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The Princess's Valentine

Page 3

by KT Grant

  “If I did? Then what? I didn’t want to cause a scene. There’s been so much unneeded drama in our lives as is.” Daisy pulled her hands away and tears filled her eyes again. She wiped her nose with the side of her hand. Thomas sat back down next to her and produced a handkerchief for her to use.

  “With Chelsey, it’s never a dull moment,” Martin grumbled and wandered over to a table where he poured himself a drink.

  Daisy smiled weakly. Martin did have a point about Chelsey. She had always yearned for excitement and adventure, but not this gut wrenching pain she was now feeling.

  Her lips trembled and Thomas gave her another hug. He brushed his hand through her hair. “There, there Daisy. This nasty heat and your emotions will make you sick. Why don’t you lie down in the spare bedroom and have a nice nap? After you rested, we can discuss your next course of action.”

  “But Thomas, without Chelsey, I have nothing! I can’t go back home to Flaundia and she certainly won’t let me go. The island is too small for us to not see each other.” She twisted away, her back shaking from the onslaught of her tears as she ran from the room and up the stairs.

  Both Martin and Thomas called out her name, but she didn’t stop and rushed into the bedroom. She slammed the door and fell onto the bed, hiding her face in a pillow to smother her cries. The last time she’d cried in such a manner was when Chelsey was forced to leave her when she was eighteen. Years later, she never forgotten those dark days, waiting for Chelsey to return and claim her.

  That yawning darkness of despair rose up again, and she clutched her stomach, wishing that the woman who now caused her this deep pain was there to hold her and tell her everything would be all right.

  * * * *

  Martin was standing in front of his half-finished porch, smoking a cigar when Chelsey rode up. Puffs of smoke came out of his mouth and he made no move to help her down from her horse or to meet her.

  She hooked the reigns over a prickly bush and walked until she was less than a foot away from him. She fisted her hands on her hips and lifted her chin in defiance.

  “I’ve come to bring my wife home. Let me in to see her or send her out,” she ordered, glad her voice wasn’t shaking too badly.

  Martin pulled away his cigar. He took a step toward her and she flinched when he pressed his palm against her cheek. “You’ve been crying.”

  Chelsey sniffed and shrugged. “Yeah? What if I have?”

  Martin sighed and motioned for her to walk with him on the front lawn.

  “I can’t let you inside. Thom would never forgive me. He wants to protect his sister. I have to respect that.”

  “And what about me?” Chelsey thumped her chest. “Shouldn’t you hear my side of the story? You’re my best friend!” She stomped her foot, her anger growing by the minute.

  Martin didn’t react to her tantrum. He continued puffing away on his cigar. “Daisy said she saw you and Reiner kissing for all to see in his office. Figs on a tree, Chelsey. Daisy isn’t the type to make things up or twist them around. Did you kiss him?”

  “No!” Chelsey gave her hair a sharp tug. “Before I signed the contracts, I held out my hand for him to shake. His arms locked around me and he jammed his slippery, rotting tongue into my mouth. It lasted but a few seconds until I got over the shock of it. I gave him a knee to the cods and punched him in his stomach. How could you think I’d give up everything I have with Chelsey to be with…that man!” She grimaced and wiped her mouth, as if to erase the stolen kiss that caused all this anguish.

  “Didn’t you realize Reiner was eyeing you up and down like a dog with a bone? That’s why I was none too pleased with you when you went off on your merry way with him. You should’ve known better.”

  “I’ve been managing pricks like him my whole life.” Chelsey lifted up her hands and backed away. “I need to see Daisy now, and not you nor your pretty boy are going to stop me.”

  A growl came from Martin’s mouth and he took hold of her by the arm, giving her a hard shake. “Now listen here, I know you’re upset and all, but no one calls Thom a pretty boy in that tone ‘cept me. Before I wouldn’t have cared if you had your fun with a woman, or a man for that matter, because you weren’t committed to anyone like you are with Daisy. The poor girl has been crying since she came here, a nervous wreck.”

  “Then let me see her and I’ll explain what really happened.” Chelsey tried to tug her arm away, but his fingers dug into her skin.

