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The Princess's Valentine

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by KT Grant


  In the words of lecturer, Sam Keen: “Love isn’t finding a perfect person. It’s seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”

  Chapter One

  A sultry tropical breeze carried the scent of sand and coconuts through an open window, brushing over the naked blonde as she awoke from her slumber. She yawned and stretched her arms and then her legs, flexing her toes under the soft cotton sheet that covered her slightly damp body. Daisy de Fleurre, former resident of the small county of Flaundia and wife to the retired scourge of the seas, pirate captain C.W. Dread—Chelsey to her intimates—ended up sweating most mornings. Not because of the humidity, but from the passionate lovemaking her wife gave her before they rose to start their day.

  Daisy turned and gazed upon her sleeping wife. She lifted her hand and then dropped it back down. Usually, Chelsey would snuggle up behind her with her face in the crook of her neck. Her arm would lie across her hip and her fingers brushing the cusp of her womanhood, causing her to be in a state of arousal. Her pussy would throb for Chelsey’s fingers or tongue to satiate the fire burning deep inside of her.

  As of late, Daisy went to bed alone. For the past six months, Chelsey worked long hours, helping build an extension for her brother, Thomas and his lover, Martin’s home a few miles away from their’s. Recently Chelsey had taken on even more responsibility when a successful shipping merchant asked her to become his partner in the exporting end of his business. Chelsey had explained that it was her way of making a legal wage and not relying on the illegal means she had once turned to during her pirate days.

  Daisy missed those first months of their marriage. With no real responsibilities, they had made love on the beach or enjoyed something as simple as reading under the coconut trees that littered their island paradise. It wasn’t as if they needed the money. Chelsey had made a nice fortune from her ill-gotten gains and owed the land and the house they resided in, for it had been left to her by her uncle.

  Chelsey mumbled something under her breath and twisted her head so that Daisy could look upon her beloved’s face, marred by a scar that traveled across her right cheek and down her chin. She still felt incredible guilt, now, years later. Her father had been the one to cut Chelsey when he found them together, half naked. Daisy had been eighteen. They had been separated for eight long years, but now they were together forever and nothing would keep them apart, ever again. She loved Chelsey beyond all reason and hated that her darling was up at the crack of dawn and still running, long into the late hours of the evening, doing such back-breaking work. The shadows under Chelsey’s normally sparkling hazel eyes had become more pronounced. Even her raven tresses seemed to have lost their bountifulness and vibrancy Daisy adored, and combed her fingers through every chance she could get.

  Now as she spied her sleeping wife, she longed to take her in her arms, but another worrisome thought crossed her mind. Chelsey barely smiled anymore and Daisy couldn’t remember the last time her love had called her by her pet name of ‘princess’. Also, tomorrow was Valentine’s Day and Chelsey acted as if she didn’t care or wasn’t aware of this day, dedicated to love. She was planning something special and expected Chelsey to take the night off where they both could relax and the only thing they would concern themselves with would be the number of times they smiled or climaxed together…

  Chelsey’s eyelids flickered and she rolled onto her back. Daisy lifted up on her elbow and watched the rise and fall of Chelsey’s chest and her flat, crimson nipples that called to her to lick and suck.

  There had been a handful of times she had initially engaged Chelsey in their lovemaking, but Chelsey was too dominant and liked to be in control. Most often, she would awaken to find Chelsey’s face between her legs where her tongue and mouth did the most marvelous things that made Daisy’s dew flow and caused her to peak until she was boneless with satisfaction.

  A wicked thought popped in her head. For once she was the first one awake while her beloved dozed next to her, unaware. Why not wake Chelsey with a rousing orgasm to help her start her day?

  “It’s decided then,” she whispered and slowly sat up, pushing her tangled curls away from her face. Her heart beat faster and her breathing grew shallow. She tugged the sheet down further until it pooled at the end of the bed and waited for Chelsey to stir from her slumber. She continued sleeping. A low grunt, or rather a snore, came from her mouth.

