blasted him a third time, a punch to his face, he saw stars, yet he managed not to pass out. The hold loosened enough for him to be able to kick at Gerard, but the demon was fast and he jammed his fist into his stomach again. Fallon swallowed and blinked doing his best not to retch.

  “Step away from him Gerard,” Kieran called to the Master demon from the darkness of the shadows. Gerard swung around, his head jerking in every direction not seeming to see where the voice came from.

  Logan materialized first, his duster pushed back to show up his two pistols. The cowboy held his sword, a smirk on his face. “Howdy demon, looks like we meet again.”

  Gerard flashed to stand behind Fallon only to jump away at Cynden’s presence behind him.

  Kieran stepped out at the end of the driveway. “You’re surrounded asshole.”

  The Master demon, tried to flash again, but he barely flickered. He turned to Fallon and grabbed his arm. “Open your mind to me. Now!”

  Fallon struggled as darkness began to pull at him. Black descended in his mind. He could only make out shadows as he struggled to wrench out of Gerard’s grasp.

  He managed to pull out of Gerard’s control for only a few seconds when the demon took hold again. “That’s it, open more. Give yourself to me.”

  Fallon fought not to pass out, but between the blows and the powerful influence, it would be so easy to let go. The lull to pass out beckoned. He tensed one last time and glared at Gerard.

  “No.” He gritted out. “Get away from me.”

  “Release him!” Fallon wasn’t sure if he heard right, but it sounded like a woman’s scream. All of a sudden, his body went limp and he hit the pavement with so much force he grunted.

  Swords clashed. The sound of rushed footsteps, a couple of grumbles and some struggles surrounded him. Fallon tried to pry his eyelids open, but they resisted.


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