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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

Page 23

by Hailey Turner

  Kyle arched an eyebrow. “Usually? Who’d have thought you’re such a kinky bastard under the uniform.”

  “Says the cock slut,” Jamie drawled.

  “Yeah, I don’t consider that an insult.” Kyle squeezed his ass around Jamie’s cock, watching as Jamie’s eyes dilated a little more. “Would you let me fuck you?”

  “It’s not really something I like,” Jamie said slowly. “But if you wanted to, I’d let you.”

  Kyle leaned forward and kissed Jamie once, twice, three times in quick succession. “Nah. As an NCO, I work for a living, but I think you should pull your weight in bed.”

  Jamie laughed, pulling Kyle off his cock with easy strength. He took a few seconds to wash the cum off his chest before getting out of the tub. Kyle looked up at Jamie and the expanse of battle-honed muscle he wasn’t shy about showing off. Kyle eyed the way Jamie’s cock hadn’t flagged very much at all, hanging heavy and thick between his legs. Jamie arched an eyebrow, casually stroking his cock, dragging his thumb over the purpling head. Kyle followed the motions of his fingers with hungry eyes and wasn’t ashamed at all.

  “You’ve got a mouth on you,” Jamie said.

  Kyle twisted around in the tub, drawn like a magnet to where Jamie was. He braced himself against the edge as he rose up on his knees, leaning forward. He flicked his tongue out, licking the velvety tip of Jamie’s cock as delicately as he knew how. “You going to punish me for it, sir?”

  Jamie slapped his erection against the side of Kyle’s face before brushing the tip across his lower lip. “I don’t see how this is a punishment when it’s exactly what you want.”

  Kyle wasn’t going to argue, because really, Jamie was right. This was exactly what he wanted, and he happily wrapped his lips around the head of Jamie’s cock, tongue flicking against the slit as he sucked it down. The hesitation the first time they’d done this was no longer present. Jamie shoved his hips forward without pause, pushing his cock down Kyle’s willing throat with a grunt that tapered off into a sigh. Kyle’s eyes fluttered shut and he moaned raggedly, rubbing his tongue against the velvety hot skin wrapped around that thick length as he sucked at it.

  He loved this; he always had. Loved being fucked, being used, being owned, and Jamie was so good at staking his claim. Kyle tilted his head to that perfect angle and dropped his jaw, sucking hard at the thickness filling his mouth and throat. Jamie slipped back out for a second or two before pushing back in, an easy glide that Kyle didn’t gag on, that reflex long since fucked into submission. His military training enabled him to hold his breath for long minutes at a time, and Jamie seemed to enjoy testing the clock. Kyle didn’t mind the slow building burn in his chest from lack of air as Jamie held him there against his body, nose buried in the thatch of pubic hair at the base of Jamie’s cock, unable to move while he swallowed around the hard length filling his mouth and throat. Jamie stroked a hand over Kyle’s head and Kyle looked up at him through wet lashes.

  “Next time I need to catch up on paperwork, I’m going to do it from home,” Jamie said in a deep, raspy voice as he cradled Kyle’s head with a gentle hand. “I’m going to sit at my desk with you on your knees between my legs, and you’re going to hold my cock just like this in your mouth and keep it warm while I work.”

  Kyle slid his hands around the back of Jamie’s thighs, digging his fingers into the sensitive skin he found there. Jamie grunted and thrust forward to escape the prick of fingernails, driving Kyle’s head back a little with the motion. Jamie smoothed his hand over Kyle’s hair before pulling out, letting him breathe. Kyle gasped for air around the tip of the cock resting on his tongue, licking at it with kittenish flicks.

  Jamie dragged his thumb over Kyle’s bottom lip, pulling it down. “Yeah, your mouth was made to suck cock.”

  “Pity they don’t hand out medals for that,” Kyle said, voice a little raspy.

  “I’ll give you something better.”

