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by Crissy Smith

  Table of Contents

  Books by Crissy Smith

  Title Page

  Legal Page

  Book Description


  Trademark Acknowledgements


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Want to see more from Crissy Smith?

  About the Publisher

  About the Author

  Totally Bound Publishing books by Crissy Smith

  Single books

  Seduced by the Neighbour

  Lacey’s Seduction


  Bid High

  Fated Love

  Vamps in the City

  Were Chronicles

  Pack Alpha

  Pack Enforcer

  Pack Territory

  Pack Rogue

  Pack Community

  Pack Mates

  Pack Daughter

  Pack Hunter

  Pack Council

  Pack Security

  Pack Beta

  Pack Secrets

  Pack Balance

  Pack Investigator

  Pack Law

  Corporate Wolves

  The Favour

  Losing Control


  The Shifter and the Dreamer

  Shifter Chronicles

  Birds of Prey

  Bear Claw

  Eye of the Tiger

  Coyote’s Kiss

  Wolf Pack

  Lion’s Claim

  Hidden Hyena






  Caught in the Middle: Magical Ménage


  Bite Me!: Savage Love

  Summer Seductions: Summers’ Girl

  Cloaks and Daggers: Vampire Hunter

  What’s her Secret?: Last Call

  What’s her Secret?: Designated Alpha





  ISBN # 978-1-78686-468-0

  ©Copyright Crissy Smith 2019

  Cover Art by Cherith Vaughan ©Copyright April 2019

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2019 by Totally Bound Publishing, United Kingdom.

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  Book four in Bloodlines

  Becoming family is the only way they can survive.

  Dakota doesn’t know what it is to feel the love and acceptance of a family. She was raised with only one purpose—to become an agent in the Organization that works in the shadows to keep innocent and unaware humans from discovering the paranormal world.

  That all changed when she met Kieran Smith, who’s quickly becoming the most important person in her life—more important than the job she didn’t want in the first place.

  Kieran isn’t like other people. A loner, even his own kind shun him. He’s learned long ago not to depend on anyone else—until he met Dakota. Dakota is slowly proving that not only can she be trusted, but she truly loves him, faults and all.

  With their small but loyal group of friends by their side, Dakota and Kieran must face their demons and their pasts. Family has only meant pain before, but now their chosen family will be what they need to survive…and finally get their happily ever after.


  For my family who loves and supports me every day.

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Coca-Cola, Coke: The Coca-Cola Company

  Comic-Con: Comic-Con International

  Dumpster: Dempster Brothers, Inc.

  Dungeons and Dragons: Wizards of the Coast LLC

  iPhone: Apple, Inc

  Jell-O: Kraft Foods Group, Inc.


  “Argent residence.”

  “I need to speak with the Elder Argent. This is Agent Smith from the Organization,” he said calmly. He wondered if it was the same housekeeper from his childhood. Veronica had always been kind to him, but Kieran didn’t recognize the voice on the other end of the phone line, so he didn’t say anything else to her. Using his new name was a ploy to test how much his father knew about his new life.

  “Please hold.” He didn’t know why he expected music. Instead Kieran just heard silence. Long minutes went by before he heard a familiar voice.

  “This is Elder Argent.”

  Kieran had to close his eyes. His father’s voice. He never thought he’d hear that sound again.

  “Hello?” his father barked.

  “It’s Kieran,” he said.

  There was a moment of pause. “Son?”

  “Yes.” Kieran swallowed. “I’m calling you with some news.”

  “Go ahead.”

  There were no questions about how he’d been. His dad probably didn’t care.

  “Marcel and Elijah have been arrested and are in the custody of the Organization. They’ll be processed in the morning, so you should expect a phone call.”

  “I take it they’re in Las Vegas with you.”

  So his dad did know where he lived. “Yes.” Kieran didn’t know what else to say. A small part of him just wanted to hang up. He should have let Caspar call. But he was a man and he needed to face his fears.

  His dad sighed. “I suspected as much. I’ll give their father a call and let him know.”

  “You don’t sound surprised,” Kieran commented.

  “As I said, I suspected that was where they went. My brother informed me they were out of town. I didn’t ask questions. It’s a logical assumption they’d go after you.”

  “Well, they failed.”

  “That’s obvious, as it’s you ringing me.”

  “And have been arrested.”

  “You already said that. There’s no need to repeat yourself.”