  Daisy crawled over to kneel by Chelsey’s feet. She prodded Chelsey’s big toe with a nail. No movement. She then set her hand on Chelsey’s ankle. Still nothing. Her darling wife was so exhausted that not even the touch of the one she loved the most could rouse her.

  But perhaps a special type of kiss could.

  An impish smile spanned Daisy’s lips. Pressing down on her palms, she crept upward until her face hovered over Chelsey’s stomach. She brushed her mouth across Chelsey’s navel, pressing her lips on the soft skin there. Chelsey’s leg twitched and a mumble came from her mouth. Daisy didn’t cease her kiss, and with nimble hands, spread Chelsey’s legs apart.

  Daisy lips ventured down until she met the bristly hair of Chelsey’s pussy. She opened her mouth and blew over the crisp curls. Her own curls dampened. Soon she would sip of her love’s nectar and lap it away like the sweet coconut milk she loved drinking.

  She cupped Chelsey’s pussy and opened her bushy lips, breathing in more of her feminine musk. Her tongue lapped over the inside of one smooth fold, the slight taste of salt and the thin coating of dampness encased the plump lips. She moved her tongue in deep, foraging around to find that button of flesh that would bring Chelsey great pleasure.

  After a minute of play, Chelsey squirmed and her inner muscles milked Daisy’s tongue. Chelsey’s nether lips swelled and grew wet. Daisy dug her fingers into Chelsey’s thighs and she sighed when Chelsey whispered her name.

  Daisy bobbed her head up and down to increase the intimate kiss she gave Chelsey’s puss—a sweet, tender hairy mound, reminding her of a kitten that wanted to be petted and played with. She could spend hours playing with Chelsey’s pussy, and if she had her say, would do so this very morning.

  Chelsey’s hips rose up. Daisy pressed her face in further. Chelsey grabbed hold of her hair and jerked, forcing her to flick her tongue quicker. Her jaw started to ache from her sucking. Chelsey’s breathy moans were her reward.

  Chelsey spread her legs farther apart, and Daisy fell against her, rocking her core against the bed. She needed to finish Chelsey off so she could take care of herself. Slipping her hand under Chelsey’s buttocks, she searched for the crease that would help Chelsey come.

  “Daisy!” Chelsey lifted up as Daisy shoved her finger into her furred hole as her tongue slithered farther into Chelsey’s cunt. Her finger pumped to and fro as her tongue circled over Chelsey’s clit, smiling over the button as it swelled under her administrations.

  Suddenly, Chelsey grabbed hold her by the hair in a tight grip and she gasped from the sharp pain as she was lifted away and forced onto her back. A red faced Chelsey emerged over her. Her mouth was taken by Chelsey’s in a hungry kiss.

  The mouths moved together along with their tongues that swiped the inside of their cheeks and over their teeth. Chelsey growled low and a shudder of delight rushed through Daisy.

  “I should ravish you for waking me up the way you did,” Chelsey said in a husky warning that had a teasing lilt to it.

  Daisy clutched Chelsey and nipped her lips. “Have your wicked way with me, my pirate wench.”

  Chelsey smirked. “Wench? Oh, princess, you’re in for it now.”

  She called me her princess! Daisy wanted to shout in joy, but the sound that came from her mouth was more of a whimper as Chelsey sat up and straddle
d her hips. Chelsey palmed her breasts, kneading and pinching them to her delight. She bit down on her lip and turned her face away to the side, overcome with too much pleasure.

  “I want you to come first.” Chelsey leaned down and swallowed Daisy’s nipple into her mouth.

  Her arms flew over her head and her back arched as Chelsey sucked deeply, using the edge of her teeth to bite down on her sensitive flesh.

  “I want…you to climax before me,” Daisy whispered.

  “Not going to happen, princess,” Chelsey growled against her breast and sucked harder.

  “Oh my!” Daisy moaned and trembled from each tug of Chelsey’s mouth as she switched back and forth to tease each nipple.

  “Ah, Daisy, your titties are a work of art.” Chelsey released Daisy’s nipple with a soft pop and turned her on her stomach. She slapped her softly on her hip, the signal for her to kneel on all fours.

