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The Princess's Valentine

Page 2

by KT Grant

  Daisy’s entire face grew red.

  “So what? Our mistresses have been married over a year. Passion and desire fades in a marriage.”

  “I have proof!” Nina’s voice rose. “I saw Ms. Chelsey and Mister Reiner together with my own two eyes. They were at Moff’s Tavern sharing a pint together and sitting all cozy like. Their heads were together and they were whispering with their mouths to each ear like they didn’t want anyone to overhear them. Ms. Chelsey was having a grand old time and batting her eyes at everything Mister Reiner said. And when he rested his hand on top of hers, she didn’t pull away. You know about Mister Reiner’s reputation with the ladies! He’s quite the looker and has enough experience and seducing skills that he can make a woman like Ms. Chelsey turn to a man for loving even if she prefers women like her fair wife.”

  Daisy backed slowly away from the door, unable to listen any longer. She walked down the hall leading to the back porch. The small space gave her sanctuary and she sat down in one of the chairs, blinking away hot tears. Nina had to be lying or mistaken by what she’d seen! Chelsey would never turn to a man like Lance Reiner, even with his dashing looks and sensual smile. If Chelsey betrayed her, it would be with another woman.

  Her stomach churned as she thought back to when Chelsey had started becoming distant. It had been around the time they first met Mister Reiner and Chelsey decided she wanted to go into business with him.

  Chelsey had been talking a great deal about him…

  She sprung up and twisted her hands together. She couldn’t stay here, obsessing to the point where she’d be sick. She and Chelsey had always been honest with one another. Well, not at first. Chelsey kidnapped her as a form of revenge against her former fiancé. He’d become shark food when it was revealed how deranged and horrid he had been. But after those events, Chelsey had never lied or kept a secret from her.

  Or had she?

  She would seek Chelsey out and ask her point blank if she had any designs on Mister Reiner or if it was the other way around. Surely Chelsey would laugh it off, explaining how Nina was mistaken. Yes, Chelsey would have a valid explanation for these silly, unfounded rumors and all would be well.

  With that decided, she walked out of the room and prepared to ride into town to find her wife.

  Chapter Three

  “That should be the last of it,” Martin said, and wiped the sweat off his bald head.

  Chelsey pushed her hair away from her forehead and slumped against the side of the wagon. She, Martin and Reggie, a former member of her pirate crew, had just spent the last hour placing slats of wood in the back of the wagon that would be used for Martin’s porch.

  She pulled away the front of her shirt sticking to her chest, longing to take a dip in the lagoon near her home.

  “Cap, is it okay if I wet my whistle over at Moff’s?” Reggie asked, using his bandana to wipe his brow.

  “You deserve a break. Go ahead and take a load off. I have to meet with Reiner shortly.” She gave his back a hard slap. “And remember, I’m no longer a captain, just a typical lady now.”

  “Sure thing, Cap, erm I mean Miz Dreadin.” Reggie nodded and walked down the boardwalk and into the tavern.

  “Today’s a scorcher, that’s for certain. You should’ve worn your lady duds instead of those clothes more suited for a dock worker. You’d be much cooler that way,” Martin recommended, as he scratched his bare chin. Her retired first mate had always worn a goatee, but had recently shaved it off. His lover and her brother-in-law, Thomas, had done the complete opposite and had grown in a beard.

  “How do you expect me to lug around wood and work outside wearing a long skirt and dainty slippers?” Chelsey asked, becoming cranky and overheated from the hot morning sun.

  “There’s a simple solution to this. I have the boys to help me and Thom with our lodgings.” Martin pressed his paw like hand on her shoulder. “You should be with Daisy instead of running yourself ragged helping me with mine and starting up a business with that Reiner character.”

  Chelsey exhaled deeply. She was getting tired of explaining herself. “I need to keep busy. I’ve been so bored sitting idly around. Becoming partners with Reiner and working in export will do me good.”

  “You better keep your eye on him,” Martin grumbled. “He’s a slick one with a hand in too many pies.”