  The water moving around Kyle’s thighs in the tub had grown lukewarm. The colder temperature kept his own desire banked even as thick trickles of Jamie’s cum slipped out of his hole and down his thighs. What Kyle wanted more than anything right then was to give Jamie anything he wanted. He looked up at Jamie, blinking back some of the tears, feeling them collect at the corners of his eyes. One escaped, dripping over his cheek. Jamie cupped his jaw with a warm hand and wiped the droplet away with his thumb.

  “Tell me,” Jamie said, voice rough with want and desire, the words practically ground out between his teeth.

  Kyle kissed the tip of Jamie’s cock, nuzzling it with his cheek. “I want it. I want you. Give it to me. Please, sir.”

  Because pain that he asked for buried in pleasure was something he could control, and right now, he didn’t want to stop.

  Jamie took a firm grip on Kyle’s damp hair and held him steady as he slipped his cock back into Kyle’s mouth, pumping in and out with long thrusts that got progressively shorter in length, but harder in force. Kyle kept his mouth opened wide, lips stretched around the hard length Jamie forced past them at a relentless pace. Kyle let go of Jamie in favor of keeping himself braced against the tub, eyes drifting shut again as Jamie kept fucking his mouth, showing no signs of stopping until he came. Kyle could feel Jamie’s cock getting thicker as he tried to suck at it, tongue rubbing against its velvety hardness.

  Jamie slowed his pace, dragging his cock out until the purpled glans was framed by Kyle’s swollen lips. He pushed back in all the way until Kyle’s nose was pressed against his groin, the throbbing length of Jamie’s cock filling his throat. Jamie kept him there, tight little circles of his hips moving his cock in Kyle’s throat by bare millimeters. Kyle swallowed again and again, lungs burning from lack of air as Jamie came so far down his throat he couldn’t even taste it. When Jamie finally pulled out, black spots were drifting across Kyle’s vision and his entire body felt light and floaty.

  “How do you feel?” Jamie asked as he carefully guided Kyle to his feet, hands never leaving him.

  Kyle licked his swollen lips with a sore tongue, the gloss of pain quickly fading. He sighed shakily, lungs burning for it before that, too, faded. “Good, sir.”

  Jamie pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, helping him out of the bathtub. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Kyle wrapped his arms around Jamie and leaned into his warmth. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but here. Judging by the way Jamie returned the embrace, the older man was perfectly fine with him staying. If there was one good thing that came from giving up his secret as a metahuman, then Jamie was it.

  Three days later, Kyle found himself standing at parade rest in front of Director Nazari’s desk, staring at a point over the director’s shoulder as he flicked through a multitude of data screens before he found the right one. Kyle watched him isolate it and shift the entire glowing set to the side of his desk before leaning back in his seat.

  “Staff Sergeant Brannigan,” Nazari said in greeting.

  “Sir,” Kyle replied.

  “How are you finding working with the MDF so far?”

  Kyle very carefully didn’t think about how he’d spent every night since officially joining the team getting willfully fucked by his CO. “It’s been interesting, sir.”

  “Good interesting, I hope. I know this isn’t exactly what you and Staff Sergeant Dvorkin expected to happen when you were initially seconded to us. I realize it’s been a rough transition, but I’m glad to see you’re both settling in with Alpha Team.”

  “We get along.”

  In the case of Jamie, they got along really, really well.

  Director Nazari caught Kyle’s gaze, forcing Kyle to stare at him rather than through him. “I’m glad to hear it. They haven’t had a sniper that worked well with them since they arrived. Try not to screw it up.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I don’t know how they handled things in Strike Force, but I like to know how my field agents are doing, especially the metahuman ones. I
know you have appointments lined up with Psych and I expect you and Staff Sergeant Dvorkin to make every effort to attend them. I’ll know if you don’t.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I know you saw your transfer here as a punishment, but I hope in time that changes. We do a lot of good here. You will do a lot of good. I need you to remember that.”

  Kyle nodded sharply. “I will, sir.”