  She quickly got into position. Her head hung down and she shook from exertion, her hair sticking to her face as she waited in anticipation for Chelsey to love her.

  Chelsey’s mouth and tongue swept down her back and along the curve of her ass, leaving a trail of fire that ventured straight into her cunt. Daisy’s inner muscles contracted and she cried out when two of Chelsey’s fingers slid into her very depths.

  She clawed at the pillow, sobbing loudly as Chelsey’s tongue followed her fingers and latched over her slit, sucking with the same intensity as she had done to her bosom. She rocked against Chelsey’s face, crying for mercy. Her body clenched and stiffened. An enormous pressure exploded deep inside, leaving her moaning and shaking in its wake.

  She landed on the bed, panting. Chelsey fell over her, saying her name. Chelsey grunted and her release dampened the back of her thighs. She reached behind and Chelsey took hold of her hand and laced their fingers together.

  The two women didn’t move, enjoying the aftermath of their ravenous love-making. Finally Chelsey moved off of Daisy and lay behind her, reaching around to hold her. Daisy held Chelsey’s hands to her chest, pleased when Chelsey peppered kisses along the back of her shoulders and nape.

  “Good morning, dearest wife,” Daisy said on a yawn and snuggled into the pillow she had almost torn apart moments ago.

  “One of the best mornings I’ve had in a while, my insatiable, daring wife,” Chelsey responded, and lifted Daisy’s hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.

  That ball of tension that had settled in Daisy stomach over the past few weeks vanished and she drifted away on a sea of relaxation, snuggling close with her love. Before she tumbled back to sleep, she swore she heard Chelsey mention something about a ring for her bare finger that never bore any jewelry even after she and Chelsey had wedded.

  Something as materialistic as a ring showing the world their commitment to one another wasn’t important because they were faithful in the only place that mattered—their hearts.

  Chapter Two

  The strong, bitter coffee Chelsey drank didn’t help with her sleepiness. She was bone tired and not even the loving care of her beautiful wife could keep her from nodding off in her seat. She’d love to spend the rest of the day in bed with Daisy, but had too many errands to run, including picking up the rest of Daisy’s gifts for tomorrow: Valentine’s Day.

  She smiled against the rim of her cup, eager to see Daisy’s reaction when she opened the small jewelry box that held two gold bands. Finally they could show how dedicated they were to each other with something as simple as matching rings. As for the other gift, her sweet darling would be in for quite the surprise.

  But first she had to go with Martin to pick out wood for the front porch he was building on his house, then stop by the jeweler and finally meet with Mister Reiner and sign the contracts that would cement their new partnership in their exporting venture.

  It had been much easier when she was the captain of her own vessel, sailing without a care until the next ship came along that she and her crew would pillage and plunder. She missed that illicit life, but would never tell Daisy she preferred living on a ship rather than residing on land and becoming a proper citizen.

  She, the once feared pirate captain of The Lady Desire, had become boring and respectable.

  She dropped her napkin on her plate and rose to leave the dining room only to stop when Daisy appeared in the doorway. Her heart skipped a beat, as it always did when she saw Daisy. She soaked in her wife, hungry for a kiss, even though she had her share of them a mere hour before.

  Daisy twirled a curl around her finger as she walked into the room, her hips swaying back and forth in a lavender morning gown that showed off her luscious bosom perfectly. Without having to ask, Daisy came over to her and gave her a kiss. She sighed when Daisy’s hands wandered up her chest and into her hair pulled back with a black ribbon.They only broke apart when one of their servants came in carrying another pot of coffee.

  “You look refreshed this morning,” Daisy softly purred and sat down. She glanced up at Chelsey, apparently waiting for her to join her.

  “I ate already.” Chelsey finished off the rest of her coffee. “You fell back to sleep and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “Join me for another cup before you dash off. Why, we always have breakfast together.” Daisy’s brow furrowed in disappointment.

  “I have too much to do today and can’t wait another minute. I’m already running late and should have risen earlier. But you detained me from doing so.” Chelsey gave Daisy’s hair a pull.