  “You don’t care?” Kieran asked. Was there no love in his family at all?

  “If they were stupid enough to fail and g
et caught, then they must suffer the consequences. It’s of no matter to me.”

  Fuck, Kieran came from this man. If his life hadn’t been detoured at eighteen, he might be exactly like him. “Okay… Well… I just wanted you to hear the news about Marcel and Elijah from me. I guess I’ll let you go.”

  “You don’t have anything else to say or ask?” His father sounded disappointed.

  Kieran huffed. “What do you want me to say, Dad?”

  “How about asking after your mother or sisters?”

  Guilt tore at him. “Why?” He channeled his anger. “Have they asked about me? Ever wondered what happened to me?”

  His father’s silence was enough of an answer.

  “That’s what I thought,” Kieran said.

  “What about asking to come home?”

  “Why would I do that?” Kieran inquired. “You sent me away. Told me that I needed to become a man.”

  “And from the reports that I’m getting, you have. It’s time for you to return to your family.”

  “Family?” Rage consumed him. “I have my family here. I don’t need you.”

  “The humans and shifters?” His father scoffed. “You’re an Argent. It’s time for you to stop playing around and take on your responsibilities.”

  “I’m not playing around. I have a job that I’m good at. I’m in love. I have friends who’d do anything for me,” Kieran told him. “I don’t need you.”

  “You will. What’s going to happen when your humans die of old age? Or when your lover falls for one of her own kind? I know all about the people you surround yourself with. The only one I approve of is Jackson Wickham. He’ll be a good contact for the family.”

  “Listen carefully,” Kieran demanded. “Stay away from my friends and me. Do not try to contact me. Just leave us alone.”

  “You don’t understand, Kieran. This isn’t a choice you can make. You will fulfill your destiny.”

  “My destiny?” he spat. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m done with you. With the entire family. I’m sorry I even called.”

  “But you did. Because you have obligations to us. I’ll give you two weeks to return. At that time, you’ll take your place at my side.”

  “Not going to fucking happen,” Kieran responded.

  “And, Kieran, I disapprove of coarse language. That is something you’ll have to curb. It’s unbecoming.”

  “I don’t give a shit,” Kieran taunted, “what you approve of.”

  “Two weeks, Kieran. Or I’ll retrieve you myself and you don’t want that.” His father hung up. He actually hung up on Kieran.

  Kieran roared before throwing the phone across the room.

  Chapter One

  “Are there more pillows on the bed?” Dakota Reese called to her lover. Kieran Smith was in the bathroom, shaving before they headed into the office. “I swear the mountain of pillows keeps growing.”

  Kieran walked out of the adjoining bathroom, toweling off his face. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She snorted. Her big bad Walker might have the rest of the world fooled, but she got to see another side of Kieran. A sweet and needy side that would shock others. One that enjoyed the softest of blankets and plush pillows. He hated to be cold, so the number of covers had also slowly increased over the last couple of weeks. “Sure, whatever you say, darling.” Dakota eyed him as he stood in only a tight pair of boxer briefs.

  Her arousal spiked like it always did when she looked at him. With the face of an angel, a body of a model and as dangerous as anything or anyone alive, being with Kieran still amazed her.

  “Wasn’t it you who complained about being late when I joined you in the shower this morning?” he asked, the teasing smirk just made him sexier. Of course he knew what she was thinking about. Hell, her pheromones filled the entire suite.

  Dakota glanced at the clock next to the bed. Damn, he’s right. If they were late another morning, she’d never hear the end of it from the other agents. It was hard enough keeping Kieran from torturing his co-workers—he did have an evil streak—but when they gave her or Kieran shit, it was worse. Kieran felt that if they could joke with him, then he wasn’t working hard enough on being scary.

  “You’re thinking about it,” he singsonged.

  “Shut up,” she mumbled. Dakota stomped to her closet on the other side of the room. She loved the elegant suite they lived in. They owned their residence and Kieran managed to take advantage of every aspect of living in a full-service hotel. Not that Dakota minded. Housekeeping came in daily and while they had a kitchenet in the suite, they ordered room service more often than not. The restaurants inside the hotel casino were five-star caliber and she could barely boil water.

  Kieran’s warm chuckle followed her as she grabbed the closest pair of black pants.