  “No can do, C.W.,” he said her old alias with a bite in his voice. “You need to let Daisy stew for a day or two. Then—”

  “Are you serious? What if you were in my shoes and Thomas caught you slobbering with another man or a woman? You can’t tell me you wouldn’t seek him out and do whatever you could to make him listen to you.”

  “I’d probably absence with him someplace where no one could interrupt us. But you’re not me and don’t expect me to help put you in my shoes.”

  “It’s abscond, you bald-headed fool!” Chelsey kicked Martin in the shin and he cursed loudly. She thrust him away and ran toward the house.

  “Enough, Chelsey! Stop acting like a child.” Daisy lifted her head out of an open window on the second floor.

  Chelsey whispered Daisy’s name. “Daisy, love, please come down and talk to me.”

  “I can’t.” Daisy shook her head and wiped her eyes with a piece of cloth.

  “Why in the bloody hell not?” Chelsey yelled up, clenching her fists.

  Daisy looked down at the sill, tracing her finger across the wood. “It pains me. Every time I close my eyes, I see you and him with your mouths together…” she broke off and lifted a hand to her brow.

  Chelsey’s stomach twisted as she spotted how pale Daisy’s face had become and how bloodshot her eyes were.

  “Daisy, let me fix this. I can explain everything.”

  “You probably can, but right now, I’m too upset to hear your explanations and reasoning. Perhaps it’s best if I stay here tonight and then tomorrow or the next day—”

  “The next day?” Chelsey’s voice rose in indignation. Since well before she and Daisy had been married, they’d never spent a night apart. “But tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. What about our plans to celebrate our love?”

  “Love?” Daisy snorted. “What I’m feeling right now is far from love.” She hugged herself. “When I’m in a better state of mind, we can talk.”

  “And when will that be? How long do you expect me to wait?”

  Daisy shrugged. “I’m not certain. Now go home and don’t return until I send for you. Please respect my wishes.”

  When Daisy moved away from the window, Chelsey called out her name continuously until her voice grew hoarse. She fisted her hands in her hair and turned to Martin. She whispered his name and he held out his arms, which she fell into.

  They remained locked in an embrace as she held back her tears, refusing to cry any longer. She needed to clear her mind and figure out a way to see Daisy and talk some sense into her before their relationship was ruined forever.

  Chapter Six

  “I’m still mighty pissed at you,” Chelsey said, taking a gulp of her ale and then a shot of her scotch. She slouched down in her seat in the back of the room in one of two taverns on the island.

  Martin sat on her right with a good amount of space between them. He downed his shot and gave the room a glance. “You’ve been out of sorts with me before. This ain’t the first and won’t be the last.”

  Chelsey snorted. A warm, fuzzy feeling filled her head and her stomach no longer clenched in pain. She was on her way to getting rip roaring drunk, even though she was in a sour mood with Martin. But, he was the best person to be with while drinking. After she came close to breaking down in his arms for failing in her appeal to Daisy, he recommended they have drinks in town.

  The setting sun gave the inside of the tavern a cozy feel as both men and women drank, talked and played card games. She spotted Reggie and some of her old crew up at the
bar. Reggie gave her a wave and saluted her with his glass. She did the same and finished off her ale.

  “What if I make Reiner talk to Daisy and tell her what he did?” Chelsey asked, wishing she had him in front of her so she could kick him in the balls in the hopes he became a eunuch.

  “Daisy’s not the only one upset with you.” Martin rested his elbows on the table and gave Chelsey a pointed stare. “Reiner doesn’t like to be made a fool of and you’ve gone ahead and made him look like a first rate one. Not only have you rejected him, but you emasc…what’s it called?”

  “Emasculated?” Chelsey replied dryly and lifted up her hand to catch the server’s attention.

  “Yeah, emasculated him. Expect him to try some type of revenge for the stunt you pulled.”

  “Stunt?” She sat up straight. “I swear, if you go off jabbering at the mouth blaming me for being stupid—”

  Martin lifted his palm up. “Stunt, as in kicking him in his nads and getting the upper hand. As for the other, that’s on your shoulders.”