  Lance Reiner’s reputation was well known. He walked a fine line in both respectable, as well as equally unrespectable, circles, but had never been caught by the law or taken down by his adversaries. She needed someone like him with great business sense who wasn’t afraid to bend a few rules, if need be.

  “I’m well aware of what Reiner is capable of. I haven’t become soft just because I’m no longer a pirate and have settled down like you.” She took hold of her satchel and opened it, a smile appearing on her face as she spotted the jewelry box with the two bands she picked up from the jeweler. She couldn’t wait for tomorrow night when she gave Daisy’s hers.

  “Now that’s the old sparkle I missed from my lady captain,” Martin whispered. “What’s in the bag? Some goodies for Daisy?”

  “You could say that.” She clutched the bag. “A Valentine’s gift for us both.” She nudged Martin’s shoulder with her own. “Do you have any special plans for tomorrow in celebration of your love with Thomas?”

  A blush spread over Martin’s face and he scratched his strapping chest, bare in the opening in his shirt. “Thom wants to hike over to the other side of the island near the waterfalls and check out the plants and flowers there.”

  “That’s so sweet!” Chelsey said and smiled.

  “Sweet? Sounds a bit too pansy for the likes of me.” Martin puffed out his chest. “But I do like the idea of taking a swim with my lad.” He wiggled his bushy eyebrows and Chelsey snickered.

  “Ms. Dreadin, I didn’t recognized you dressed in…breeches.”

  She swallowed a sigh over the cultured, somewhat snooty voice and turned to face Reiner.

  “Hullo, Lance. You’re looking well on this hot day,” she greeted him, not bothering to explain her mannish clothes. Unlike her, Reiner didn’t look overheated or uncomfortable in his linen suit, sans a cravat, allowing his neck to breathe. He was accustomed to the weather, having arrived to reside on the island a decade ago.

  Reiner pushed aside his coat to put his hands on his hips. His brown eyes sparkled as he smiled at her. “It’s warm for February, but I don’t mind the heat. If you’re available now, would you like to go over the contracts at my office? I have a pitcher of cold lemonade and finger sandwiches waiting there.”

  Chelsey licked her lips and her stomach released a soft growl. She was parched and equally famished. Getting out of the heat would allow her to freshen up before she started toiling under the grueling sun.

  “I would be happy to accompany you to your office and make our partnership a reality.” She glanced over her shoulder at Martin. “Would you like to join us before you return home?”

  Martin gave her a thunderous look for no reason she could explain. “No thanks, missy. I’ll join Reggie for a quick nip and then we’ll start on the porch. You can always leave us to ourselves and go home to your wife.”

  The way Martin stressed the word wife made her pause. She shook her head and turned back to look at Reiner who stared at Martin with hostility. But then he turned his attention back to her and his demeanor changed to a friendly one, giving her a smile that made most women swoon.

  Reiner didn’t engage Martin in any conversation and held out his arm for Chelsey to take. “Shall we convene to better quarters, my lady?”

  “Let’s.” She took hold of his arm.

  “Be careful, Chelsey,” Martin said as he stepped on the boardwalk.

  “Don’t you mean, be well, Angel?” Chelsey said Martin’s first name purposely. She didn’t know what he was getting at and she didn’t like it.

  Martin curled his lip at her. “Of course Ms. Dreadin,” he replied and crossed his arms as s
he waved at him over her shoulder, accompanying Reiner down the street and to the wharf where his office was located. Before they turned the corner out of sight, she gave one last look behind her, finally relaxing as Martin walked away.

  “You and Martin don’t get along at all. Why is that?” she asked.

  Reiner didn’t act surprised by her question and gave her hand a squeeze. He nodded his head in the direction of a group of ladies they passed who giggled and whispered behind their hands. Chelsey stopped from rolling her eyes as Reiner appeared to enjoy the reaction he received.

  “Mister Martin and I had a difference of opinion about something. But nothing to worry your little head about.” He gave her hand another pat and helped her over some rope and onto the wooden walkway.

  Chelsey held back from sharing her ire over his ‘little head’ comment, but she’d let it pass. She’d remain complimentary until she signed those contracts that would cement her and Daisy’s future.