  Daisy didn’t appear amused. She flicked her hair over her shoulder and drew away from Chelsey’s hand on her shoulder. “You’ve been running yourself ragged helping Thomas and Martin and too concerned about your budding partnership with Mister Reiner. You barely have time for me.”

  “How could you say that after what we shared together this morning in our bed?” Chelsey sighed, not in the mood for her wife’s pouting that had increased over the past few months. “As soon as I sign the contracts with Reiner and negotiate with the various business owners working with me, and make certain Thomas and Martin’s home is stable, then you’ll have me all to yourself again.”

  Daisy frowned and tapped her fingers on the arms of the chair. “That may take another six months or even a year. Should I even ask if you’ll be able to take time out of your busy schedule to spend a few hours with me for Valentine’s? I have a lovely dinner planned and a new gown to show off that’s more suited to admire in the privacy of our bedchamber.” She lowered her voice and circled her finger across her cleavage.

  The spit in Chelsey’s mouth dried up upon observing Daisy’s finger action. Her imagination ran rampant over the type of ‘gown’ Daisy would wear.

  The dong of a clock resonated and she cursed softly. She had to leave or Martin would start complaining.

  She kissed the top of Daisy’s head. “I made certain tomorrow night is free and clear. I haven’t forgotten how special tomorrow is for you.”

  “It should be special for both of us,” Daisy pointed out and gave her a hurtful stare.

  She sighed again. You’d think Daisy would be a bit more welcoming and understanding from the amount of times I made her come this morning. “You know I’m not one to stand on such ceremony.” She brushed the back of her hand over Daisy’s cheek. “I don’t need a holiday like Valentine’s Day to show how much I love you.”

  The sad glint in Daisy’s eyes changed to joy and again the clenching in her chest grew. When Daisy looked at her like she was her entire world, she wanted to get down on her knees and thank her for wanting her and no other.

  “I really need to go now. I’ll try and be back before dark,” she announced, and with one last kiss, left the room.

  Only when she climbed on her horse, did she look back at the window into the dining room. Daisy sat staring ahead, a lost look on her face that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.

  She’ll be fine. It’s not like we had an argument. All will be well between us again when I give D
aisy her wedding band.

  * * * *

  Daisy had lost her appetite. As soon as Chelsey left, she slumped down in her seat in a very improper manner and closed her eyes to stop the tears from trickling out of them. Something was wrong with Chelsey and she couldn’t figure out what. Could it be her restlessness at being land bound? She knew how much Chelsey longed to sail on the sea, but couldn’t because of her crimes that would send her to prison, or even worse—get her hanged.

  She shook her head, refusing to reflect any longer on her melancholia. Perhaps she would visit Thomas and see if he needed help around the house he was renovating. Why should Chelsey take on all that responsibility when she could lend a helping hand? Then maybe Chelsey wouldn’t be as agitated as she had been lately.

  Taking a bite of her blueberry scone, she got up from her seat with plans to change into something more suitable for household cleaning when she heard the sounds of two maids talking. Chelsey’s name was mentioned. Finding it odd that the maids would talk about Chelsey while she was still in the house, she moved behind the half open door, spotting Nina, who had brought in the coffee earlier, and Susa who was carrying linens.

  “Are you sure both the Missuses left? ‘cause if we’re overheard—”

  “Stop your worrying, Su. Ms. Chelsey left and Ms. Daisy is up in her bedroom.”

  Daisy rolled her eyes. Nina didn’t have the sharpest mind and assumed she’d gone back upstairs. She decided to make herself known, but then Nina said something that made her stomach cramp in alarm.

  “Poor Ms. Daisy has no clue Ms. Chelsey is running around on her with that Reiner man.”

  Chelsey with a man? That couldn’t be! She covered her mouth, trying not to overact.

  “Now, you’re talking nonsense. Ms. Chelsey isn’t into the men folk. She’s very devoted to Ms. Daisy. You just have to watch them together to see.”

  Nina snorted and shook her head. “That’s where you’re wrong. I’ve noticed things between the two ladies and I can tell you they’ve been having problems. The moans and laughs coming from their bedroom late at night and during the early morning hours have died down, if you catch my drift.”


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