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Page 2

by Crissy Smith

  At the entrance to the underground parking structure, Charlie stepped out of the guard shack.

  “Morning,” he greeted. “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled at him. “I take it Kieran’s already here?”

  Charlie shook his head. “I didn’t even see him. I heard the door slam shut of the shack and turned, but no one was there.”

  She had to press her lips together so she didn’t smile. Kieran and his pranks. He made it his mission to mess with the guards and other agents. Kieran claimed he was trying to make them into better agents, and Dakota had to agree he kept them on their toes. Charlie was the only one who embraced the challenge. The others made complaints to their boss, Caspar. “Did he lock you out again?”

  “Ha! He tried.” Charlie grinned. He dug in his pocket and pulled out his key ring. “I never set my keys down anymore.”

  “That’s funny. Good for you.”

  “He texted me and said good job so he must have been watching.”

  She nodded. It wouldn’t surprise her. Kieran didn’t show affection like a normal person. The fact that he constantly screwed with Charlie meant that Kieran liked the young agent.

  “Although I have no idea how he got my number,” Charlie stated.

  Dakota did laugh this time. “I don’t ask questions anymore. Sometimes it’s better not to know.”

  “Well. I’ll be ready for his next scheme,” Charlie said.

  “That’s a good idea,” she responded. “Now that you passed his test, he’ll up his game, so watch out.”

  “I got this,” Charlie said with confidence.

  “How’s the field training going?” she asked. All young field agents started as a guard while they completed the extensive years-long process of advancing. It wasn’t as though the agent could ever quit, since the Organization enrollment was about bloodlines and not voluntary, so the training was above anything else in the world.

  “Great. I go to the range every morning to work on my marksmanship. I’m getting better.”

  “I’m sure you are,” she said. “Keep at it and let me know if you need any help at all.”

  “Thanks, Dakota!” He tapped the top of her SUV before going back into the small building to open the gate.

  Dakota drove through and parked in her usual spot. She didn’t see Kieran’s bike, but he preferred to park a couple of blocks away. Probably a good idea, as much as he screwed around with the agents who worked with them. Eventually someone was going to get Kieran back. Dakota dreaded that day. If Kieran had an actual worthy opponent, there was no telling how bad the pranks would get.

  She locked up her vehicle before heading to the stairwell. She used to use the elevators, but since Kieran preferred the stairs and she figured she could get some extra steps in. She didn’t spend much time behind the desk, but there were days when the piles of paperwork seemed to grow magically.

  Just as she stepped onto the floor of her office, her phone chimed. She pulled it up to see the message reminder of the meeting about to start. Dakota dropped her bag on her desk before grabbing her tablet and making her way to the conference room.

  Dakota was surprised to see Kieran there and in a seat. The half-dozen other agents were settled as far from him as they could be. Kieran didn’t care one way or another about what people said or thought about him, but Dakota wanted to growl. If Kieran considered someone a friend, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. The other agents needed to realize that.

  Caspar was glaring at him, though, so he must have gotten himself in trouble in the few short minutes before she arrived.

  “What’d he do?” she asked Remy, Kieran’s partner, as she sat between him and Kieran in the spot she knew Kieran had reserved for her. As far as Kieran was concerned, that would be the safest place. Dakota was certain that nothing would happen inside the fully secured building, but it was just easier to go with Kieran’s quirks.

  “I’m not sure,” Remy responded. “It has something to do with an email and hacking Caspar’s computer.”

  “Shit.” She should have been more suspicious when Kieran had called Mitch, an IT expert they’d worked with in the past. Mitch worked with Kieran’s oldest friend and the Walker who owned the hotel-casino they lived in. Jackson only hired the best, so Mitch was the best, and Kieran using him didn’t bode well for how their return would go.

  Kieran chuckled. “It was soooo funny.”

  Caspar growled but didn’t respond. As a human he probably hadn’t heard the actual words, but he’d be able to see the smile on Kieran’s face.

  Dakota’s partners, Gabe and Dare, were the last ones to enter the conference room. Dakota had spoken to both men the previous night and learned that they didn’t have any open investigations. Hopefully Caspar had something for them this morning. Dakota didn’t want to spend the day in the office.

  “Now that everyone is here, let’s get started,” Caspar said. He moved to the front of the room, grabbing the remote to the monitors as he walked. “I received a report this morning that concerns me deeply. You should all have a summary on the share drive.”

  Dakota set her tablet on the table and powered it so she could follow along and make notes. Remy did the same while Kieran was kicked back in his chair with his hands behind his head. Kieran might seem like he wasn’t paying attention, but he would be taking in every piece of information and mentally filing it away for later.

  Still it pissed off the other agents, and that was Kieran’s main goal.

  Ducking her head to hide her amusement at her lover’s antics, she gave her attention to the boss.

  “Last week the Alpha of the local Pack contacted me about some strange incidents out in the Red Rock area. Signs of rituals,” Caspar started. “He has his Pack patrolling the area, but this is an Organization matter. It needs to be handled quietly and quickly.”

  Dakota perked up more. She’d worked with the Alpha previously and found Damon to be a fair and kind shifter. He had a large Pack to oversee and they’d kept in touch. Even Kieran spoke with the Alpha off and on.