  * * * *

  Daisy was winded by the time she reached the seaside town. She left her horse in a stable and then went into the hardware store to inquire with the owner there if Martin and Chelsey had bought their wood. They had almost an hour ago. She left the store, deciding where to look next, when she caught sight of one of Mister Reiner’s ships in the harbor.

  Aha! Chelsey might be with him signing the contracts. She rushed toward the docks. Her heart hitched in her throat, trying to figure out how to tell Chelsey about what she’d overheard from their servants. Chelsey would most likely laugh it off and perhaps have Mister Reiner explain the terms of their relationship. She’d feel like a ninny, but then the stinging ache in her chest would disappear.

  She passed by men and women, both sailors and island natives, as well as the other residents of the town out for a stroll. The smell of the water and the sounds of seagulls rushed over her. She felt a sense of pride living here, although she did have moments of homesickness for her childhood home. But now she belonged with Chelsey. And with Martin and her brother Thomas as their neighbors, she never had to worry about being too lonely.

  With a skip in her step, she made her way over to the Reiner shipping building and grabbed hold of the doorknob to enter. Then she peered in the front window. What she saw made her gasp in pain.

  Mister Reiner and Chelsey were embracing and kissing for all to see. Reiner’s hands cupped Chelsey buttocks while Chelsey’s was pressed up against his chest.

  She backed away, biting down on her fist to stop the tears from falling. She turned away, numb to the core. It was true! Chelsey was unfaithful to her. And with a man! How could that be? Chelsey preferred women and hadn’t been with a man in years.

  She must have lied! Daisy stumbled into a dockworker and apologized. She didn’t get too far before she landed against the wall, out of breath. She should confront the two, but shame filled her entire body. She couldn’t face Chelsey now. She’d end up scratching her eyes out.

  Walking on unsteady legs, she headed back to her horse. She needed to find Thomas. He would know what to do and would give her refuge until she decided how to deal with Chelsey’s horrible deceit.

  * * * *

  “You rat bastard!” Chelsey spit on Reiner as he rolled into a ball on the floor, clutching his groin where she’d kneed him after he’d kissed her unexpectedly. She’d been blindsided when he stuck his tongue in her mouth and put his hands on her ass. Only one person was allowed to stick her tongue in her mouth and fondle her ass, and that was Daisy!

  Reiner groaned and coughed. She kicked him in the ass for good measure. How dare he think she’d want him? He was a man, for goodness sake, and she was married.

  She picked up the unsigned contracts and tore them in two. “You fucked up big time, Reiner,” she growled and threw the papers up in the air. “Our association is over. If I see your pretty boy mug anywhere near me or my wife, I’ll sear off your balls and roast them over an open flame. Understand?”

  Reiner moaned and shook his head. “Bitch,” he whispered.

  “Damn right, I’m a bitch. You best remember that.” She gave his ass another swift kick with her boot and stomped out of his office.

  Her temperature rose and it wasn’t because of the heat. She should have known nothing good could come out of her business association with that fink. How could Martin see what a dick Reiner was but she chose to ignore it? She kicked the wall and clenched her fist, feeling ten times the fool. Now she would have to explain to Daisy why she wouldn’t be going into business with him. She had to be honest and tell how the bastard had kissed her. Hopefully Daisy wouldn’t think she led the man on and applaud her for the way she had defused the situation.

  But guilt ate away inside of her. Her body hadn’t reacted to the kiss in any way, but still, when a man kisses you in broad daylight in front of a window where anyone could view, there was the possibility of talk.

  With that in mind, she’d stop by the flower vendor and buy a bunch of lilies for Daisy. Then after their chat she’d give Daisy her ring and celebrate the Valentine holiday early where they would spend the rest of the afternoon and evening in bed. The next day they would relax by their lagoon and swim, perhaps making love in the open as they used to do when they first arrived on the island. Then she would show Daisy the small shipping vessel she’d commissioned for her as a gift.