  “Excellent. Now—”

  The perfunctory knock on his office door before it slid open made the director break off in mid-sentence. The slim brunette in a business suit came in with an apologetic look on her face and a can of Zing! energy drink in hand, which she set on the director’s desk once she was close enough.

  “Sir, your meeting with the CIA starts in ten minutes. The uplinks are being primed and the deputy director said she wanted to meet with you before it got under way,” Sofia Garza, the director’s aide, said.

  Director Nazari glanced at the grape-flavored energy drink now sitting on his desk. “You know I only drink the cherry-flavored one, Sofia.”

  The aide winced, quickly snatching back the can. “I’m sorry, sir. I guess I wasn’t paying attention when I grabbed it from the fridge. I’ll get another one to you before the meeting.”

  “I know it’s been a rough few days for you. If you need to take time off to be with your family, you know I’ll sign off on it,” the director said in a kind voice as he got to his feet.

  Sofia dredged up a trembling smile, but Kyle barely registered it at all, too busy staring at the way she was tapping the fingers of her free hand against her thigh in a specific, nervous tic he hadn’t witnessed in years.

  “I’m needed here more, sir. My mother understands and the doctors say she’ll only be in the hospital for another few days. The car accident was bad, but it wasn’t life-threatening.”

  “If you change your mind, let me know. Brannigan?”

  Kyle wrenched his gaze away from the aide’s fingers, heart pounding so hard in his chest he swore everyone in the office could hear it. He kept his voice level with long practice, expression smoothed out to neutral blandness. “Sir?”

  “You’re dismissed.”

  Kyle snapped out a salute, ignoring the aide completely as he spun on his heels and walked out of the office with measured strides. The skin on the back of his neck prickled. He resisted the urge to turn around and meet the eyes of the person watching him.

  He kept his pace normal, expression blank as he made his way to the training level, bypassing the large, indoor track in favor of the weight room. He found Alexei there working out, but he hadn’t been at it long since he hadn’t sweated through his workout clothes yet.

  Kyle stopped by the weight bench Alexei was lying on. “<>”

  Alexei’s gaze sharpened instantly, whether from the look in Kyle’s green eyes that was for him alone or the shred of emotion that came through in Russian that Kyle couldn’t quite hide. Alexei racked his weights and sat up, never taking his eyes off Kyle.



  In certain moments, they would never question the other’s orders. This was one of those moments. Alexei didn’t demand an explanation, merely followed Kyle out of the gym and down to the subterranean parking garage, where they signed out a car from the motor pool and got on the road. They didn’t speak until they were kilometers away from MDF headquarters.

  “<>” Kyle said.

  Alexei accessed the control panel on the dash and temporarily severed the car’s connection to headquarters. Kyle could feel his brother doing his very best to burn a hole in the side of Kyle’s head using just his eyes.


  Kyle eased up on the gas and pulled over onto the side of the road halfway between two CCTV towers. He put the car into park and killed the engine, wishing he’d thought to bring a jammer with him. The instant the air-conditioning turned off, the car immediately started to get warmer from sitting out in a hot summer day.

  “<>” Kyle said.

  “<>” Alexei replied slowly.

  Kyle turned his head to look at Alexei, mouth suddenly dry, the words stinging like fire on his tongue. Maybe he was wrong, but he knew what he saw. He knew the pattern her fingers had tapped out. Their old liaison with the CIA had never been able to excise that nervous tic, no matter how hard she tried.


  Alexei had come a long way from his emotions ruling his power. His control still wasn’t strong enough to stop fire exploding around his hands and crawling up his arms. Kyle didn’t flinch from the heat of the flames, having long since conquered his fear of dying in fire after Alexei had carried him out of an inferno, keeping the flames at bay.

  At the time, it was a situation they weren’t supposed to survive. Special Agent Cora Everly had made that damned clear when she sprayed their entire captured squad with Splice before leaving them to die in that biolab.

