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Wanted by Her Two MC Men (Curvy Women Wanted Book 19)

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by Sam Crescent


  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0100-4

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 19

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  Amy Baker rushed around her shop, offering delightful baked goods to anyone who passed. She loved doing this charity event. Not only did it help raise money for children but it also put her on the map. She didn’t want to use anyone to help her expand, but in business, she had to grab every single opportunity presented to her.

  She loved being a baker. Sweet Treats was her baby that she’d granted herself after her divorce five years ago. All of her love and passion she’d pushed into her business in order to expand and constantly grow in a market that was only interested in the latest fad diets, and everything was online. She loved baking and cooking for others, and seeing as she was good at it, as she’d been told so by many people, she’d decided to invest in herself for a change.

  Now after five years, being at a festival was one of the many highlights of the year for her. It was where she got to advertise herself to the market, and smile a great deal. She loved it. The MC festival was not her scene, and unlike all of the other markets, she stuck out like a sore thumb. Her pink mixed in with all the … metal, bikes, motor oil, and food trucks. She was like cotton candy in hell or something like that.

  She’d been sent the invitation by two MC Prezs. At first, she’d talked herself out of coming, then back in, then out. She didn’t mingle with MCs. She knew there were several around, and she lived in the center of town, where on the outsides, there were two main MCs, and all three towns came together to host the annual biking festival. It helped to bring tourism.

  Handing out the cookies, she offered a smile. Some of the kids held onto the table, staring at the yummy goodies on display, and, seeing their wonder, she couldn’t help but hand them a treat without payment.

  She loved kids.

  She didn’t have any of her own though. Her ex-husband hated kids and refused to have any with her. Their breakup wasn’t a curse; she’d welcomed it. They hadn’t been compatible, and by the end of their relationship, she’d not liked him, not even a little bit. He’d also had a great deal of criticism for her as well.

  They had both moved on. He lived in the city, and she lived in the small town, with her own business.

  “That’s no way to earn money,” Killian said, coming to stand beside her.

  She touched her chest, letting out a yelp. “You scared me. I didn’t even see you.”

  “It’s because you’re spending too much time giving kids free stuff.”

  “They deserve it. They’re kids.”

  Killian was one of the men who’d invited her stall to the event. He was also president of the Devils MC. She believed it was called that, but again, she didn’t keep up with MCs. Her life had become all about her work.

  With a hand on her hip, she offered him a smile. “What would you like?”

  “What is good?”

  Killian was a cookie man. Looking over her selection, which was dwindling fast, she picked his favorite, chocolate chip, but it was a classic.

  She watched as he took a bite. His eyes closed, and he moaned. “As always, delicious.”

  “You don’t get to hog the best woman in town,” Diego said.

  To her right, she turned, and there was Diego, president of the Rogues MC, and the other man who’d invited her.

  “Someone has to stop her from giving food to all the kids for free,” Killian said.

  “Would you like a muffin?” she asked.

  Killian was all for the cookies, while Diego loved his muffins. Both men were … wow. On a scale of hotness, she had no idea ink could be so sexy, or MC jackets, or motorbikes.

  It took great restraint not to fan herself. Both men were sex on legs. In fact, sexy couldn’t even begin to describe each man. But it didn’t matter how hot they were. She couldn’t be with them.

  She was single—but there was no way to choose between either man.

  Both had asked her out, and she had turned down both. They had started coming into her shop a year ago. At first, it was once every couple of weeks, but then it had gone to once a week. Now she saw them both multiple times a week, and she took food orders to deliver to each clubhouse.

  They were making it hard for her to want to move on.

  She hadn’t been with a man since her husband, and well, she wasn’t a cheater. There was no way she’d date two men.

  “You know me, sweetheart. I will always have a muffin from you.”

  His favorite was the double chocolate muffins, and she handed him one with a smile.

  “I hope you enjoy it.”

  “There’s no doubt I will,” Diego said, with a wink.

  It was hard to ignore both men. One on her left, the other on her right. It made her think of all kinds of crazy things, sexual ones.

  She liked reading erotic books, and in those pages, being with two men was not something to be viewed as bad. But this was the real world, not make-believe. Two men wanting her was insane, but they had both asked her out.

  It doesn’t matter, Amy. You’re not going to have a three-way with two men. Especially not two men who are presidents of two MCs. Not going to happen.

  Stepping up to her counter, she saw she had a sudden crowd of people, all wanting something sweet, and she needed to take her mind off of the men, who hadn’t left. One glance over her shoulder and she saw them both glaring at each other.

  They’d not come to blows yet, and she hoped they didn’t any time soon. She hated violence in all forms and did everything to avoid it.