  “Ah,” he said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. “Don’t be mad.” When he nuzzled the back of her neck, she almost said fuck it and dragged him down to the closet floor. But they’d been on vacation for the last week and really did need to get to the office on time.

  “Go get dressed,” she ordered.

  He grunted but released her.

  Before he could make it too far out of the closet, she whirled around and slapped his ass. “But keep that thought for after our shift.”

  He grinned at her and Dakota felt all was good in her world again.

  It hadn’t been easy to convince him to get out of the city for a week. As much as Kieran claimed that he hated Las Vegas, he was comfortable there. But with the threat of his father coming after him, Kieran had been reluctant to go. She’d finally used the one tool she had to convince him—a week on the beach, with her in a bikini. The days away had been wonderful, but now it was time to return to real life.

  She dressed quickly and within half an hour they were out of the door and in the parking garage. Her company SUV was next to his bike. Even though they were going to the same place, Dakota hated having to separate from him. They worked on different teams, so it wasn’t as if she’d get to see him for the rest of the night.

  Kieran pulled her into an embrace and she might have held on tighter than normal. Luckily, Kieran didn’t comment on that. “Be careful. It’s been two weeks and my father’s actually crazy enough to show up.”

  Dakota cupped his face. She knew that she’d soon be meeting the elder of the Argent clan. No one doubted Kieran’s father had been serious in demanding his return to the family. “If he’s stupid enough to come here, then he’ll learn real fast just who your family really is.”

  “I love you.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was saying the words more, but Dakota didn’t need them. She knew how Kieran felt. Had known even when he’d been fighting to accept her as a shifter as well as a lover.

  Her jaguar tried to push to the surface, wanting to soothe him. The animal in her wanted to comfort their mate. Sure, they hadn’t actually taken the final step of her claiming him, but both her human and shifter side agreed he was the one for them. It was only a matter of time before everyone else knew as well.

  “You are mine,” she said with a fierceness that surprised even herself. “He can’t have you.”

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  She gave him a quick kiss before pushing him back. “Now get to work. And stop trying to tempt me into following you back up the stairs.”

  His grin was wicked as his eyes sparked with mischief. “We haven’t done it in a company vehicle yet.”

  Dakota laughed. “And we’re not going to! I still can’t look Caspar in the eye after what happened in his office.”

  “Oh yeah.” His voice grew husky. “That was awesome.”

  This man, her lover, was a bad influence. “Work,” she ordered.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He sent her a cheeky wink before stepping back next to his motorcycle. Well, shit, he’d taken her for a ride, sexual and non-sexual both, on that beast. She needed to get a little distance.
br />   Dakota turned and opened the door to her vehicle. Behind her Kieran was turning the ignition on his bike. She resisted, barely, the urge to turn around and watch his ass as he bent over. Work. Work was what she needed to concentrate on.

  He took off. Fast. No surprise there so she was left alone in her vehicle and to her own thoughts. For two weeks she’d been doing everything in her power to take Kieran’s mind off his father. If the Elder Argent showed up in their town, he’d find nothing but trouble. What kind of father kicked out his own child in order to teach him to be a man? If that hadn’t been bad enough, Kieran had been taken captive by a group of shifters and tortured and experimented on for ten years. Never once had Kieran’s family searched for him. Dakota could have lost Kieran so many times before she’d even met him. Her life would be so different, boring, if not for Kieran.

  Kieran’s father was as much as a monster as those who’d caged Kieran to experiment on him. Dakota would not allow her lover to be hurt ever again. She strongly believed that Kieran’s father had known about his extraordinary abilities and wanted them for himself. It wasn’t until Kieran had started to make a name for himself in their underground security organization that there’d been any contact from the Argent clan. And that had been two cousins who’d tried to kill Kieran so they could be groomed as head of the family. Like they’re in the fucking Mafia or something.

  She shook off her thoughts then started the car. Control. She’d been working hard on remaining in complete control of her jaguar form. Dakota had her own issues that were going to have to be addressed, but her attention couldn’t be given to anything other than keeping Kieran safe and with her.

  The drive to the office didn’t take long. Dakota kept an eye on the vehicles around her, making sure she wasn’t being followed. Kieran’s cousins had been on her tail a few days before she’d known about them and she wouldn’t make that mistake again. She was a damn well-trained agent in one of the most secret and dangerous organizations in the world. Being followed by two morons was just embarrassing.


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