  Chelsey dug her fingers into the wood of the table. She refused to take responsibility for the kiss forced on her. She crossed her arms and brooded until the server bought them back more shots and ale. She drank silently, contemplating the unfortunate turn of events that had her drinking among strangers –Martin excepted–when she could be with Daisy, having an early dinner and talking about their respectful day’s events. She nudged her bag with her boot, closing her eyes over the rush of emotion that came over her as she thought back to the wedding bands. Would Daisy accept hers now or turn away?

  She sighed and sipped her drink, feeling the need to run back to Daisy and make her see reason. But she wouldn’t be able to do that because of the hulking man next to her. The only way she could was if she knocked Martin unconscious. She would need help in taking him out and then sneak into his house and grab Daisy so they could go someplace and talk uninterrupted. She rubbed her chin, going over the various scenarios in her head.

  “I’m not liking that look on your face, missy. It’s the same one I’ve seen many times before we robbed some ship. What ungodly thoughts are running around in that head of yours?” Martin tapped his own as he downed his shot.

  Chelsey gave him a sneaky grin. She opened her mouth to give him some fib, when a group of men walked out of the back room. Among them was Reiner.

  She tracked his movements over to a table a few feet away. He and one of his companions sat down. She felt a rattle in her chest form from her growling.

  “Chelsey, calm yourself,” Martin said in a warning and reached over to place a hand on her shoulder.

  She brushed him off and continued scrutinizing Reiner as he laughed and talked like he didn’t have a care in the world. She’d wait until the moment was right and then she’d—

  “Congratulations on a job well done!” the man in the bright red jacket sitting with Reiner said and clapped him on the shoulder. He took out a stack of bills from the inside of his jacket and handed them over. “This is the part I hate the most, but it was well worth it for the entertainment value.”

  “At first I thought I was crazy taking on such a bet, but I do have a way with the ladies. They never refuse me.” Reiner didn’t bother to speak in modulated tones, announcing to the entire room what he’d achieved. He sat back in his chair, preening like some peacock as he took the money.

  His friend shook his head and slapped his knee. “Taking a kiss from a woman and having her enjoy it is one thing, but stealing one from a woman who’s into unnatural desires and prefers her own sex, is a different matter altogether. I thought it couldn’t be done with the Ms. Dreadin. Good show, old man!”

  A red haze filled Chelsey’s vision. Oh hells no, they weren’t talking about her!

  Reiner grabbed the pitcher of beer the server bought over and poured some into their glasses. “As you well know, the ladies can’t help but want me, even ones who haven’t enjoyed a man’s cock in a long time. You should have seen the lady Dreadin’s face when I planted one on her and felt up those sweet ass globes of hers.” Reiner lifted his fingers up to his mouth and kissed them.

  “I’m surprised she didn’t plant her fist in your face.”

  Reiner shrugged and smiled, tugging on the collar of his shirt. “Um, yes, well you heard from one of my workers what they witnessed as proof that I’m telling the truth. I expected at least a slap, but all she did was push me away flustered with her chest heaving. Why, even her nipples were hard. I could tell she enjoyed it! Those tits of hers would make a man get down on his knees and…” He leaned in close to his companion and whispered something Chelsey couldn’t catch. Both men roared and they clinked their glasses together.

  “He humiliated me all for the benefit of a bet,” she said in an eerily calm tone.

  Martin slid over next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Ah lass, he’s a cruel prick. Let it go. No sense in starting anything here.”

  Chelsey gave him a grave look. “You think I should walk out of here without confronting him? Oh boyo, then you really don’t know me well at all.”

  She reached down and grabbed her bag. When she pulled away from Martin, he grabbed her tighter. “Don’t do this. People will talk and then all eyes will be on you and Daisy. We’re supposed to stay out of trouble. If words of this gets back to the mainland, we’re done for,” Martin hissed.

  “The mainland is five hundred miles away. You’ve become too sedate, old man. Now let me go before I start a scene with you first.”