  “Dakota, you’re lead, with Dare and Gabe backing you up,” Caspar said.

  She nodded.

  “Talk to Damon and go out to the site. I want a report by the end of your shift,” he ordered.

  “Will do,” she replied.

  “For the rest of you, make sure you’re paying attention while on patrol. I have it on good authority that there’s been an increase in shifters coming to town.” Caspar raised his hands. “It might be nothing. If these are honest and well-behaved people who just want to enjoy their town, I want them to be able to. However, you know that the more shifter species together, the higher we run the risk of humans getting involved in incidents.”

  They all nodded. Since shifters had come out to the public, there had been numerous incidents of humans getting involved in shifter business. Getting hurt or hurting a shifter.

  “We received calls about wild animals in the streets behind the Strip. It might just be dogs, but with the number of shifters in the area, we need to be sure. We’re still fighting a battle with how humans perceive shifters, so we don’t need more trouble.” Caspar looked at Kieran.

  “All patrol units need to keep an eye out. I suspect it’s a few young shifters getting drunk and losing control of their animals. I want that stopped.

  “Also, I want everyone to welcome our newest team. James and Caden will start their patrol tonight. Remy, you and Kieran have the closest assigned area to them, so keep an eye on our new guys.”

  Dakota glanced over at the newest agent duo. James, human, had transferred from Wyoming, while Caden, lion shifter, had recently completed his field training. She’d seen the email when catching up the previous night. Caden looked barely old enough to be in the field, although her jaguar shouldn’t have a problem working with the lion shifter. Their species were close enough that they wouldn’t have conflict.

  Kieran sneered at the lion shifter, though, so
she knocked his elbow with hers.

  Kieran would need to be a mentor and there really wasn’t a team better than Remy and Kieran for the job.

  As a wolf shifter, Remy was part of Damon’s Pack and could guide Caden in working with the Alpha. Kieran would make sure James had no weaknesses because he was human. The human agents were trained right along with the others.

  “Finally,” Caspar said, “I want every team looking out for any Walkers that they don’t know. There is a possible threat directed at us and our agents. We need to have all our bases covered. We all know how rare and dangerous Walkers can be,” Caspar didn’t look at Kieran that time, although Dakota was certain it was Kieran’s father who was the threat. Caspar wouldn’t put the spotlight on Kieran, though, unless he had no other choice, which Dakota appreciated and she knew Kieran would as well. “We’re lucky that we have our own Walker on our side. If you spot any unusual guests, get hold of me or Kieran.

  “Keep your eyes open even when not patrolling. With winter here, tourism will increase now that it’s not above one hundred degrees. I want the people here safe and free to enjoy their visit to the city and spend their money in the casinos.”

  A murmur of agreement went around the room.

  “Any questions?” Caspar paused for several moments. “Then get to work.”

  Usually Kieran was the first out of the room, but now he hung back. Dakota gave him one last look before following Dare and Gabe out of the room. As much as she wanted to linger and check on her lover, she needed to get back in the field. Kieran could take care of himself. She just wished she could be there with him.

  “How was your trip?” Dare asked.

  “Great.” She smiled at him. “But I think Kieran was antsy to get back.”

  “I bet,” Gabe said. “I’m surprised you got him to go at all.”

  She shook her head. “He needed it.” Regardless of the power that Kieran held, he was still that hurt and scared kid who had been through hell. Not many saw that side, but Dakota knew Kieran like no one else. Sure, he put on a good act, but if someone looked close enough, they’d see how much Kieran craved connecting to others. He was also hiding how much it hurt that, even after all this time, his father only wanted him for his power. The Elder Argent had tossed his son aside at eighteen with no concern for his welfare, but there was a part of Kieran who remained tied to the man and the family that had abandoned him.

  It took every ounce of her control to follow along with her partners and ignore the need to go check on Kieran one last time.

  “So where should we go first?” Dare questioned.

  The investigation, that was what she should be thinking about. “I’ll give Damon a call and see if he has time to meet with us,” she said. Dakota was already pulling her phone out of her pocket.

  “I need to grab my bag from my locker,” Gabe told them. “I was running late this morning and didn’t get a chance.”

  “Meet down in the parking garage in ten?” she asked. “If I can’t get a hold of Damon we can go to the sites he told Caspar about. I have the file with the locations.”

  “Sounds good,” Dare agreed. Gabe nodded.

  They separated in front of her office and she went inside. Dakota merely needed to grab her bag, but it would be quieter to call Damon from there as well. She sat behind her desk but left the door open in case anyone else needed to speak with her before she went out.

  She scrolled through her contacts until she reached the Alpha’s name.

  “Dakota,” he said when he answered. “You and Kieran are back?”

  “We are,” she said. “And already back to work.”

  He hummed. “Then I’m hoping you’re calling to tell me that Caspar put you on our case. This is very upsetting for my Pack and me.”

  “I am,” she responded. “And to ask if you’d have the time to meet with me and my team. I want to get this solved as soon as possible.”

  “I agree. I’ll make time to meet you,” Damon said.