  Killian watched as Amy continued to sell and offer for free her baked goods. She was one of the nicest women he’d ever met, and so fucking sexy. Just watching her gave him a hard-on, and he was fifty years old. He’d experienced his share of women, and none of them made him feel this way.

  She’d turned him down for several dates, so he’d stopped asking. He didn’t like the way Diego was watching her either. That son of a bitch shouldn’t be sniffing around her.

  Leaving her baking tent, he waited for his opponent to step outside.

  The moment he did, he stepped right up to Diego.

  “You need to leave Amy alone,” he said. He was determined to have Amy in his bed, in his life. He knew a keeper when he saw one, and he couldn’t believe her husband hadn’t held onto her. Amy was a woman you never allowed to leave your company unsatisfied. He wondered if her ex even knew how to pleasure her properly.

  “No, you need to leave her alone. Amy’s mine.”

  “I staked a claim on her,” Killian said.

  “So have I!”

  Killian paused. “She turn you down?”

  “What’s it to you?”

  “It’s not anything to me. Call it curiosity.” He didn’t know if the other man had been shot down just as fast as he had.

  Diego ran fingers thro
ugh his hair, clearly looking uncomfortable.

  “I asked her out,” Killian said.

  Diego looked at him. “You did?”

  “I did, and she turned me down flat. I take it from your lack of touching her and the fact there are no rumors about you two being together, you’ve had about as much success as I’ve had.”

  “She told me no.”

  Killian nodded. “Well, then she doesn’t want either of us.” He didn’t believe that for a second. He knew women. Lots of them. Amy when she looked at them, she wanted them. He saw the interest, the curiosity.

  “Unless she does,” Diego said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “For an old guy, you know nothing.”

  “I’ve got five years on you,” Killian said. He wouldn’t have a problem with wiping the floor with this piece of shit and showing him how a real man rolled.

  “Yeah, and it clearly doesn’t show in your head, does it? What if she likes us both?”

  “I know she does.”

  “And she doesn’t want to pick between us,” Diego said. “Maybe we can settle this between men.”

  “You want to fight for her?”

  “I’m willing to fight for what I want, but are you? You know the time and place. Fight me for her. You want to win Amy, come and prove it to me. You can have her if you win.”

  Killian folded his arms, watching his opponent. He and Diego had a truce between their clubs. They lived quite close together and so long as they never tried to claim this town’s turf, they were able to live in peace. There was no way he’d risk his club’s safety.

  The town was neutral territory.

  “No clubs can be present,” Killian said. “I’m not willing to have a war start out and hurting people.”

  “This isn’t club business. This is personal. Between you and me, and the woman of my dreams.”

  “You’re not going to win her.”

  “Oh, I think I will.”

  “Confidence will be your undoing,” Killian said.

  “Are you trying to get philosophical on me?”

  “I’m surprised you even know what the word means.”

  “Fuck you. Tonight, nine o’clock, you know where I’ll be.” Diego walked away, and Killian didn’t leave, watching him go.

  He never turned his back on an enemy club.

  Walking back toward Amy, he watched her serve some kids her delicious treats. He admired her curves. The apron didn’t hide a damn thing, and he was thankful for the piece of material pushed against her body. Nice full hips, a rounded ass. He loved asses, and Amy, well, he’d thought of many things to do with her curvy goodness. Of course, that wasn’t limited to just her ass. No, he loved her tits as well. They were more than a handful, and he couldn’t wait to see them above him, bouncing up and down as he fucked her hard.

  Amy had a body to be worshipped. He’d be the man for the job, for sure.

  As he watched her, he couldn’t help but wonder … something.

  During his time of trying to get her to go on a date, he’d swung by her house to help out where she needed something fixed.

  He didn’t know why he was thinking about it now, but he’d seen her book collection, and he’d noticed his woman’s tastes—and he did see her as his. He’d already claimed her as far as he was concerned. It was only a matter of time before she belonged to him.

  She was interested in him, but she was also interested in Diego.

  She didn’t want to choose between the two of them.

  The books she read, he’d noticed the ménages. She’d been grabbing them both a cup of tea when he flicked through the pages. The moment she entered she’d been so embarrassed and had taken the book from him, sliding it back into place on her bookshelf.

  “My husband always said I had horrible taste in books. Don’t think about what you saw.”

  Now he couldn’t help but think of the possibilities.

  Watching Amy, imagining her in his arms, but also in Diego’s. He’d never been the sharing kind before, but to be with Amy, he’d be more than willing to compromise. The town didn’t belong to any club, and this was personal.

  Was there a chance Diego would be willing to see his view of things? Neither of them could truly have Amy, unless they were willing to work together to claim her. Amy looked up at him and gave him a little wave. Her cheeks flushed, and he wanted her.