  Alexei snuffed out the fire with a thought, the smell stifling in the rapidly heating interior of the car. He swore viciously, mouth twisting with an ugly mixture of anger and hate.


  Kyle felt his shoulders relax a little at the way Alexei didn’t doubt him. “<>”

  Alexei nodded before he settled back in his seat, waving at the road. “<>”

  Kyle turned the key in the ignition and the engine started with a dull roar. He pulled back onto the street and headed toward central D.C. rather than returning to base.

  “<>” Alexei asked after a minute of silence.




  Semper Fi, Do or Die

  Katie barged into Jamie’s office without her usual polite knock, blonde ponytail streaming behind her in her haste. Jamie looked up from the paperwork he’d been diligently trying to finish, half-wondering if she was reading his mind and knew when he was about to find something to distract himself with.

  “I’m almost done with the report you emailed me the other day. You really didn’t need to follow up in person about it,” Jamie said.

  Katie crossed the short distance between them and placed her hands on his desk, leaning forward. “Your father is here.”

  Jamie froze. “He didn’t tell me he was coming.”

  “Well, he’s here now. Word spread fast about a senator arriving on base and I asked Ceres who it was. She said Senator Richard Callahan had requested a meeting with Nazari and with you.”

  Jamie got to his feet, hands clenching into fists. “Congress just went into recess last week. He can’t even couch this visit in the official mantle of his office.”

  “Did you inform him of our little adventure over in Eastern Europe?”

  “No. We weren’t gone long enough for the MDF to notify my family I was MIA. My father doesn’t know what happened. Hell, he doesn’t have the clearance to know about most of our missions to begin with. He’s a senator, not a goddamn general.”

  Katie straightened up and crossed her arms over her chest. “Then why is he here?”

  Jamie wished he could say he didn’t know, but that would be a lie, and he’d promised Katie years ago he would never lie to her. “Remember the dinner I had with him last week?”

  “The one where you picked up Kyle at a bar afterward? Yes, I’m aware of that night.”

  “Your judgment is showing.”

  “I like Kyle. It’s your father I have a problem with. He always puts you in a mood. I’m not looking forward to a twenty-five klick hump before dawn because you’re pissed at him when he’s got no blood relation to the rest of us.”

  Jamie ran a hand through his hair and swore softly. “That won’t happen this time.”

  Mainly because he’d probably burn off his bad mood in bed with Kyle. He rather thought the team would approve of that effort over extra physical training.

  Katie rolled her eyes. Jamie absently wondered if she was reading his surface thoughts. She normally never did, but sometimes when Katie was tired she couldn’t help herself. Their boundaries had shrunk quite a bit over the past three years, something she always apologized for. Jamie never once blamed her for her power, and was only happy she was alive.

  “What’s going on, Jamie? Your father rarely shows his face in this area of D.C. You always go to him, not the other way around.”

  “He told me during dinner he’s not interested in another term in the Senate after this one ends. My father wants to run for president. The next election is in two years, but you know fighting for a party’s nomination always starts sooner.”

  Katie’s wince looked like it hurt. “Shit.”

  “He also wants me to resign my commission and devote my time to helping out with his campaign after he makes the announcement later this year.”

  “Fuck that.”

  “My sentiments exactly. I’m not leaving the MDF, Katie. I’m not leaving you.”

  Katie stared at him for a long moment before the tight line of her shoulders relaxed. “Good.”

  Jamie had lucked out the day he got Katie as his NCO in the field. A lifetime of drooling around the silver spoon in his mouth and being discreetly fawned over in Annapolis had meant nothing the first time he’d met her in a FOB out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere right before they took mortar fire from insurgents. His first real fight as a second lieutenant would’ve been absolutely terrifying if he hadn’t had her riding his ass and showing him the ropes.

  Jamie loved his family, he did, but his team was his family of choice and he would not give them up. It wouldn’t be the first time he declined to take off the uniform in favor of an expensive bespoke suit. Most likely, it wouldn’t be the last. That didn’t mean his father wouldn’t stop asking.


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