  “Great. I’ll read the file on the drive but what can you tell me?”

  “Well,” Damon drawled, “we’ve found three different spots that it looks like something weird is happening at. All within my territory and in open hiking areas. I don’t like it.”

  “What do the sites look like?”

  “There’s a circle drawn on the ground with blood. Animal blood. Some of the rocks have been defaced with symbols that appear to be satanic. I’m pretty sure they’re sacrificing small animals—natural animals—but still.”

  “I understand,” she said. One of the reasons that shifters had decided to band together and announce their presence was because of the hunting that was killing human shifters.

  “I doubled patrols, but the area is so massive that we can’t be everywhere at once,” Damon stated. “This last one was two nights ago, so we suspect tomorrow night they’ll return. I’ll have every available Pack member out.”

  “I’ll make sure we have people as well,” Dakota assured him. “I haven’t shifted out there in a while.” Not since they’d killed the shifters who’d been responsible for Kieran’s capture and torture.

  “I appreciate any help we can get. As matter of fact, why don’t I meet you at the first location we found and we can look at it together?”

  “Sure,” Dakota agreed. “Give us about an hour.”

  “See you then.” Damon hung up and Dakota noticed Kieran leaning against the doorjamb to her office.

  “You’re meeting the Alpha?” he asked.

  Dakota nodded slowly. Kieran was better about the Alpha, but he still didn’t like shifters, so it was hard for him to accept him. “He’s going to show us the sites.”

  “Okay.” He pushed off the frame and stalked across her office until he was leaning over her. “Be careful. It’s probably just some humans being idiots, but you never know.”

  “Damon thinks they’re sacrificing animals,” she told him. “I want to catch these bastards.”

  “You will,” he said with confidence.

  “Did Caspar say anything about your father?”

  Kieran shook his head. “He sent Angel and her boy-toy down to keep an eye on the family estate, but they reported everything seems normal.”

  “You know she’ll kick your ass if she hears you call her mate that,” Dakota teased him. Angel, Kieran’s ex-partner, was another Walker who had mated with a wolf shifter in the panhandle of Texas and transferred closer to her mate. That had left Kieran and Remy to move to the Vegas office where Dakota had run into him.

  “She can try,” he quipped.

  Dakota just shook her head before kissing him. She kept the contact brief. They were in the office, after all. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at home.”

  “Home,” he repeated. “Yeah.”

  Dakota enjoyed this softer side of her lover and wished that everyone else got to see him like she did. “You be careful too.”

  “Always.” He stuck his hands in his pockets then rocked back on his heels. “Love you.” He strode away, not giving her a chance to respond.

  She stared after him watching the flex of his ass under his tight jeans. Jeez, now she couldn’t wait to get home.

  * * * *

  Kieran stepped out of the office building into the cool night air. He liked being on the night shift when the action around town was heavier. Not that he had a problem being in the sun, but it was a lot easier to blend into the shadows at night.

  “Ready?” Remy was leaning against one of the SUVs, twirling the keys in his hand.

  “Yep.” Kieran climbed into the passenger side, knowing Remy wouldn’t let him drive anyway. One time—one time—he’d jumped out from behind the wheel to chase a suspect and Remy hadn’t forgiven him. Remy had been fine after the vehicle Kieran had been driving crashed into a tree.

  Remy walked around the hood of the SUV then settled behind the steering wheel and turned to Kieran. “No word on your father?”

  “Caspar says he’s s
till in Texas,” Kieran said carefully. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust what information his boss had—Kieran just knew his father better than anyone else. If his father wanted to slip out of the Argent compound, he would. As good as Angel was, she didn’t know how the Elder Argent thought. There was a good chance that his father suspected Kieran would have someone watching the family house. Kieran’s father hadn’t gained so much power by playing by the rules.

  “You don’t think so?” Remy asked.

  Of course his partner knew his moods and could read him better than anyone. Well, except Dakota, who had the uncanny ability to know him better than he knew himself. “I think that we know what my father wants us to know.”

  “What do you want to do about it?” Remy asked.

  That was the question Kieran currently struggled with. Part of him wanted to ignore the possible threat, stick his head in the sand and pretend nothing would go wrong. But the more mature part of him knew that if he didn’t prepare himself, his father would be able to surprise him. Kieran didn’t care what his father said or did to him, but the Elder Argent wouldn’t go directly for Kieran. He’d try to hurt those close to him. So, Dakota, Remy and Caspar would be the most likely targets. Jackson was most likely safe, since his father had already mentioned using Jackson as a connection for the family.

  Jackson, his friend from his days in captivity and owner of the hotel Kieran and Dakota lived in, was filthy rich and ran the Walker community of Las Vegas. He had the loyalty of other men just like him. Kieran’s father wouldn’t risk going after him for that reason alone. Add in the fact that, as a Walker himself, Jackson wouldn’t be as easy to take down. No, it was the humans and shifters he’d grown fond of who would be in real danger.

  “Kieran?” Remy asked. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Kieran shook himself, literally, so he could focus. “I’ll talk to Jackson and see what his people have found out before I decide anything. I just think this is going to be above what the Organization can handle.”


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