  This need to have her wasn’t going away or disappearing.

  It was only getting stronger.


  None of his club needed to see him fighting for a woman, one woman. Diego’s men, they wouldn’t understand his need to have Amy. There were plenty of willing women within the club who’d spread their legs for him, but it wasn’t club women he wanted.

  No, it was Amy.

  From the moment he’d heard her laugh, watching her work, and been in her company, she’d been in his thoughts, and it wasn’t disappearing, not any time soon. He wanted her, craved her, and thought about her constantly.

  Her husband had been a total asshole to her, but it didn’t matter now. He never brought up her ex, and she wasn’t pining for him either.

  They’d both moved on, and now was Diego’s chance to finally win Amy for himself.

  When he’d asked her on a date, she’d looked a little gutted.

  “I’m so sorry, Diego. You’re a great guy … no.”

  She hadn’t been able to look him in the eye, but he knew she wanted to. He’d figured her ex was what was holding her back, but now he had to wonder if it was Killian all along. She didn’t want to pick between the two of them. Well, he’d be more than happy to take the decision from her hands.

  This was personal, so any injury to Killian wouldn’t be his fault. Well, it would, but none of the clubs could do anything about it. Running fingers through his hair, he waited, wanting this over and done with so he could go and have his woman.

  “You’re early,” Killian said.

  “And you’re late. Let’s get this over with.” He wasn’t wearing his leather cut. Part of the town rules; no MC patch could be claimed here.

  Killian also wasn’t wearing his cut. They were both without a club tonight.

  “It would be easy to come to blows, but I’ve got a proposition for you.”

  “Unless it’s to tell me you won’t get in my way, then put your fists up. I’m fighting you.”

  Killian smirked. “How about we talk?”

  “You want to talk? Old age making you cranky?”

  “How do you feel about sharing Amy? I may as well get this shit out there, seeing as you’re too fucking dumb to realize I’m trying to talk to you about serious stuff.”

  Diego frowned. “Sharing?”

  “Like she belongs to both of us.”

  “I don’t share shit.”

  “Neither do I, but I know a little more about Amy.”

  “You know bullshit.”

  Killian laughed. “What if I was to tell you that our woman has a very extensive collection of ménage books?”

  “You’re talking about those dirty books on her shelves?” Diego had clocked them when he went to offer to mow her lawn. She’d already done it, but he’d stuck around, seeing them on her bookshelf along with several cookbooks. He hadn’t really thought about her book collection.

  “The one and only.”

  Diego folded his arms. “You want to share her like they do in the books?”

  “You’ve read one?”

  “Yeah, flipped through, took it home, had a read, put it back when I went back to see her. Why?” He hadn’t meant to say anything. His curiosity had a lot to answer for.

  “Because we both want the same thing. If you’re willing to meet me halfway, I think we can solve our problem with Amy, and we can both share her.”

  Diego stared at Killian, wanting to shut him down.

  He didn’t share, period.


  It was Amy.

  She’d told him no, but wha
t if there was a chance, a slight chance, she’d be willing to be with the two of them?

  He didn’t want to turn away an opportunity for her to say yes.

  “I’m listening.”

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at the both of us, and I truly believe the only reason she doesn’t accept us is because she can’t pick.”

  “I could make the decision easier for her.”

  “Tell me it doesn’t intrigue you about the prospect of seeing her in my arms. Of watching as I touch her. Seeing her come apart as I stroke her pussy.”

  Diego didn’t say a word. Right at that moment, he wasn’t exactly thrilled at the idea of anyone else touching her.

  “I’m not beating the shit out of you, so you’ve got my attention. Now thrill me.”

  “You’re not going to want to hurt me. The only way either of us will ever be able to have Amy in our bed is if we’re willing to share.”

  “You don’t even know this for sure. You’re assuming she wants what she reads.”

  “Why not? It’s the ultimate fantasy. None of our clubs will be involved. This is between you, me, and Amy. The three of us.”

  “You really think she’ll be willing for us to share her? Like, totally serious.”


  “I don’t buy it.”

  “You don’t have to buy it. You only have to see it’s the truth. If it doesn’t work and she shoot us both down, then we don’t tell anyone what we’re willing to do to win her back,” Killian said. “No one has to know.”

  Diego stared at his opponent.

  He’d been wanting Amy for some time.

  If this was his only choice, he was willing to take it.

  “Ground rules,” Diego said.

  “You want to talk about rules?”

  “Yes. If Amy says yes—and it’s a big if, just because someone likes to read stuff doesn’t mean it’s going to work—if she says yes, then we have to both be with her at all times, unless she demands it otherwise. We make it clear from the start we’re willing to go all the way with her. I’m not backing down. Amy will belong to me.”


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