  Martin grunted. He crossed his arms and tapped his finger on his bicep. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  She almost gave him a comforting pat, but anger ate away at her that was directed at the smug bastard sitting across from her. “Reiner and I are going to have a friendly conversation, that’s all.”

  “Friendly?” Martin snorted.

  “And if our conversation becomes heated and I end up clocking the prick, can I count on you to have my back?” she asked, sliding away from the table.

  Martin shrugged his shoulders and stared ahead.

  “Fine. Enjoy your snit,” she said and stomped over to Reiner.

  She stood behind Reiner and glowered down at him. His seat mate shook his arm and nudged his chin in her direction. Reiner twisted in his seat and scanned her from head to toe. He cleared his throat and his lips fell into a smirk.

  “Fancy seeing you here, Ms. Dreadin. Shouldn’t you be home with your…lady? How is the lovely Daisy this evening?”

  Chelsey gritted her teeth. “You have no right to talk about my lady. Not after what you pulled on me earlier this afternoon.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Reiner propped his arm on the back of his chair. “From the strong smell of alcohol oozing from your person, you’ve had too much drink and aren’t thinking correctly, my dear.”

  She jabbed his arm and he gave her an irritated look. “I’m not drunk and I’m not your dear. I overheard your conversation with your buddy here. Was trying to steal a kiss the only thing you bet on or were you just stringing me along for your own amusement and never meant to form a business partnership?”

  Reiner fixed the cuffs of his shirt and brushed a finger across his mouth. His eyes glowed in humor. “My dear Ms. Dreadin, why in the world would I go into business with a woman?” He curled his lips and stared right at her chest. “You were an easy target. Next time you’ll be more careful who you do business with.”

  “Perhaps next time, if you’re still breathing, you’ll be more careful of who you fuck with.” Chelsey pulled out her pistol and pointed it right between his eyes.

  The entire room went silent. Reiner’s friend jumped out of his seat and backed away.

  Reiner’s eyes went cross-eyed as he stared at the barrel of the gun. He cursed loudly and moved his face back an inch. Chelsey cocked the trigger.

  Gasps filled the room.

  Reiner licked his lips. “Chelsey, my dear, why don’t we�

  “I told you not to call me that. Only my wife has the permission to do so,” she barked.

  Reiner lifted up his palms. His eyes pleaded with her. “If your wife were here now, what would she think of your unruly behavior?”

  Chelsey was very calm and collected. Her arm didn’t shake and she didn’t sweat. She’d been in much worse situations than this and wanted Reiner to feel like shit for all the problems he caused. She’d give him a lesson he’d never forget. Her lips tilted up in a cruel smile and she dug the barrel deeper into to his forehead. “My wife would be upset with me, but seeing as she already is based on your selfish and immature actions, I have nothing to lose.”

  “What do you want from me? An apology? You should have known better who you were tangling with. I can’t help it if your wife can’t keep you satisfied.”

  Whispers came from the onlookers. Chelsey scanned the room. The table she’d been sitting at was vacant.

  Where did Martin go off to? If he left me here—

  “The reason you’re lashing out at me is because I gave you something you’ve been missing and was curious about. I admit I made a cruel bet and tricked you into believing I wanted you as a business partner. Perhaps you needed, shall we say, something harder to work and play with to keep you amused because you’re not getting what you need at home.” Reiner said in a reasonable tone, although his eyes glittered with malice.

  “And you took it upon yourself to prove this to me? What a cocky son of a bitch you are. Nevertheless I demand an apology and you’ll take the earnings you won and donate it to the church.”

  Reiner pursed his lips and dipped his head, spitting a wad of phlegm on the top of her boot. “That’s the only apology you’ll get from me you, bitch. Do what you will with it.” His smile grew as he glanced past her shoulder.

  Someone called out Chelsey’s name in a warning. She spun on her heels and squatted down as a fist came at her face. She kicked her assailant in between his legs and slipped, losing hold of her gun. The man she kicked was one of Reiner’s employees, now hunched over in pain. He roared, and when he lurched forward, she punched him hard in the face. He fell to the ground screaming in agony and that’s when the room erupted into chaos.


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