  Chapter Four

  Chelsey opened the front door with one hand while she held the bouquet of lilies in the other. She glanced around the foyer until Nina came out from the dining room.

  “Where’s Daisy?” Chelsey asked and sniffed. She caught a whiff of the stale sweat on her body and wiggled her nose. I should take a bath first before I see Daisy.

  Nina’s bottom lip trembled as she spoke. “Um, Ms. Daisy was in her bedroom but then she came down with a bag and announced she was staying with her brother.”

  “Stay? You mean visit,” she corrected the girl. “I need you to heat up water for my bath. I’ll wash up and then visit with Mister Thomas as well.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Nina replied softly and squeaked as she rushed back into the kitchen.

  That one’s an odd duck. Chelsey walked up the stairs and went in her bedroom, placing the bouquet on the night stand. She unbuttoned her damp shirt and pulled it off as she spied a note on her pillow addressed to her in Daisy’s handwriting.

  “Could this be a love note?” She grinned and grabbed the paper, sitting down on the bed as she tugged off a boot. She opened the note and her eyes grew large as she scanned the words on the page.


  I’m staying with Thomas and Martin indefinitely. I came into town earlier and caught you and Mister Reiner kissing. I can’t bear to see you or hear your excuses why my loving wife was in the arms of another!


  A scream formed in Chelsey’s throat and she leapt up from the bed, crushing the paper in her hand. How could she have been so stupid! Her Daisy thought she betrayed her!

  She began to run out of the room when she stumbled in the one boot she wore and fell to the floor. Lying there, she slapped the floor, tears building in her eyes until they trickled down her cheeks.

  Chapter Five

  “I can’t believe after all we’ve been through Chelsey would do such a thing!” Daisy gulped down the rest of the brandy Thomas had given her and hiccupped as a sob left her throat. Her head hurt from all her crying and her eyes felt swollen and dry. When Thomas curved an arm around her shoulder, she hid her face against the crook of his neck.

  “Hush, Daisy, all will be well. After you calm down and talk to Chelsey about what you thought you saw—”

  “Thought I saw?” Daisy pulled away and gave her brother a disgruntled look. “I know what I saw! My wife, the love of my life, was kissing another man!”

  Thomas fingered the bristles on his chin. “Perhaps Reiner was kissing Chelsey, instead of the other way around? He’s quite the Lothario and I wouldn’t put it past him to try and…urm…”

p; “Get under Chelsey’s skirt or depending on what she’s wearing that day, her breeches?” Martin walked into the small room. He hunched down in front of Daisy and lifted her chin with his fist, twisting her face from side to side as he looked her over.

  Daisy blushed under his scrutiny and jerked back when he clucked and shook his head in displeasure.

  “You don’t believe me either! I know Chelsey is your oldest and dearest friend, but I’m not lying or jumping to conclusions.”

  “We never said you were, lassy.” Martin rose up and swiped a palm over his head. “But we have a big problem here. By now Chelsey has returned home and noticed you’re gone.”

  “And she probably read my note.” Daisy crossed her arms.

  “She’s going to storm in here like some harpy, expecting Thom and I to let her see you.”

  “And will you?” Daisy asked with an arched brow, turning to give her brother the same stare.

  Thomas rubbed his knees and stood up from the couch. “She won’t be invited in unless you say so. We’ll let you stay with us as long as you want. Right, Martin?”

  Martin glowered and slapped the side of his hip. “I shouldn’t have let Chelsey go off with that mother fu…erm buffoon. I knew he was up too no good. I’m to blame for this. If only—”

  “Martin, how could you know? You’re not a mind reader.” Thomas went over to his lover and squeezed the back of his neck. Martin gave him a small smile and patted his shoulder.

  Daisy watched the two men unabashed as they looked at one another like they were the only ones in the room. She released a watery sigh and stood. “Thomas is right. You’re not the one who should feel guilty over their actions.”

  Martin nodded and with one last intimate stare at Thomas, came over to her and took both of her hands in his. “Why didn’t you walk into Reiner’s office and confront him and Chelsey? Mayhaps if you did—”


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